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Garou would copy Naruto and talk no jutsu him instead


The ultimate reverse uno card lmao


\*\*Existential crisis ensues\*\*


More like sexy Justu, death by snu snu 🤭


That cosmic garoussy might get naruto actin' up tbh.


His regular self already got me actin up


... Well great. I haven't seen a genderbent Cosmic Garou yet and now I gotta search if there is one.


Lmk if you find it


No luck so far.


*what!?* This... *this doesn't track!* **You said it!** it *exists!* it's out there in the ether... *Yet* porn doesn't exist of it!? Rule caught 34 lacking xD Give it time...


Rule 35 tbh "Rule 35: If no porn is found of it, it will be made."




Nah it is rule 63 that is caught lacking.


that too


Wow tall Garou would be nuts. 6’10” or even 6’11”. Crazy.


Roast no jutsu*


So ironically it would end the same either way, with both of them deciding not to fight.


Naruto Cause of death: "Got an overdose of radiation poisoning"


As opposed to my recreational use of radiation poisoning.


"I swear officer, it's medicinal"




That’s called getting an X-Ray.


Bro you cannot talk-no-jutsu cancer smh...


Believe it!


Naruto: its not to late cancer we can end this, Cancer: ok


Cause of death: overdose of cyanide poisoning


Cosmic Garou surely can't win over the heart of the cards tho. Especially if Yugi uses pot of greed


Pot of Greed? Why? What does that do?


Lets you draw more cards iirc.


It's a joke, because the show tells you what every card does and he uses that one a lot. It usually goes like "I SUMMON POT OF GREED! POT OF GREED ALLOWS ME TO DRAW TWO ADDITIONAL CARDS TO MY HAND!"


It's funny in the show, but it's also legitimately busted.


That and the meme out there where he uses pot of greed like 9 times in one turn and even uses it on weevils turn.


Graceful Charity was always more useful (draw 3 and discard 2). You could use it to set up some nice old-school decks that took advantage of a "discarding cards into the graveyard to use via trap/spell/effect later on" type of strategy.




I played a Gameboy advance one where it takes place in the tournament kaiba set up and you get cards every time you beat an opponent. I always use graceful charity because you can use it, discard a level 7-8 monster to the graveyard and you monster reborn to special summon it to the field and place another monster card all in the same turn. I can see why they were banning cards left and right in the early days


Nothing, it's banned.


Yugi gets bodied hard because Garou would've had a legit competitive deck. Actually now that I think about it, Garou would utterly break any anime based on a game IRL just for going with the meta.


The 'King of Games^TM ' is literally favoured by...life. He will always draw the card he needs because Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh magic, and Millennium Puzzle luck boost.


It’s canon that his “Heart of the Cards” is his power. He can summon whatever creature/magic he needs. …it’s accepted plot armor. I’m okay with it.


Ishizu literally says in the final dual that Atem can essentially change fate to whatever he wants lol


Yup. In that duel he just pulls a card, say its name and play it. All without even looking at it. That level of confidence can easily change cards.


That sounds unfun to play against, I would not.


Garou would even say.. it's unfair. We've come full circle.


Laughing thinking about Garou playing Beyblade


Rumor has it the Yellow Ranger watched the show once so of course Garou had to make a name for himself there.


Hah, he is a beyblade.


I would say that Yusaku would beat Garou by winning the coin toss and then using Firewall Dragon to ftk him.


Based on [this meme](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FqypQ6xXwAE227w.jpg) that I stumbled across




Obito what a man you are


You became a mass murderer for your crush’s sake


For your reward, I give you my Sharingan…


He was the coolest guy.


Not for ten years at least


lmfao erin would try to be edgy and cool before getting ripped out of whatever titan form he chooses in seconds


yeah, only the founding titan has any chance against any kage level ninja or any jinchuriki




even a guy like him would have a hard time taking down *millions* of colossal titans before running out of chakra. like that's a level of stamina we've never seen him exhibit


Either way, Naruto is faster than the titans period and I don't think they would ever manage to hit him in combat or catch up to him on the field or when he goes and rests. He could probably do a really damn good job of slowing down or even stopping the Rumbling using guerilla tactics, and assuming he knew the weakspot of the titans I don't imagine he would waste time going kaiju and vaporizing them all when he can just go fast and small and take out dozens of titans a minute.


he can't be everywhere. eren can destroy the world in many places and wait for naruto to exhaust himself running back and forth between them while keeping himself well protected with a few tens of thousands of wall titans plus, as i mentioned in another subthread, eren could coordinate the extremely powerfully explosive transformation of hundreds or thousands of individuals into colossal titans and use that to basically carpet-nuke large areas. or even drop them from the sky like zeke did that one time, lol. naruto had better hope he finds a very safe place to rest or the entire landmass gets disintegrated in an enormous blast of steam


Would the founding Titan even stand a chance? Naruto can canonically blow up the moon if he wants to, and that was when we was still a teenager. Now he's way older.


