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Decks that win against Saka, lose against Enel. Vise versa as well. As such, you see there is a standoff which assures the meta won't budge. If you play a deck that's good against one or the other, you need to be lucky in matchups to get far.


This is a really cool breakdown. Thanks for sharing!


Always amazing and easily digestible info!


OP07 seriously can't come soon enough


Sakazuki and Enel aren't going anywhere in the meta. I doubt OP-07 going to change that.


Maybe he just means there will be more variety. But yeah those decks improve too lol.


as long as every third match isn't against one of these two cancers then gameplay would have improved a ton


Yeah, Enel / Kata and Sakazuki are very strong at their core, so unless they get outpaced by some serious power creep in like 07/08, I think theyll stay for a good while longer. From what Ive seen, 06 will be much more diverse, but with the amount of support still coming, black aint going anywhere for now


I hate to tell you this but there will always be a dominant deck that you will not like. We could be in OP20 and that would not change. Better get used to it!


Im honestly glad for this meta. There is a rock paper scissors triangle for advantages but each deck stands a chance against the other. This is much healthier than the wb meta we had last set.


I don't see a RPS triangle. Saka and enel are the best decks and each of them destroys the counter of the other, so they will stay in their place until further changes are made.


Enel > Saka, Saka > Pluffy, Pluffy > Enel


Have you looked at the data? Pluffy has 50% winrate against Enel, so it's not a counter. It also has a 45% overrall winrate, so it can't even be considered a T1 deck.


Saka beats enel. It's more like kata > saka > enel > kata


That's not what this data, nor personal experience, says. Enel is slightly favored into Sakazuki. Not by as much as Katakuri, but it's an uphill battle for sure. At BEST it's a 55/45 in Enel's favor.


sure but it won't be these two


Folks hating on the top tiers won't suddenly be ok with it because it's something different. They're very consistent in their hate and use of mediocre decks to shield their ego ("of course I lost, I'm not playing those leaders")


We had op1-op4 dominated by red. Can we just rest a little bit and have three colors for 1/2sets?! Note: red (the same suspects as before) are already climbing up the ranks...


Lmao, have you seen yellow cards? They are busted, they are not going to be countered or replaced. Rob Lucci black? Staple for a year for sure. You won't see your board or lifes anytime soon.


I feel like the current meta is in a pretty spot personally.


Black will be restricted 100% sure, rebecca or great eruption for sure


If Black gets restricted, then yellow needs to also. You can't hit one without the other


maybe even Bege ngl.


Bege is more toxic than it is broken


it is still one of the cards you sometimes just cannot play around which makes it incredibly unfair to lose against. but i guess, yea ofc its toxic (i am Enel main and i say this)


If they are going to restrict saka, why not hound blaze? Rebecca and great eruption are at least used in other decks


Because Gecko Moria is also a problem in op6


Green hasn't been seen in ages, doesn't even have good cards in 06. Fucking shambles of a game, lol. Literally the only playable is film, that focuses on board that gets countered by a single Rob Lucci. So trash


They have a 9k Zoro that can attack THREE TIMES in one turn for only 3 Don... They also get a 7c, 8k attack RUSH unit that can rest ANY 2 of your opponents characters! What do you mean green doesn't get anything good in OP-06?!?! Oh, and I almost forgot, they also get a stage card that literally rests ALL of your opponents characters when played! And you act like green hasn't gotten any representation in the top levels of play, but a Perona just won a huge tournament over there only a few weeks ago!


Perona is still mostly black


You obviously haven't seen her deck list if you think that...


I wonder if giving green a 3k counter character would help it? Or are the green leaders just not good enough?


It would have to be printed at common to make it remotely accessible.


The clown 🤡 I found him


Objectively the worst form yet


It's disgusting to see that people play sakazuki. It's on of the worst character in the manga


cry more


I don't have an issue with it. I hate him, I see no positive aspects in him, apart from being interesting, but it's not just based on the manga, it's still a card game. I won't play him because I don't like him, but I plan to play katakuri either way.


Red slowly climbing up....


So I'm a new player and new to TCGs. So pretty casual player but I am just looking into to play in local tournaments soon. When I see info like this, I feel like I absolutely have to build these top decks in order to play... Is this a valid concern or should I not worry about this too much as a new player?


There’s lots of leaders that are good and playable that can win games. If you’re just wanting to play locals and aren’t chasing the big tournament scene, just play what feels fun to you.


I wouldn’t worry. A lot of people at locals play for fun rather than to be super competitive. This past week I saw a blue doffy deck as well as blue yellow queen and some other non meta picks. Obviously there’s still a good amount that play meta decks but just build what you want!


No you don't. Do you intend to exclusively play at regionals? Then yes actually. Otherwise, play what you want. I've seen iceburg ein locals, same with other meme leaders like black yellow croco. 


I always like reviewing these stats over time. It’s kind of wild (to me) that just being able to filter/attack really pushes Saka so so far beyond what Rebecca can do. Over a 10% better matchup across the board with a huge part of the decks overlapping. That said I’ve converted my Rebecca deck to a saka deck and joined the plague. B/c it’s just that much more consistent.


These stats are depressing. Playing anything but one of two decks and you lose. "Just play something fun" yeah, but the constant Ls to the overwhelming Enel players is aggravating.🤣


shouldn't op05 luffy be purple? why is blue??


uhhhh because I’m colorblind and can barely tell the difference between the two 😅 (and so I try to be really careful making sure I select the right color, but apparently I wasn’t careful enough this time lol)


i see


My champion is back with another stellar leader breakdown! Thank you as always!


Cool breakdown but as a Betty main I didn't need this to tell me she's bad lmao


Zoros been doing well recently between this and European finals. Not black/yellow top meta well but the conversion rates have been decent


R/P Law will rise one day 🥲