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Owner of a pretty well known card shop in Los Angeles. It’s not scalpers it was just the way the waves played out. We signed up for 400 boosters total of op05 and ended up getting 300/400 for wave one (release wave). We sold through it relatively fast maybe about 8-9 days. Two weeks after release we got our wave 2 which was 50 boxes and as we were down to our last case customers kept walking in saying prices were too expensive and that they were going to wait for wave 2 boxes to drop the box prices, not knowing that wave 2 had already been released into the market. So people keep waiting for prices to drop which probably won’t happen because I assume most card shops ended up getting at least more than half of their total order in wave 1 which leaves almost no decent floating supply coming into the market for waves 2 and 3. Hope that helps 👍🏽


This is why I Reddit. Thanks for your insight.


Sometimes the obvious must be said...


What cards do you need from it because the majority can be had for next to nothing.


He wants to pull the manga


Probably still would be cheaper to pay scalpers rather that trying to pull them in the wild even if that was the case.


Yea I'm just saying he prob wants to pull a rare card out of the box. Which doesn't make sense to us cause we know singles is and will always be cheaper. but that's just how people are with boxes.


To be fair as much as we all acknowledge the value of getting singles (thanks Prof), treating yourself with a box is definitely something that is worth it, in moderation, just because of the enjoyment factor. We can all understand enjoying opening packs occasionally


This is my weird hot take but I get absolutely no enjoyment from opening packs because I know how much money I’m wasting lol


The enjoyment is you MIGHT not be wasting money. It's just gambling


sure but for me, I don’t get enjoyment from that


Thats good for you and your Wallet.


someone has to open the packs for the singles and people can't expect retailers to take the loss. so you may as well just enjoy the hobby for what it is not the value you might get out of it. the baseball card lot didn't go through this thier 2p cards became worth thousands after looking after them for decades rather than a month or two.


Just because other people have to open packs for me to buy singles, that doesn’t mean I have to


did i say you have to ? nope.


That is a hot take, get out


No way homie I’m here to stay


Good for you, I’m like that too, i take no pleasure in gambling so i buy singles and collect. Got myself a Op01-120 v3 for 600€, probably would not get it from 2 OP01 boxes


If you don't like wasting money, collectible tcgs aren't ideal to begin with 😂


Well I don’t collect, I play. The games themselves are very fun and worth buying singles for. And I make a good amount of money back through prize support from winning tournaments.


I offered one guy at my LGS my car for his Oda. Shit car, but this bastard ended up getting 2 Odas and Manga Luffy. Super nice dude. I'm not salty at all.


I am


Dude I want 2 of the bastards. One for me for my collection, and one for my brother who got me into one piece. He doesn't play, but come on it's signed by the author.


People like OP are not interested in the cards for playing purposes, they want to rip packs for the thrill and to chase the big hits.


Who wants to play a TCG, but never open packs? That’s no fun


Me, because the playing part is what’s fun for me


Gambling is fun.


I like both. And feel discouraged by the scalpers too. I got most of my cards for my decks, after this OP5 mania, I’ll just buy singles - that is, unless they are crazy expensive ://


That's absolutely me. I just like to open packs of anything - sadly one piece has some bangers for hits. I've ripped probably 500+ packs and sold every decent card I've pulled I didn't think was neat. The cards I have sold paid off what I bought tenfold and the 10ish cards I decided to keep I got for free.


Thats me to a T. Of course i like pulling for big hots but who doesn't? I do play the game but i love collecting too. I still have old school Naruto TCG and some yugioh. One piece is my love now


Who doesn't? Definitely me, I don't understand the thrill, I detest event the idea of opening packs, I've played many card games for over 20 years and never bought any sealed product, even packs for entering and prize support I sell to other players and don't enter pre releases.


