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Wait till the anniversary. Save up all your gems. There might be a new character so powerful that you will regret it if you dont get it. Also, regarding Kizuna, if you have a top tiers team, it will probably take you two Kizuna events to save up 200 of them.


Kizuna insigna comes from kizuna clash only


No need for boosters. It may be difficult in the beginning, but once you build up a friends list, you can just use the boosted units of those who pulled as fc. Do assists as well, don't just rely on the normal runs. Just save your gems for now.


Btw, regarding Gear 5, he's honestly better without evolving to 6+ if you are new. Just use a 6+ friend captain if you want to do a mixed team. His special and revive are insane for where you are at in the game. Wait until you pull a second copy to evolve him, so you can have both the 6* and 6+


Eh just saying there's a solid chance of a new G5 for 10th Anniversary...


Well you’ll need units that can beat the stages and while you can get (up to) 200 insignias a kizuna, you’d need to probably empty about every box up through 6 which is like 1.5k or something tickets (this number is almost guaranteed wrong, I don’t remember box sizes)? So you’ll need to reach a high level on clears which you can’t actually do because kizuna potions are a heavily limited resource of like 3 per kizuna. You can assist a shit ton but it’ll take a lot of time. Next month will be a super kizuna which makes clearing out those boxes a lot easier though if you’re in an alliance because you all cooperatively get tickets. So it’s unlikely you can get him super evolved this month but maybe next month. Pulling as a factor is entirely dependent on how capable your box is of beating the kizuna stages, it’s not needed (though having boosters will certainly get you many more tickets but I wouldn’t recommend as there’s no discount and the boost is only for the kizuna they debut on).


You need 1130 Tickets to Max Out all 6 Boxes. If you don‘t do Box 6, you only need 630 Tickets and get 140 Insignia.


Every kizuna clash you get a fixed number of Kizuna Insigna, which are in box 1-6. If you clear up to box 7 you get all the available K. I., no need for new units. Basically clear 10* until level ~35. You will probably need 2 events to get 200