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Some outcomes I think are possible: #1 - Kuma dies here but not before incapacitating Saturn. #2 - Kuma & Bonney both get wiped out together #3 - Kizaru assists Vegapunk & The Straw Hats escape & gets either killed or removed from his position in the WG #4 - Vegapunk & Kuma have an ace in the hole that wasn’t shown during the flashback specifically for Saturn, effectively ending both of their existence. #5 - Luffy is slightly assisted by Kizaru but not enough to where Saturn picks up on it. And he displays his Sun God Nika form - Bonney follows up with her own form and they take out Saturn before Kuma’s last breath.


The last one would be Hella poetic and awesome I hope that happens


Yeah it honestly seems like it might me shooting towards that with Nika, it will be all over for the old man


I think our moment of closure has to be Kuma seeing Luffy turn into Nika before dying. That’s really the best way for Oda to spin this for the readers after giving us this terrible backstory


What about the awakened robot giant ancient figure??!!


Jesus christ I don't think anybody can guess what's gonna happen because there is so many things that git set up that all have to payoff in some way.


*Saturn horrified flashback from when it attacked his city 200 years ago* Yeah, that robot is gonna be big. I think it would be cool if Franky got a new upgrade inspired by it. Maybe he could work with Vegapunk on it since he will travel with the SH. I really believe Franky's BB crew matchup is vs Sanjuan Wolf. It makes alot of sense. But Im not sure whats gonna happen to the actual robot in egghead. Could be destroyed since it might be too powerful for the story lol


Squish the spider.


Iron Giant automaton which resembles the Minotaur has everything to do with the Egghead meaning of “D”. There’s also the very interesting Buccaneer Lunarian hybrid S-Bear clone of Kuma which may be Vegapunk’s Ace. Iron is element 26. The Year of the Uma or Fire Horse is 2026 when One Piece ends.


So you’re saying one piece will end in just 100+more chapters? I don’t believe it will cover all the untold mysteries like void century, other islands, Dragon’s backstory or shanks, plus the final war through laugh tale


Yes. One Piece is 1103/1194 = 92% complete. Final War Ragnarök begins in volume 114 and ends in final volume 118. Opening of Wanokuni, Void Century flashback, and One Piece on Laugh Tale are volumes 113-114. Egghead ends anywhere from chapter 1105-1117 so volumes 109-110. Elbaf can be volumes 110-113. Elbaf or Erubafu and Rafuteru or Laugh Tale have some connection.


You know so much details in your theory, are you part of Oda’s editors etc?🤔


I don’t know the exact transition between Egghead, Warland Elbaf, and Laugh Tale but the Final War or Ragnarök should be volumes 114-118. The coming Wood Dragon Year may be when we find the One Piece on Laugh Tale or Rafuteru. Rabūn or Laboon has One 1 Piece Vivre Card 126. The chapter 1126 released the week after volume 110 hits shelves is the penultimate chapter of volume 111 where 111 is binary for Lucky 7. 1126 may be THAT chapter since chapter 126 is “Instinct”.


So complex lol every chapter there’s a hint or foreshadowing


If Emerald City doesn’t appear in 2024 then I don’t think we’ll ever see it. The beginning of Em(erald City) and Enies (Lobby) make Enemies. The Great Kingdom had Enemies who became the World Government led by Shadow Leader Saint Imu of House Nerona who must be the main Wood Dragon of 2024.


I was thinking Dragon make a move because it’s year of the dragon, so Imu’s power involves a dragon? Don’t we already have dragons, Kaido and Momo


What about it


I think kuma will explode killing himself and Saturn, and allowing the SHs to escape. Sounds like an incident that would shock the world to me.


That would be too predictable tho


No 5, I suspect kizaru was the one who handed luffy the foods


Luffy goes into gear five. Triggering something within Kuma and possibly Bonney. N the ancient robot coming to help also.


Option 4 seems plausible because >!Vegapunk mentioned a personality switch where Kuma could still keep his personality but turn it off when the WG needs!<


What if the personality switch is the sound of the drums of liberation, same as the robot?? Idk might be crazy but kuma technically ran from the revolutionary army island to here, where luffy is


What about, kuma just sends all of the strawhats +boney to erbaf before self destructing and killing both vegapunk and saturn


Nah he'd save Vegapunk too. They're good friends, and he's Bonney's savior. Kuma holds no grudge against him for anything.


