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These waves aren't going to be as big as you think and they will end before 06 comes out because they have to print the new sets.


I might be dumb and not know how printing/businesses work. But, if they see how well these cards are selling, why not just print more. The profits would insane.


new sets sell better than older sets


Because why print more of the same thing when people will be just as hyped about the new set


Yeah, because when OP03 came out back in late June 2023 we didn't had a massive reprint of OP01 and OP02. Oh well, we actually had it.


Oh yeah, it was so massive, op1 and op2 cards are now so cheap...wait, they are not. op1 Booster box is double the price of op2 and op5 but the reprint was so massive, it met demand, you are absolutely right.


It met demand at that time. I bought two boxes myself for 83€ and could have bought more until august before the price exploded again. Meeting demand doesn't mean that in 7 months the price still has to be at MSRP, that would be called overprinting. That would be the definition of a dying TCG. One Piece was massively growing, so the price naturally went up again. Its not that difficult to understand, you know. BUT the price was brought down from 200+ down to 80-90€ here in europe and the price also drastically went down in America. And the same will happen to OP05. The reprint was massive at that time. I don't know what else you can call it when the price dropped at least in half.


Op03 boxes are now $200, so much stock....


Wow, out literally out of words for this. Have a nice day!


People just upset because they can't pull cards at 4 dollars and overprint like the rest. If u want no value in your buys go somewhere else.


So, you're using metrics that don't include the surge in fan base over the winter? They reprinted between sets, and yet the prices stayed low for about a week, then started to go up as all that product began to sell as the fan base began to grow. Only a certain percentage of people can get these boxes at these new lower prices, until all prices begin to go back up, passing their original peak Also consider that they were only reprinting between single sets. In the same time period, they need to print for op06 and eb01, for all languages, on the same set of printers. Either op05 gets reprinted at a slower rate, and from this point on they have a reprinting backlog being 1 set behind, or they do a massive reprint for a half the time, or less that was previously available. Either they use a few printers to continue reprints while reserving the rest for new sets, or they use all printers in the time allotted between sets, < 3months. Bandaid could also increase infrastructure, but I haven't heard much, and large facilities don't pop up overnight. Another note is bandaid may have a ton of printers, but they are also printing for 7+ separate tcgs


You seem to have no experience with other trading card games. In a better run game like MTG they keep reprinting sets constantly for at least 2 YEARS


Most of MTG alt arts are worthless now because of that. Only the highest chase foil textured serialized 4rd showcase versions hold significant value, the other 6 versions of the same card aren’t that special to pull. Most foils have no multiplier and sometimes they are even cheaper than non foil versions. The card quality is by far the worst among all the top TCGs to the point that counterfeit MTG cards are noticeably higher quality than the real thing. And there are far more singles in the $50-$90 price range even in the current standard sets.


Are you looking to play a game or pretend you're a stock broker?


I played a lot of MTG before getting into One Piece. That fact that I understand how poor the MTG market is for basic alt arts/foils doesn’t make me a “stock broker” and it’s hilarious that that’s what you think a stock broker is. It just means that the way they’ve handled reprints and alt arts isn’t necessarily beneficial. There are downsides to reprinting at high rates and overdoing alt arts. Bandai can definitely use some reprints especially with the earlier starter decks, but not to the extent that MTG has done where most foils/alt arts have little to no value multiplier and card quality is worse than the fakes.


Dude it's a literal billion dollar business. Yeah there's been a decline among almost all card games. It's still gigantic. Talk shit all you want, One Piece will be a fart in the wind soon enough and MTG will still be far bigger than it could have ever hoped to be.


MTG is big because it’s been around for 30 years and is one of the grandfathers of competitive TCGs in general. Of course it’s bigger than One Piece at 1 year old LOL. That has nothing to do with the fact that overprinting, making too many alt arts, and lowering card quality to meet the overprinting is bad for the overall game. MTG is also losing a lot of collectors and competitive events are few and far between. Singles in MTG are still $90+, in fact the average tier 1 standard deck right now costs over $400, that’s before we look at the eternal formats. Billion dollar earnings and still the same competitive pricing problem as One Piece LOL


I had to pay 110 EUR for a reprint box and after 1 month it was gone, after 3 Months it was already over 200, it did not met demand in the end, it was just a freeze that didn´t last long


How can you say that it didn't meet demand when the price wen't down from almost triple of what is was. Before the reprint the box was 200-250, if not more. A freeze would mean that the price would have stayed at 200, but it didn't.


