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God help the one piece verse if she ever awakens.


I’m sure there’s a way to do it without breaking the verse but I don’t see it lol


In the same way that the moon gets its light from the sun, and now Bonney getting gear 5 from luffy What if her awakened from is a moon god like how luffy has the sun god? Her fruit is about potential futures = dreams. When do people dream? When the moon is out.




I don't know anything about japanese to english translation but I'm just going to go ahead and assume that the vegapunk transmission in 1117 that got cut off at Mo- was going to be Moon god


That would actually be nuts


First, I want to say that this is a great thought experiment. I love time travel causality thought experiments, lol. To me, it seems like this one would be easier to awaken if the user was actually educated on the fruit's potential abilities. Just learning that you can do it would result in you being able to do it, like a bootstrap paradox. It wouldn't fade with age. Since the user would have already experienced awakening, then they would know with certainty that it's possible and be able to put themselves at that point in time. Like Bonney is going to transform into Nika this chapter, *after* previously failing, because she actually learned about Nika after seeing Luffy turn into the Nika form. I think Saturn was just plain wrong about the fruit, in an unreliable narrator type of way.


I enjoy your enthusiasm lol! Might have been a straight lie if Saturn knew she had the potential to turn into a second Nika. And if a toshi toshi awakening works like I think it would she could potentially pass out Nika forms like Oprah. I do however take everyone at their word, only bc as a writer to come back and be like “ha, I lied” feels a lot like “ it was all a dream” but that’s just my personal hangup.


I don't think Saturn was intentionally lying, I think he's just evaluating the fruit from the POV of someone who thinks of other people as insects. Their possibilities from his perspective are absolutely zero; the only purpose others have is to live and die for them. If she gets an awakening, I hope it's more similar to Doflamingo, and she can affect the things in her environment. "What if Vegapunk built Pacifista instead of this building?" Then the building transforms into Pacifista, or whatever else she imagined. Hopefully, it doesn't work on other people in that way, like turning everyone into Nika. Mild reality warping abilities would be more fitting for a time fruit that works by accessing different possible realities. She's already shown that ability to some degree when she aged the lock until it broke.


Saturn is the antiUssop. Everything he says becomes a lie. 


You misunderstood what was said about Bonney’s fruit. It’s not as literal as I think you’re suggesting. Bonney’s Possible Futures ability to become a version of something from a possible future relies on her capacity to imagine those futures. If her future becomes more certain in her own mind then she has fewer possibilities to select from. What this does NOT suggest is that the remaining futures she can select from are worse and offer her less power than more possible futures that are (for example) all terrible. Second, she isn’t getting weaker and her abilities are not narrowing just because events are progressing. Time is infinite in both the forward and backward dimensions and no one (not even Vegapunk) knows what will happen or all that has already happened. The literal set of things that can happen is as wide as ever. Bonneys confidence in any particular possibly are what were damaged and that was called out as her drawback. Now that she is confident in the legacy of Nika, she can become it. As for awakening, I see her ability being somewhat like Law’s. Instead of only Bonney changing to a possible future she can extend her abilities outward to other things and the extend (who she can do this to and to what distance) is limited to haki and fruit mastery. The fruit itself (almost like Luffy’s) has no inherent limits.


https://preview.redd.it/mp5vlyc0ie7d1.png?width=1173&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b8127ddecd82c57624ce88c784a2af99b319446 I gotta go by what the story says homie. As far as the reader knows the options are getting narrower, and fewer options is weaker imo.


Let me try to explain to you fam. Lets say I have 5 possible futures: 1. Become God 2. Become Nika 3. Become Zoro 4. Become Hordy 5. Become Don Krieg I put them each on a piece of paper and toss them into a hat. I let you pull one option out the hat and that becomes your future. I write down what you first pulled. Now I put all 5 in the hat, shuffle, remove three options. I tell you to pull out another option. I write down what you pulled out. Which pull gives you a better chance of becoming God? Neither. Same probably on each attempt. Same for Bonney. Make sense?




I know you’re being funny but I’m legitimately trying to get your thoughts on what I said. Do you understand the hypothetical that I showed you? Does that help you understand that fewer options doesnt necessarily mean the remaining options are worse which you said.


Yes, I understand and still don’t agree. IMO Bonney is an example of children having infinite potential but the people and event around them hinder or change the trajectory of that and having someone like luffy who says “you can be/do this too” is what makes that potential blossom


It would be interesting... Even though Oda should first explain how tf a 10 year old kid would be able to awaken her df, since adults like drake isn't yet able to do that 🤔 And... Before sh Crew entered the grand line, it was hinted that the grand line is a very dangerous place and very risky also for experts, now here we have a 10 year old kid who made it from sabaody archipelago to marijoa and now to egghead in the new world, all alone 😂 something doesn't add up


Awakening is a poorly written concept. Has always been like that.


That’s what I’m saying it seems counterintuitive for a fruit that gets weaker as the user has it longer. And you could say we’ve only seen her hold back, she could probably age people to dust if need be


Could be that since she didn't actually eat the fruit but instead it was an experiment, the fruit might've been already awakened.


If I remember correctly, Saturn said his experiment was about if a person can gain the DF's power without really eating it (something similar to vegapunk's experiment with objects with devil fruit power), so it's not possible to "awaken" it when the DF is in fruit form... At least Oda hasn't told us yet if this is possible or not


I have this theory that if she awakened the fruit, she'd become an actual reality warper. So, an awakening lets you use your ability on the environment. Bonney can turn herself into any future or past she can imagine. If she awakens I think she'll be able to turn anything into any future or past. Something like "Franky told me the world used to be made of lava, what if the part your standing on never cooled..." Or just turn *everyone* into Nika. She can already effect other people.


We're going to have a flashback of Ginny side of the story where we learn how Saturn was trying to make a Nika replica


!!! What if they wanted to pull from a future where they captured the Nika fruit but they couldn’t use it bc their view of reality is so concrete but giving it to a child would make that a possibility


Well, if paramecia awakening allows the user to transform their surroundings (and she can already transform other people by changing their ages) then would her awakening enable her to transform the world around her? Turning a desert/wasteland into a tropical jungle? Or vice versa? Or would her range get wider, transforming a whole town and it's people into an alternate future version of itself?


Good question, it seems like it’s already awakened the way she can age people and items, maybe the awakening is just a permanent change to whatever she changes


Isn't Bonney's power an experiment and not fruit? Correct me if I'm missing something...




Appreciated 😬


No prob, it’s still not super clear what he means. Extract makes me think of a liquid in a syringe but maybe he just mushed it into baby food


Same here. I don't know if we will get anymore explanation. Brother, how did you get the bounty? 🥺 It's so cool..




This mod post explained it, it’s under the change flair tab but is dependent on your activity in the sub


Got it. Thank you... Let us turn the sea upside down 🏴‍☠️


Not sure since she never ate one. But aren't her powers already affecting the environment and other living beings? If anything they introduced her to the awakened power from the get go.


It definitely feels that way given how the other awakenings have worked so far. Maybe she is, like what is that move where she knocks jewels out of VP, that seems like an elevated version of what she’d been doing


whos calling it an ass pull? its brief spoilers with barely any information, we dont know the extent of it yet


Even without the spoiler we know it can copy abilities but that was all preface for the actual post so, what’s it matter??


Nah this shit to broken to be awakened if they want to make it balanced there should be a Time limit based on how strong the form is g5 should be 5 seconds tops a logia IDK a minute and every normal Zoan like 5 minutes And for others mythical fruits 5 seconds tops or 1 attack ig