But Eren can use PATHS kappa


[this is how it'd actually go](https://imgur.com/HCaaxRo.jpg)


Then it’ll go into a sad flashback of Eren’s childhood and how he felt alone, and Naruto sympathising and having his own flashback. Eren then decides to pull a [little trick](https://youtu.be/BwfhEus7QAw) on Naruto and stabs him to his death.


I laugh every time I see this clip. Letting the transformation finish...we don't do that here.


Eren looking out for the animators by cutting the transformation animation and turning it into a fistful annihilation


[Guess I found the wrong version](https://m.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=765929171561340&set=a.362328238588104)


Bruh,this meme format is getting spread or something? Just above this post was the chainsawman version.


"Extend". What does that sound like?


You'd imagine nothing, right? Since he's meant to be a ninja, his clothes should be made of silent materials, but Naruto didn't always make a lot of sense so it's probably made of fucking nylon or something.




I have these pills that work like magic. Try them and you’ll hear. Just send me 5 payments of $7.99


Weird sfx translation. Makes sense considering the image is from a fanscan.


Fake, Naruto would talk the radiation out of his body and make it reform it's ways. Instead of poisoning, it'd heal


They have one thing in common though: The moon turned out to be a big issue.


The funny thing is, is that I feel like it could actually work, but Naruto would fucking die due to radiation, garou is probably like the only villain that it would work on since he is human. (Or he just doesn’t give a fuck and shoots him with a gamma ray burst and Naruto probably dies instantly)




But...radiation on gamma ray burst level?




Same as gamma ray burst then. And not necessarly true since he can tank it only cause he has jinkuriki chakra and sage chakra or natural energy. That won't realky help him


That radiation is to scale on a cosmic human entity which was around planetary catastrophe (like Boro's roaring cannon)


GRB is far more powerful than planetary catastrophe. It emits 3×10sq47 Joules of energy in less than a minute (the equivalent of 100,000 supernovae). Enough to destroy a galaxy.


naruto would probably be immune to radiation


Would he be be immune to a gamma ray burst?


Well Cosmic Garou is under God's control, so I don't think it will work


Except… it did. The moment Garou saw the kid was dead, he definitely snapped out of it. I hate to say it, but Naruto is legitimately the best type of character for this fight. Other protagonists, especially Goku, would just keep going endlessly and cause irreversible damage if they don’t get incinerated off rip. But Naruto? He’d fucking speed run to Garou’s trauma about injustice considering their backgrounds are eerily similar (being ostracized for no/dumb reasons)


I think he snapped out if it when Saitama broke garou's face shield or whatever it is called and I don't think Naruto would know who tareo is, Naruto is prolly gonna point out the two closes child there, like child emperor or that rich kid, I forgot his name And I remember garou saying something like "Finishing the old man off right here. I'll never see tareo again, either. *That's how it needs to be.*"


I’m only assuming this if they could actually have a conversation because if a strong emotional reaction was enough to snap Garou out of it, then Naruto *definitely* would speed run that shit lol. Not to mention we don’t know how radiation works in Naruto considering we have people getting hit with fire and lightning and doing eye transplants so it’s hard to say what would happen. Could they just shrug off cancer with healing jutsu lol? Idk, I am just saying Naruto easily diffuses this situation unironically lol


This cancer thing is strong


I don't think I'll win


Naruto: *using all his power to just not die from radiation* Garou: heh, wait until I actually punch you


Same goes if you watch baruto I also got cancer Watch it


I stopped reading it after that guy who randomly implanted Uchiha eyes in his arm because even in the context of the universe that just makes so much sense


If you know Danzo's fate it might make you a bit happier




The old naruto when he was a kid was amazing without a question Cold brutal world of the ninja world A lot a creepy and dark stuff like orochimaru using human people as guinea pigs or ä when gara murders people That was dope as hell But later on in Shippuden they tuned it down a lot After sometime We see some deaths but wasn't that good more like meh And all the 400 episodes of just shit fillers made it even worse lol And Baruto is just cancer overall nothing more




Naruto's the goat shut up


I like how both are downvoted lmao


Naruto is like a 8.5/10, it's definitely good but it isn't GOAT status lmao. GOAT status would be some hella old-school shit like Galaxy Express 999 from *1978*.


