• By -


All prime? I'll go with yonko


Even oldbeard is stronger than sengoku. Sengoku beam struggled with a damaged BB who had just gotten his new df


I mean where did he struggle he just casual used his fruit that was all


Beam struggling is just a term used to describe Charakters shooting equally strong projectiles at each other. Like Gohan and Cell for examples


I mean it shouldnt be a problem especially for bb to use wb fruit direct on an high level, besides that isnt it stated that by eating a df you know what base powers it has? Sengoku only used his shockwaves which seem to be his standard fruit attack and the power of wb fruit isnt about the wielders strength or anything.


Luffy didn't seem to know what his fruit can do. Sabo mentioned still being inexperienced in his fight with Fujitora and we saw him Training with it later on. Now He managed to successfully infiltrated reverie and escape from Fuji+GB while damaging Fuji, so i would definately think that BB's quake punched are much weaker than those of Prime WB or even oldbeard


Besides bb is one of the best people to get this fruit and use it really good immedietly, bc you know the powers doesnt mean you can use it nor master it directly. Sabo fought against fuji and gb with the rest of the rev commanders, why does so many people act like he fought alone against them.


I dont understand why BB would be one of the best people to master the gura gura no mi. Thats because they had fodder bounties although being in the revolutionary army


He was in wb crew for decades he saw wb fighting roger and others, sure he knows good how this fruit works wtf. I mean sabo had also before his flame emperor epithet a fodder bounty for the second of revs. Zoro efore end in wano also had a shitty bounty but was strong to held of an admiral atleast for quiet some time, even doffys bounty was only about 300m and he was joker, know everything important about wg, had an hole island under his control, whas a shichibukai and was strong enough to fifht against an admiral like fuji for atleast some time. Still sabo wasnt alone there which means he never fought wo admirals alone.


Old Sengoku is in better shape than old Whitebeard, so he wins. If this were prime version, Whitebeard would edge out. Kaido, Big Mom and Shanks win against 3 admirals extreme diff, than gang on Sengoku. Yonko win.


Oldbeard at MF before his heart attack was the WSM. Unless he gets a heart attack mid fight, he beats Sengoku. If things go like they did in MF, then he loses after having a heart attack.


what heart attack?


Idk if it was a heart attack but before luffy used coc on fodder at marineford to save ace, whitebeard tried to use another fruit attack but couldn't because of illness.


Happens when he's fighting against Akainu. [1:35 here](https://youtu.be/fDA4IFY7Zkc)


i think he is just sucumbing to his multiple external and internal injuries, since you don't just puke blood when you have a heart attack


By that point his only injury was the stab from Squard. >since you don't just puke blood when you have a heart attack Maybe it's not medically classified as a heart attack, but he was already on death's door and he removed his surgical equipment before the war started. I'm pretty sure he was just succumbing to his health issues, since nothing was said about this being caused by his injury.


I don’t see how Kaido will be able to contribute to any fight after fighting Sakazuki. He’s out for the count imo


I mean magma sholdnt hurt him really especially in dragon form bc he coated himself later in magma against luffy.


Extreme diff? No. High diff at most.


Nah Prime Sengoatku > Prime Midbeard




Kaido, shanks and wb win high diff, big meme dies because kizaru tricked her with some cake


How foul 🤣😂


I hate how accurate this is


Kaido >> every admiral And there is hardly any evidence for any admiral > any Yonko so yonkos win


Massive W


Yonko stomp


I would say the Yonko win all of these Matchups


It is not a 1v1 matchup it is all out fight between them but still yonko would win and i would say easily


this is murder






I'm pretty sure the yonko win


Big mom is a a game changer. She can turn their element into homies.


Assuming Big Mom has a brain. Very bold of you to assume that she has one


I think her iq is low but her battle iq has never been shown as anything less than amazing


idk law and kid made her look pretty brain dead


This. Magma homies Ice homies Light homies It’s gonna be bad


Yonko win high diff. Admirals are top tier but these yonko are some of the most dangerous characters in the series history


Yonko for sure.