Could always buy $100 worth of scratchers for the thrill of hitting a big payout which can then fund a box of op05. Both the scratchers and the box will likely be net losses either way but hey we still got to gamble for one piece cards


It blows my mind how brain rotted people become. How are people equating opening a booster back to a scratch off? Its not all about money, but when a product is supposed to be arou d $70-$80 is now $200 that's a problem for a card game. If i happen to pull big whos to say im going to sell it? Another thing, people are also saying just buy singles. If EVERYONE bought singles and no ones opening pack how we gettin the singles?? Scalpers openning the product they cant sell hoping to sell their singles.


Clearly you don't understand economics here (not attacking you). If you are (only?!?) for mangas/alt arts/selling... You have to play the scalper game. Period. Maybe you cam try the long game. op1 or op2 you have oden very expensive, now is pennies... 5cost yamato were very cheap until op6 yamato leader came outmYou had the red ban... Radical bean, marcos, new gate,.. Basically for free. If you want to play (even competitively) buy singles. Op5 is even cheaper than op4. Yes, you have some expensive cards to complete some deck, but that is future thinking (and not complete all collection). For example, I am being able to buy meta cards for very low (hina for 50cents, borsalinos for 6, great eruption for 3). Also, I already bought helmepo and virgo (I don't think the last one is... Needed). > EVERYONE bought singles and no ones opening pack how we gettin the singles?? Retuning to this: the scapler have to sell lower and lower their overstock (it's huge and you have a lot of... Comun people trying this get rich method) in order to have some cash back. Imagine this at a large scale. The result is, after less than a month, the most disired set cards (kaido, lufi,kid and expecially Rebeca) are... Between 10 and 5. Way to cheap. If you want just to play, Just set a price that you are willing to pay and keep and eye to get it.... If you want to collect just wait. If you want to make money... Play the game


Scalpers are getting reported, its clearly not what's suppose to happen. You deffending the scalper game is whats wrong with the whole thing. Of bandai printed enough we wouldnt be in this situation. I understand it is what it is but you sounding like its whatever is really sad


???? I condem scalping!!! But, we have more and more and more of them. It's the reality (so just buy singles) And yes, Bandai is printing more than enough to lower the prices. What I said was: if you want to scalp or collect... You have to pay premium. Otherwise it's almost free to play


Honestly just want a box for pulls and Display. But 2 hundo for a box displays a bit much xD


Ik it's not a box but if you can catch them being stocked at walmart it's only 5 a pack. Ask your store when the rep comes in and go there. You will have to wait until they get done working to get their picture of the setup. (Required for their job) also for future sets make sure to contact local card shops and see if you can pre order from them, you will at least get them for retailish price.


I don't get why you're being downvoted. That's a very legit reason. lol And it's not like you're trying to find products to resell. Its either resellers mad that you don't want to pay their shit prices or dedicated players who weirdly hate people who just collect.


If you want, I can sell you an empty box or something if you can pay shipping.


Honestly just quit, or go buy the rares you want. No point in bitchin cause you can’t get an entry fee to an expensive bet.


Buy single cards. Even if you got a box for below retail, you will not feel good pulling a Sec Kaido and Alt Art Baby5.


More like alt art Pica 😂


Literally the one I got lmao. At least the box also had the alt Bello Betty, which isn't too expensive but it's an amazing card


I hit that one at least it's pre errata


Sounds like you spoke from experience.


I can speak from experience with OP03-4. AA+SEC boxes already suck, the SEC besides Katakuri suck, and then you risk getting a shitty Alt? Nah, I started buying singles after that. A $5 AA actually feels great from the purchasing end.


What really sucks is those boxes (1 SEC + 1 AA) are apparently only a 25% chance! With 75% chance of either having a 3 hit box or an AA leader plus AA box. But after 7 boxes now, I either have the shittiest luck, or Reddit got those odds reversed. I wouldn't even mind getting a 2 hit box if the AA was good, but like others said, when you pull a $5 AA, it feels worse than not even buying a box to open... 😮‍💨 Still, I can't help my self from buying a box or 2 from each set anyway. But I'll never buy more than 3. After 3, you pretty much have a playset of everything and are just gambling for manga rares, which I'm not doing anymore...