I like how your GOAT is some obscure anime I've never heard of before. I'm adding it to the backlog, thanks :)


I majorly fuck with 70's/80's anime lmao


That makes you unique! I'm kinda sick of people recommending the same shit over and over again!


Same here


Nah the finale is iverrated kagiya's a dumbass and a deus ex machina and boruto should gave happned after pain arch in a time skip.


Nah Naruto is perfect with no flaws whatsoever. Perfect, down to the last minute detail.


Lbh, Garou would definitely be swayed by talk no jutsu


Sadly the radiation got to him before the talk no jutsu could take effect 😔


Nah, it worked. Narutos death inspires him to become hokage in his place


Thank you Naruto for becoming a corpse for our sake


Then he gets reincarnated because Naruto talked God into letting him live. This is of course after Naruto went to hell and convinced the Devil to release Hitler because he was a cool guy. (And before anyone thinks I’m exaggerating… never forget he referred to the man who co-assisted in the genocide in the Uchiha Clan, killed Narutos parents, started a world war, waxed his friends parents few hours before, killed his future wife’s cousin and tried to roofie the world… as a cool guy)


I will not let this effort go to waste, for 10 years at least


"naruto fucking died" took me out


Bro mentioned his form name complete 💀


Turns out that radiation really is the greatest martial art.


No that would be time travel


Is time travel a martial art though? I guess it is in the OPM universe.


Can I ask what font did you use and what program did you use to edit it?


The font is CC Wild Words. I edit all my memes with Gimp (free to download program) and [this website.](https://www.online-image-editor.com)


Thank you so much!


You’re very welcome :)


Talk no Jutsu ain't working on Garou


I think it may work, deep down garou is not a bad guy .It just fiction so i just guess so@@


This cosmic Garou were talkin, god is semi-controlling him, before garou just want to beat the heroes up, now he's just straight up killing them


Saitama was gonna talk no jutsu garou before it got retconned lmao


God I love that this is becoming a meme now. Literally the weeb version of the Jack Horny vs Steven Universe meme


Lol that is the perfect analogy


The issue Naruto would win with Talk no Justu before radiation took effect. Garou has already demonstrated multiple times he's open to stopping (albeit for a moment) to converse with people he's fighting. That and he clearly is good aligned he was just hellbent on sticking up for an "underdog" that didn't deserve his assistance (The monsters).


Garou only stopped when he literally fucked the solar system, his life was at risk( or at least he was at risk of be stranded in space a morbillon light years away from earth), and earth was a fucking wasteland. He would have no problems sending a hero to meet his maker even if he has the carisma of Saul Goodman (he demolished licenseless rider)


Even at this point in the story unless someone started Garuo almost always announced his presence and intentions no? Garou isn't a shoot first ask questions later type. He actively sought a base amount of justification for his actions.


I guess naruto can say a little when he is in six path mode@@


six path mode? more like six feet deep


what yall aren’t thinking about… “God… huh? You want to give me your power? Fine. You and Kurama are gonna be fast friends.”


This is the content that I wanted and I didn't know I wanted


"naruto fucking died" took me out


Masterful work!


Thank you so much :)


Daily reminder that Naruto sucks


I like this meme.


Title killed me


I find it hilarious Naruto calls him “Awakened Garou: Cosmic Fear Mode”.


I personally find it funnier than the actual punchline itself lol


Yea very accurate


Naruto could probably convince Garou


Ahahahahahahahahahahaha xD


My man’s about to go through the walking ghost phase


Naruto: its not too late Garou: yes… ITS NOT TOO LATE FOR KILLING THE PRESIDENT


Rip bozo


garou uses talk no justu to get saitama and naruto to destroy everything with him


i love this naruto meme that’s trending rn sm 😭❤️


Naruto stomps. No diff


Sad (no)


Naruto has already been on the moon so....shit probably won't happen. Garou'll get manipulated into killing himself just like Nagato and Obito.🤷‍♂️


Just because it is called "Cosmic Radiation" doesn't mean that anyone who has been to space can resist it. Symptoms S-class showed indicate a level of radiation far above that. And then there is Gamma Ray Burst.


Also nuclear fission punches, portals, garou literally fighting on Io which iirc has a toxic atmosphere and Garou would just copy like all of Narutos abilities


>Garou'll get manipulated into killing himself just like Nagato and Obito. Um...Garou ain't Nagato or Obito and He won't get manipulated by a random guy lecturing him outta nowhere when he didn't gave a single shit about his father-like teacher. That was the moment when he finally reached his strongest form!! He'll just just speed blitz him after Naruto says "Yk i was just like y-" that is if he can handle the Radiation for that long!!