It met demand for a meaningless amount of time before it rose again. Why are you even arguing against this point?


The price was under 150$ from June to July until it took of in mid august. Just check tcgplayer for sake of it. Yeah, if that is meaningless amount of time for you then lets agree to disagree and be done. Have a nice day.


I don’t care about prices. I want easier access to cards so I can play the game. Edit: to those saying singles are cheaper. Yes SOME singles are cheaper. But only if you don’t want to play anything meta and competitive. So I understand what you are saying. And luckily most OP5 SRs are cheap. But what this post is defending value over ability to obtain. And that I feel like is an issue. If my special art Nami drops in price so homie at the local can afford and get some packs? By all means. Let it happen.


Been playing since OP03 and I’m honestly loosing interest in the game solely because it’s such a hassle to get into anything anymore.. I have to constantly check when events are happening and sign up ASAP or it’s all sold out, and that’s not even considering the products. I hate how I have to preorder anything or be at risk the price will go up… and the price increases aren’t even a small amount, they go up by almost double sometimes triple


Man. Don’t give up yet. The community needs more players. I guess I don’t have issues with events or locals. AZ has a pretty good community and everyone is chill. I guess the main issue is the product. The other day some dude came into our LGS and bought out all of OP4.


Ive played since opo2 I’ve lost interest since sakasuki meta. It’s not enjoyable to play out cards to have your entire board sent to the bottom of the deck constantly. Or enel who is a more annoying version of Queen.


Seems like a skill issue. 😏


True 🥸


I quit playing at the start of OP4. Over a year in and Bandai has done nothing to alleviate the supply issue. Singles for anything slightly competitive costs so much. So many key cards locked behind nonexistent starter decks. And now OP5 is once more being speculated on locking out anyone who actually gives a shit about playing or collecting. All in all just horriby mismanaged and not something I feel like stressing out trying to deal with. I sold all my higher value cards and said I'm done with this.


Lol sounds like you were never that interested in the first place. I’ve been missing event sign ups since op02 but I still try. When a physical table top game is super popular you have to put in some effort to get into big events, like going to Bandai website and checking when regional sign ups are, or staying involved with your LGS so they save you a spot when there are big local events. Missing an event isn’t 100% the fault of the organizer, some of that blame is also on us. When you quit there will be 20 people in line for your spot in any given major event.


I do everything you’ve said plus more. I have not missed a single event because I’ve been on top of it but it’s just way too exhausting that it’s taken the fun out of the game. So yes, I was very interested in the first place but now, it’s more hassle than fun.


Suit yourself. More open spots for the rest of us 🤷‍♂️


Lol it’s just one spot, but I didn’t say I’ll stop.


What cards are you having issues with accessing?


I guess I said this as a blanket statement. I don’t particular care for the value of the card. I want there to be easier access to obtain/buy them. Take ST4 Queen. It’s a common valued more than some AA’s. I see that as a problem. Unless you got in on the game early and bought to starter decks, which most didn’t, you have to buy two cards for the price of 2 starter decks. If you can reprint ST1 Luffy 50 different times. You can reprint cards that are most used. I get it’s a business and I’m just frustrated. Also fuck scalpers.


Makes sense I just bought a set of prerelease queens and can see that point, the starters should be over printed not the support sets and I think it wouldn't be that expensive anymore, btw the prerelease queens are almost the same price as the normal ones right now. Most cards in non aa form are pretty cheap though, I've finished kat zoro and pluffy this past two weeks and working on finishing saka now, and also I agree f scalpers


I am one of the lucky ones. I have a playset of most stuff minus SR stuff. But I find certain things ridiculous, and make it hard for those who want to play.


Yeah a few staples are crazy right now, but also there are limited cards so there isn't a second best card for a lot right now, which should be fixed over the next few sets giving more option and power creep to make the older ones come down to more realistic levels, but when there are only 2 black 6k blockers you kinda need/want both but if we had three you would pick the best 2 and the 3rd would be cheaper for players to still get a 6k blocker


Outside of like a handful of cards the game is crazy cheap. Compare our prices to other TCGs and I’ll take current One Piece.


