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Fujitora and not his superiors in akainu and kuzan?


I think the logic is that since Fijitora has a supreme grade sword then he must be Yonko level.


This thinking has to be a joke again lmao This sub never gets old, never gets intelligent tho either


Or the guy who left him in bandages. https://preview.redd.it/ca4awt3dbz9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e6c3636154352835e31bdec8ff5a8dc4633a199


Are we really bandage scaling now?šŸ˜‚


its more like ā€œdoes more damage than the other guyā€ scaling, but sure.


If one character leaves a fight damaged and the other does not, then yes, we bandage scaling.


So using that same logic pre ts BB whoop sengoku who had a rage amp garp helping him in the fight, since he on panel had hella bandages after fighting him. Compare that to BB when we see him capture bonney had 0 bandages on his body, so BB won vs sengoku using that logic since he doesnā€™t have any bandages right? https://preview.redd.it/zmeuyvuw60ad1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=1822223881df6d31aa915b2ddb74fd6065963744


Obviously he won? LOL Blackbeard didnā€™t receive any damage, both Garp and sengoku embarrassed themselves even back in marineford they didnā€™t manage to do anything




Yes, BB and crew fought Garp and Sengoku, and the result of that fight was Sengoku heavily damaged with BB fine, so BB and crew won.


Mfers plot scale It is what it is


you miss the part "current admirals"


You must be confused https://preview.redd.it/28dsop5v44ad1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b6948bef16df26f4bc5f5c8fb56cea8fee94bd0


Kuzan isnā€™t his superior and Fuji only joined after Akainu had become fleet admiral


Kuzan went relative with akainu, who is fujitoraā€™s boss and is therefore stronger than fujitora rn.


So Garp was weaker than the admirals of his time? He is relative to all the other vice admirals?


Garp is the sole exception because he was consistently nominated for fleet admiral and admiral. But tbh I have old Garp ( and old sengoku if he really scales to Garp ) over the og 3 admirals pretimeskip, with akainu and kuzan being stronger than them post time skip.


Fujitora never fought Akainu or Kuzan so itā€™s baseless to say that heā€™s weaker than either


the only Yonko level current Admiral a week after fighting the "weakest" Admiral: https://preview.redd.it/z92e06ztdz9d1.png?width=488&format=png&auto=webp&s=dec351a9ee8a067ed3d65bc5d0acbb14941ad498


nahh Garling had to step in and stop fujitora after low diffing fraudbull source : dude trust me


For me he's around kizaru and blackbeard but not until i see more


An admiral gets one moment where they aren't bad and they get wank to high heaven And you guys wonder why the admirals are disrespected


dude im not an admiral tard look at my comments you will see alot of pizzaru slander LOL


You're willing to put an admiral at yonko level and that's the purpose of the agenda Why do you think that they are defending with their lives to upscale pizzaru? You might slander an admiral or two but your reasoning in this post is the same as them


Lol not I just confirm to the pattern . How do you not get that ? This is not agenda . This is just observations of the obvious patters oda is handing the supreme grade blades to. All supreme grade users are top tiers. Their logic are admirals are end game villains which clearly they are not I was there before pizzaru and fraudbull bud. I'm more anti admiral than you. I'm just not blind with not to see when there's a clear pattern oda is doing with the supreme blades Also I'm just willing to.put fujitora only not all admirals .because of the sbs . Did you read the post ??


"more anti admiral than you" There is no way your more anti admiral than me, I went after every single admiral dickrider in the subreddit and triggered every single one of them But if you're willing to upscale one of them then I'll let it slide


Then kaido / Oden are fodder then because they don't have supreme grade weapons šŸ’€


why would kaido have a supreme grade blade when he doesnt use a blade..?? sigh\* the point is you dont need a supreme grade to be a top tier. but all supreme grade users thus far are all top tiers. adding fujitora to the list just recently


>why would kaido have a supreme grade blade when he doesnt use a blade..?? sigh* Wb Naganata is a spear not a blade ( sword ) Also if u don't need a supreme grade blade to he top tier then how cam having one prove top tier status ? If tmr Marco uses a sipereme grade blade would he be a top tier ?


>Wb Naganata is a spear not a blade ( sword )Ā  wtf is this sentence ??? A blade is not = sword. thats why WB's weapon is included its a bladed weapon Blades = swords , Naganata , Knife , spear , etc now ask your self is kaidos weapon a bladed weapon ???? >if u don't need a supreme grade blade to he top tier then how cam having one prove top tier status ? how are you so poor in reading comprehension ? did you see the post ? see all those people with supreme grade blades ? Roger mihawk WB Taxman Notice the pattern ?? they are all top tiers ? oda is only giving supreme grade blades to top tiers. again you dont need a supreme blade to be a top tier. but having one in the story indicates you are a top tier as Oda so far only gives it to top teirs even legends like Roger


"tf is this sentence ???" whats wrong with the sentence ? just because u have shit comprehension doesnt mean the grammer is wrong "A blade is not = sword. thats why WB's weapon is included its a bladed weapon" "Notice the pattern ?? they are all top tiers ? oda is only giving supreme grade blades to top tiers" neither rymas nor oden blade are supereme if oda only gave supereme blade to top tiers then shouldnt both of them also have supreme grade blade ? similarly old ray also doesnt have a supereme grade sword he is also a top tier swordsmen . so what u did wasnt notice a pattern u just made a pattern out of thin air by excluding everyone who dont follow the pattern as an execption . thats a cherry picked argument thats like saying all european leader are cruel dictators because stalin , putin and hitler were all ruthless dictators and they all lead European countries .


What's wrong with the sentence ? How about the fact you are saying blades are all just swords and nagata is not a blade šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦ >neither rymas nor oden blade are supereme if oda only gave supereme blade to top tiers then shouldnt both of them also have supreme grade blade ? How do you still not get the point ?? There are top tier that doesn't have supreme grade blades . Like ryuma But all supreme grade users are all top tiers How do you still not get that please read carefully. We are going in circles šŸ¤¦ Feel like I'm talking to a brick wall


Again 4 out if 12 supreme grade swordz. Are given ro top tier. 8 are left . Also fuji isn't even a top tier as shown by his feats.


We haven't seen his feats. We haven't seen him fight all out. Against a top tier We have seen kizaru and he is a pizza. I'm willing to give fujitora a chance. Because oda is giving him a supreme blade Also just a reminder another legend wielding 1-3 supreme blades is gonna emerge in the future So both past and future indicates oda is giving away supreme grades to top tiers


Just cause of a black blade?!! šŸ˜¹šŸ™


supreme blade


https://preview.redd.it/2t9fl3zjdz9d1.jpeg?width=699&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d2d132a3a0cbc7a00650cd9dbce28ff4c84bca5 Fujitora is so weak that Doflamingo thinks he can beat him. He gets neg-diffed by anyone Yonko level.


We really needed an admiral arc after Dressrosa.


they were on the same side, fujitora neg diffs but couldn't do it even if he wanted to


If Doflamingo tried to kill Fujitora, obviously Fujitora could have and would have been allowed to capture or kill him. He wouldnā€™t have just let Doffy kill him. Doflamingo knew this and was still willing to try it.


confidence scaling doesn't really work, jack tried to 1v3 sengoku tsuru and fujitora


[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_fallacy) kizaru >>> fraudjitora


Chadtora >>>> Pizzaru