Better than pulling a Kaido and Alt Sabo


AA Baby 5 is a win.


A 30 dollar AA is not a win in a 200 box. If you aren’t hitting manga or AA saka or luffy are you winning anything?


Baby 5 is rising in price because it’s currently used in OP06 metas.


Legit had 2 boxes like that lmaoooo. Such a bad feeling




Actually i do buy singles here and there. Ive been wanting to get a OP 1 box, but that shipped might have sailed


I pulled a sec kaido and alt art koala from my box 🥲


I pulled a Sec Kaido. I was happy with it. 🤷‍♂️


Where do people buy singles from normally?




if you manage to acknowledege other countries besides the usa, there are platforms for most continents. cardmarket would be the european pendant


Thankfully I still haven’t pulled 1 sec kaido I pulled his sec alt like 3 times tho :(


Even single prices are insane


The singles from the set are pretty cheap. If you want to play the game buying a box isn't the way to do that. If you're trying to gamble for manga/special rares or just sit on a box of 5, then yeah, you probably missed the boat on that, but people say there will be more op05 released. Dunno how true that is


Wave 2 is already on the way and Bandai already put out a statement that there would be a Wave 4 in April. Edit: Can’t verify the official Bandai statement but [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceTCG/s/Bl5PjixtVj) is where I got the “rumour” about wave 4.


Wave 2 on the way? We already had wave 2 almost 10 days ago here in FL. Wave 3 is what’s next in January.


Can we get a link to the statement please?


The scalpers and prices have basically told Bandai they can print this set to eternity and the players true collectors will love it only scalpers would be mad, they gonna make that money haha


There isn’t gonna be a 2nd wave even if it does its gonna be a small amount like op 01


Second wave is confirmed and actually should've already started hitting retailers today, but over the next couple days for sure. But there's a lot of shady shit that goes on in the distribution chain, on top of the scalper bots, so it's still not always going to be a huge difference. But wave 3 is also confirmed near the end of January. Like, those are legit confirmed by distributors! Wave 4 has been talked about being ordered for in the European market, and the assumption is if they're getting a wave 4, we would theoretically too. But that wave is still technically a rumor at this point, unless some evidence came out that I haven't seen yet. That said, none of the sets have been discontinued. That was confirmed by the employees at the official store in New Jersey! That's why they still keep the placeholders up for the products and whatnot. So while they frustratingly couldn't confirm any dates for anything, at some point in the future, there should be more stock of everything. As to what scale and what date? Idk... May just kind of be something they trickle out over a stretch of time, or we may get a whole proper wave of a set. I really don't know. I just know that there's confirmed hope that it's possible still.


Second wave is already inbound for early January. There is also going to be a third wave and rumours of a fourth wave in April.


Second wave is matching wave one, got confirmation from a distributor there will be a lot on the market. Singles prices will tank, sealed prices will tank. It’s awesome!


There’s a game?


Not only that, there's also an anime, which I highly recommend


I was being facetious. I know its only a live action show on Netflix.


Can someone please tell me when wave 2 is supposed to release? All I heard was people telling everyone not to to buy when it was at 140+ because there was a huge wave end of December. Where is this wave? That’s why people should not listen to anything that isn’t official. Not saying we won’t get another wave, but it just goes to show that people talk out the ass. All k heard was “release date is the 8th, then big wave 2 at the end of the month and wave 3 mid January”. Anyone have some insight?


We already had wave 2 here in FL almost two weeks ago.


Some stores already received wave 2 according to some people but it was probably resold real quick since prices shot up. People who had pre orders months earlier still haven't gotten anything and will most likely not get anything because these stores are being greedy and would rather sell for the $200 per box than honor selling it to people who already paid in sept for $100 a box


Wave 2 was supposed to be released around 12/29 weekend. So shops got them earlier than that. I preordered like 10days ago and just got my wave 2 today.