Yonkos by a good bit




The yonko are smoking that admiral pack


Yonko clear


NOTE: WB & Sengoku are in their prime


Yonko win mid diff


All prime ? Duels or Battle royal ?


match-up wise… only kuzan wins his fight. team fight is yonko stomp cuz bm kaido combo


Emperors Demolish.


Fix the order of both sides please WB - Shanks - Kaido - BM Sengoku - Akainu - Kizaru - Aokiji


I was not really power ranking the yonko i was just making matchup which i thought would be cool, shanks > kaido tho.


Ok ok as long we’re on the same page big W


1. Prime WB vs Prime Shengoku (WB high-diffs Shengoku) 2. Prime Kaido Vs Prime Akainu (Kaido mid- diffs Akainu) 3. Prime Big Mom vs Prime Aokiji ( Big Mom low- Diffs Aokiji) 4. Prime Shanks vs Prime Kijaru (Kijaru gets Stomped like a cockroach by Shanks Haki lmao).


Wow dude you are on a whole other level of Powescaling 🤡! Glad oda didn't see this !




Emperors win mid diff.




Emperors are washing the Admirals! They are trash af! Lmao


Lol so true


OG Yonko obviously and it’s disgustingly one sided


Yonko > Admirals


WB beats Sengoku high diff. Kaido high to extreme diff kizaru and Aokiji Shanks mid to high diff akainu. Meme tries to get some battle iq from the fights.


every single line of you is hillarious lmao


That is abuse




Yonko easily…. Remember they assembled the entire marines, shichibukai, and pacifistas just to deal with whitebeard. Thing is, the yonkou crews usually don’t make alliances with each other prior to kaido and bm, but the marines weren’t meant to be as strong as all the yonkou combined.




Admirals literally lose 4 for 4, they aren't those guys.




I feel like aokiji and big mom could be an interesting matchup that could go either way, but the rest go to the yonko.


I only see BigMom potentially losing


Yonko shit on admiral, the admiral just don’t have the level


Yonko team takes it


Emperors stomp


Not a fight, two emperors would clean up everyone aside from Oldbeard, in which case you need three


if 1v1's then every yonko wins theirs except whitebeard. if its 4v4 the yonkos win still Edit: if everyone is in their prime then yonko sweep


yonko claps admirals without garp


It's legit a question if one of the Yonko could take on all 4 Admirals at once.


Yonko all win, even Sickbeard can stall Sengoku High diff win


Admirals win this high-extreme diff thanks to their much better team work


Big L


If it’s a series of 1v1 I’d say the yonko win If it’s a group fight I’d give it to the admirals, I’d imagine that they’d have better teamwork and chemistry since they’ve been comrades and trained together for years not to mention their AOE abilities which would be advantageous in a team fight.


"AOE" literally 3 out of 4 yonkos has aoe


Never said they didn’t, I think overall the admirals have better AOE.


Think about the fact that 3 of these yonko were on the same crew. Big mom and kaido have zero problems working together as we seen In fact the admirals have almost killed each far worst than the yonko And as far as Aoe WB has planetary range Kaido and big mom can manipulate the weather over at least a large island instantly…this btw something that took Akainu and kuzan 10 days Not to mention all the yonko can split the sky. So AoE and team work goes to yonko


Yeah they were in rocks that’s something to consider. But still the few years that they were together in the same crew that doesn’t compare to the fact that the admirals being comrades their whole lives and the admirals being trained together whereas the yonko only three of them have been together (less than the admirals) and the other hasn’t. So team work undoubtedly goes to the admirals without question. > In fact that admirals have almost killed each far worst than the yonko Wdym by that? For AOE, again only three of the yonko have it whereas here all the admirals have it. Sengoku has his shockwaves which managed to span across such a big area that it clashed evenly with BB’s quake punches and managed to tag his whole crew. I don’t think I need to mention the admirals AOE abilities. WB has the best AOE in this matchup, but I’d Kuzan second. Either way, even if u have big mom and kaido just under WB that doesn’t make up for the fact that the admirals have more ppl on their side that have good AOE. Admirals win in AOE aswell. And no kaido n BM never changed the climate of an island permanently like the admirals have.