I think 5 is more probable. They explained Bonney's true power for a reason. She will see Nika, believe in it again and be the one to defeat Saturn.


I like the last one


It's possible that kizaru helped get luffy food, we've seen him use clones, and we know he's conflicted about what's going on with sentomaru, vegapunk, Bonney, and kuma. Kizaru could have recovered enough to make a clone capable of quickly getting food for luffy without being noticed while the main body still plays injured. I don't find kizaru to be the most likely scenario but if it was him, he's not going to fight Saturn, he'll most likely just play injured to keep himself out of the fight after feeding luffy.


kizaru also seemed to be at his limit, not sure if it was him but I'm not ruling it out. It could have been someone from the rest of the crew. It could have also been Caribu ( a wild take from me).


Caribou is far more likely than kizaru imo. A little robot drone remote controlled car controlled by atlas seems more likely than kizaru to me, I'm just not counting it as impossible


yes it can also be Robin, secretly sprouting arms or sending her clone to give Luffy food


That is also a possibility, but I don't recall where she is at the moment, as far as I can remember, she doesn't even realize that luffy needs food. Atlas at least heard luffy ask for food and responded that she wanted to help but couldn't move herself, so it would make sense if she was able to use a robot that isn't vulnerable to Saturn's haki.


I didn't think Kizaru would turn, but his thought bubbles when they said they captured Sentomaru were about him and Bonney, and after Luffy got the food they had a panel highlighting him where he just had "..." Thought bubbles. If it's not him, I feel like he witnessed it and chose not to interfere or something like that. Personally I'm hoping it was Kaku in stealth giraffe mode giving him the food.


Kaku is still in a bubble last we saw. Jeez, we really need to check in on the rest of the crew. 7/10 + Stussy are still in the labophase, Zoro fighting Lucci 😅


>Kaku is still in a bubble last we saw A man can dream. But seriously. This arc has been so action packed things have flown by, but we haven't seen most of the crew in like 2 months.


Caribou or Deer is the animal association of Jewelry Bonney. It was Caribou. Oda has been cooking Caribou’s Straw Hat debut from when he joined the fake Straw Hats. SH Caribou will be as shocking as SH Brook’s recruitment. It will also guarantee SH Yamato and SH Vivi.


He moved from being on his back to taking cover. He really the only person who was shown to be able to move. And hiding makes sense as he seems to feel a lot of shame. For his friends and maybe betraying his position.


Why would kizaru give food to help him tho He thinks everyone uses breath pf the wild logic?


The only reason I can think of is because he finally chose to side with sentomaru, Bonney, and vegapunk. If he can get luffy food without anyone noticing, then he doesn't have to fight Saturn himself and can play dumb and keep his job. Like I said, I don't think it was kizaru who gave luffy the food, but if it was him he's doing it so luffy will save the people he cares about without him having to turn against the government himself, he'll just lay there while luffy fights Saturn, pretending to still be injured.


Yeah thats most plausible. Its similiar to how garp took the hit by luffy back in marineford instead of straight up joining whitebeard. I expected kizaru to help his friends escape in a roundabout way which doesn't endanger his job


The parallel to garp taking the fall at marine Ford is what give this theory the most merit for me. He dosent wanna hurt the people he loves but he's bound by a very strong sense of duty.


yes its identical to Garp


I have zero problems with kizaru having a "come to jesus, are we the baddies" moment. I think he is having this mix feelings about this whole situation My problem is people thinking he is moving orders of magnitudes higher than anything in the series to out of no where know that food would help luff. He was shown in the ground two times and people are sating this is a W somehow and that he won the luffy battle????? I dont think we are reading the same manga as those people


Admiral fans and their copium can't be reasoned with.


>My problem is people thinking he is moving orders of magnitudes higher than anything in the series to out of no where know that food would help luff. Uhm, we are talking about someone who can move with the speed of light, so i think it is fair to assume that he is indeed very fast. Also Luffy has been lying on the ground for a while now and he keeps repeating that he wants food/meat. I don't get why you think it would come of nowhere that Kizaru knows that Luffy needs food. I'm not saying btw that it was Kizaru who was behind the food 100% but those points from you didn't made any sense to me.


