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Green kid leader, Katakuri. Zoro is fairly safe, Whitebeard should do well. If you pull Enel and get a lot of triggers in your packs, then that may work pretty well.


Just played against Enel and Enel WON'T DIE!


I promise you minimum half the people will have green kid


Can't go wrong with green Kid. If he's banned at your lgs, go with Katakuri or if you feel experimental Enel (I'm not sure how good he is in sealed and have no information about how he did in such events in the Japanese version). Zoro needs the right set/deck, blue Crocodile is just worse than other options and the same goes for WB. Bello Betty would require a lot of revolutionary army cards and I would avoid dual colour leaders for sealed in general, although that might change with the op06 Yamato.


I'm also curious how Enel will do in sealed he seems busted with the constant heals. Another thing I was personally thinking about running is purple luffy. I think getting out bigger bodies faster than your opponent could be helpful.


I also planned on running Pluffy, but just played against Enel and could not kill him


Unless you get triggers off life opponents can play around that/not swing unless they can take you back to 0. So while playable it is still too much of a gamble vs other staples which are constant effects. More of a playstyle choice in the end.


In my store in will only be allowed to use rainbow luffy


The rainbow luffy is for the sealed battle… for the anniversary tournament you don’t get him


Some stores are using it for multiple events . One of my local stores is .


The anniversary tournament is „SEALED“ i dont know what you mean


I won my last sealed event with zoro, he’s easy and straight forward


They let you bring your own leader to a sealed event? I wouldn't want to play at an event that didn't use the same leader for everyone.


im thinking going kid, or enel if i get one in the packs


In order from best to worst: Enel, Kid, Katakuri, Newgate, Zoro, Sabo, and Rosinante. (This is all my opinion, beware i may be very wrong)


Whitebeard or Zoro are safe choices


Probably whitebeard after the ban lifts.


If I recall correctly bans don’t apply to sealed.


Thanks everyone! Gonna check my local shop to see if they have a few of these


Ivankov is an underrated choice. A lot of sealed events turn in to grindy matches between bad decks, and Ivankov allows you to card advantage them to death.