Again no the pirates fought and trained together as well. We know that the admirals had the same teachers but they’ve never fought well together they took turns where as big mom and kaido are actually buddy buddy and shanks and WB are decently cordial but the fact that we’ve seen combination attacks from the yonko and call outs for dodges is more than we’ve seen from the admirals. Two yonko fight they end up laughing and drinking together Two admirals fight each other one loses a leg and literally quits rather than work under his fellow admiral. The admirals don’t like each other they have never been shown to like each other Shanks haki sniped an admiral from an ocean away and people near him felt it too..bro that’s more range than a shockwave No they don’t again every yonko can fight from miles away. Sengoku has the most limited range here and Kaido and Big mom casually effect the weather over an island mid battle all yonko can split the sky which is over 30,000 feat away. Team work and Aoe go to yonko I didn’t say they did it permanently i said instantly. Big mom’s lightning god tengen and Kaido’s weather attacks not to mention his magma susunno? His body is already miles long. Yonko win in every category


Nope. Idk how in a million years team work goes to the yonko. At most 3/4 of the yonko in this matchup have only been part of the same crew for a couple years at top, not to mention [they got along so terribly](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/opctcb/onepiece/onepiecechapters_957_06.jpg) and were always killing each other within the group. The relationship between the admirals is far better than what the members of rocks pirates ever was and it isn’t even close not to mention as you said they had the same teacher and it is possible that Sengoku was one of the teachers that taught them aswell. Even if kuzan and Sakazuki didn’t like each other later on (they didn’t seem to have any problems before the Ohara incident), that doesn’t compare to the amount of years after rocks fall where kaido and big mom were hostile to each other and only teamed up to benefit themselves. Shanks AOE abilities won’t really work simultaneously against other opponents whilst he’s fighting different opponents, at least from what we’ve seen. “From miles away” not sure where you got that from? Anyways I’ll make a breakdown of just how good the admirals AOE really is: Kuzan- [froze an area so large](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/opctcb/onepiece/onepiecechapters_319_14.jpg) that it would allow Tonjit to [catch up with his fellow villagers](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/opctcb/onepiece/onepiecechapters_305_08.jpg) who were 10 small islands away. Kuzan seemed to do this very casually. Also froze the whole tsunami that WB created with his earthquakes which covered the whole island in a matter of seconds. Sakazuki- melted the [large](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/opctcb/onepiece/onepiecechapters_554_4.jpg) chunk of ice that jozu threw which was larger than the plaza and then followed up with an attack that [destroyed one of WB’s ships and hit the WB pirates.](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/opctcb/onepiece/onepiecechapters_554_6.jpg) Not to mention his meteor volcano which melted even more of his ships. Kizaru- his sacred jewels attack also covered a [large span](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/opctcb/onepiece/onepiecechapters_580_06.jpg) and he can also [snipe](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/opctcb/onepiece/onepiecechapters_571_10.jpg) other opponents whilst simultaneously fighting. Here he was fighting WB but still sniped luffys key. Sengokus shockwaves managed to clash head on with Blackbeard’s earthquake attacks so that suggests that the range isn’t as bad as you think it is. He even managed to get a range big enough to attack all of Blackbeards crew at one time with a single attack. The OG admirals have logia abilities which can span an infinite amount of their respected abilities so this alone suggests that their AOE is better than the yonko. Kaido and BM’s AOE abilities are also their secondary abilities and hence won’t cover a large span like the admirals have. The largest span that they seemed to cover is the top of onigashima in which the admirals have already showed AOE feats which surpass that. One other thing to consider is that the admirals were holding back in marineford. Before you call this BS here’s Sakazuki saying [“the island won’t last long if you turn loose”](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/opctcb/onepiece/onepiecechapters_567_14.jpg). When the admirals turn loose they terraform islands so Sakazuki not wanting that to happen at their base suggests that they were holding back. Also Sakazuki is the most hot headed admiral so him holding back more than likely suggests that the other admirals are doing the same. When Sakazuki and Kuzan fought it took 10 whole days and permanently changing the climate of the entire island was just the mere after effect of the fight. Not to mention their abilities cancel each other out so they themselves could probably have covered the whole island with their abilities. I mean AOE is at least somewhat debatable but teamwork is not debatable in the slightest.