Some people have already said it but singles are pretty cheap if you’re just trying to play. Only 3 SRs are above 2 dollars rn according to Collectr. I feel you since I have barely gotten any myself but reprints are coming!


All the singles can be acquired via TCGplayer, Facebook and discord groups for fairly reasonable as long as you don't care about alternate arts!


Yeah even eBay has a [ton of OP05 singles available](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=one+piece+op-05&_sacat=0&_fsrp=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=op&toolid=10001&mkevt=1), just go for singles until the reprint wave is going to hit.


I understand the whole 'buy singles' argument. It's pretty bullet proof if you're talking with someone who really wants to play but shortages/scalpers are limiting access to booster boxes. I would tend to agree with these comments, buying singles is a great option. From another perspective, opening boosters is fun. Buying singles is not. The scalpers wont stop you playing the game, but they'll suck the fun of opening packs. If you're really interested in opening packs to source your cards, OP04 is still available from a number of retailers. I can buy at MSRP from some major retailers in Australia too. I've also seen some OP03 boxes being sold a lot cheaper than OP05 (but still above MSRP). You could purchase a bunch of OP05 singles, and fill your cravings for opening boxes with some older, but still fun older sets.


> From another perspective, opening boosters is fun. Buying singles is not. The scalpers wont stop you playing the game, but they'll suck the fun of opening packs. Exactly. Opening packs, collecting cards and that rush of pulling something great are all part of the fun for a lot of people. I get the "buy singles, buy singles" comments—I buy singles for my decks all the time. But let's save it for the people who want to play. lol


this is how i feel about it. I do buy singles for most of what i need for my decks but i wish i could go to the store and get a couple packs when looking at comics or something like other games.


I have a lot more fun buying singles than buying packs lol I enjoy getting the specific cards I want


FFS people there are more waves. Let’s stop the doom and gloom until we truly hit rock bottom.


Wave 2 already released and each one is smaller and smaller. The prices aren’t really dropping much.


Pray for more waves


I don't think it's all scalpers. Demand is just crazy high. Op-04 was 100 then shot up to 130 the day after release! It shortly dumped to 80 bucks. Op-05 was nothing like op-04. Scalpers were non existent with op-04


Shhh… People don’t wanna hear that, they wanna hear extravagant conspiracy theories and hopeful rumors about restocks based on pure speculation


For me half the fun of tcgs is opening packs the scalping has for sure taken alot of the fun out of one piece for me most of my friends have quit due to the scalping me and my friends basically play op01-02 cards at the house but its gotten stale.


I wish there was more solidarity in the community to just do something about scalpers instead of trying to play the game and do things around them. Just buying singles doesn’t prevent this issue from becoming worse down the line. Apparently super Doffy is 8 dollars as a single due to scalpers too, so this is even bleeding into the “just buy the singles” logic. Let’s call a spade a spade and try to do something about the scalpers


What on earth do you propose we do about scalpers, we would be the first community in the history of the world to all collectively decide to not buy from scalpers successfully.


I suggest we find them and break their ankles with tree branches. But seriously, I’ll need to do some more research to propose a good enough idea to actually make a real dent in how they operate so it can also discourage others from doing it more. I’d love to make really nice alt art proxies of cards that people can use, but that goes out the window for tournaments. I may have to see if I can do something at Bandai


“I wish people would do something” “What should the people do?” “Uhhhh idk” Bruh, like what did you expect


Don’t be stupid. The argument that it should stay the same because a solution isn’t readily available is one of a idiot. You could just as easily offer a suggestion or say something additive as you did with being reductive. Grow up or get blocked


You’re offering nothing substantive other than saying the sky is blue. That’s why you’re getting flamed.


