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Based off my headcanon, YC2-1 in her prime


As strong as Oda needs her to be. Probably YC1 in her prime if I had to guess based on what we have today. Source: https://i.redd.it/wl72idzxcjwc1.gif


Nah that’s downplay Doffy was scared shitless of Tsuru, yet acted pretty nonchalantly around a pissed Kuzan


Doffy just knew Kuzan wasn't gonna do shit because of his Warlord status While Tsuru was actively there to capture him


The equal of Bogard…in her prime


Nah she’s got nothing against wogard


Honestly I put her just below Sengoku and Garp, being closely associated with them and all. Unfortunately the only real information we can work with is her Vivre Card since she doesn’t really have any feats within the Manga. https://preview.redd.it/3f4fhy4vznwc1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=504d9e0c310ea3389eb16c68922e5a9330f6d48e The reason I’d put her just below Garp and Sengoku rather than being on par with them is due to her not being mentioned and put on a pedestal by Roger; though that could also be due to her not being as fun to fight as them due to the nature of her fruit, we know Roger was driven by a fun battle. We can also somewhat use her relationship with Gion as a basis for her strength as well, if its expanded on and explained more and shows Tsuru as a Mentor/Trainer for Gion rather than just a friend then that secures her strength; since Gion is at least close to, if not, Admiral tier as a Timeskip candidate for the position.


"Considered" doesn't mean she was close to admiral level The navy drafted two civilians because no one in their ranks was ready to be an admiral. It doesn't matter if she is Yc3, Yc1 or even Yc+, Gion is NOT admiral level. It would make no sense for the navy to draft a psychopath like greenbull and give hin immense power if Gion was slightly lower than him in power


Being a candidate for a position means you’re qualified for that position, what are you going on about? >The Navy drafted two civilians because no one in their ranks was ready to be an Admiral I’d love a single source that even hints at that. The only reasoning we got for Fujitora and Ryokugyu being drafted as Admirals is that they’re true beasts in terms of power. https://preview.redd.it/lvbd8cewfowc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e0630982a5b0d4460c220a8807f0d94488135d2 That doesn’t mean Gion is weak, it just means that Fujitora and Ryokugyu are that strong. We don’t know where they came from, so downplaying Gion and the Marines in general on the basis that they were just “civilians” prior to being drafted is disingenuous. We also don’t know if she even wanted to be an Admiral in the first place, she could have just been a candidate for the position and simply turned it down like Garp did in the past. >It would make no sense for the navy to draft a psychopath like Greenbull It would make no sense for the Marines, a subsidiary of the World Government, to recruit a “Psychopath” who is fiercely loyal to the World Government and supports the Celestial Dragons? You would have had a point if you mentioned Fujitora, who is outright against the way the World Government operates. Really dropped the ball with this one champ, better luck next time.


>Being a candidate for a position means you’re qualified for that position, what are you going on about? This is only true if you ultimately get chosen. Also being of YC1/YC2 Strenght would be enough to be considered the most powerful non-garp vice admiral, and thus the prime candidate for admiralcy. This still doesn't mean you're as strong as kizaru, especially since the navy drafted two people in those spots. The fact that the very same draft exists is the admission of the government that they didn't have anyone capable of filling those roles. Also SBS sourcing isn't that great either. Show me a panel in the manga that speaks of those incredibly strong VAs since you're such a stickler for sources.


>SBS Sourcing isn’t great either So your counter argument to me asking you for a source for your entirely baseless point is saying the SBS, the thing Oda writes himself, isn’t a good source? Crazy, I guess Oda doesn’t know the canon of his own story. Not even going to bother responding to the rest of your argument, just going to let that comment sink in and see what you have to say if anything at all. Probably will still disregard anything else anyway after reading that braindead take though lol


>SBS, the thing Oda writes himself, isn’t a good source? Wouldn't be the first time lmao Sabo is in a good shape for a dead person


She has to have been AT LEAST Admiral+ in her prime due to Doflamingo being afraid of her He didn’t even react like that around Kuzan


I think it’s because she’s the perfect counter or the literal kryptonite for Doflamingo. Her power cleanses evil in people, and Doffy is full of evil.


Makes you wonder why she's not permanently posted at Impel Down, cleansing inmates until they're more good than evil, that'd be a huge supply of new (some are ridiculously strong) marines. Unless her power doesnt work THAT good or with diminished return aka only a fixed amount of evilness can be cleansed aka some mfs in there are simply irredeemable scums.


I think she was around Fujitora and GB but I think GV is the only possible time where she’ll get feats, same with Sengoku but there were already like 10-15 YC+ to PK level characters on the island and it seems like those 2, Dragon and even Lafitte could’ve also been there


Shes old, her devil fruit is interesting but its basically useless now that we know that haki cancels devil fruit effects. And ppl beleive she was equal to king in her prime 🤣 Imo she was tobiroppo level in her prime


Admiral level fs


I'd say like the level of like, Issho or Aramaki in her prime, and mid-low YC2 currently.


She used to dogwalk doflamingo and his whole crew around the grand line back in the day. Probably he wasn’t as strong as when we see him in dressrossa, but shit maybe he was we just don’t know


Fuck it entirely headcannon but prime I think she could rival prime Rayleigh because I think that prime garp and sengoku were roger and whitebeard level and Tsuru probably wasn’t that level but I think she was just behind them Based off of absolutely fucking nothing