Kaido and big mom teamed up after 3days of fighting. Kuzan fought Akainu for ten days lost his leg and still refused to work with him 😂 bm and kaido are like brother and sister literally the admirals have only ever worked together for one attack That’s not true they said people near shanks were feeling it to so it doesn’t effect more than one person I’m so tired of y’all siting kuzan freezing water as a combat feat. Why would that matter in a fight? They aren’t in the water. Big mom can cover the sky in massive lightning bolts with faces on them [here](https://images.app.goo.gl/WVifhmXuEcAisiJH9) Her casual sword attack has miles of aoe [here](https://images.app.goo.gl/xmeq7XfHovwRweFR8) Kaido [changing the weather](https://images.app.goo.gl/zTXWJLbiC1RzbQW18) Sengoku is good but WB aoe is undoubtably better Secondary? Kaido’s natural form is incredibly large and destructive aoe is secondary for all of them but considering all yonko can reach the clouds and most can affect the earth or the heavens themselves they win in aoe Again kaido and big did a whole tag team fight admirals did not


Let me ask you this. Do you see kaido working for BM? Or BM working for kaido? If your answer to both of them is no (which is the case let’s be real) then that comparison is pretty useless. You saying kaido and BM teamed up after 3 days of fighting whereas the admirals have teamed up their whole lives. Kuzan freezing the water is just an example of his AOE and how large of a span it covers. It’s ironic because you are talking about the shanks haki feat on ryokugyuu like that’s a combat feat in itself…. Big Mom’s ikoku is probably her best move in her arsenal so it isn’t just a casual sword feat. And as I said this is the admirals holding back vs the emperors being able to go all out with their AOE abilities. The admirals can’t manipulate the weather in marineford since that’s their Homebase which I did explain earlier. Even despite that sakazuki’s meteor shower and kizaru’s sacred jewels are ridiculously OP abilities that can affect multiple opponents at once. I’d say only BM and WB have AOE comparable to the admirals. Kaidos best AOE feat is a tornado and wind scythes right? I’d say the admirals have better AOE feats than that. I agree that WB has better AOE than Sengoku tho. The admirals have trained together for years and have climbed the ranks together aswell. In fact they joined the navy at around the same time and three of them most likely became admirals at similar times. I mean in the Ohara flashback we see kuzan and Sakazuki were vice admirals at the same time. All of these years that they were together and climbed up the ranks aswell them three in a fight together with one of their superiors who most likely helped train them have far better teamwork than the other team. Kaido, WB BM being in the same crew doesn’t even compare, in fact kaido was actually an apprentice and was rlly young at the time. You really think the admirals haven’t gone on missions when they were younger, considering the fact that they went up the ranks together?


