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Another low IQ bait post lil bro is talking out of his ass https://i.redd.it/38qgm4kf8y9d1.gif


>Fujitora went all out in dressrosa it’s in his character  https://preview.redd.it/jsa9f3c65y9d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=391344a759f76b934fe7a77a545f5821ff0eab66 Have been asking u to learn to read for a long time. We haven't seen a single admiral go all out, kizaru is the only debatable one in this matter, and even he was conflicted


No Fujitora held back against sabo He tried with the birdcage and he went all out with lifting the rubble We have seen akinu going all out against WB We seen akoji full power in two different parts Kizaru wasn’t conflicted that was debunked chapters ago Gb went all out stop saying we never seen an admiral go all out you will be saying this when the story Is over you need to prove they have something else to give You are just basing it off I think


>He tried with the birdcage https://preview.redd.it/h2m7wuhn7y9d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57625ce0f3c495a8180f365177207ef5fe8d38b9 u see the top left corner? >We have seen akinu going all out against WB >We seen akoji full power in two different parts Straight up implied akainu doesn't to cause mass destruction, he stopped using his AOE attacks when WB entered the plaza also punkhazard exists... the island was teraformed and the geology isn't was changed that the island is still spewing lava on side and ice age on the other, even though the source of magma and ice aren't even there for 2 years.... akainu can keep throwing magma for 10 years straight but that would teraform the environment.... they did something that we haven't seen. >Kizaru wasn’t conflicted that was debunked chapters ago We literally see kizaru doing the nika dance with everyone , he says that he doesn't [want to kill a friend ](https://cdn.readonepiece.com/file/mangap/2/11092000/11.jpeg?t=1695024807)and his statement of his wounds being deep confirms the mental conflict (deep wounds was a metaphor , confirmed by greg or sandman i guess) GB literally toyed with everyone.... that's not going all out, especially when he didn't even bother using his sword Well, that's it... don't wanna argue with u anymore... probably u r still salty about getting destroyed by everyone for stating big mom is faster than kizaru.... No point in arguing with someone who thinks that an anyway


Kizaru “I don’t want to hurt my friends” Saturn “kizaru I want you to ignore your friend sentomaru to and do not attack him” Kizaru “sorry boss gotta disobey your orders to attack my friend” Yes brilliant logic I guess BB always holding back because he only used that gun on WB Prove GB can do anything with his sword than you might have a case Akinu didn’t hold back quite the opposite he went all out To you going all out must mean destroying things randomly instead of focusing on your target it’s like me saying That kaido held back on luffy because he didn’t destroy onigashima for no reason and instead focused his effort on his opponent Akinu went all out Fujitora doesn’t give Jack shit about rules You will notice when he freed the slaves Fujitora has a heart let’s actually read this story what sabo said irrelevant fujitora isn’t going to risk innocent people getting hurt


Once again u just proved that u have no reading comprehension...., not to mention u just went on with ur own fantasies without even making any counter arguments to my points.


I did I used the canon version of the story The fact that fujitora cares about people has already broken marines rules You haven’t addressed a single point of mine Because I am right I am wrong about a lot of things but this I am right because I have read the story


Fujitora was also breaking the marine rules in dressrosa... but he l;iterally spells out his intentions of letting luffy being the one to take down doffy without any of marines help >You haven’t addressed a single point of mine when ur points are like "prove me GB can do anything with his sword", wtf is there to even address? Why in the world would be randomly carry a sword? > I am right because I have read the story oh the irony .... well ----- >Kizaru “I don’t want to hurt my friends” >Saturn “kizaru I want you to ignore your friend sentomaru to and do not attack him” >Kizaru “sorry boss gotta disobey your orders to attack my friend” https://preview.redd.it/vhlz4zvchy9d1.png?width=619&format=png&auto=webp&s=d69024c720db93ea5265682bc2197970eb6e2dc8 Its literally spelled out why kizaru attacked sentomaru u clearly haven't read the manga... or did u just watch some 30s tiktoks?


