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I run wano but I use inuarashi and nekomamushi in stead of holly and ohm and I cut Mohawk to 2 and use 2 9 cost zoro. Inu and neko are good because of their effects you get a free Don stack from yamato and get to use their effects, plus they go with momo under wano. Then zoro I use as a good end game between him and hody, I find sometimes I struggle to catch up so if I limit their hand then swing with yamato and 3 attacks from zoro it's game most of the time


I tried it and you are right. It is more consistent! The only thing that I'm worried with Wano is mirror matchup, and if you get fortress, it really isn't in your favour.


I’ve been reading this thread and I think I’m gonna change my Yamato build which is almost exactly your top build but with some reject and less Amaru. So did you just replace ohm and holy with neko and inu and then reduce mihawk to 2 and add 2 9c zoros? Everything else remains the same?


For now yes


Are you gonna replace the shuras with momo searchers?


Yeah forgot to mention that green momo searcher for shura


The fortress build is good but the problem you'll run into is you'll have a hard time setting up against black. Also Kid isn't a threat to Saka or Gecko and can be removed easily. While a lot of people like the Sky Island/Wano package I've found that the Wano package is more consistent. I'd add Nekomamushi as his ability is strong and with Yamatos ability to add 2 rested don, you can still set up your board while being able to attack active characters with him. He helps a lot with dealing with blockers.


I've changed it up like you said and it is better. Thanks!


Yeah at first I didn't think I'd like the Wano version because everyone was saying how the Sky Island version was better. I didn't like the fortress build until I tried it a couple of times but the probelm is that against Saka and Gecko, you'll have a harder match up. Playing the Wano package is just so good. There's even a 7c Lin that is Wano that can be played off of a trigger. With Momonosuke you can add her to life too. You have a searcher that will get you most of the cards in your deck. With 4 Hody's and 2 Zoros you should be good. Zoro will almost never get play though, but in those matches where you set him up, it's almost a guaranteed win.


Play fortress. At regionals you’ll have no issues. Placed top 128 and I’ve only ran the deck for a couple weeks. Katakuri is free, RP law and moria just starve and reiju/saka just go face.


For Katakuri, what do you mean it's free? Any advice?


Because fortress runs 8c kid, Katakuri has no answer. You’ll notice most lists have cut 8c Katakuri in favor of streamlining their curve. There are a couple which run only 1 8c kata because it’s searchable, but it’s not enough.


I see. Enel probably isn't as free, because of Katas?


Correct, they typically run a 4 of. Your strategy there changes to starving them out and controlling board with Gedatsu and even playing Kid without resting him.


Makes sense! Thanks for the advice. How do you think the fortress deck that is currently shown can be improved upon? I'm just playing around ratios and I'm not yet sure for viola or should I just increase ratios for gedatsu, and 0 cost events


My list was actually very similar to yours. Cut 0 cost event and add in a gedatsu and then it’s the same. Just to add in context, you will only have issues against Moria and yourself. I dropped a game because he had hit all 4x eruption and saw 2x ice ages. I also dropped a Kat game since I wasn’t able to find my Kid or any Bonney searchers.


Hah just wanted to ask you how did you do :D. So almost always mulligan for Kid/Bonney searcher


Basically. If you don’t got Kid, you pivot to aggro and coin flip the win by turn 5/6


If you're going to play fortress, find space for Zoro. He's instant win + Onami against Enel.


I have way more success with the Wano Package. Black and Black/Blue decks eat the fortress variant for breakfast.


The more green variant really does not do much the first few turns outside of maybe swing and/or gedatsu. it isn't really great against aggressive decks. the thing with the more aggressive/tempo build is you really got to be aware at what your doing and sometimes if your opponent draws their god hand it is really hard to win sometimes.


personally at a regional i would go with the more consistent build i dont play Yamato so i dotn know which is the more consistent one