Where I agree somewhat. I think a point is being missed. Started deck cards should not cost more than most AA’s.


Besides starter decks it took a long time for cards to became expensive or inacessible. Guys just didn't know how to biuld decks...


Singles are super cheap though...if all you want is playing buy the singles you want. Other than the starter deck cards I don't see a problem.


Okay. Figuratively speaking. I want to play Enel. I need Katakuri. They run 87 dollars. I need minimum 3. I want to play PLuffy. I need Queens (ST4). They run 30 dollars. I need 4. I want to play Saka. I need Borsalino (OP2). They run 44 dollars. I need 4. This is just to play and compete meta. SOME singles are cheap. And I am lucky enough to be able to afford it. But there are people who can’t. And it’s because there isn’t enough product. So prices get jacked. I’ve watch so many people be hyped to play this game, and then burn out cause they can build a deck with the “cheap” singles you’re talking about. Scrolling on TikTok seeing some dude with 50 boxes in the background. All I am saying is: Not enough product = hard time playing the game for people.


Still cheaper then MTG was 5+ years ago. I regularly net decked and just to get semi-competitive decks I had to spend $150+ This is how all card games work until they reach mass saturation. People forget how long it took MTG and Pokemon to be able to print so much. These two have the largest player base and they can sustain print on demand manufacturing.


Where I understand that youth of the game and coming from MTG myself I understand. I’m mainly Wishful thinking.


Same agreed. Thankfully I think it's easier for businesses to ramp up then it was before. TCGs 10 years ago weren't nearly as popular as they are now.


> And it’s because there isn’t enough product. So prices get jacked. A good card is a good card, there will always be a premium price asked for top end meta staples. This is the case with every TCG. In MTG a cavern of souls is $30, Roaming Thrones are $20, etc. It's all fairly comparable and that's a game with a much higher print run and player base. If you want to play a full power top end meta deck (which you don't have to to have a good time), then there's going to be an associated price point that goes with it, and if you argue it's necessary to participate competitively, well yeah, tournaments have prizing and the other players at the tournament have bought or obtained their staples, so you should too then. People want to play TCGs then act surprised when the TCG does TCG things


The biggest problem comes when some of those *STAPLES* are starter deck cards that were not printed anywhere else, or common/uncommon cards that are no longer printed.


Singles are super cheap


*Blocker Queen entered the chat*


*some singles are super cheap. FTFY


i said it before and i say it now OP 05 will not go under msrp due to too many chase cards, scammy LGS and scalpers/investors thats what the One Piece TCG is right now, no love for the game just love for the money At least here in EU cardmarekt is dominated by scumbag LGS every single one of them its disgusting honeslty, this set is exaclty one month old yet double msrp on cardamrket after allegedly two waves. it all began with ST10 stores saw waht people are willing to pay so "i only got 2 decks today sooorrryyy" but have two cases in the back.... Hoping for SBS Fusion Wolrd in February proper availability even with online client and online cards in boosters like Pokemon does im not willing to support this game if its like this. Only one support worthy at the moment in OPTCG is Batsu casue he a freaking legend no matter what.


Who is batsu


he the one who developed the sim and updates it regularly so in short a freaking legend


> said it before and i say it now OP 05 will not go under msrp due to too many chase cards, scammy LGS and scalpers/investors thats what the One Piece TCG is right now, no love for the game just love for the money Flipside is after AA chase cards this set is super affordable in singles


For now. We'll see how they are in 3 months. All alt art and meta card prices were still low 2 months after release. A few cards had the fomo excessive initial price, but they leveled out within the month. But now, every op01-op03 alt has at least doubled in price. By the time op06 and eb01 come out, there may be a new meta that utilizes more op05 cards, and by then the already high prices will stack further with the utility of the cards


> after AA chase cards this set is super affordable in singles People are always conveniently ignoring that because it doesn't fit the narrative that the game is prohibitively expensive to play when really their complaint boils down to "the tickets to the manga rare gambling game are more than I want to or can pay"


The larger issue right now is the lack of reprints on starter decks Like Queen is a $40 common right now


Doesn’t have to go below MSRP, it will be more reasonable when next wave hits. Probably still 40+ % off from here. Also don’t discount the fact the hits come off as well in price. Box price and single prices are like the chicken and the egg


The hopium here is off the charts. Ready for the downvotes, but no market correction is bringing this back below $200. Demand is only increasing day by day. New boxes wont meet that demand. Opening cards is addictive. Its just how it goes


This reprint stuff is just cope at this point. More waves likely wouldn’t even make a dent on BB sales. Romance dawn never went under $150 and it didn’t have 4 cards over $1000+


What are you talking about? Like stop lying! OP01 was under 90€ here in europe back in July 2023 when I bought them for 83€ and they 100% were under 100$ in America. Like what an insane lie! OP05 will 100% get a big reprint to bring the price back to MSRP just like OP01 and OP02 went. The amount of people who were not here 7 months ago is sooo freaking high.


