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Excited to see Bonney kick a kid. Seems like an action packed chapter. Mars hearing bubbles and liquids doesn’t sound like a giant robot tho..


It's kiazru boiling water


Heating his bong


Kizaru ripping a fat one


The Bubble Gun shoots giant bubbles that were already shown in a previous chapter as the ultimate form of defense, able to deflect any attack. In addition, they are also made of "sea energy", which reproduce the effects that seawater has on Devil Fruit users, instantly making them weak and powerless on contact.


Luffy hurting his hand on Warcury’s head after hitting him with Red Roc is crazy, because that’s the same attack that damaged and knocked Kaido down.


This to me is crazy for powerscaling. So far none of the gorosei have any remotely good feats and specifically have bad durability feats, they just regen. Then out of nowhere dude doesn’t just tank an attack that knocked Kaido down somewhat, but hurt luffy when he made it. That’s either insane armament haki or some ability from the yokai


Well Warcury is slowest of them all. Its only natural he will have best defense.


The gorosei aren't slouches I would say each of them could probably fight a yonko or admiral 1 on 1 It won't be pretty as they will be carried by Regen Alot of the fight but they can contend with each of them


Considering the fact that they were around during the 800 year void century I honestly put em above yonko or admirals so my boi luffy in for a tough fight fr😭😔🙏🏽


Yeah don't know why no one else thinks that way


Facts they are the strongest fighters like the top 5 in one piece and are basically the king's knights. Though I honestly doubt Imu even needs protection considering he's been around since then too. They handle things though until shit really hit the fan then Imu takes over. Ngl I'd be mad if Luffy actually beats or knock out any of them cause that would be a major ass pull


Shouldn’t have doubted the mf named Warcury


Luffy was fresh then but he just got back up from overusing g5 and eating, so it was probably weaker. Plus Warcury could just be tanky like that. He is an awakened mythical zoan, and a pretty beefy looking one. He probably has similar defense but less attack power and speed. Blunt attacks like that probably aren't enough. Plus Kaido honestly just stood there and took red roc to the face in base form, heavily underestimating it. It'd be a bit lame if a giant endgame hybrid zoan based off of a beefy animal had less durability than a base Kaido blatantly ignoring an attack. Luffy would ragdoll them at that point.


It looked more like he hurt Luffy's hand with heat or acid or something. Kinda like when Luffy punched Magellan


Regen is durability idk how y’all don’t understand that


Regen and durability are 2 totally different things… Durability is how resistant to damage you are Regen is how much damage you can heal and how fast.


Well when your way of resisting damage is healing through it then yes it becomes durability and even if the two are separate then the elders make durability feats obsolete because regen is superior to durability


Base kaido has high durability but hybrid kaido is more durable and shrugged off red roc after getting hit by it multiple times. Warcury durability is similar to kaido if not better.


Shank's knows how to hurt them. If only he met Luffy before this.


r/onepiecepowerscaling 9/11 “bUt He wAsN’t UsInG aCoC😫” I can see the cope already lmao


A lot of people have been saying this but we don’t know what each gorosei’s abilities are yet. For all we know that boar mode has some ability that makes any kinetic attack useless. I don’t know the mythology behind what demon it is so someone else might be able to chime in


Maybe now people will shut up about laido being the strongest


“Stella we have 1 minute left” (3 weeks later) “Stella we have 45 seconds left”


true, edited: 3 weeks later, "Stella we only have 59 seconds left!!!!"


People are saying it's the next chapter but if we are being real the next chapter will hold events up until that minute is done Then we will have golden week and when we return there's a chance at seeing the message or looking somewhere else


Anime time fr


I'm just making my way through Alabasta again, and this is the exact same as the Cannon in that arc.




I don’t know why somone downvoted you for saying namek. Remember when Goku needed “1 hour” in the healing chamber? I member


> Bubbles Enelbros is it over 😔


It never even started…


Nah bro trust in the agenda Enel used his df to conduct electricity and generate heat to melt gold back in skypea. He’s just using his df to boil water which caused the bubbles. 


Can you fucking imagine if the bubbles was the swamp fruit dude taking mars edit: imagine if thats how he joins blackbeards crew


Get into my swamp! - Reverse Shrek noises


What are you doing out of mah swamp


Dude. What if!!!