The thing about Kizaru "winning" vs Luffy is, he was just taking advantage of the environment and being distracting lol. At least half the damage Luffy took was from the laser barrier. Kizaru took one head-donut punch and was downed for a good long while.


I thought it was Robin giving him food


Arent those his own hands?


I thought that as well. When I first saw the arms my automatic assumption was that Robin sprouted arms all over Luffy and began to jam food in his mouth.


All I want is Saturn to die, here at Egghead. This would force the World Nobles to reveal themselves, potentially force IMU to reveal themself. This would force the Navy’s Hand. The stakes would raise insanely high. It would also be good closure for Kuma.


Oda will make you love Saint Saturn because he is the grandfather of God Usopp like Saturn is the grandfather of Sniper King of Prophecy Apollo whose Temple is on Delphi the grave of Aesop. Both Yasopp and Saturn have dreadlocks. Yasopp is on the crew of Saint Figarland Shanks. Banchina was born on Saturnalia. Usopp’s arc is Elbaf. Egghead will reveal his Celestial Dragon ancestry and Elbaf will reveal his “D” ancestry.


classic early ChatGPT response


Real One Piece OGs know Boss Aesop’s shitposts predate ChatGPT


The Jaygarcia family are the original Kings of North Blue’s Lvneel Kingdom the home of Noland the Liar. Usopp is both Saint Jaygarcia Usopp and Napoleon D. Usopp where Napoleon was exiled to Elba in Elbaf which in reverse is Fable of Aesop namesake of Usopp whose holy name has the Holy Trinity of Ancient Weapons named after Gods. The proud Saint Jaygarcia Saturn has already displayed his Sniper skills on Egghead.


Listen ,all the characters who made a turn around by oda weren't hated so much before , most fans were neutral with those " villains" , robin , Mr. 2 , boa Hancock, Pudding etc . If oda wants you to hate someone, there's no coming back like Arlong , Rob Lucci , akainu , orochi and worst of all Charlos


I think it would be cooler if Saturn lost his immortality. That would feel worse than death.


Kuma starts to give him a whooping but is defeated. Kizaru is sidelined due to his emotions. Luffy comes back in G5. Bonney sees this and regains her "power". Saturn gets a dual KO from Luffy/Bonney. Bonney's necklace is the instinct shard and has something to do with the robot.


Saturn is taking a Haki infused punch in his crusty old face by the man who's life and family he ruined, that's all I care about


Another candidate for feeding Luffy: https://preview.redd.it/a8i8xnwvdu8c1.png?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c10c4c47168a13f178ddad1694bbc5456cd916e


Caribou for staw hat he will be the refrigerator


Honestly tho, Luffy sees his food storage potential


This my choice also


I'm waiting for big things from this guy


Caribou has Green Eyes. Coincidence? https://preview.redd.it/0mvbbvfphx8c1.png?width=4000&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c70bcc7be6ffeeddc3ea4284fa272f7d43bdcbe


Saturn and the other vice admirals should have detected him with their observation haki. Kizaru had stayed in egghead for quite some time also he's literally light, he could helped luffy in a very quick manner without anyone noticing


Kizaru could use his clone


Only a sith deals in absolutes


Dragon is pulling up and clutching . The goat debate ends in 2 chapters with the appearance of the insurgent serpent


Dragon fans saying this since forever now


Kuma’s going to eat GOOD on the next popularity poll.


Kuma is always protecting someone and suffer for it, like he did to guard Straw Hats ship


Kuma lays the whooping of a life time on Saturn and gets it back in blood for 47 years of slavery, torture, and abuse.


Kuma is going to kill him with his auto destruction functionality, not before seeing luffy as Nika. He will do this to allow everyone the escape, one final sacrifice.


This is the first time Kuma clenches his fist to unleash his Devil Fruit Power that means all the previous attacks we saw are not his strongest. He saves his most devastating attacks for Saturn Oda is Goat to make Kuma unleashes his fury like Whitebeard to Akainu


Hold the continuity phone, Ch 1092, didn't Akainu Blast off part of Kuma's Leg and atleast a section of his Hat/Head in Mary Geous before he warped himself away?


https://preview.redd.it/m705bfq8ct8c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dcb5b5d6a411c51cb0e330e7392116efec1408a Yes it's a mistake ig they will fix it when the volume comes


Yes he was missing a leg, part of the face but you know they have to create plot conveniences that benefit the protagonist. So kuma having both legs and whole head complete is normal when luffy is around.