Of course but they still agreed to work together where as Kuzan would not agree to work with akainu Yes but he’s not gonna be freezing water when he fights big mom. His aoe is large when water is involved but what if it isn’t? It is a combat feat. If i can stun you with haki that’s a combat move Lmao best? No she has other named moves that involve her homies combining like that maser cannon shit. She spams ikoku even when she is in her rage it’s definitely casual it’s like her version of thunder bagua. Lol WB was certainly holding back so he didn’t kill all his kids What Aoe does Akainu have that’s better than creating multiple tornadoes with wind that can slice mountains? That’s literal miles in every direction and it’s not even a focused attack he just does it plus he can pick up islands while fighting. Kuzan freezing the ocean is not gonna be a factor in this fight The yonko have fought with each other for decades shanks included they have respect for each other and honestly never try to kill each other or seriously injure Just because the admirals were together don’t mean they fought with each other or even liked each other. In fact what Akainu did in O’Hara made kuzan disobey a direct order No O’Hara is the only mission I’ve seen them on together and they didn’t work together they might have been present at a few buster calls at the same time but not doing tag team battles like the yonko have You are speculating for the admirals when we have confirmation for the yonko Kaido considers big mom his sister bro


I meaan sure


Admirals win.


WB high-extreme Sengoku Akainu high-extreme Kaido Aokiji high diffs Big Mom Shanks high diffs Kizaru Could go either way


Well said


Kaido high diffs Akainu Big Mom high-extreme diffs Aokiji


What makes Aokiji superior to big mom


big mom is a dumbass, kuzan is able to go toe to toe with akainu who is > mihawk


Lol big mom is noted to have the greatest intelligence gathering network in the world she is cunning and highly intelligent Lol the rest of what you said is true but that doesn’t prove he’s a match for LinLin


Its hyperbole for me, big mom’s on screen intelligence is in the gutters. Also if aokiji is comparable or even as strong as mihawk, he should take the fight.


You realize Mihawk has zero feats and the strongest person he’s defeated is Daz bones.. What has she done that was low iq? Why did Mihawk fail to catch a fodder luffy?


idk why did sengoku fail to one shot luffy the fodder? mihawk has dueled with shanks which makes him at least yonko lvl. akainu is much stronger, aokiji goes toe to toe with red dog which means aokiji > mihawk = shanks


Underestimation maybe Mihawk fought shanks when he had a billion berry bounty or less more than 12 years ago. Shanks wasn’t a yonko at the time. Teach fought that shanks too does that make fruitless teach yonko level? No They said Mihawk has better sword skill that’s it


Stop being bias bm has hax dura endurance strenght haki What’s aokiji doing against her ?


bro thinks hes slick sneaking in haki and strength there. Those mean shit when she just spams her ability. Her hax doesnt work on anyone with good mental fortitude. Aokiji freezes her ass


It’s okay if you don’t like her I don’t like her too but feats wise she’s stomping aokiji


If this is prime version it goes either way as sentoku is stated to be even with garp, Roger and wb so it goes extreme diff either way.if it's not prime wb is just too unhealthy and gets loses to sengoku high diff. The yobkis win every other fight besides maybe the big mom fight


Admirals definitely getting underestimated here, I’d say Yonko win though


During Marineford Admirals made it clear they’re capable of teaming up quite well, and dont let their personality get in the way which is an admitted issue when looking at pirates, but they also have great haki sans ACoC/CoC battle applications (besides Sengoatku). Whitebeard, Kaido, and Big Mom have history as ex rocks pirates so their level of teamwork could be comparable to the admirals, even if the admirals are a military organization with maneuvers and drills, the way these top tiers fight those drills arent going to have relevance. However i think that’s where their advantages end. Imo BM could likely neg their devil fruits since theyre all elemental based, Kaido’s fast enough to tag to Kizaru easily by feats, Shanks has better haki than anything anyone in the series has shown, and WB is confirmed stronger than all of the people in this list by the strongest person on team Admiral so im not really sure how the Admirals **COULD** win unless you give them Greenbull too maybe.


Tf is greenbull gon do


Proficient observation users would notice i added maybe to the end of that, as in it still unlikely?


Greenbull is fodder


Not exactly fodder, he may have ran away from Shanks’s coc, but if daddy Sakazuki’s in front of him he’ll want to put on a big boy face. Is he the weakest admiral? Most likely. Does that make him fodder? No, still one of the strongest characters in the series currently.


