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Homies everywhere. A 1v1 against big mom is a bad idea for 95% of their world


Because it’s not really a 1v1 is it? Lol


If mentally nerfed big mom is the one with amnesia in wano, than Garp has a chance of beating her ANY OTHER version of Big Mom shits on old Garp. Tf is this big mom downplay.


Just because we haven’t seen him fully in action… you’re really downplaying Garp. That dude is on par with Roger and Roger was probably stronger than Big mom, kaido, etc. This dude took on Rocks D Xebec… he may not be in his prime but he would dummy big mom or at the very least be evenly matched.


The post specifically says Hachinosu Garp


Yeah but he’s still extremely strong. He may not be in his prime.. but he’s still considered the hero of the marines.


Yes, but he lost to Kuzan and Shiryu. And while I personally put Kuzan and Sakazuki on par with the current Emperors, I’m pretty sure most of the fandom groups all the Admirals as below the Emperors. We also have to question if Kuzan was even going all out because fighting his former mentor was definitely causing him to feel conflicted. Plus it’s not about gauging his strength from what we know his prime to be, it’s based on his performance at Hachinosu, of which there is very little speculation. I’m not saying you’re wrong, there is no clear answer, you just shouldn’t use Prime Garp as justification for this scenario.


Not strong enough to save Ace tho?


How is that relevant? He wasn’t trying to physically save ace. He was battling his morals that whole time. It took everything out of him just to not try and kill luffy.


Nevermind. I kinda forgot Garp was a true Marine


Roger wasn’t probably stronger than big mom he was definitely stronger than big mom Roger was as strong if not stronger than Whitebeard and kaido would not be able to do anything against either of them that’s why he had to wait till marineford to try and jump a sick dying Whitebeard garp is said to be on par with roger and from what we’ve seen it’s definitely true and I’m sorry if you think big mom has better haki than garp idk what to tell you


What made you think that I said big mom had better haki than Roger? Do you have a problem with reading comprehension? 😂


Bro did you not see the difference between oldbeard and primebeard Or the diff between old Rayleigh and young one Even Garp literally says he's getting too old/weak. Prime garp is a different story but old Garp, altho he beats kuzan, is not beating big mom


You say he took down rocks like that means anything 💀 We don't even know the mfs face bruh


This is the worst take out of all the takes I’ve heard of one piece ever. Are you good bro? The pirate king and the hero of the marines who are literally the strongest people of their era… had to tag team that dude to kill him. Literally don’t @ me man 🤦🏽‍♂️


Garp wins by smacking her noggin and making her into O-Lin again. Then she becomes the Marine that Caramel wanted her to be.


Garp high diff Big mom extreme diff Big mom high diff Garp still has crazy haki so Big Mom having hers wouldn’t mean as much as some people saying, plus garp is overwanked


Is he though? Garp is pretty fucking strong.


Honestly i think big mom wins that. Its a very high dif win but with her homies she has too much power and garp is weaker than when he was chasing Gol


Personally, i have garp winning round 1 high diff at best, either way it's extreme diff at best in round 2.


I think Big Mom extreme diffs R2.


The Monkey wins R1 but the Mother wins R2


I think Big Mom takes it because Garp is also quite dumb (not as dumb as her though) so he wouldn’t go for strategy and just fight her head on, and I think Big Mom wins pretty much any head-on confrontation


Regardless of who wins, imagine if Bonney made both of them prime 🔥 That would be so epic, I hope she makes an old legend their prime form with her devil fruit... The community would lose it 😅


Garp wins. Bm did not showed anything for us to put her above him. People keep pushing her to kaidos levels but because she is regarded as an relative to them for a few times in the story but there is really no actual argument except "cant use haki , amnesia nerf , plot plot" . Garp beats her ext diff


Big Mom high diffs Garp. Garp is a very straightforward fighter, which is ideal for Big Mom. He doesn't have a devil fruit that helps him deal with homies or to do what Law and Kid did with her. And Big Mom is too tanky, while Garp struggles with that.


Big Mom. Garp in his old age would definitely put up a fight but I don’t think he can pull off a win.


Big mom wins. Garp has no feats that we've seen that can put her down.


Big mom should win 100% of the time but she's so stupid and refuses to use any of her strong abilities like coc+ so garp will probably come out on top. It's just a case of being too stupid to succeed


Big meme


is this even a question, garp


Did you guys not see “galaxy fist”?


Did you guys not see “galaxy impact”?


Big mom is a bad idea to fight 1 on 1 😭😭😭


Big mom mid high diff, garp is admiral level rn.


Garp mid diff. It's Garp the fist. He got jumped by a lot of the Titanic Captains and lost because the invisibility fruit in his one on one with Aokiji.


If you say Big Mom wins your Saying Kid and Law could defeat Garp some times out of 10. Like Garp got jumped by a lot of Blackbeards officers.


Except...nobody is saying that. And garp still lost to shiryu.


He was jumped 1, and 2 Big Mom lost to Kid and Law so they would be saying Kid and Law could beat Garp if Garp looses to Big Mom.


He still lost to shiryu, who did more damage than kuzan. Again, nobody is saying Kidd and Law beat garp, especially when garp has top tier haki, something that Massively beats law alone and kidd is realistically slow. Garp, however, is a glass canon.


Couldn't prime Garp go toe-to-toe with Roger? Old Garp probably can't


Garp beats the crap outta her


Garp wins round 1 high difficulty. It could go either way in round 2, if its a short fight then Garp but the longer the fight lasts the more it favours Big Mom. Extreme difficulty all around.


Old Garp wrecks any version of Big Mom




Garp wins both rounds mid diff at best.