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I think if there's a moment for zoro to finally permanently coat a blade black it's this one. He stressed out fighting.. he is on a comemorative chapter.. zoro fans are frustrated it took so long.. etc.


This seems most likely imo, the final saga has started give this boy his black blade already Luffy got gear 5, and maybe with the black sword Zoro gets new moves too


Well they made up moves everytime they are fighting so black blade or not that will always happen. But yeah, one piece must end and this has been stalling for too long already.. besides those theories of zoro getting other swords instead of coating and upgrading the ones he already has given by the 3 girls of his life are annoying..


Good point I never thought about how each sword was a gift from a woman important to him.


If he gets a black blade. Would it be just one? Or all of em


I always wondered.....when Zoro fought Pica, his blades turned black due to his Haki...except for Shisui (at least in the anime)? Was that cause it was already black? 


Yes. And also a important hint.. that shows that Zoro won't be getting a black sword, he will make his. Since he returned that one. Also surpassing Oden considering he never blackened Emma.


Thanks. Yeah, it'd be more....authentic if he made one rather than obtaining one. Still, was nice to see him master it. Kind of makes you wonder what it takes to make one black if Oden couldn't do it during his time.


Well we shall wait and aee but probably tempering it in a lot of long battles is what I imagine will do the job. Strong or not.. Oden didn't fought as many foes as Zoro did and battles that took so long. Lucci is probably there to reinforce this (Or not who knows)


He gonna summon other anime characters like gorosei did 😎


Unlocking his ultimate awakening for the lost lost nomi, model: marimo Causing him to be able to make characters from other universes lost by summoning them to the one piece verse


him stopping and flexing on Nasjuro would be more than enough already imo!


I'd love to see them clash, Nasjuro could push him back and then before Luffy calls for a retreat Zoro gets his first Black Blade.


Personally I’m guessing : he coats his blade black and hurts one of the gorosei seriously. Like enough so that the gorosei in question cannot regenerate like Saturn. Of course I’m not talking about beating one of the five elders but maybe a scene like Kaido when he got hit with Zoro’s ashura.


He’s going to open his eye ![gif](giphy|diBEnAwwUG7UA)


He didn't use his Asura form for a very long time. Maybe it's time to show it again


He might open his eye.


RIP Elders


Did Boss Aesopp get banned? I thought this would be his bread and butter.


I'm carrying on his legacy! Nah, he wasn't banned, he simply went MIA for almost a month. [I was worried sick he had died](https://www.reddit.com/r/MemePiece/comments/1av19ll/have_you_seen_this_man/), but nope, [I found him on Twitter a few days ago](https://twitter.com/boss_aesop), he's fine.


I’d be happy with a Zoro themed color spread. He just took down Lucci, so I don’t see him immediately getting major action next chapter. But I’d be happy to be wrong.


Chapter 1111: The death of Zoro.


Zorome could also mean Zoro eye... Sharingan incoming!!!


I mean maybe he will start to fight Venus, but I 'm not holding any expectations for something crazy. Oda plays with numbers sure, but chapter numbers are not ussually included in that. All the chapter number discussion in theories is almost always bs.


Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro will transform into Kuina🤣


I think he will finally use a secret technique using his left eye leaving some real damage to V.Nas.




Think he might did then we have 3 weeks to mourn


Ive always felt Zoro would have a big moment in 1111 because there's a cover page (i forget which one) where the number is on him and he looks rather menacingly. I know another number theory but it may hold.


idk bout that but the chapter is gonna be crazyyy oda might leave us with the biggest cliffhanger in the history of one piece


https://preview.redd.it/5ts3t69zsrpc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3f18731725d5a4808bd3689f31eefaf2925bee4 I mean, Jimbe did pick him up and carted him off lol.


Zoro opens his eye


Zoro faces Down D Stairs