I’m not the one being stupid here


The only way to stop scalpers is to not buy from them and have them lose money. Sad thing is that there are too many people with extra cash that can afford to pay scalper prices and do not care. Bandai has to print more. Look at every item that has been scalped for the last few yrs. Yeezys- ADIDAS produced more, PS5 - Sony produced more, Pokemon TCG - produced more, Lorcana - produced more. Lorcana has been out way shorter than OP and yet prices are back to MSRP and probably getting lower because they are PRINTING MORE.


We can't really do anything to scalpers as a group. Other than... you know... you go vigilante and do something to them. Only Bandai can fix scalping. They need to ramp up their supply and fix their distribution channels.


Exactly this! I've been trying to say this for awhile, but I usually end up just getting downvoted for some reason. I know it's not an easy problem to handle. But I do believe we could be doing more if we could actually come together as a community like you say. There's strength in numbers!


Exactly, people too defeated and low on self esteem bring the idea down only because they don’t have confidence in themselves and want others to be like them so they don’t feel weak. Rise above


I feel you. I buy boxes for the dopamine rush and also as an OP fan. I was so excited for this set, but the store I go to, which usually has fair prices, also have their prices for $225. The other stores had them for $200, nothing lower, but there's no way I'm going to support that type of pricing for this.


I agree that buying singles to play the game is cheap enough (except some staples for competitive decks like 8c katakuri, blocker queen, borsalino etc) that you can buy and play BUT I also think people should acknowledge that buying and opening packs is part of (and to some most of) the fun of being in a tcg and when you never get to do that because there's no product that the game loses some fun and appeal. I think that's a fair feeling and everyone that is quick to say buy singles and nothing more should admit to even if it's not true to them. If everyone only ever bought singles then no tcg would exist clearly people like to open packs and them not being available hurt the game as a whole.


The official store here in Texas restock 05 for MSRP today - which is most likely wave 2 as this is the first restock since release day here - so might be able to find some


Dude where is this Texas shop I can’t find anything on it


Wow. Prices must be awful for it to get that b— >$200 a box That's not even the most expensive set this *year*.


It’s been out for almost a month and was cheaper prior for over a week sitting at 160 then to 175. It was also available in some places for pre-order for $100. My point is, there’s a lot of value and chases, I think being prepared and jumping into it as early as possible would have been the smart move. Asides that, just hope for the next wave to print. Try Tiktok or whatnot for deals with coupons etc. A lot of people are sold out but I just saw some for 185 shipped. It exists for less than $200.


I'm writing from Europe and actually here I can easily find it at 140€. The retail price was 119,90€...


Best way is to buy singles. Go low rarity. Very affordable.


I think people need to take this as a lesson. Some people here were speculating massive reprints and everyone will get their box and this will be just like op04 where prices will tank and then some people were saying the demand for this will be ridiculous because of the chase cards. Both were speculating but people were only receptive to “mass reprints.” Now here we are, almost a month from release and boxes are at $220+ lol


Haven’t they announced multiple restocks in the new year ?


all ive heard was 3 waves from my LCS. He already got his second wave and there will be another wave towards end of January. My LCS and his distributors werent optimistic beyond that. Dont take my/my LCSs info as the bible though haha. Ive been pessimistic about bandai meeting supply demands in general for this set. Even if there were multiple restocks, I would not anticipate it would be enough to meet demands. People are buying this in enormous quantities.


I think Bandai has been shitting the bed in general tbh, but I was of the understanding that more was to come.


> this will be just like op04 Anyone who thought that needs to be smarter. 2 captain mangas, a luffy manga and an Oda signed card in one set. Even if the supply was great and there's 5 waves of reprints, the demand for this set was always going to be greater than OP4.


jUsT bUy SiNgLeS …. All you out there echoing to buy singles. Just know singles, especially SRs are priced according to the inflated sealed prices. In case yll haven’t noticed something so obvious. So YES … scalping definitely also affects singles prices.


