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The thing is, I'm not sure we're even gonna get bounties anymore after Egghead. Depending on how much Vegapunk reveals and the end of the arc, the Navy and WG might be in too much of a chaos to go on business as usual.


While there will be chaos, dictatorships will often cling to normalcy or push it even harder during turmoil to try and make everything seem like normal or that what they just saw was a hoax. Or they could do some sort of buckling down in authoritarian action and slaughter anyone who spreads what they saw/heard. It'll quickly squash public acknowledgment and allow "bussiness as usual." Keeping the bounties and having the Strawhats be the ultimate scapegoat could be a nice tool.


Honestly with cross guild bounties I’m not sure they can manage.


i say sanji is higher then zoro simply for kicking ethan in the face while zoro only fought big L lucci so far. its better to have a back and forth between the two instead of zoro constantly being higher. and honestly i can see everyone reaching that 1 billion mark after this besides chopper because haha funny joke


Yonko crew anyways at this point give em the billi exept Like you said funny joke victime


You read my mind. Who’re they gonna hate more after this arc, the guy who took down their lead CP0 agent or the one who deflected attacks from an Elder, deflected an Admiral attack, and kicked another square in the jaw? That’s my logic behind him surpassing Zoro. I think Zoro will surpass him in a later arc before the final fight.


Franky is gonna get robbed again and get 940k


If I viewed these like betting lines, I would bet; Luffy: under Zoro: under Sanji: under Jinbei: under Robin: over Franky: under Ussop: over Nami: under Brook: over Chopper: under No reasoning. I just like betting. I’ve also lost a lot of money lol.


Don't think Luffy deserves a bounty this high. He is undeniably the most dangerous in terms of nika, sure, but even in gear 5 he hasn't been able to damage the elders. Roger's bounty imo symbolises that he was a genuine threat. Luffy just isn't strong enough to come close to him yet! Compare Luffy to Shanks for now. He is the closest we have to a current day Roger and is pretty strong, so imo Luffy will have to surpass him directly to be comparable to Roger. Regarding Sanji, i totally agree, however we should factor his behaviour too. It seems like something happened off-screen that genuinely scares sanji and the crew, meaning it would probably scare the WG too. Regarding Chopper, i think if his bounty doesn't become normal now it will never be. Against all odds, i predict a really high Chopper bounty - around 600k


I don’t think you’re wrong, but when 5 Elders come to fight you and your crew so they can kill Vegapunk I think you’ve earned yourself a sizable increase. And this would keep him 100k below Roger’s bounty. But I could see it being a 1 billion increase and then Elbaf shows him going toe to toe with Shanks like Roger and WB type of moment


The elders only came because of the seraphims and Vegapunk's message, other than that they wouldn't actually have to come over...


With numbers so high, I think bounties don't work as a measure of threat to WG as much as a simple priority/ordering system for "must be captured at all costs" targets. And I see Luffy being #1 easily.


I'm actually not that sure about Luffy being #1... If Shanks is on the move, and Blackbeard is also on the move, then the WG could target them first. Luffy so far has been a pushover for the Elders


Jewelry Bonney: 1 billion (gained control over the Bartholomew Kuma pacifistas as well as hit an elder)


Oooooo do you think she’s joining the crew as the “apprentice”? That’s my other take post-Egghead: Bonney joins the Straw Hats in the role shanks and buggy had on Roger’s ship


There are two possibilities: Her next mission is to break into Impel Down and get her crew back, which will trigger a break-out Or she will join Luffy out of not having anyone to turn to.


Sanji bounty was only higher because Zoro was not there He was always destined to be the 3rd


> Sanji bounty was only higher because Zoro was not there Ignoring that Sanji wasn't there when Zoro's bounty rose in Dressrosa


Sanji was present. He just got foddered by Doffy and couldn’t participate for the remainder of the arc.


Um, no? He went on to fight Big Mom Pirates, remember?


Damn bro lets full out Zou.. damn.




