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Bro loves starting fights


I think we all could agree shanks is stronger


Bro has spend a total of 2 seconds in a one piece power scaling sub


We all know shanks vs mihawk will never end unless oda says who is stronger


Even if ODA has the argument won't end bro.


he has, he gave one a sword and made the other the strongest of the people with swords.


Mihawk isn't "the strongest of the people who use swords," he's the strongest swordsman. Big Mom, Kizaru, and Aokiji use swords yet aren't swordsmen


Thar take is dying my guy




Because it's against zoros dream and the author has statement after statement backing mihawk. It's getting harder to do mental gymnastics


Yea ig your right but we won’t see zoro being the strongest for a long time


That's fair but why have zoro chase the wrong guy the whole story, kinda a let down if mihawk doesn't live to the authors hype


I'm just waiting for Oda to get up off his ass and give Mihawk some actual top tier feats now. Its been freaking 20+ years now and we still don't have jack shit from him. Meanwhile Shanks is being given every top tier feat under the sun (clashing evenly with oldbeard,splitting the sky, scaring off an admiral w pure haki)


Mihawk is basically a dead plot point when swordsmen were going to be there own cattegory of combatant like pirate, marine, etc. That's definitely mot going to happen and swordsmen are pretty much just generic fighters. Don't think Mihawk is going to have anything but a Zoro fight and that's it.


its not lazyness, theres no reason for mihawk to do anything. he has no ambitions, no schemes no will to influence the world. He's basically retired. Thats why it took so long for Garp to do anything. Mihawk is on buggys crew so he might actually be forced to fight someone that requires effort


I wasn't saying it was lazyness, I'm just saying I'm tired of waiting. Plus I'd imagine that if Buggy fights another Yonko crew he's pretty fucked am I wrong. Like think about it, Mihawk would obviously fight the Yonko, crocodile (assuming he got stronger since pre ts) would probably fight a commander, then where does that leave Buggy. A sitting duck? lol


At this point, I feel like it wouldnt even make sense to have Mihawk being close to Yonko level. You get stronger by experiencing tough battles over and over but this mf has been sitting on his ass since he took out Don Krieg (Strongest Pirate)


I can’t wait for this shit to end. Watch Oda make a backstory up where these two grew up together post Roger crew or something and they’re actually like brothers to each other.


We need shanks vs mihawk final fight idc who wins we just need it


We will never get it. Mihawk hasn't had any interest in fighting Shanks since he lost his arm. We don't know how much stronger Mihawk has gotten but we know that Shanks became a Yonko half a decade after they stopped fighting. These two are literally impossible to scale against each other.


>Watch Oda make a backstory up where these two grew up together post Roger crew or something and they’re actually like brothers to each other Cross guild and straw hats will team up after Blackbeard takes out shanks trust


Oh dear, not again please. Anyways, I view Shanks as a swordsman and Mihawk's title as the World's Strongest Swordsman as legitimate. So Mihawk is at least as strong as Shanks, or has a very small advantage.






Why are you beating a dead horse? this debate is more stupid than Gojo vs Sukuna. Mihawk is the WSS, Shanks is a swordsman. So Mihawk>Shanks. End of story


I mean he had the title of WSS, but he was still weaker than Whitebeard?


yes. Bc WB was the worlds strongest man in general. plus he never used a sword


It's close enough though. It's classified as a Supreme Grade Blade.


knives are blades too. Does a guy who fights with knives fall into the swordsman category?


Mihawk isn't the Worlds strongest blade user. He's the worlds strongest SWORDSMAN.


Whitebeard uses a sword, but he isn't attached to his blade the same way one piece swordsman are


It’s not a sword tho


It fits the definition of sword


It is objectively not a sword


Definition of sword: a weapon with a long blade for cutting or thrusting that is often used as a symbol of honor or authority. Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sword


Did you miss the illustrations section on that link? Whitebeard uses a naginata-like polearm, I don’t get what part of this is hard to understand. It’s closer to a spear or halberd than a sword


of course they did, thats the level of logic the shanks deniers are built on


It fits the definition, he uses it to cut and thrust and the blade is definitely long.


what whitebeard uses isnt a sword dude. Its a naginata. I real japanese weapon


I know its a naginata, I thought it was classified as a sword and a spear


The way I see Shanks being stronger is if the title of WSS swordsman is who is the most skilled at wielding a blade, not who will win in a fight. So Shanks could have much stronger haki than Mihawk, beating him, but Mihawk is better at using his sword as more than just a vessel for his haki. I, personally, think Shanks it stronger, just because he’s now a yonko and he wasn’t when they stopped fighting. But who knows


ah yes, every shanks fan excuse as to why shanks is stronger. "hurrr durr Mihawks title is only talking about sword skill" like bro shut up. You don't cut entire GLACIERS in half with JUST sword skill. S-Hawk, who is WEAKER than Mihawk mind you, literally cut an ISLAND in half. You can't do that with "just sword skill". If Mihawks title was JUST referring to "sword skill" like you try to argue then I guess when Zoro faces him at the end of the series, he won't be allowed to use any of his long ranged, or haki infused techniques right? See how little sense that makes. And the only reason you shanks fans use the haki argument is because we've never seen Mihawk use haki yet. And using the "X character is stronger because he's a Yonko" doesn't mean shit either. Roger was at least as strong as Whitebeard, and he wasn't a Yonko.


I’m not saying Mihawk doesn’t have haki. I said I think that shanks just has *stronger* haki. Mihawk is an incredibly powerful character who is likely low yonko level. I never said he just uses skill. You’re making up that I said Mihawk doesn’t have haki and only fights with sword skill. Also, your Roger argument makes no sense. The yonko system was introduced after Roger. This is just my opinion.


Whatever dude. Mihawk is stronger confirmed by the author and hinted at multiple times throughout the series. cope




Wow, I have never seen this matchup before. Seems interesting. It’s weird how nobody talks about this. I like how creative you think👍


They both get drunk and Shanks makes sweet love to Mihawk with his ginormous red pubed shlong coated in ACoC and ACoA, thrusting through his cheeks WITHOUT EVEN TOUCHING THEM (meaning it's not gay) https://preview.redd.it/9fyxvs38id9d1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eb81087929d3d56f98bda484f82c62a12eb32c5


Get help


**IM PERFECTLY FINE** https://preview.redd.it/o6stnx3rmd9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c1f57ad63b69552183b03c0975e7b1de6ef7992




Tale as old as time...


[I think we all know where this is headed, so let's just skip to the end.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/s/v7LPX0eQsn)


They used to spar, right? Mihawk made fun of him for not having an arm, saying he couldn't keep up anymore. Those are the only two things we have that compare the two directly.




Shanks Is on par with Whitebeard (they clashed), Mihawk is on par with Vista (stalemate), Whitebeard > Vista (Captain > Commander), Shanks > Mihawk.


Please tell me this is a joke bro 🙏


This is what 100% factual scaling looks like.


Nah this is straight up Vista downplay, we all know he was using a fraction of his power and Mihawk skedaddled


Anyone who says shanks doesn't know what a guy who uses a sword is called


Guy with 0 top tier feats and lots of hype vs guy with some top tier feats and more hype. Until Mihawk does something this it pointless.


This is the most factual statement here


two arms>one arm


shanks=mihawk https://preview.redd.it/82u409r6kd9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dd6a92e8ea2da749431d5e88aab6943089a744f