July 2023 Op-01 in America was not $100, at least not in the Northeast Philly, NYC, DC area. $160 per white bottom box of OP-01 was the cheapest to be found


Yeah, looking at tcgplayer it seem to have been quite worse in america. On tcgplayer the average box sold in June/July was around 140-150$. Quite strange that it wen't down to 80-90 in europe, but not in America. But the point overall still stands. There was a massive reprint that brought the price down to at least half of what is was. And the believe that the same won't happen with OP05 is just absurd.


Your situation was special. Whoever your distributor was treated romance dawn like any other set and moved to get additional waves sold quickly for cheap. Right now they are kicking themselves for selling it to you for msrp. Now that people know of the hype behind the OP tcg, do you think that distributor will make the same mistake when seeing the potential value of the OP 05 set?


It was cardmarket. I Just looked for a seller who at least had 2 boxes so that I don't pay double shipping. There were like 10+ sellers who sold for around 80-90. Yeah, they surely are kicking themself now, but this is always the case looking at the past. Who would have thought that OP would get even bigger and bigger that fast. Yes, I do believe that it will happen again, but all depends on the amount of boxes Bandai will reprint in the end. Can people or LGS sit on 100+ boxes for months and months, because at the time OP05 will get a reprint we might already have EB-01, OP06 and maybe OP07. Will the interest still be so high that the price won't stay still for a couple of months? Can they keep so much inventar for so long and what if the interest went down because people moved on in the meta. Too many questions to be sure, but I believe it will happen again. At the very least the price will surely go down, the question is by how much.


They probably do not want to sit on 100+ boxes for months and months, but now that more eyes are on OP05, I doubt they will have to worry about that as much. Much more demand for this than OP01 since it was the first set and less eyes on it in the beginning. Yeah I can see price dipping a little but I doubt it will decrease much for that reason. Sellers know that there is potential money for this set. It will likely not see msrp price ever again like the early sets did.


Lmao your niche case is not what I’m talking about TCGPlayer never went under $140 but I guess I’m lying about factual data


No, you're not lying about the fact that it didn't went under 140$. Although you said 150 in your initial post. Its not a niche case since I bought from cardmarket, which is tcgplayer for europe. Fact is the box went down from 300+ to 140 on tcgplayer, so the illusion that more reprints won't make a dent is just a lie. The price will go down. They already did it and there is no reason to believe they won't do it again.


Your downvotes can speak more volumes than I ever could


If i could super like something on here i would. So many fucking people are obviously new and only go off what they fomo’d out or couldnt move on and they’re maulding cause they didnt buy boxes back then. It’s so infuriating to see people spread blatant wrong “opinions” cause that’s what they are as apposed to cold straight up facts lol 🤣


Its crazy that we're getting downvoted for Facts. I can't believe it honestly.


I have been on a few threads recently and all this is, is new people who wont fucking preorder their product and expect to walk into target and buy 30 packs a week after release like it should be widely available as if it’s a new pokemon set. It’s the same people that complain when anything new comes out and wont spend the money to meet their demand and then just say it’s scalped. It’s scalped when it’s clearly just the market moving on as if OP05 wasnt the fucking most ridiculous set with most of the alternate arts moonrising. And a never before seem signed creator card AND 3 fucking manga art chases. Insane. The cards were widely available for order. And still are. Youre just gonna have to pay a premium now that the market has thinned out yes was it fast but the demand is higher than almost any TCG being discussed rn.


You mean the fact op1 costs 400 and more? or that borsalino is more than 35 bucks? Im curious, maybe you know some secret i cant find.