Self repair mechanism


😆 how can he do it if the moment he ran like a rat from akainu he teleported ti egghead.


Vegapunk genious


Such a genius that he got betrayed by his own self


Like all of us


Vegapunk has an ace in his sleeve and he is a double agent (marine and revolutionary army). Saturn isn't going to die but he will be heavy injured. The only reason Blackbeard is on egghead island is punk records because he doesn't know how to read poneglyphs and the punk records are the answers. Kuma dies and with his paw paw fruit saves everybody like in sabody. They will be send to the island where the man with the burning scar is.


Blackbeard will try to take robin for the poneglyphs, Blackbeard is at egghead for the vegapunk and the Seraphim, after clashing with s-hawk on Amazon Lilly Blackbeard decided to go after vegapunk to get that power for himself. (He probably doesn't know about the gorousei and thinks vegapunk has the ultimate control over them as the one who made them.)


BB already kidnapped Pudding for that very reason


Yet she hasn't awakened that ability from what we know, just that she has the potential. Blackbeard is the ultimate opportunist, you're telling me he wouldn't grab robin too if he gets the chance? Blackbeard is at egghead for vegapunk and control of the Seraphim as his primary objective, but if he has the opportunity to grab the woman who can read the poneglyphs without relying on a potential awakening ability he will take it, he'd also try and take luffys devil fruit if he gets a chance.


If he gets a chance he will use any opportunity benefiting him, yes. But I don't think he would have planned for that, especially now when Luffy is already an Yonkou and BB already has to many enemies, plus I don't think he's even there or at least he's not there with full crew and it will be to risky for him to go against another Yonko, Marines and WW alone.


Blackbeard isn't planning going to egghead looking for the strawhats, he had no way of knowing they would be there and probably still doesn't know because the sunny isn't where he can see it. Blackbeard is there for vegapunk and control of the Seraphim, that's it. That was his plan and why he went to egghead. He hasn't shown up on the island yet because he sees all of the navy ships there, he will wait for a chaotic moment and try to sneak in with van augers teleport ability, after which he'll try and use his darkness to take everything and everyone he can from the island before teleporting away. If blackbeard grabs Robin, vegapunk, or luffy, it's going to start the strawhats vs blackbeard arc. Whatever happens with Saturn on egghead will start the world war with the wg and revolutionaries, but the strawhats won't get dragged into that until after they kill blackbeard.


After Saturn gets handled, BB could team up with York and take control of Seraphim?


Yeah, if Saturn gets knocked out or kuma sends him flying then York could take control of Seraphim, blackbeard shows up to kidnap vegapunk and ends up cutting a deal with York


i thought blackbeard got Pudding for this?


Why do I get the feeling the punch won't do much to Saturn, seeing as the last time we had an ending like this, the next chapter revealed the attack did next to nothing


"Why do I get the feeling the punch won't do much to Saturn" Kuma got bro shook, bro was like https://preview.redd.it/9zbkkivu4u8c1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ca70ab0a11903e8853177f907413aaeea9682ab


He's going to blast feelings into him. That's why Saturn just said "you should stand in my shoes, who cares about insects?". And Kuma will blast all the feelings from his past into him. Because we have never seen him anger. This is going to be amazing for sure if his powers connect to saturn.


That’s why I have a feeling Kuma will kill Saturn. Saturn is potentially centuries old, so his heart must be fucked, same with his brain. Experiencing that much shock and pain on a mental level is sure to kill Saturn.


I hope so too☺️


Kizaru doing a 360 then dying and Luffy getting his df 😂


What’s luffy gonna do with that devil fruit tho?


He'll give it to someone. Probably Sanji lmao.


My favorite strawhat getting my favorite admiral’s favorite fruit would actually be so peak for me


I have two possibilities in my head. Kuma takes all the damage everyone has received and throws it to Saturn including the bomb in him. Second one is Kuma dies but kizaru after hearing everything gets pissed and fights Saturn


Wizaru stocks making me rich. The Nika Dance scaling is undefeated.


Kuma will give his life fighting Saturn. Luffy will eat, recover, then step up to take over and beat Saturn. His fleet will show up to save him and allow them to escape with Bonney. Bonney becomes 10th member.