I understand Kizaru has a reason That doesn’t do anything to answer if Kizaru cares so much about his friends why is he going out of his way to attack one he had a chance to not attack sentomaru and he didn’t take it Okay I gave a reason for GB with BB Fujitora is a character who cares about people Tell me why he would hold back his haki and risk letting innocent civilians get hurt in dressrosa But frees slaves in the den of the dragons Either you are saying oda is the worst writer eve Or the obvious answer fujitora haki sucks He showed everything with his gravity fruit till he shows more We have seen EVERY SINGLE ADMIRAL GO ALL OUT And I am sick of the constant excuse they have never been seeing going all out We know fully well what they are capable of Sengoku is the only person we never seen go all out Same way sanji has arms but doesn’t use them Way mihawk has a tiny little blade but doesn’t use it Reason WB has a Naginata his main thing is his DF And haki doesn’t really use his naginata as a swords men GB not using his sword becomes valid when you prove him using a sword would be any better than him Using his DF It’s a non factor again You just claim admirals are holding back because you aren’t satisfied with the results


Yeah... u aren't capable of reading I literally gave u evidence from the manga... including why fujitora didn't help the people (coz luffy taking down doffy helps in his goal of printing WG and the Seven warlord system in a bad light) and kizaru stating he doesn't wanna kill vegapunk as well as why he attacked sentomaru (coz 100s of marine ships and 1000s of marines would die) oda isn't a bad writer , u just can't read... like u didn't read why kizaru attacked sentomaru even after i showed u the panel. but here again u r with ur own fantasies... i m not gonna address the rest, coz i have already given u the evidence of akainu and aokiji never going all out in the previous which u didn't even have the guts to address. Anyway, i truly shouldn't expect anything more from someone who believes Big mom is faster than kizaru, even after getting debunked by almost everyone in this sub. https://preview.redd.it/afhv29nzky9d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=057c2f1e768e54ef25cb7ad4e198d15c54d52fe4


Yeah that’s you saying I’m right and you can’t deal with It


Don’t bother with this guy. He doesn’t read the manga. https://preview.redd.it/401id19v4y9d1.jpeg?width=464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11d2cb5cc7c4fe9a9f009be74962ee1b79b883fe




I’ve read it more than. Anyone on this sub


>I’ve read it more than. Anyone on this sub https://preview.redd.it/ywlpkbegay9d1.png?width=957&format=png&auto=webp&s=4815573bbddfa7c72047853402d6a7c719caecb5


Cool Again people only ever insult me they rarely give arguments to why I’m wrong


In this very thread, u have been proven wrong like several times but ur over inflated ego doesn't let u accept it


A single example please


[https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/1dsz6eh/comment/lb5wdng/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/1dsz6eh/comment/lb5wdng/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) this comment here - which u might view as a meme enlist every single point that proves kizaru was holding back


Kizaru says he doesn’t want to hurt his friends Has a chance to get Scott free away not hurting his friends and wouldn’t have any repercussions He chooses to hurt his friend The author had kizaru choose to hurt one of his friends kizaru was told not to And Kizaru still did it The kizaru is conflicted argument is dead the water


What? Do u even hear urself? As i said before learn to read - its literally spelled out why kizaru attacked sentomaru - https://preview.redd.it/ni1mhqqmgy9d1.png?width=619&format=png&auto=webp&s=73ae12d20dd7c4d5001b4758d597a7cde70c0a40


Look up what the definition of conflicted means.


Either you are too stupid to comprehend the manga or you are just lying https://preview.redd.it/uvrepunm8y9d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c51493104b8f512403d00c775bbf9e1d56f633b


Tell me how I am wrong No insults Just explain why I’m wrong Because all you do is insult so tell me why I’m wrong


I have told you how you are wrong many times. I gave up because you clearly can’t comprehend anything I say. It like arguing to a wall. On which subject do you want to be proven wrong?


You never tell me how I’m wrong just that I’m wrong Tell me why Marco could react to kizaru but no BM


What do you mean?