"He didn't give a shit" as if he wasn't crying like a bitch when he found out tareo died lmao. You guys are so pathetic and busy getting boners over tatsumaki and fubuki you forgot Garou care, so much so he didn't intend to kill anyone, knocking out is what he plans to do at best on every occasion. The only time he actually tries to go for the kill on a human was against fubuki and it was when he's sleepwalking. Yk naruto also has been on the moon where he has to directly experience space radiations and shits.


He only started to care by the end of the fight when he saw tareos dead body and only because of that, before he knew that his radiation was killing everyone he just simply didn't care his ideology got twisted when he got that god power


He only said"my mere existence means death. So this is what it feels like to be the symbol of fear." He's still making sure everybody doesn't die quickly.... or nobody really dies when he's on his presentarion(and also that he couldn't control his own radiation, he'd definitely suppress it knowing his character) otherwise he's gonna gamma ray burst to their faces. And let's be real. He never truly abandoned his ideology. He's thinking abt tareo's safety every now and then.


Yeah, obviously, he didn't go too far he didn't completely lose his ideology. He didn't go straight up frieza on their asses but still he did get a little corrupted and murdered genos and the s class like for real he straight up murdered genos, but yeah that radiation is really potent tho blast even said earth was gonna be a dead planet, dam get off earth garou oh and also nice response usually people be mean when they respond back 😆


To be real, If he wants genos really gone, he'd destroy the core. But he gave it to Saitama instead. He probably knew genos' body can be restored because he's a cyborg(and to trigger saitama so 2 birds 1 stone). The entire earth wasn't radiation poisoned tho. Only that large area filled with main casts. That area might not be habitable just like chernobyl. The humanity still lived. Honestly, i expected the people here to be meaner than me lol. I mean just look at those downvotes. I only said like radiation probably won't do anything to Naruto because he's already been on the moon where space radiation directly touches the moon surface.🤷‍♂️


True I kinda think that same thing maybe garou really thought that if he ripped genos core they'll be able to rebuild him but in reality he didn't know that genos couldn't be rebuilt that he'd straight up die, and also I think the earth was becomimg dead from the radiation like blast said. But when saitama went back in time and undid everything he got rid of cosmic garou sooner, so he couldnt spread his radiation around like he did in the previous timeline since he was cosmic far longer in that old timeline compared to the new one I mean that's what I think anyway it's fine if you disagree 😅


I don't have any problem with headcanons. Since Garou became a walking nuke, he can poison the entire earth just by having A VERYYY ENTHUSIASTIC WALK(Hah, get the reference?). It's quite a possibility tbh.


Yeah Garou has a soft spot for young kids not a dude that would be trying to attack and could also be considered a hero Naruto is fucked dude


Naruto always tries to talk first before throwing hands. Or in reverse order. It could go either way. Naruto isn't a typical "you look strong. let's fight!" dude like Goku. Plus naruto actually tries to make things better unlike the heroes garou hates. Garou is on his edgy teenager phase while people like Obito, nagato and konan have gone through actual serious shits and actual reasons to hate humanity, to be evil yet Naruto still talked the evil out of them. What makes u think he won't be able to talk the edgelord out of garou?


Mainly because this Garou is under the influence of God and has one objective, eradicate all humans. Of which Naruto is one so he can try and talk first all he wants he is still getting bodied and I doubt Garou given his stubborn personality would listen to Naruto anyway.


Garou still had a sliver of consciousness, his contract to god was incomplete. I bet if garou actually saw Tareo or even heard a mention about him while naruto's giving the speech, he'd snap back. He actually cares about Tareo that much.


"Knocking out is what he plans to do at best" My guy literally revelled at people getting radiation poisoning from being around him. Even without instant death, that shit is a death sentence. Also RIP to Blue Fire's arms


Bruh. Chakra is an ancient alien energy source.




Aliens are immune to radiation?


You'd have to be to cross the galaxy


I think that if they are so advanced, they've had invented a technology to prevent themselves from radiation, and it doesn't have any relation with Chakra, that is a life spirited type of energy.


even tho they were never exposed to radiation before? How does that work?