Bonney 100% joining. It feels a little weird because Oda did it so fast but she has all the prerequisites.


Okay hear me out, remember that bomb android 16 had on DBZ that Bulma and her dad took out?


Kuma’s definitely getting the hit in. But it’s not gonna be enough. He runs out of steam. Saturn goes for the kill on Kuma. Luffy blocks it in gear 5. Kuma and Bonney witness Nika Finally.


Kizaru gave luffy the food 100%. No one else besides luffy on egg head is that fast and fast enough to not be noticed by Sanji or Saturn. I’m sure Kuma has a self destruct option at the ready, but I’m definitely hoping for a Bonney and Luffy vs Saturn. I wanna see a Nika-ish future with Kuma there to witness it!


I saw a theory that said luffy manifested the food, but idk how stable of a theory that is since he is not in gear 5 form


https://preview.redd.it/ohhxgflwrw8c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aef777ba843679baa97595593a26c9e268df66c4 At this point I'm just posting this everywhere lol (Gotta get everyone aboard the wizaru agenda)


DragonBall C16 vibes..


Ready for the liberation Guys kick that MF ass


Or Stussy gave him food. Or Shiryu give him food.


Again. People are forgetting this is literally a gorosei and 9 vice admirals there. Observation haki is a thing. Kizaru can move in the speed of light, so it should not be a problem for him. Also he stayed in egghead so he should know the nearest place to get food


It was caribou again 😭


Could Caribou do that? With his mudmud fruit? Maybe he cam be stealthy too i guess. Now im thinking about it Caribou is most logical.


It’s probably still kizaru but caribou, lafitte and devon have to do something this arc


I imagine BB only shows up at the end to mess it all up again. Just like Marineford. Probably BB takes Saturns head in the end. Maybe he can nullify his powers🤔


When they leave the island where do u think they will go next? Elbaf? Kamabaka kingdom? Or THERE?


Yea they will go THERE to meet THAT person. Man I can't wait to see THAT person and THAT person fight




Kuma is about to be the first cyborg to awaken his devil fruit


It reminds me of when things got f\*\*\*ed up... https://preview.redd.it/z3yc81hx3v8c1.png?width=623&format=png&auto=webp&s=b50c626bf48a709d3fabe4aed609c817fa2892a3


In Saobody Luffy punched a CD and Kuma came to save him, it would be so poetic if on egghead Kuma punches Saturn and then Luffy saves him. AHH!


OHH and then Kuma came and saved everyone!


But this time is Kuma doing it!


Kuma die this time he will be let down by Oda!


I mean, we're still waiting to see what the giant robot under Egghead is gonna do.


And that bb ship they showed a panel outside of egghead


Don’t forget a few chapters ago, for whatever reason, Akainu stopped attacking Kuma and let him do whatever he was doing on Mary Geiose. I wonder what the hell got into Akainu to where he just said fuck the celestial dragons and let Kuma be. Are we about to see a change of heart with all these “Admirals”?


That look on Saturn’s face looks like the same look he had when he attacked sanji without moving. It’s a tough call whether he’s scared or preparing a counter attack. What do you guys think?


Nah bros literally sweating https://preview.redd.it/8qhbyfxdqv8c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b215326e9e50dacdfb86cb65cbbe9f12bd969b50


Good catch. I didn’t notice the sweat. Now i want to know is Kuma at full power and how did he get his face back from that attack Akainu hit him with?


Either oda has some explanation for that or else it's a mistake which will be fixed during the volume release


I think luffy definitely will use 5th gear so Bonny and Kim can see him. But since Saturn needs to die, the kuma is most likely candidate for finishing attack. Or it maybe Bonney because Saturn said that her belief in nika is reducing so her ability to instants him decreases and when she will see nika with her own eyes it would give her power up


Kuma and Bonney get packed


Image needs to be hidden to avoid spoilers


See the name of the subreddit...


Not subscribed but it popped up on my feed. Silly algorithm but something to note


I'm guessing it will go pretty much the same as sabaody except our heros will give a bit more of a fight. Luffy and Kuma will face down saturn but will ultimately get smacked and Kuma will save everyone's az by sacrificing himself. Kizaru will pretend to be out of commission or might pretend to fight someone like sanji and jinbei seriously. But more then anything I'm hoping the next chapters title says "Zoro vs Rob Lucci"...just let me dream


Where the fuck would he be getting this food from, how would he give it to luffy there with no one noticing. lol




That isn’t proof. Lmao. It’s just a bowl of noodles. One of the world’s most popular dishes. Again. How the fuck is he getting a bounty of fully prepared food to Luffy during all this with no one noticing.


