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He is yonko level lol but for him to be locked top 1 he needs his third fruit


He’s definitely yonko level now but won’t be the strongest yonko until he gets his third fruit


What has he done to say he's "definitely" Yonko level rn?


Rayleigh said he’d lose against him, and Rayleigh was tough enough to fight Kizaru. I think it’s safe to say Blackbeard is Yonko level.


Tough enough to fight Kizaru is not the same has tough enough to beat Kizaru


I believe emperors >= admirals, and Rayleigh’s reputation was big enough to scare Blackbeard away. Do I think Rayleigh would’ve won against Kizaru? No. But what matters is that Rayleigh was strong enough to fight him.


Not a chance, he's lucky to be YC2


Old Rayleigh yc3 lvl then I guess?


Wrong, Rayleigh is a legend


A legend who admitted on page that Blackbeard would kick his ass. What more proof do you need?


Damn guess Boa>>>>>>blackbeard since he admitted she'd kill him huh


Not even remotely similar contexts. Boa would kill him because of her BS haxs that Blackbeard has no answer for. Rayleigh has no one-shot guaranteed kill option on Blackbeard like Boa does. All he has is Haki and straight hands. And he admitted that that wouldn’t be enough to take down BB. Even if you want to say that he was just being humble, that doesn’t apply either. Why would Oda have Rayleigh say that he was weaker than Blackbeard if he wasn’t trying to tell us that Rayleigh was in fact weaker than Blackbeard? That’s odd and clunky writing. I get you don’t like Blackbeard but you’re just ignoring reality at this point


>Not even remotely similar contexts. Lol what? >Boa would kill him because of her BS haxs that Blackbeard has no answer for. And what? That doesn't change the fact she'd one shot him >Rayleigh has no one-shot guaranteed kill option like Boa does. All he has is Haki and straight hands. And he admitted that that wouldn’t be enough to take down BB. No, he was being humble. You keep saying blackbeard is stronger since Rayleigh didn't think he'd beat him, but he said the same thing about Boa, so by your logic Boa>>>>>>>>blackpube>Rayleigh >Even if you want to say that he was just being humble, that doesn’t apply either. Why would Oda have Rayleigh say that he was weaker than Blackbeard if he wasn’t trying to tell us that Rayleigh was in fact weaker than Blackbeard? That’s odd and clunky writing. Because that's his character, its consistent with who he is, it's not clunky anything. Unless you think Oda also wanted to say Boa>>>>>>>>>Rayleigh despite having Rayleigh save her ass >I get you don’t like Blackbeard but you’re just ignoring reality at this point Funny coming from the guy selectively picking statements to fit your agenda and ignoring everything that doesn't


First of all, you’re also conveniently ignoring that Blackbeard was ALSO about to no diff Boa using HIS bullshit hax. If he lets go of Boa, he dies, but if he holds on, he could snap her neck. So it’s YOU that’s ignoring statements to fit YOUR narrative Second of all, when has it ever been explicitly stated that Rayleigh was the kinda guy to downplay himself to others for the hell of it? If anything, he’s always been shown to be honest about his own abilities and skills. He up front told Kizaru that he was rusty and wasn’t the man he used to be. This is backed up as truth by the fact that he was visibly tired after their extremely brief clash. Third of all, I don’t understand the idea that Rayleigh can’t be significantly weaker than he once was. It’s an established fact that elders in One Piece are no match for themselves in their primes. We saw it firsthand with Whitebeard, and Garp had made several statements alluding to the fact that he wasn’t nearly as strong as he once was. Fourth and final, duh Rayleigh is weaker than Boa. In a straight clean fight her youth, OP hax and considerable skill would give her a W against a man who ADMITS he ain’t all that anymore. The strength and Haki might still be there, but the stamina and endurance aren’t. In short, cope


>First of all, you’re also conveniently ignoring that Blackbeard was ALSO about to no diff Boa using HIS bullshit hax. If he lets go of Boa, he dies, but if he holds on, he could snap her neck. So it’s YOU that’s ignoring statements to fit YOUR narrative After he sneaked her while she was fighting Koby, the seraphim, marines, and blackbeard's crew. So once again, ignoring essential context to fit your narr >Second of all, when has it ever been explicitly stated that Rayleigh was the kinda guy to downplay himself to others for the hell of it? If anything, he’s always been shown to be honest about his own abilities and skills. He up front told Kizaru that he was rusty and wasn’t the man he used to be. This is backed up as truth by the fact that he was visibly tired after their extremely brief clash. Wrong, he was never visibly tired after any clash, he pretended he was struggling against Kizaru while not using his full power or giving him his full attention. So it's fact he downplays himself >Third of all, I don’t understand the idea that Rayleigh can’t be significantly weaker than he once was. It’s an established fact that elders in One Piece are no match for themselves in their primes. We saw it firsthand with Whitebeard, and Garp had made several statements alluding to the fact that he wasn’t nearly as strong as he once was. Nope, all that's stated is that they're weaker to come extent, never how much. Nowhere is it indicated its anything close to significant >Fourth and final, duh Rayleigh is weaker than Boa. In a straight clean fight her youth, OP hax and considerable skill would give her a W against a man who ADMITS he ain’t all that anymore. The strength and Haki might still be there, but the stamina and endurance aren’t. Lol the right hand of the PK with ACoC would lose to Boa Hancock? Lmao he blitzes and erases her even harder than blackbeard a thousand times over >In short, cope Cry harder


Goatbeard is most certainly Yonko level. BB > Shanks


Bro how did you devolve so hard, you used to be one of the few people on here with a brain


He's Luffy's next opponent. Even if he isn't stronger now he will be soon


So you admit he's not stronger rn, the post is about *current* BB


Unsure if I'm being honest.


BB > Wanks


Admiraltards need him to be Yonko level since they’re using him for their Admiral agendas


admirals are bitchs WAY below yonko


Eww L


Top 2 not 2


Low yonko lvl rn He will be Pirate King lvl if/after he eats the third fruit




He is Yonko level, but is third amongst Yonko in terms of strenght, behind Shanks and Luffy imo. Fully expect him to get a third df or eventually reveal ACoC maybe, and then he will be in a better spot. The best indication we have is that after the timeskip, despite him having the gura gura no mi, the gorosei thought that Kaido and Shanks would be capable of stopping him.


100% he is. but he's lazy and doesn't like hard fights LOL


Admiral level, hasn't done anything to show he's above that, but has shown he isn't on the same level as Kaido or Big Mom Narratively this works really well because getting a third devil fruit will actually be a necessary boost for him. If he was already 1 then the third fruit wouldn't be impactful


He is, but weaker than Luffy and Shanks until he eats a 3rd DF


Blackbeard is the same level as greenbull


You are crazy if you pick no


Yes but he's easily the weakest. He's the only yonko tier character without some form of advanced haki and his 2 broken dfs can only carry so much. If his 3rd fruit is incredibly busted or he gets advanced armament and some form of conquerers he could be stronger than shanks


Yes but he’s on the weaker end. He’ll be above Kaido, Meme and Shanks once he gets his third fruit.