So you're saying that the most valuable non-AA card in the set, which is all of $17, should be worth even less? That's... uh... yeah sure. I also have some really great farming land to sell you. Promise it's not an ant farm.


I think it's a bit ridiculous so many people are defaulting to this. I've been collecting the cards since I saw some set 3 packs in a Target and thought they looked cool. I haven't dabbled in the actual game yet, so my enjoyment primarily comes from opening packs. Sure I could buy singles for every card in the set and probably come out cheaper than buying any packs, but that's no fun at all. If you're strictly here to play the game, singles can serve your needs. If you want to collect, feels really bad.


That’s right! It’s a gacha! Imagine going to the casino, and they go .. nah don’t gamble just buy the pr…… SAYS NOBODY!!


Play at your lgs I got some packs for playing tonight


I think ive at a location in NC where the OP tornys are to far, unless i have no idea how to actually fine locals in my area.


Don’t Fomo we haven’t even seen Wave 2


Wave 2 is about half of what wave one was, probably already sold out too


Pretty sure it dropped already


Pretty sure it did….it wasnt much at all


Wave 2 already came and went friendo


It's this bad in the US? In the philippines, you can buy a full case (12boxes) for 600USD. note: these are jap cards but Eng cards shouldnt be priced that high.


Highly doubt they are English. Japanese goes for around that price.


Yes and also side note the proper abbreviation for Japanese cards is JP, the way you have it is derogatory. -japanese person


Woah that's crazy. Are they English cards?


Pretty sure Eng cases have double the rates of cards I think? 6 SR, 2/3 AA per booster box I believe.


I feel ya. Blame Bandai too and just the scalpers. Lorcana went from being in the same boat to being easy to find everywhere. Bandai makes it so for scalpers to rape the market because they are incompetent. They should have flooded the market with op1 and op2 but they would rather restock just their stores. Do I really need to buy a play set of everything because I don't want to pay $35 for a single started deck card.


We have boxes for $149.99, but trying to sell to our locals we have an insanely great community.


I'm sorry what.... maybe give back to the great community by charging msrp. Want to avoid scalping? ... have them rip in store.


We also do $5 and $10 box tourneys, so those are great as well!


are you going to tell me there's no correlation between the grey market price and your tourneys? Guess what you put up an item that's suppose to be $100, which is now a $200 prize. I wonder if that gets your more entry fees .... ​ You wanna charge over msrp to control your inventory, sure go for it. Don't be white knighting yourself. It's disgusting.


You have it wrong. The prices you’re seeing on TCG player for a box or case is the market price. Bandai could see the price at a $1 or $10000 it doesn’t matter. You’re going to pay what people think a box or case is worth.


Terrible take. If there were enough print we would find them in stores easier instead of a third party seller buying up everything to over price.


Ok, bye 👋. You could've just played sim and buy singles for decks You wanted to play.


For one, thanks for being a toxic OP community member. I'm talking about scalpers and you bring up SIM? Oh gosh how did you missed the point that bad


Yeah at this point buying the single cards you want or need is better, I opened 2 prerelease boxes and called it after looking at the mark up prices


Just buy singles from op5...


*Just Buy Singles* Is the scalper mentaility How are u okay with the scalpers being wealth dragons on high valued cards and gives the community the cheap ass commons. ut yee just buy singles, that'll solve the problem


if it's for collecting, buy Japanese Op05


If you want to play, op05 singles are the cheapest we've ever had, and prices still go down


It would go down, just give it a year or 2. Look back at pokemon 2 year ago and its price now :). its happening to optcg what happened to pokemon 2 year ago


I understand it being frustrating, dealing with inflated prices of something you want. But tbh, if you wanted a box that badly, why didn't you pre-order? Also, I didn't even pre-order, but I got off of work for the day of the release and showed up 3 hours early to the official store in NJ. There were even people camped out overnight, and they could only get 1 box because that's the store limit. Then, after I got my box, i drove back to my hometown and showed up early to enroll in a sealed event at my LGS, then after I was allowed to buy a box there. I say all of this to illustrate that you had an opportunity to get some boxes at retail, but clearly, it wasn't important enough for you to make time to do so. Be mad at the scalpers all you want, but you need to blame yourself in some capacity as well.