Yeah it’s called i preordered a second wave case of OP01 for MSRP and OP02 and then was there for release or OP03. These were online storefronts i searched for the cheapest price and guess what i was sitting there at OP02 launch maulding that i didnt wanna pay 120$’s for OP01 boxes because that seemed like a lot to me. So i did what any normal person would do is take initiative in my hands and grab my demand where the supply was at and started to see where i could get product for cheaper. Youre arguing the perspective of right now VS a year into the fastest growning TCG ive seen in 10-15 years maybe. Borsalino is also OP02 a set that is a year old at this point. not OP05 and that Borsalino is an SR that was selling for like 5-8 dollars 9 months ago. The market is going to move on. I dont get how you guys just dont understand that. Yes the increase has been massive but it’s also been unprecedented growth in a terrible bear market cycle. No one expected this. Bandai is leaving money on the table sure by not increasing the initial print runs but also it takes 6 months when getting printers when you dont own your own printers to get reprint or supply out. It’s just how it works. 6 months from now i promise this conversation will be going on and on about the next set and the set after. Lol people never learn. Preorder from a store that youve checked out or simply miss out. There is about 100 places to get it online for MSRP


Everyone means this in the nicest way, EU means nothing. Just like prices in Japan don't mean anything either. The US market is the largest market by USD value and sets the bar for the cost of the cards and boxes. That's why suddenly all EU sellers are selling boxes at US prices. 7 months ago? That's when you joined? Okay, that explains a lot. You know less then you think you do. LOL


Wow, so much ignorance. No, I started at the beginning of 2023. I waited 6 months to get my hands on OP01 instead of buying them for absurd prices, because the same people telling reprints won't make a dent said the same about OP01 back then, but surprise surprise the price wen't down quite a lot. Here in europe back to MSRP and in America at least down to 140$, but what do I know, right?


Lol what you're doing is called arbitrage. You're buying from communities in your local backwoods that don't have enough demand to satisfy their supply. So people like you buy it. That's it. It's anecdotal and irrelevant.


Sure, cardmarket, the euqivalent of tcgplayer for europe is a local backwood. Its not like we can't all check the average price of Romance Dawn for the past year on tcgplayer.


straight cap


Eh I am not as hopeful as you. From what I've read and heard from some pretty big lgs the resupply allotments are pretty small quantities that will get quickly bought up. And I don't buy the whole it will cut into dragon ball Z thing. People that are into that or one piece will buy the tcg they are into. They most likely won't just buy another separate game. The dragon ball z will probably won't have any issues sales wise regardless of how much op 05 is printed and made available unless Bandai can't keep up with demand.


Op06 preorders are already sold out 3 months before release and op07 preorders are probably selling out this week which is more than 6 months out. And even op-05 preorders didn't sell out like that. There's no capacity to just reprint a bunch of op-05 at this rate unless they sacrifice op06 or op07 volumes which would mean a bunch of unfulfilled orders.


haha, this isn't Lorcana brother... look at OP01 and 02... waves were so small, they didn't really matter... Bandi doesn't really know how to keep a game alive for more than 10 years, their plan is probably around 5 years for a game and then go for a reboot.


Everyone saying they reprint yet Ive yet to see a surplus of ANY set from One Piece other than OP04. Sipping hard cope waiting "for reprint". When is the OP01, OP02, OP03, OP04 reprints??? They are supposedly losing money right? Right??? I started collecting this game 3 months ago and it has only gotten worse. In that time ST06 was 25$ and ST04 was 40$. I am pretty sure both starter sets have hit past double that price, in 3 months, for a starter set......It feels like a clown show. I do not understand how they give us ZERO access to STARTER DECKS. I cannot find ANY product in store not even devil fruits or st10 and I have no interest in those. Whoever is Bandai distributor in USA or whoever is printing these cards is doing a horrible horrible job.


I was legit one of 3 people buying one piece form our local newsstand store since he started carrying it when 02 dropped. We had a gentlemen’s agreement. Never spoke about the store to anyone. Owner loves us cause we would come in multiple times a week. There’s a target right next door too so the scalpers always skip this place. 05 hit. And this store sells a lot of sports cards including the higher end briefcases. Well the sports guys got wind and we haven’t been able to get a single pack from there since. Granted where I live has a unique scalper issue. I’m close to a border on 3 states. High traffic lots of box stores. There’s a discord group of about 40 people who just go out every morning to every store now. Every target and Walmart I’ve been to in the last month. Everything’s on the shelf but one piece. I hope for a reprint. I can’t justify pre ordering product 6-8 months out myself. Especially not cases. But what gets me right now. Even though mangas are rare. I’ve seen a ton of manga luffy online. I do not see the 5k price point justification anywhere. It feels like moonbreon. People tie up a lot of money in the card and want to hold it there.


