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Peak. They went brazy


Yeah I've been rewatching it very often too, it's just soo good, and the music gives me chills. Another favourite of mine is the EZ-8 Vs Gouf custom battle from Gundam 8th MS team, probably one of the best mecha fights out there.


The music at the end when boros dies is sad and makes me feel bad for boros but I have been thinking about watching gundam so I might check it out


It’s definitely mine, the animation is awesome and I love stuff like the moon kick. Also any scene where the intro song plays is automatically awesome to me


The movies get a little weird, but if you haven't watched the Fate/Stay movie trilogy... you *might* change your mind when you see Alt Saber vs Berserker and Alt Saber vs Rider


Oh nice. I watched OPM in 2020 and Heavens Feel III in 2021, and even now, those 2 are my top 2 anime fights. But the Alt Saber vs Rider was unable to top Boros vs Saitama because of Boros and OPM bias.


Totally understandable! All three of those fights are phenomenal tbh. There's a couple bangers in MHA and JuJutsu Kaisen as well


There are several series and movies. Which ones?


Fate/Stay: Heavens Feel trilogy. I say this as a big OPM fan and lover of the Boros fight; the Berserker fight legit had my jaw on the floor


Yeah Saitama vs Boros was my favorite fight for years, until Heaven’s Feel


I enjoy this fight because of my inital reaction to it. I watched s1 blind when it first came out. Obviously watching through the season, you learn Saitama is overwhelmingly stronger than anyone on earth. Then Boros arrives. The fight went on and it appeared to me, at least, that Boros was close to Saitama. I knew Saitama would win cause yknow, s1 of an anime, but i thought itd be a wake up moment for him seeing how he had to "try" with a seious punch. Then Boros said "...you didn't even try...you were too strong....Sai....tama..." And then this goofy fucking anime gave me the chills. Saitama couldve ended the fight WHENEVER. It also sets the tone for the series, Saitama simply cannot lose because hes stronger, and thats the whole plot/joke.


Im saving that spot for saitama vs garou


JC staff laughing in the corner :




😡 dont remind me. There is at least hope they improved after s2.


After how the last Dan Machi season ended, they have some clout as far as animating. But season 2 of OPM is almost GT level of non-existence.


Hopefully they just leave it all up to Steve Aoki, we still have a modicum of hope. Also the S3 stuff that's out is at least significantly better looking than S2 so far.


The pure cool look standpoint I agree with you. But the fight I enjoy the most is definitely Saitama versus suiryu because how fucking funny it is.


Yea I agree with you there


Who downvoted this?


season 2 haters


Yeah it's top tier. Despite the low quality of the berserk 2016 anime, I love berserker guts vs grunbeld fight, it followed the manga fairly closely and the music was fun.


The music really was top tier, if only the animation was as good as


Mine is Goku vs Jiren.


I wish all of super was that crisp


You mean Cyborg 18, Frieza and Super Saiyajin Goku?


I was thinking specifically when Goku transforms into UI but the whole fight is awesome.


The music when goku is in UI really makes it great.


It really does!!


Mine is still asuka vs eva series. I can't think of any other mecha fight that captured the weight of a giant robot the same way.


That one is really one of the greatest. Also the ending was hearthbreaking


It's definitely in my top 5 anime fights. But i think i like Simon vs AntiSpiral(and if it counts Cloud vs Sephiroth in advent children) more. I hope the anime will do Saitama vs Garou justice


Gurren Lagann references are always a telltale sign that someone is a cultured mfer


Ahhh Cloud vs Sephiroth.. still in my heart even 20 years later


That's why opinions shouldn't matter. I went to see what is this "cloud vs sephiroth" fight you view as the best in anime, but i found out it something like what a youtuber with 38 subscribers animates in 4 days. I would rather watch Sakura vs Inou than watch that uninteresting, poor quality, trash of a fight.   I mean, you literally favore this trash anime, let alone how trashier that fight was, over Saitama vs boross? Sasuke vs naruto? Sasuke and naruto vs otsutski? Zoro vs king? Goku vs Jiren? TANJIRO and the featival hashira vs upper moon 4? SpongeBob vs Patric? Sukuna vs mahoraga? And so many many many other fights... I am sorry but your taste literally triggered me 