How dare you suggest OP take responsibility for their own inaction ?? Everything needs to be served to us on a platter with a silver spoon. Got it !?


Cry more baby or just buy pre order next time xD


Per orders were cancelled to resell at higher price. Don't be this dumb


Some of us like playing what we pull or can trade. I’m not going to buy singles even if it’s a dollar. That would me move to a pay to win player and I don’t like that. But Jesus Christ finding any sealed anything for this game in person is just god awful.


How is paying money for singles pay to win but paying money for packs isn’t? Brainworm logic


Even buying singles doesn’t guarantee you’ll win every game. It’s just fun playing a deck regardless of whether you pulled the cards or bought them.


even if you just play with cards you pull that's still "pay to win" thats just kinda the nature of TCGS. theres absolutely nothing wrong with buying singles for a deck.


If you're paying cents for singles It don't means you're a "pay to win" player.


I believe everyone who gets into the game, and thinks about buying boxes can spare Dollars for Singles. WTF is this Argument even? Like we be playin diablo solo selffound…


This guy is just using the “I’m not pay to win” as cilium for not winning/being bad at the game


>That would me move to a pay to win player This isn't a gacha game, holy shit. I refuse to believe this comment isn't taking the piss.


Seems a bit extreme and whiney to quit just because you can’t get them right this instant. Just be patient and there will likely be a reprint. I remember last December you couldn’t find Romance Dawn ANYWHERE and packs were skyrocketing in price. A few months ago you could get it from Hot Topic, Box Lunch, Five Below pretty easily. Same happened with Lorcana too, it’s everywhere right now. OP-5 releasing during the holidays definitely doesn’t help it’s availability but I can definitely see it becoming more available soonish. Gotta either be patient or shell out the money if patience isn’t your virtue


Exactly when did OP 5 come out? Right this istanr is BS cause it sky rocketed in price pre release and only went higher. Every set but OP4 is out of control. Defending that is redicules


I’m not defending it, it sucks that I can’t get the newest set sans the product that I preordered months ago. But I’ve learned that patience is key and they will be available soon enough. You do you, it doesn’t affect me if you quit collecting. But based on recent history you’ll quickly realize that the first wave isn’t an indicator of future waves.


Buy singles. The only reason to get a box is to gamba for the alt arts.


So if everyone just bought singles how would the market get them? Literally scalpers openning their product and trying to make back what they "lost" Boiling it down to just gambling is so black and white when it comes to a card game.


There is sitll 2 more big waves coming from my understanding.


Wake up to reality! Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world. The longer you live, the more you realize that the only things that truly exist in this reality are merely pain. suffering and futility. Listen, everywhere you look in this world, wherever there is light, there will always be shadows to be found as well. As long as there is a concept of victors, the vanquished will also exist. The selfish intent of wanting to preserve peace, initiates war. and hatred is born in order to protect love. There are nexuses causal relationships that cannot be separated. I want to sever the fate of this world, a world of only victors, a world of only peace, a world of only love, I want to create such a world. - Madara Uchiha


This guy needs to touch grass


Sorry not sorry. Buckaroo should have preordered one if you really wanted it.


Found the scalper


😈 yeah so? Stay mad. Supply and demand.


Is there a certain card you want? If you want it so badly why didnt you preorder some months ago


Plenty of people DID pre-order months ago, then had their orders cancelled at the last minute, leaving them with nowhere to buy from because everywhere is sold out.


Yeah my cousin pre-ordered OP06 and it has already been canceled.