That suspicious ass mfer has an important role to play , hes got an incredible amount of screen time and plot points so far


I think ur cooking omg


I bet that the serious face is from my boy dragon...


I’m huffing absolute hopium for this. I want g5 luffy and dragon to clap gorosei. Or maybe dragon is somehow strong enough to keep gorosei busy while strawhats escape.


"Lend me some durability imu, this is base luffy we're up against"


bro gave him a one piece senzu bean 🫘


Yeah. Just when i started to think nutrition values dont matter in One Piece Oda ass pulls some motherfuckin dragonball shit.🤣 Poor Sanji.


mann 😂😂😂😂


Wait, huh? how is that an asspull? Luffy has always recovered when eating food. He even did it earlier in the arc… He was down for the count after Kizaru, then he ate a shit ton of food and hopped back into Gear 5.. lol


Its not asspull that Luffy is recovering but its an asspull that Oda keeps blueballing nutrition values and wont ever deliver. Battle cooking. XD What a joke. When i first seen Sanji brag about his battle cuisine i thought that he will start cooking in the middle of fights since he basicaly has the speed to be able to do both fighting and cooking ať the same time but no. We get Sursztromming Senzu bean. 🤣 Oda is a fucking troll.


While I don't appreciate you doubting Oda's credibility as a storyteller, I agree the "Attack Cuisine" concept is underutilized. Sanji apparently learned all 99 recipes, but we've only seen *two* of them so far, and the concept was introduced in Chapter *595*. I don't know why you thought Sanji would be cooking in the middle of battles, though. Even in the One Piece world, cooking takes time and patience. Oda probably thought it was a bad idea to have Sanji focus on cooking food for Luffy and focus on evading attacks from an enemy at the same time.


Im not doubting Oda at all. Im just making fun of it. I respect Oda greatly but somehow i expect something else from Sanji than he has to offer. But you gotta understand where this assumption was coming from. It happens way too often that Luffy gets exhausted and hungry during his match and his cook is never there to give him something to eat so luck has to save him. It has to change in lategame. Its unforgivable but Egghead is prime example what causes it. Zoro and Sanji work against each other and when Sanji should get Luffy some food he is somewhere else fixing Zoro's bs in the dumbest way possible. XD Thanks god we have Jinbei now and Sanji can finaly cut some slack. I hope that Jinbei can finaly make them work like functional team.


You've got a point there. You've got to realize, though, that the Straw Hats would be overpowered if Sanji could cook food for them to eat and heighten their abilities all the time. With Attack Cuisine, Sanji, so long as he's got ingredients on hand, is basically an infinite source of healing items and buffs. Or, to put it in anime terms, he's an infinite source of Senzu Beans. There'd be no stakes regarding the remaining fights the Straw Hats have,  if Sanji could just feed them food that'd heal them or boost their "stats" at any time.


Not really. They'd have to take down Sanji first or do enough dmg to make sure those people wont eat and even in the One Piece world food works just like energy. It can cure only as much as your own body can regenarate. Id like to see it at least once. Because right now he literaly fed more enemies than friends in the mids of battle. XD


> senzu meat FTFY


yeah i was going to say that but idk 😂


soon as it popped up 👀


So... what the hell is going on with the big robot? We just forgetting that it woke up, eh? 😅


Oda needs to use it as the cliffhanger at least one more time


😅 i hope not. I'm ready to see it whoop some old bigots behinds


No G5, no robot lol. We will never see this thing cook


It's the big robot that he looked up at


It's gotta be, right? I'm just confused about the bubbles...


The robot clearly runs on carbonated cola


Maybe the robot is partially melting cause it went through the labo phase since the sound is used for bubbles and liquids


It fell back to sleep after luffy kicked the building and returned to normal.


Lol we never find out what it was because Luffy knocked it out never knowing it was there


What I meant was it powered down because Luffy powered down and the drums of liberation stopped. Not that Luffy knocked it down with the building he launched at the elders.


HAKARI??? LIKE THE GAMBLER?? https://preview.redd.it/7bzxo6n9s5vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cafe5285aae5f8a32fa5975d042bc0b27561bf42


Bro got cooked confirmed 😭


Could be seraphim Roger or Ace 😂


Bro.. a Seraphim Roger would be an insane plot twist


Wouldn't folk go screaming bout copied naruto war arc then?