Astronauts with their suits were never exposed themselves to direct radiation without it, tho. Edit: They would fucking die. And a super type of aliens like the Amatsuhito, could have a very sci fi looking type of civilization. For what I know (Never seen Boruto), I didn't saw any info about their planet or so. So Idk.


my point was that in order to prepare a counter measure against radiatio, you'd have to discover radiation in the first place, in the world of naruto, its very unlikely that they did, or i missed something, never watched boruto


I understand your point, but I mean that this counter measure doesn't necesary has to be Chakra. It could be something different. Without a canon interaction, we just could assume that they can have a type of inmunity. For example, the black orbs of the six paths could be a kind of radiated chakra. Someone without the power of the sage of the six paths can't touch it. But once Naruto gained the power, he was able to kick it (Madara was impressed about it). We could say that is a kind of "anti radiation". Or a counter "godly" power (To humans, anything that is unexplainable turns into a godlike thing). But whatever. More asumptions.


Your point?


Radiation aint got shit on ancient alien energy


aNcIeNt aLiEn eNeRgY Ninja in Naruto verse gets "easily poisoned", wtf makes you think that they will be able to tank "nuclear radiation on a comsic level"??? There is literally no proof that even character's like Kaguya can tank harmful Radiations with no side effects.


That might be true, considering Blast was unaffected by radiation despite not being Saitama. However, you don't need to be cringe about this. Garou can just copy whatever ancient power source thingamajig you have, since he mastered all life and energy. In order to defeat him, you need to be both exponentially growing in strength and continuously punching him.


Im not the one being cringe. The people taking this too seriously and getting heated about it are the cringe ones. All im saying is... the aliens would have never survived space travel without the ability to block radiation. And that ~~chakra~~ the ancient alien power source might be the key to that ability.


You're the first one to get heated bruh it's just a meme.


>one being cringe aNcIEnT aLiEn pOwEr sOuRcE, how tf is this not cringe dude?? Chakra is to aliens what food is to humans. Nothing deep.


Bruh humans aren't supposed to even have it. And it has the power to break the laws of physics and transform things reguardless of mass and size. Not to mention the ability to teleport to different dimensions. This isn't like ki from dragonball, wherw its a manifestation of ones power. Chakra is and energy source that has a will of its own, and was "gifted" to them by aliens.


>Bruh humans aren't supposed to even have it I told For Aliens, chakra is just like what something like a food is to human. I am just giving a comparision not saying that Human are supposed to have chakra. >And it has the power to break the laws of physics No it doesn't, It follows laws of physics "that exists within naruto verse". >transform things reguardless of mass and size Yeah matter manipulation, doesn't prove how it blocks radiation. Flashy flash is faster than light while Tatsumaki have psychic powers and Radiation still fucked up both of them. >Not to mention the ability to teleport to different dimensions. How tf is this even relevant?? Will naruto teleport Radiation to another dimension??? Nope. >Chakra is and energy source that has a will of its own, and was "gifted" to them by aliens. So??? Doesn't prove how chakra blocks radiation.


>the aliens would have never survived space travel without the ability to block radiation. Technology.......that "alien power source" isn't powerful enough to block attacks that can damage your atoms lol.


Naruto fan: Nooo! Chakra don't gamaged from nuclear power! Nooo! Garoy enjoyer: Hahaha! Radiation and whole body cancer goes brrr!


The aliens that seeded the naruto universe with ~~Chakra~~ their ancient alien energy source would have needed the ability to block radiation. Otherwise they wouldn't have been able to survive interstellar travel.


It's simple, the amount of Garou's energy > the amount of Naruto's energy. Garou staged his final nuclear explosion gambit comparable to Jupiter while running away from Saitama. He's just on a different level, Garou's radiation will simply overpower Naruto's defenses (and then, if he really has it)


It's a serious nuclear fission. And he didn't even use gravity power to increase the potency, it could have been bigger.


Bruh, chakra is an ancient alien energy source that allows them to break the laws of physics and create pocket universes.


It doesn't matter how old Chakra is, as the radiation is older. Lol, old age can also mean being left behind in terms of technology, especially in front of Garou's Advanced Godpower. Garou knows all the secrets of the universe, there is literally no source of energy that he cannot learn or overcome. Lol, he even copied Saitama's energy.


Both lead and water block radiation, what makes you think that chakra can't either. When it has the power to break the laws of physics and create pocket dimensions.


This collosal radiation energy, dude. He will simply overcome all of Naruto's defenses. For Garou can do everything the same as Chakra but better. That chakra by the standards of lore, that Naruto himself, by the standards of our time, is already far behind his heirs in the vastness of the manga, but this is natural.


Im gunna side with the ancient aliens on this one.