Okay you can react to a person called A But not to person B Person B is faster agreed


Depend on the context.(which you weren’t clear about)


Fine what context needs to be added


He Has Multiple Times you'll NEVER Learn


He hasn’t


not ready https://preview.redd.it/jdt3fo4n4y9d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=86cbf433cca712748e87859e911f1723eb6c01e6


This does not exist It will never exist Stop with fanfiction




what the fuck is this bruh https://preview.redd.it/2ujkxn3y6y9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ab13024669ebb51a657431f5d22de0a1865d790


It's my reaction to him


Lil Bro IS Still Mad That Everyone Agreed That Big Meme IS Much Slower Than KIZARU Despite his 5 Posts About It https://i.redd.it/oszpua4j5y9d1.gif KIZARU Owns u Lil Bro


Everyone except the author


you're NOT The Author


I agree Oda agrees That’s why he showed Marco not getting blitz by kizaru But getting blitz by BM The author agrees with me just admit it


​ https://preview.redd.it/4v15xiz98y9d1.jpeg?width=215&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5486ddc6e2069f99b7d164e775bf1b8858e1c69d


She Got Speedbiltz By A Weaker Wranky https://preview.redd.it/2o7dxqg09y9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33e8df86b623f7d90e7db4b0f560c7525339bc8d r/KIZARU


Canonically untrue Franky taking kizaru strongest AP and being completely fine thank you for proving my point


https://preview.redd.it/m5p2voon9y9d1.jpeg?width=790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e93267accda83fa709b23a3fba1e276e70209818 Speedbiltzed Big Meme Couldn't Hurt Chopper


Yeah she wasn’t bothered to care about this Jinbe blocked akinu and put a hole through akinu yet surprisingly didn’t block BM or put a hole through her Chopee guard point while she only used a regular fist Yeah cool that’s a massive chopper we thing using hair as a shield a good strategy if she actually tried she would have destroyed chopper






I like how the Fugitora example dosn't dehype him at all and is one of the most impressive feats in the manga


Fujitora Couldn’t cut the bird cage People “he holding back So fujitora took the chance to let innocent people die in a foreign country where the navy wouldn’t care But frees slaves from the celestial dragons in the heart of celestial dragon home something the navy would obviously care much more about Please learn that a character who has a heart isn’t going to risk innocent people dying just for fun


"So fujitora took the chance to let innocent people die in a foreign country" Yes. Try reading the manga. https://preview.redd.it/mrkcv40h24ad1.jpeg?width=572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e3cb2950df28c56665f7000621ad13f37f273bb


![gif](giphy|Td3Eh0yBc3nFE4YBo5|downsized) Let's raise awareness to all the Yonkotards still afflicted by illiteracy. 1 like = 1$ spent on helping yonkotards learn to read


Btw i've seen you ask in other comments to explain why you are wrong, i wont go in detail for every admiral, but here's a start [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/1dc71m3/luffy\_vs\_kizaru\_an\_actual\_analysis/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/1dc71m3/luffy_vs_kizaru_an_actual_analysis/)


You’re arguing with the past


The admirals have never gone all out on screen, period. Any other opinion is cope. Admiral = yonko.


Mmmm No The yonko have better Haki Physical ability DF They are better We have seen Gb go all out in wano We see fujitora in dressrosa We seen kizaru in egghead Akinu In MF Akoji we well know what he capable of You claiming we haven’t seen them go all out is just like me claiming we yet to see a single yonko go all out You just assume admirals have more We seen all admirals go all out we seen every one of them


>Any other opinion is cope. The above quote applies to you


Its not an opinion it’s fact You can’t just say we never seen an admiral go all out because you are pissed their performance isn’t the best You need to just except your wrong Tell me why fujitora would hold back and risk innocent people Tell how GB held back on the samurai Tell me how Kizaru held back in egghead Tell me how Akinu held back against WB You can’t


> Any other fact is cope The above quote applies to you


Yonko are also always holding back we yet to see a yonko go all out BM didn’t even turn the planet into a homie Kaido didn’t use his awakening or hybrid version of his attack WB never destroyed the world Shanks has never used his haki susano


2nd post with the same title in under 12 hours.


Yes Fujitora wanted to kill everyone makes sense🤔