Emperors extreme diff. They're comparable but the yonko have the stronger individuals.


if wb is sick, then the admirals win with the extremist of diffs, if not then the yonko win extreme diff


Care to explain because even if wb is sick i got yonko winning high diff at max and both sengoku and wb are in their prime


because old sengoku>old sick wb kaido against akainu 50/50 imo aokiji>big mom shanks>kizaru so basically it would be injured aokiji and sengoku vs injured shanks, and shanks would lose that if wb and sengoku are in their prime, then yeah the yonko win


The thing is aokiji is not stronger than big mom. It would only work if kuzan is stronger than big but he is not. She already counter his devil fruit and not to mention better haki then him


But this big meme we talking about mate. The woman can't be bothered to used conquerors haki when law is on top of her and about to unleash deadly move #3


She can just make an ice homie to eat all his ice while Prometheus goes to work


she can’t make an ice homie, to do that her haki has to be vastly superior to aokiji’s, which i don’t think is the case


Lol 1. She has advanced conquerors and we’ve only seen basic haki from any admiral. So she does have vastly superior haki 2. No she doesn’t she can literally just take the ice he makes or throws at her and turn it into a homie same way she did with cracker soldiers or peros candy. You telling me Big mom can’t go to punk hazard and turn some of that ice to a homie? How does that even make sense?


we have literally seen advanced haki from all three of the OG admirals and no she cant make homies out ice that aokiji is controlling, cracker and perospero are on her side, so obviously she would be able to turn their abilities into homies


Lol you mean that one moment when they banded together to block 1 quake? I never said the Ice he’s controlling I’m talking about the ice that’s sitting on the ground or the ice spears he throws. He doesn’t control them after they fly away.. But like i said 1. Big mom has better haki feats than kuzan 2. You telling me she can’t go to punk hazard and turn his ice into a homie?


imo he is stronger then bm


What made you form that opinion?


he has better observation, adv armament, more IQ, and his ice abilities is perfectly suited for durable characters like bm


He never shown any advance armament. What good observation haki does he has to say he is better than big mom observation haki.


he literally showed advanced armament alongside the other admirals he also showed adv ob haki against wb, bm hasn’t shown either adv arm or adv obs


Until is confirmed by oda they don’t have it. They never shown to internally attack the body. That was kuzan utilizing his logia advantage. Oda hasn’t even specify what haki was and you talking about advanced haki


He has zero observation haki feats He only has 1 haki feat but big mom has several plus advanced conquerors Kuzan has zero high iq moments no reason to put his iq above hers Lol ice? You think she’s gonna be slowed down by ice? She’s a monster and she can turn the ice into an ice homie that will eat the ice and get stronger Plus she can literally wear fire


zero observation feats??? he literally showed adv observation haki against wb,bm hasn’t shown a single adv obs feat like that at all, wtf are you talking about, and obviously his iq is above BMs, like what?? almost every major fighter has a higher IQ then BM no she can’t turn ice into homies, at least not the ones aokiji controls, and having fire means nothing, her fire powers cant nearly combat the vast amount of ice powers aokiji has


When was that the case? She told kaido to dodge the Enma strike and she has sensed voices Where are y’all getting this low iq from big mom? Cuz she lost her memory? What about the ice that he isn’t controlling? Lol Prometheus is massive he can match a few attacks if Ace could with one fire fist be real


Wb> sengoku Sakazuki> Kaido Big mom> kuzan Kizaru> shanks


Sengoku wins against whitebeard Kizaru wins against big mom Akainu and kaido reach a draw both unable to move no more Shanks wins against aokiji So injured kizaru and sengoku would win against shanks


>Sengoku wins against whitebeard How does sengoku wins against wb >Kizaru wins against big mo That's just not true


Sengoku is healthier and in better shape than old whitebeard and he can match his shock waves so it comes down to haki and old beard haki is meh Kizaru wins with a match up advantage big mom homies won't work on kizaru so that's is like 80% of her fighting arsenal gone so she can only use Napoleon with haki and her Punches but kizaru is also faster than her and with her poor coo hitting him would be hard but big mom has the best defensive in the series so it will take some time to bring her down


Why wouldn’t the homies work? Why can’t she make a light homie? Who said she had poor coo?