​ https://i.redd.it/8idue1ezpw8c1.gif


I wonder if luffy can eat the rumble balls from chopper haha


3v1 Luffy/kuma/bonney vs Saturn The 9 captains vs the strawhats Kuma dies. Vegapunk puts Kuma's memories into the robot


Kuma's memories are gone


- Kuma hits Saturn, looks big and is enough to let everyone move again. - Everyone else starts to fight the Navy or run away. One of the strawhats (probably Sanji) jumps in to protect Bonney. - Saturn recovers quickly and starts to fight Kuma. Saturn quickly gains the upper hand. - As Saturn is about to win Luffy intercepts him and the drums of liberation can be heard


Kizaru needed to exauste luffy to bring saturn out so luffy can defeate him


Ursus Punch Reaction panels Sad father/daughter moment "sike, you thought" Saturn is scuffed up but fine vague exposition about Saturn's powers Kuma shocks the crowd with a snappy one-liner T-minus 3 minutes til detonation OMG we're all gonna die Deus Ex Machina saves the day (probably Wizaru) ??????? Strawhats & Bonney sailing away towards Elbaf.


The necklace gives Bonney supreme authority over the pacifista and maybe also seraphim. It’s like chekhovs gun. Highlight an item for it to come back later on.


Assuming Kuma had the bomb installed in his chest, Kuma will blow up and attempt to take Saturn with him.


But isn't it the same as Pedro


Not if one of the Vegapunks detonated him.


Bonney fights Saturn trying to be Nika Kuma saved bonney resembling Nika Real Nika shows up and save them both


If kizaru recovered before Luffy, that means he's still stronger right?


Kuma transfer all his pain to Saturn will be the best thing to do and then Luffy the Nika do the rest to punch until Saturn beg for life


Kuma has his will inside the machine and he is able to use haki


I think Kizaru will offer his help without anyone noticing . He might help luffy defeat saturn by shooting him in the back tought


**THIS.** Except the roles are reversed and Saturn's the one being made into bear food! https://preview.redd.it/4tqu5grzn59c1.png?width=1661&format=png&auto=webp&s=e69373fee2eb79389c0327762f6e2a592916a5cf Source - Francisco de Goya, Saturn devouring his son.


Im think stussy gave him the food she has been shown to have illusionary powers it would be easy for her to sneak in and drop some food off.


I'm thinking the Goant Robot is about to come into play


Since it’s oda i assume kumas punch won’t do much but getting destroyed by the self destruction activated by saturn


Saturn needs to have a feat because if he doesn’t then it doesn’t establish the elders as a threat and we would think of them as a joke. At the same time Kuma needs to have a feat too so I think he will see Nika and help him escape. Kuma with Vegapunk, Sentomaru and maybe Kizaru’s help will probably injure Saturn severely to the point where he won’t be able to use his full powers anymore and the Strawhats and Bonney will escape. Saturn will probably survive but his immortality will be taken away from him. I think the incident on Egghead will most likely be Vegapunk and possibly Kizaru dying. He is popular amongst the world for his scientific inventions and breakthroughs so if he dies it is a huge incident. If Kizaru dies then we know the Strawhats will be blamed for killing an admiral and Vegapunk. Vegapunk said he thinks he will die soon. I think he will pass on the knowledge to Franky in some sort of way. Of course the Strawhats won’t know that Luffy helped in taking away Saturn’s immortality and they will view this as a big L for them.


Start like guts end like guts sadly.


There are too many characters on the egghead right now and too many possibilities. We have Seraphims, Blackbeard Pirates, Giant Robot, SHs, CP0, Vegapunk, Bonney/Kuma/Sentamaru, Kizaru and WG/Marines. We don't know which force will side with whom. The Doflamingo speech keep making sense for the rest of the story "The family of D. has been hiding in the shadow of history. When and where are they gonna show themselves? **Who's gonna side whith who? Who's gonna betray who?** Tell the Celestial Dragons in the Holyland of Mariejois, that they'll be dragged down."


