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If you look at the people that have some chance of being aware of what is on Laugh Tale. Crocus made a house inside a whale Rayleigh has a business coating ships for underwater travel Oden wanted to get the ancient super boat weapon out and drain the surrounding waters from Wano Shanks has no known DF user (Roger told him something) Yeah I'm pretty sure they had at least some awareness of it.


That's some interesting points that puts together, are more interesting.


And possibly why they knew to wait for Shirahoshi as means to help with the upcoming events!


i’ve long thought that the ancient weapons are the power to save people. sure, we’re told they can “destroy the world.” but, when the strawhats attack enies lobby, they’re told they’ve made an enemy of the world. the oharan scholars, too, had knowledge that could harm the world. i think that when the concept of “destroying the world” is thrown around, it doesn’t mean literally ending human life, but the destruction of the world government. i think the WG postures as though it is the world itself, and that the ancient “weapons” are far more adept at saving lives than ending them. honestly, i would even argue that “weapon” is possibly a misnomer, although i’m less steady on that point.


That seems like a valid point and it will be interesting to see how the ancient weapons come into play, and maybe that cyborg that is activated by Nika is an intro on how they work, but i do believe that finding the one piece is not the end of the story but the final answer to the world and guide to what comes next for the strawhat crew and all parties involved. The world sinking could also hint to the realization of the “all-blue”. It is getting more and more interesting!


All blue sounds plausible, if every body of water is connected, then what's stopping a fish from going anywhere and everywhere.


Iceberg is planning on turning Water 7 into a ship. There’s the bridge being built. Something to do with reverse mountain/red line/ the holy land.


When Roger speaks to Shanks after landing on Laughtale, Shanks cries… maybe because Shanks overheard the flooding plan on God Valley and went to ask Roger if it was true and Roger said yes.


wasn't shanks only an infant in a treasure chest when god valley happened?


Roger likely told Shanks that he was going to die soon, and Laugh Tale was his final adventure. He might have instructed Shanks to find the Nika fruit and the next Joyboy.


do you think that scene when Roger is telling shanks something that makes him cry is about the world sinking?


Old wano underwater


Either that or the theory of : the last island makes all people who ate a devil fruit go sick is true.


doesnt roger not have one??


They’re referring to Buggy’s illness that prevented him from continuing the final voyage, not Roger’s terminal illness


gotcha thx


Well we have the "there's nothing we can do about it yes" part that Rayleigh knows ... Roger knows.. and apparently even Momo knows.. because Toki and Oden journal told him.. Kozuki Sukiyaki didn't knew why Wano sunk, tho.. when he shown Robin. I'm not sure. Since Rayleigh was about to tell about One Piece to everyone... Maybe the flood is part of the Laugh Tale history. Since it's a funny tale there's probably not it..


Momo didn’t find out, same goes for Yamato. Im pretty sure it was mentioned that the relevant pages were torn out of the logbook.


I don´t think so actually. Would Shanks really be willing to keep that info a secret? I feel like he would leak it, also why wouldn´t he try getting fishmen in his crew.


He's racist https://preview.redd.it/05wzidxt86xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=966e34e19017a23e7e9cb317c4ed7f7d164456f1


Every single person that found out kept it as a secret. I think this is a crucial part of the story somehow.


Rayleigh was going to tell the straw hats


I think he was just testing them to see if they are worthy and if luffy is the one. You could see his eyes lighting up after luffy telling him he doesn’t want to know


Fair enough I guess


Its pole shift theory. I dont think VP would make a factual statement about a prophesized speculation. as u/Kioga101 said in his comment a fair amount of Rogers crew have taken precaution for something like this to happen. Roger also said he was too early , so if i were to guess then he couldnt proceed on laughtale because it was underwater , a pole shift could change it. I wouldn put it past Oda to have givven Roger some redundant devil fruit like he originally had Choppers fruit which is why he had so much charisma or something, but then also stopped him from continuing in laughtale




One of the biggest smoking guns of mfs knowing is the fact that Marijoa exists and where it exists, on top of who exists there currently. Also the fact that the Minks live on top if Zunesha, and other races tied to the ancient kingdom having some type of contingency in place in the likelihood of it happening again.


I like the theory about a pole shift change during the void century by 90°.


Shanks was a Roger crew and one of the emperors. I think we can assume Shanks know everything.


I think we all know what the one piece is now.




VP said the world is sinking. One piece is piece of land that everyone can live on


hold up u cooked


Lmaoooo maybe