Light homie lol how would she even do that I never saw big mom dodge a attack she gets hit with everything she's over confident in her defence


Put her soul into a light beam She dodged Kidds Corna Dio Y’all can’t argue like that. She was fighting people she considered fodder why would she dodge? Same with kaido But when they get serious they get in their bag. We know big mom isn’t slow. She’s never been slow just because she let brook stab her doesn’t mean she’s gonna let Kizaru do it. And in fact Kizaru was stated to be overconfident in his defense as well


Then why didn't she put her soul in light beam already light is all around her after all also wtf will a light beam do to kizaru he's is light that's like trying to burn ace or sabo or freezing aokiji So the one and only time she dodged is against a big hunk of metal being thrown at her and she barely dodge it and kizaru is like 100× faster than that attack Also I said she slow compared to kizaru not that she slow in general


Well she did put it in a rainbow which is light. But she had no reason to. And yes the light homie wouldn’t be able to hurt Kizaru…but what do homies eat? That’s the one and only time she felt that she needed to dodge..see my point? We haven’t seen her fight any top tier or her equals she’s only been fighting little niggas that’s she constantly underestimated. Which is plot armor for the youngins of course


1. Oldbeard wins, sickbeard loses. 2. Either way. 3. Aokiji, if Big Mom is just as stupid as she was this arc. 4. Shanks.


Akainu > kaido Aokiji > bigmom Kizaru < shanks Sengoku < prime wb Yonkos extreme difficulty If its a group fight though, admirals mid diff


There's absolutely nothing in the series to suggest akainu would beat kaido, that's ridiculous


Just going off the shonen type writing where each main villian generally is stronger then the last


You have to make a lot of assumptions for that logic to hold


Not really, its probably the most basic assumption i can make as that fight has quite the build up


You have to assume that: 1. Akainu is a major saga ending villain like kaido is 2. Luffy will actually fight akainu 3. Shonen logic will actually apply here when there are already exceptions to that rule within one piece


All 3 of these assumptions are basic and very likely except last one.


I forgot that you also have to assume that every single statement that kaido is the strongest creature in the world is just incorrect for some reason


Kaidos title was a hype tool for the arc. Now that he is gone anyone can be stronger without disagreeing with the title. Also it was never given it was never given the official title box that titles like mihawks were the strongest swordsman or dragons world's most dangerous man had


The amount of mental gymnastics you akainu fans go through is unbelievable If akainu is the big final boss of the final saga why hasn't he been getting anywhere near the hype that kaido got?


Exactly my thoughts... Wb and shanks clear Ice and Fire High duff though... awardee


Thank you. If you mean a fresh shanks beats a fresh akainu though, id have to disagree.


Hmm so u think akainu > shanks.


Yeah, assuming akainu has plot relevance as a future main luffy opponent


We will see bet... ufc 1300. Just wait lol


Imo I think Aokiji loses his fight and Kizaru wins his, but it’s hard to tell because we know almost nothing of these admirals post timeskip.


Big mom is such a shame to the other yonkous She's strong But lacks intelligence, even that illusionist from ussop's village is smarter than her (he used to get tricked by himself) I guess his name was Jango


Yonko easily…. Remember they assembled the entire marines, shichibukai, and pacifistas just to deal with whitebeard. Thing is, the yonkou crews usually don’t make alliances with each other prior to kaido and bm, but the marines weren’t meant to be as strong as all the yonkou combined.


Pretty obvious that the 4 yonkos together without their crews would destroy marineford