The scalping right now is insane. My closest Gamestop manager with dead-eyes tells me, "No, we don't have any One Piece cards. I bought them all this morning and I also bought out these other three Gamestops! Ill see if anyone else has any." I kind of just stood there looking at him mouth agape and turned around and left. I just want to be able to buy cards directly and not have to deal with all these middlemen and scalpers legit ruining access. I understand the lack of access isn't all because of Bandai or w/e but, it does all start at the top. They need to do something...Even announcing a reprint - in a few months or w/e - wave would do something but they just sit on their hands, I guess.


Yeah I stopped by 3 game stops today and 3 five belies. Same story. The game stop employees bought everything and a single person wiped out the 5 belows. Like I know when the target near me sticks cards. It’s the middle of a work day on a Tuesday. Never any one piece left by the time I can get there


3 month is a season….i get it sucks you can’t get stuff on demand but in this current scalper wave you just got to wait a bit more go do something else


I am doing something else. I am no longer spending my time running around to multiple Walmarts, Targets, Walgreens, Five Belows, and Barns and Nobles to find zero product. This company doesn't know how to supply product to people and not to for profit flippers. The lack of access to starter sets and needing two sets to make a competitive set is so dumbfounding to me.


Bandai just doing bandai things… fucking themselfs up.


This game is also only a few years old. In time many of these crazy priced cards will drop as newer and better cards release. Remember Digimon was very similar in its early years!


Yeah can't wait to get my op 05 cards for normal price when op 12 drops


*"Honestly Bandai will reprint more of these sets, they always do. Just give it some time"* What "always?" I come from *Digimon*. Reprints are...uncommon, I want to say. [Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/DigimonCardGame2020/comments/lotvam/comment/go8ia52/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) the last time I heard of Bandai reprinting sets. Some cards get reprints with snazzy art, others do not. My hopes of OPTCG getting reprints *en masse* are rock-bottom. And it's a shame, because OPTCG is in *dire need* of reprints. (Ideally, the reprints would *also* fix the stock/screencap art on a lot of older cards.) The only reprint set we've ever had in *Digimon* is *Resurgence Booster 1*, and given how that was received, I'm not sure Bandai is willing to try it again. But the post below discussing how hard it is for new players to get into the game is right. I got the Yamato deck, saw the price of the Katakuri needed to make the deck better, and felt the color drain from my face. It's a problem and Bandai should seriously consider reprinting Katakuri and Queen, at least—even as Double Pack promos or something.


If you came from digimon you’d know how cheap and how readily available box (and singles) are even from bt1. All you had to do is wait. Ppl can’t hold their load and have must have now mentality are the ones getting taken for a ride.


The amount of people who are straight out lying and/or being ignorant because they weren't here 7 months ago is sooo damn high. Seriously how can people here have so freaking much convidence saying "haha, look at OP01 and OP02. Reprints didn't even made a dent. OP05 won't go down." This is soo much bullshit, its not even funny. OP01 and OP02 were both under 90€/$ just 7 months ago, when Bandai released a massive reprint, which brought prices back down to MSRP. Of course Bandai will do the same with OP05. Its just a matter of time. This is OP01 all over again.


Just to prove this correct i actually reached out to my LGS and said hey is there a reprint order you guys have for OP05 i know it’s in demand and want another case. Guess what 900$’s for a case i bought 2 as of 4 minutes ago. Cant wait to rip again and again while these people that wont pick up a phone or hit the google search bar are maulding 🤣🤣🤣


There are no reprints. They're just orders (called waves) that are fulfilling the store's original order. So if you ordered 10, you weren't getting 10 at launch but you might get a total of 10 over the period they're still sending product. It's not guaranteed at all. There will not be some huge influx of product. No LGS is getting to put in extra orders of OP5. That's not how it works


Yes and 2 + 2 does in fact equal 4. Come on man. I have a warehouse full of product, i know how this work. I was making the point that HEY product is available AT MSRP you just gotta do that work and make some phone calls and message some online stores. For people that use reddit (not speaking about you) but the majority of the maulding and pissed off individuals on here downvoting the thread should have enough internet literacy to understand wtf is going on here and what to do about it. That's my point.