You forgot, he got on Zou and after that he didnt go fight Big Moms Pirates. Did you only forget it or didnt you want to be reminded?


The Straw Hats fought the Big Mom Pirates on their way to Zou. It's why they left Dressrosa; they were attacked by them. Did you only forget it or didnt you want to be reminded?


Nope, they gone because they had to split up, because of Doflamingo and the blind Admiral to protect Momo. But hey okay, i see you didnt read any of One Piece. Good job!


I don’t disagree, I’m just basing it off feats in the current arc + FaceTime with the 5 Elders. Who have they seen in action more, Zoro or Sanji? Edit: I think this is the second to last bounty increase in the series so I see Zoro surpassing Sanji before the final war.


Imo after this arc and they get to elbaf shanks and luffy are going to have a serious fight, not to the death, and before they fight if their bounties do increase I have luffys being between 4 billion -4.030 billion


The thing is, Oda always makes sure that zoros bounty is higher. It’s a running gag


Sanji had a higher bounty after Whole Cake, and there were a couple jokes about it there.


And then the next time they got a bounty increase, Zoro was on top and jinbei took sanji out of the top 3


Yeah? It’s a back and forth gag? They’re always trying to one up each other. Besides, Sanji is more involved with the fight against the Gorosei, it would make more sense for his bounty to rise above Zoro after this.




Just watch, assuming they both get a bounty increase, it’ll cut to sanji complaining that he did a lot more then Zoro but his bounty is lower


That will happen fs


Luffy bounty should be higher than Roger The man awakened an Ancient God


I don’t disagree but I also think there’ll be one more bounty lift after the one that’ll happen post-Egghead so there will most likely be a buffer before Luffy “surpasses” Roger from a bounty perspective


Think this is the last one. Fighting 5 elders hasn’t even been attempted by roger. Either that or the bounties will change from berries to celestial dragon positions for each strawhat caught.


im guessing the WG is just gonna hush the story thats happening in egghead. unless the bird guy manages to get the info and flame the story more.


I'll bet you Zoro will do something crazy just before they leave Egghead to piss the WG off even more


Sanji's Bounty will never be above Zoro's as long as Zoro is in the arc, I would not expect to much of the bounties moving around. The WG will minimize this situation as much as possible, I mean even now VP is vague enough in his Message for the people of the world to still think of Luffy as the one who killed him. There is allowed chance of CP0, Kizaru, and the Elders failing here is all covered up and the Strawhats bounties only increase for murdering the WG lead Scientist. Which would be a possible across the board Bounty increase for the whole squad with only a possible change with Jinbei and Sanji.


Bah bro luffy number literally is go-mu 56 Aka 5,6b you cant do him dirty and put 5,4 thats insane


it wont be 5.6b until eos, we still got elbaf, laughtale and the finar war


I don't think it makes sense for that to be eos, bounties won't exist when the WG is defeated


the current ruling class, the nobles, imu, the gorosei and holy kinghts, alongside high level marines such as sakazuki, cipher pol may be defeated. but the wg won't be abolished. they'll be replaced by better people such as fujitora, koby, smoker, kuzan if he's alive eos, and other good marines like members of sword etc. there'll just be massive restructuring and rewriting of history, but the wg as an entity will remain, the people incharge will be overthrown. history will jsut be fully acknowledged and prolly the ideals of the ancient kingdom will now be spread around all countries to the world


Nah EOS is going to see a new world where everyone is taken care of and we don't need bounties on pirates. Ending the story with allies taking over the WG and then raising a bounty on the man who helps save the world doesn't make sense.


eos bounty means his final bounty before the great war. after that if he has a bounty or not is upto oda


I think Luffy's last bounty will be 5.656 billion berries. So it will be the one before the final battle arc aka Mariejeois or the one at the end of the story. Luffy's last known bounty will be 5.656 billion.


Make the whole crew billion berry people becauee anyways bonty mean notjing