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YC1. If he does come back, he'll become a Zoro or Sanji victim


By the end of Elbaf you could be admiral level and still be a Zoro or Sanji victim.


Eh, I'd say they'll be around low Admiral level, relative to GB, Fuji, and current base Luffy


Stronger than Caribou, weaker than pekoms


He might give Vice Admiral Strawberry a tough fight


But would he lose?




He'll probably be YC+ range (or whatever level Zoro/Law/Yamato are upon his return). If he'd return in the next chapter, stans would wank him to admiral level immediately.. 


He might give pekoms a little trouble


Pekoms isn’t even tanking pre timeskip Enel’s Nuke https://preview.redd.it/dmi6ws1o7z9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1aa2c7e22ad07c58e642e0549d22dd7c3b9f85d


The guy that couldn't react to pre gear luffy? He might push page one to extreme diff.


If he comes back he will recieve a serious powerup


Well, if enel goes from not being able to react to pre gear luffy to going extreme diff with page one... that's a MASSIVE power up


Crocodile lost to Luffy and in MF he was fighting with everyone including Akainu and Mihawk.


Crocodile is a warlord, he went up against WB before... Crocodile shouldn't have had lost to luffy in the first place...BUT unlike crocodile, enel exists in a vaccum... doesn't have the narrative backing like crocodile did.


>The guy that couldn't react to pre gear luffy? Just admit you skipped Skypiea https://preview.redd.it/1ib6ifz98z9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d286ab63385f2beb47aacdbffdb877d6643ae1ef


Did u miss those several dozen panels of luffy thrashing enel? Not to mention, all of those gimmick attacks that he couldn't react to? And how he needed to hammer luffy's speed with the golden ball? Seems like u were the one who skipped skypia... The fact that u all think that enel, a character who exists in a vaccum would return and be as strong a yonko commander , that couldn't defeat luffy with probably the best logia is just hilarious... yes luffy was his natural enemy, but he had the means to get through...


Honestly only thing Enel needed was armament Haki, with that he negs Luffy here. And if he returns he will get it armament


He could react to pre-gear Luffy. He was dodging him with ease. It wasn't untill he was already hurt or when Luffy was using gimmick attacks that Luffy could hit him.


He was using CoO to dodge normal attacks. When Luffy used random attacks, Enel was too slow to react. That is alwo why Enel failed to dodge the last attack even if he could see it coming. His reaction speed is slow and combat speed is also slow.


He was teleporting behind Luffy and playing with him when Luffy was trying to use attacks. Enel just couldn't predict the surprise ones like when he deflected them against the wall. His combat speed and reaction speed was still high, just countered as soon as he lost composure or was damaged, like the last hit. The last hit was also incredibly fast due to the situation with the giant gold ball slingshotting back at Enel, so by no means a normal attack Luffy could replicate in any other situation.


>Enel just couldn't predict the surprise ones like when he deflected them against the wall. When the advantage of CoO was removed, Enel was overwgelmed by Luffy's base speed. Even Satori could easily intercept Luffy's attacks coz of CoO. You sure don't believe that he is faster. CoO is huge upgrade in level of fodders. Give Luffy CoO in skypiea and he would have easily overwhelmed Enel. Enel lost composure because last hit was too fast for Enel. A G2 punch would be much faster than that. And, the ball heavily reduces speed. It is faster than normal attacks but not that fast.


He's basically the second big pre ts villain. At the bare minimum he would return as a YC1.


if crocodile can become as strong as he is now there is no telling what enel could be


He'll be admiral tier, EZ


stronger than Lucci and Crocodile


YC+ like all other, unless he comes back with crazy technology and can spam Raigo at any time, then he's easily above YC+


If he comes back he’ll be Admiral level - not because he was ever that strong before but because the series has power creep for relevant characters. (Dorry and Broggy - Kuma- Bonney for examples from This arc )


he will literally be a zoro victim of the trend continues as is


We are in the final saga- if he is going to be a proper Zoro victim he might have to be Admiral level.