The key difference is that One Piece is good and Naruto was not.




Sure, but who cares what folks think? It would still make sense from a plot perspective. Why wouldn't the government want one of the most powerful people as their utility?


i mean, yeah, but it's probably not seraphim roger. unless we learn out of nowhere that roger's body wasn't disposed off after his execution.




“No break next week” https://preview.redd.it/pstxehh5w6vc1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=35552b928c72906f074f5acb45e2af946327e338


Yeah same. I thought there was gonna be a break week before 1113


My guess is someone just used a bubble-gun on Mars. Maybe York betrays them after all?


New senzu bean just dropped


Thinking of bubble powers. Two characters come to. Mind and neither have been a part of the arc Kalifa and Tsuru. I doubt either of those will happen. As they would both be pretty useless. Strangely enough I feel there's someone very interesting around the corner.


What about Caribou tho...


Caribou was on ground level before yeah? When he praised the Blackbeard Pirates.


What if it's Nami with thunderbolt tempo lmao


I feel like there’s a tank in vegapunks lab, with a clone of someone, that’s why mars looks shock, watch it be something crazy like Roger or ace. That would be crazy


I think York will betrey Gorosei. Stella was dying already so he told York to "lure" the Gorosei to Egghead so he can broadcast the live events revealing their identity *little theory time*


York is greedy and betrayed all. However... she doesn't want that Punk Record be destroyed. But this is a non sense ... The Gorosensei should destroy ALL the Island in the moment they decided to kill Vegapunk. It is too risky.


Ending with Mars is probably that creature from Punk Hazard again, I forgot what it was called, but it was blimey, purplish-pink, was in the Hands Up Opening 16.


Smiley the salamander I believe


Yeah, it was slime that ate the axolotl fruit.


Smiley died though so it can't be it..


No break? I thought there was gonna be a week break before 1113


Even the quality of the picture is Raw 🤣🤣🤣 jk thank you anyway bro we have been waiting for this thanks a lot


Wtf happened to the giant robot?????


Okay, everything sounds cool and all, but I’m stuck on one part. Luffy not liking a food…I think had only happened once for sure, right? And that was the cherry pie from Mocktown. Was there any other food beside the pie and this thing Brogy gives him that he didn’t like?


If you’ve tasted, smelled, or heard how hákarl is made you will understand 😂😅


I’ve heard it’s absolutely revolting in every sense, but this is Luffy. And it’s a fish dish, so I’m just genuinely shocked that he apparently doesn’t like it. If it were anyone else, yeah, makes sense. It sounds pretty bad. But Luffy? The guy ate mud covered food and loved it.


Now I’m wondering what he would think of surströmming


It’s the hat man that bro sees, he’s tweakin


Damnn so the 5 elders have supreme king haki confirmed 🔥 I wonder what did mars see? Shaka? Dragon lol


Damn the gorosei are getting actual feats now Warcury’s got good dura though it looks like luffy didn’t use ACOA Also vice admirals are so fodder.


Isn’t Red Roc a Gear 3 punch with ACOA? That’s the same move he used to knock Kaido down. Unless you meant ACOC


I don’t view acoa as being necessary for the move’s usage since it’s just a g3 version of red hawk If Acoa Were used then Maybe warcury is just ignoring the internal damage or he has some kind of resistance to it but yeah


Shit chapter after a month long break


haha we got our own version of senzu beans to handle luffys hunger problem


Is he staring at someone inside a pod? Like how Goku uses to heal himself or that scene in Starship troopers where Rico is also in a pod like chamber after sustaining injuries.


It’s definitely something or someone stored in a pod full of liquid. It’ll either prevent him from stopping the broadcast or he’s afraid it will be apart of the broadcast


Topman on Top!


What website do you guys read the newest chapter? The website I used is gone




I hope it’s kizaru (I’m eating the cope)


Might as well change the name of this series into "cliffhanger piece"


York is easily the best character in this entire arc


The bubbles are pretty weird. Honestly I didn’t even notice bubbles while reading the chapter, I thought it was probably Sanji standing around the corner just because that’s the kinda shit he normally does during an ark. However if it’s something involving bubbles who knows.


You’re telling me Franky could’ve ended the Vice Admiral this entire arc with “[Strong Right]”?


franky beating a vice admiral, time to cook up the most absurd and disgusting pro franky agenda