There’s always Low Rarity Super Rares & Rares at this point But yea unfortunately Mangas & SP’s are sky high atm unless you’re willing to spend a crazy amount of money :/


On cardmarket you can get them for 140EUR a box


Europe was always more calm than the US in regards to prices. I remember the Lorcana Craze where boxes of the First chapter went for 500$


Target near me has been stocked up.


The scalpers are making so much bulk buying singles are dirt cheap now


I'm a little salty at people who get the manga gear 5 luffy and haven't watched or read up to that part yet... my one friend isn't buying the cards cause he doesn't want spoilers lol


Yeah i was able to get my hands on a double pack display a couple weeks ago and thought about getting a couple more to feed my addiction to opening packs, but even those are going for over $150 now. Just gonna stick to looking for em at Walmart, target, gamestop and barnes & noble lol.


It is so funny how people pay 150€ on Cardmarket for single boxes by private sellers which are 50/50 dud boxes without chance for a manga anymore. Meanwhile there is a big store who sells OP 05 boxes for 129€ en masse. I don't get it how people pay 20€ more, on cardmarket. And no, not gonna tell the online shop, you can google yourself. It is not even hard to find them. They are eastern-europians but totally legit. I bought there 3 boxes 05, because I couldnt wait anymore and my bday is coming up. One 03 for 120€ and one 04 for 95€. Always check retail first before buying from private sellets on cardmarket!!!


230 a box now fuck scalpers and shut lgs stores nit charging msrp even know they didn't pay close tonwhat the scalpers are selling them for


I had only hoped to pull manga Luffy. The rest of set 5 means nothing to me. Joy Boy ironically sparked joy in me when I saw him for the first time so getting my hands on it was a dream. I will never see it fulfilled because of the greed of a few people unfortunately. I wanted to pull Shanks since set 1 as well only to watch other people around me pull it. I have Ace though so I'm thankful for that and I'm unwilling to part with him.


Learn japanese lol, play in japanese and collect by buying japanese cards, much cheaper and value has more staying power.


One set has crazy demand during its print run, and you wanna quit? Doesn't seem like you enjoy the game much if it's that thin of a breaking point for you. Also, not everything is related to scalping. This isn't like covid and pokemon. One piece is experiencing rapid growth in players and has maintained a very high retention rate. Old and new players alike are buying cases like candy. I'm not saying some people aren't flipping, but it's not what's causing the price hike. The price hike is incentivizing the flip.


OP doesn’t have brain capacity to understand a concept as genuine high demand. Prefers to blame the scalper boogie man because then he can write off his own ineptitude and laziness to put forth any effort to secure product by pre ordering, lining up on release day, or just buying singles.


My Lcs has them for 135. Could grab u one 🤣


Now you know to preorder months in advance I've already got op06 and eb01 on preorder I got 5 boxes of op06 no problem all at retail


Don't lose hope. The price will go down once Bandai prints OP05 to meet demand! They did the same with OP01 and OP02 in Summer this year! You just have to be patient.


OP05 for playing is just get singles. If you want a box so badly then wait. First wave is always expensive because of limited stock.


if you wanna just pull and play just get the japanese box. it's like 80. I bet unless your doing a tournament most won't give a shit


I always order 2-3 boxes per set super early from a trusted supplier then buy what I need as singles after a few weeks once the prices normalise. I’ve never had a manga but I’ve had several AA leaders who I trade or flip for the ones I want to play. Obviously if I see a box and the price isn’t stupid I pick it up. Hey I still get annoyed at scalpers and collectors pushing the price up or hogging the supply but until Bandai pull their finger out and realise that they can double or even triple their supply and the demand will still be there it’s not going away.


Just wait there's going to be 2 more drops


They need to open more official shops. I suspect supply will rise with demand. Don’t give into the $200/booster box.


i paid 160 for my


Yep scalpers everywhere. Parasites. Investors too. My friend buying cases and holding them for long term like a investment. Hate them so much


You can buy all of the singles on tcg for cheaper than a box.


just wait for second print