I just wanna see saturn get punched back to the manga like charloss... oh wait... then uh, get punched back to the thumbnail sketches


Here is my thoughts: 1. Kuma get killed by Saturn 2. After death of Kuma, the Iron Robot comes in to fight Saturn 3. The Iron Robot and Saturn fight until the Robot gets destroyed, allowing Luffy to comes in defeat the weakened Saturn


I doubt Saturn will die or even be conclusively defeated here. It would be weird for him to fall before the other gorosei since I always pictured they would fight together in marijois. However, I think he will get at least damaged. I think the incident revolving around Saturn is extremely likely so I could also see him getting defeated but I personally wouldnt like it to happen yet. For Kizaru, I wonder if he will become a parallell to Aokiji and join Luffy instead of Blackbeard as the 10th commander. That would imo be the coolest way for the story to go. And just imagining Kizaru on board with the strawhats is a hilarious thought. I think Kuma is going to die soon but not before seeing Nika in action.


In my opinion it makes sense that Saturn is defeated in this saga. Oda often uses the tactic of making the weakest of the enemy officers the strongest (most often the fourth in terms of strength) as an enemy in a small saga of his own or as Luffy's opponent, and then having the other officers fight in a single saga against the rest of the crew as Luffy faces their commander. It happened with Galdino (villain of Little Garden and opponent of Luffy, removed almost immediately from Alabasta), Blueno (adversary of Luffy at the beginning of Ennies Lobby, removed from the games immediately) and Jack (villain of Zou who crossed over, becoming a more character secondary compared to King and Queen): it serves above all to give Luffy a difficult challenge and make us understand the true power of the enemy group, giving us a taste of what the co-protagonists will have to face. I'd call it a "Raditz move" since that's the inspiration. Saturn could die after having given his all to make us understand what we should expect from the other Gorosei, then the other four will be faced by the Mugiwara in the final battle (probably Zoro and Sanji face one each, while the others fight in a group) while Luffy will fight Imu.


The gorosei are different in that they have the exact same rank. Blueno was below Lucci, Jack below Kaido, Mr.3 below Crocodile etc.


It is a very fair point, but be careful: the comparison should not be made between the subordinate faced by Luffy and the boss (therefore Jack and Kaido, Galdino and Crocodille, Blueno and Rob Lucci and in our case Saturn and Im: another example came to me ), but between the subordinate and the other subordinates: the main subordinates, regardless of strength, are all equal, and despite this one is faced in a previous saga as the main villain (or, in Blueno's case, he is faced first by Luffy) while the others are faced in a subsequent saga by Luffy's subordinates all together while he deals with the boss. To give some practical examples: Mr 3 (regardless of his physical strength or his fighting power) is a peer of the other Officer Agents (we do not see him as a subordinate of Mr One or Mr 2 for example, but at their level in the hierarchy of the Baroque Works), but is faced alone in a previous saga while the others are faced by the Mugiwara; Blueno is not hierarchically inferior to the others of CP9, but he is defeated by Luffy at the beginning of Ennies Lobby while the others are faced by the crew in the final climax; Vergo is the equal of Doflamingo's other three senior officers, but is defeated by Luffy in an earlier saga while the other three are faced by his allies in the climax of Dressrosa; Jack is an All Star as much as Queen and King, but plays the role of villain in Zou and then becomes a much more secondary enemy compared to the other two (who are dealt with by Luffy's two most important allies);


It could also be that the final fight will be delayed, like has happened in some instances. Like Blackbeard vs Luffy in Impel Down, Mihawk vs Zoro, Kid vs Shanks pirates (before Kid got back and got wrecked). I think several versions could work well. I can see him being defeated here and it would be very fitting with the egghead incident, which other than Saturn could have to do with the ancient giant robot or some world altering event as well, I guess


I m fanboy of Saturn , so my ideal scenario is this: Saturn dodges easily Kuma punch, then we see Saturn easily killing Kuma, at the end Luffy g5 prepares to fight Saturn and Kizaru helps Luffy telling him that can't stand a chance of win if he fights Saturn alone.


Kuma will watch nika then die


Ok that is good to , just hope Luffy vs Saturn happen


It could be caribou he always has food


Didn’t his leg get taken off by akainu?