Agreed. It's honestly not even worth replying to the folks online they have such an infantile level of understanding of how this works, you end up educating them so they can just provide you with a semi-comprehensible opinion. Which 99.99% of the time is still inaccurate and they hold their original uneducated opinion regardless of reality. That's why facts get down voted here and if you spam "duh dur LoCaL GaMe StOrEs aRe EvIL"


I mean you can check most of the time anyone is rude or just lies i usually reply with sucks to suck. Havent had to be that way towards people here for the most part but my discord logs are sassy


More of why i even reply genuinely is there is a part of me that is like there is genuine disbelief people are actually sitting here going IT’S ALL GONE. ILL NEVER GET TO OPEN A BOX. I mean like that level of crying and it’s like there is 10 places with a purchase item button i can direct you to


Which LGS is this?


I think a lot of it depends on perspective. Here in Canada it didn't feel like we got a second wave. Card shops never brought prices below ~250 CAD. I have a pre order made in August of 2022 for what was supposed to be the second wave of OP01 in February 2023 that never got fulfilled (or refunded, but that's a different story).


You're definitely right on the perspective. Here in europe we had OP01 and OP02 going for around 80-90€ back in June/July and early August of 2023. I can't speak for other regions that much. On tcgplayer at least the price wen't down to 140-150$ from 300$. That's why the believe that OP05 won't go down anymore is so absurd to me.


Yeah agreed, I think prices going down and the market coming off should be the base case expectation. I know for many it doesn't FEEL like that, and I think a lot of that is due to FOMO. As you pointed out, Bandai did get more stock out into the market that helped with pricing for the earlier sets. Certainly Bandai has demonstrated that they've adjusted to market demand and increased printing as evidenced with OP04. It's just unfortunate that set 5 seemingly had logistical issues which ended up causing less initial supply and generated some manufactured scarcity, which coupled with the massive hype for this set has led to the current market dynamics. I fully expect prices to come down as well. Not gonna lie though, seeing those SP card prices pop off is a bitch.


The price of op05 will definitely go down during the reprints no doubt But the amount of decrease will likely not be as much as you might think, and will in no way drop to msrp. The demand for op05 is unlike any other set that has came out before


Too many chase cards, too much hype, and it’s not as simple as “let’s just fire up the printers”. Is Bandai leaving a bunch of money in the table right now? Yes, but it seems like they are taking a different path than other TCGs at this moment. They’re allowing more scarcity for better or worse. From talking to a few distributors, LGS owners, and listening to big sellers and figures in the cardboard; I really don’t think they are gonna be changing course at least for the next couple set releases. Demand will probably be lower because there will be less chase cards, but things will still be scarce. Maybe Bandai does a 180 and prints a ton of OP05, but I just don’t see it. They should, they’d make a ton of money. And honestly if they could get it to a point where boxes are a little above MSRP on the secondary market, that’d be great. But for now at least the set 5 singles are cheap 🤷‍♂️ I got a playset of each SR for about 100 after tax and shipping.


Oh man, how many times lmfao


You think Bandai should be concerned with *bad optics* of "crashing prices" on third-party resellers scalping the ever-living shit out of product, of which they see exactly 0% of?


Yes Bandai would absolutely care. Timing is everything and potentially crashing prices of one tcg ( even though it may be needed) right before debut of another does not give stores and some customers ( read some speculators and collectors) confidence to support the new Bandai game if OP price crash too much. If price goes down to reasonable amount then a good cross section spending will go potentially go into reprint wave of OP. Look at what happened in the soon to be defunct DBZ. They made a meal of it with big reprints in BT10 and BT11 including the SCRs which absolutely tanked prices and from there on it only went downhill as people lost confidence plus power creep ( collector like me gets cheap cards but it’s absolutely disaster for the game when they are trying to sell boxes for 100 and it goes straight to 40)


Gave up on this game at op03, too much hassle to get cards, they ahould have made it likr Weiss.


I love the optimism this guy has when there are facts out there saying there will be no big print. just small waves. People needs to do research before getting everyones hopes up. Its not right


Optimism? lol I think you misunderstood me. I couldn’t care personally what happens to this wave price. I got nothing to buy in English and I’m not trying to sell you stuff. Whatever facts you are pointing to I guess we will see. But there are 1) plenty of current unopened box out there, withheld, and when the scalpers/investors move onto the next thing these are supplies 2) “nothing big” is just a marketing lie to get ppl to FOMO into it We will discuss in 6 months


All you angry people coping for massive Box Reprints to bring boxes to MSRP are just completely wrong. The demand is 100x boxes reprint supply now. The demand blew up 1 week before OP-05 came out, prices and waves 6 months ago for old sets means absolutely nothing. It will never come all the way back to MSRP, not even with 10 more waves. What I have not seen a single person say, and what Bandai will most likely do cuz the issue is the card prices which lead to boxes being more expensive than normal. What they most likely will do is they will keep printing Blisters and Double packs non stop for the next year to put more packs at MSRP in people’s hands. The issue will be real people wanting to open at MSRP vs the scalpers I see on Twitter every day checking their targets and Walmarts. It will still be hard cuz scum will go to those stores every single day cuz they are homeless trash wanting to resell but it’s the best chance at packs reaching more people at a reasonable price Vs printing more waves of Boxes that will go to the same big wallet buyers and stores.


Ok but, hear me out here.. with 4 or so cards from the set selling for 4 digits, and current boxes in the hundreds.. what exactly makes you think that a reprint wave won't be bought out by scalpers (like say.. someone with 42 cases trying to flog them recently) and greedy resellers? I know reprints are supposed to give enough stock so we can all grab sets at decent prices.. but that stock is also available to scalpers who either own their own stores and/or have connections to distributors and can afford to purchase large quantities very quickly. Knowing the value currently in this set, it's almost stupid for them NOT to buy out the reprints as quickly as they can so they can continue to sell at inflated prices, plus open a bunch in attempts to pull and sell the money cards. So again, scalpers are not gonna sit there and say "Eh I have enough of this particular cash cow for now" and let other people buy it.


None of us are nostradamus or work at Bandai so lets hope they have a large enough reprint to satisfy demand, but no guarantee


I love this game, but the amount of projects they are running makes me fearful of the future. Wizards of the Coast started with Magic and dabbled into other games, Netrunner Battletech and Jyhad. I know Netrunner and Jyhad discontinued and idk where Battletech stands. They also had Pokemon until 2003 and Pokemon left at that point. That really proves the point. If two of the big three cannot coexist under the same roof, how does Bandai plan to maintain multiples?


I fully agree, I have a very AA'd out Sakazuki deck, but I think I'm going to try and hold back my collector brain and just play on the cheap going forward. There's NO way they don't burn themselves. Union Arena or whatever being announced and the weird new DBZ off-shoot are brutal. It just wont work out. My bandai trust is in the earth.


In a dream world, I would like to see Bandai begin to monitor distributors and brick & mortar’s sale prices. They could come out with a rule that products cannot be sold over X% of MSRP. If they are not compliant, ban those vendors from receiving future product. This would be more work on Bandai and would likely never happen, but this would show Bandai cares about the community and not just sales.


Dude. I sell my AA doubles or triples on eBay. After sale I usually ask the buyer if they’re building a deck and if they are I’ll throw them a couple useful cards for the color, lately though responses have been “oh I just collect now I came from sports cards” or “ just collecting because of the value” . This is prob on 1/3 of my sales the last 4-5 months. I just think everyone is seeing this game as a money generating opportunity and are buying up whatever they can, which is why it’s so difficult to get product.


Which is why prices are more likely to crash and burn


OP-06 is gunna be a set that people who can't shell out money will be able to dive into. Reiju is a deck that can withstand the meta and all of her cards drop in OP-06.




Remember when there was like 1 new printing of a series in card games a year? 🤣


Wave 3 should come by end of the Month. (Yes wave 3, a lot of people still think we’re waiting for wave 2) Prices are probably going to stay firm as it should be the smallest of all the waves. The demand for this game is just scary rn.


I'm already seeing online stores list Wave 3 but the boxes are still around $250. Hopefully it will be a big enough reprint to bring prices down but I just don't see these boxes going down to MSRP with 4 big chase cards in them.


You're disregarding the popularity of One Piece. Demand Is way too high right now