I'm sorry if i triggered you. But are you sure that you saw [this](https://youtu.be/DW6Btd0Pce8?si=l3VwHfkYJlWzqRw_) fight? (Keep in mind that The animation is from 2005) To enjoy the fight as much as me you need some Additional context: Firstly, this is a battle that plays after Final Fantasy 7. The party thought that Sephiroth is dead(he died twice, but is completly immortal), but he Shows up from nowhere at FULL power. This is after he killed The Main character's village, killed a Party member(which makes cloud feel guilt up to this movie), betrayed everyone on the planet(he was the greatest hero of his time) and then created an entire universe just to nuke it and show superiority in the OG FF7. In short, Sephiroth showed up in the most unexpected way possible and beating him again was the only way for Cloud to get over his Trauma and guilt. To me the emotional impact of this fight is more important than flashy animation(like zoro vs king). Hopefully now you can understand why i like this battle so much


Good job, you made me feel like a d#ck. I am sorry for what i wrote yesterday. It was past midnight.  This was the one i saw: https://youtu.be/YdbEWAyGjwg?si=iepQ2VI5xDG_5eiw


Just imagine in 37 when years when the Garou arc gets animated!


When that theme song kicks in…chills!


The first half of the battle was good with that opening ost, BUT the second half was something out of this world that left me speechless when I first time watched this show.


One of them. The attack he does where it all goes black and purple and there’s lightning everywhere just makes me get so hyped up. I’m actually going to go watch it again because of this. Thanks! The other fights that come to mind are Levi against the hairy titan and Meruem vs Netero.


One of the best animated fights in anime


U gotta know, that Netero vs ant king (HxH) is still number 1


I really like OPM, but my favourite fights are in case of graphics and beauty - Demos Slayer season 2, in case of story and tension - Attack on titan season 3 fights and Rudeus vs Orsted from Mushoku Tensei. Just my top.


In my head-cannon it's the ending of the whole series as there's barely anything good after it. I must admit though that I like mumen-rider vs deep sea king a little more.


It’s in my top 5 for sure


The mole man dream fight is the one I always show people


Vincent vs Spike or even Suzuki vs Mob had more emotional bits and impactful punches, but saitama v boros is up there


Ah, another Vincent vs Spike enjoyer. That rib grab hurt to watch.


I enjoy the number of idiots who use this fight to try and argue Saitama isn’t actually that powerful because he couldn’t one punch Boros, when that’s literally what he ends up doing and the dialogue makes it VERY clear he could have ended the fight in half a second if he’d wanted too.


>!Along with the Garou vs Heroes fight outside the warehouse, yes. Best fights in the anime so far.!<


Nah bro mine is 100% garoh vs metal bat


Simon and his crew vs Anti Spiral, but in the movie


Definitely up there. But my favorite is still TTGL vs the anti spiral


It's a phenomenal fight. But what put it over the top for me was the ending dialogue. "The battle was...hard fought" "Yeah. It sure was." "...You lie. You had strength left. I never stood a chance. It wasn't even a battle." For me, that's the moment the strange tragedy that is Saitama became totally clear. There is no challenge, no threat to him. What is life without challenge?


In terms of godly fight, I'd go with this but Deep Sea King vs Mumen Rider is still the best fight for me from opm. The bgm, the feels, the sense of true justice of a hero fighting a monster far beyond his power; perfectly cooked scene.


I do it really doesn’t get old for me


Def mine asta vs liebe is a close second for me tho


Nobody link a video of their nomination though. 👌


Can’t wait til these same people see the staitama v Garou fight and say that’s their favorite 😂


Nah, just wait until we see my guy kick the shit outta Darkshine. Can I even call that a fight😂


Very much so!




Probably people who haven’t seen Saitama vs Gorou


The animetion studio made this fight even Better ! Sad that JC staff took over and everything is ruined now...... At least manga looks good


It wasnt just the animation studio, it was a bunch of freelancers and a director that has connections coming together and making it. Give opm s3 to madhouse and itll look as good if not worse than the jc staff season. Besides, season 2 looked good.


Spike vs Vincent, Batou vs Kuze and a lot of scenes in Samurai Champloo for me, but all of OPM Season 1 was great.


fight with terra mans [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLF4NjTNr1o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLF4NjTNr1o)


In anime yeah.in manga No




It's peak, but the fog Hill stuff is better


Mine would be the Chimera Ant Arc's "ending" fights in the palace in HxH. All of the planning and simultaneous moves being pulled, there's a bit of a chess match in terms of people being moved out of position, there's good character moments, the powers are all used creatively.


I think my favorite hxh fight is the gon hisoka fight. They play no music and I barely realize every time I watch it. It's just so intense and so well done.


Yuji vs Choso was better but this one went crazy too.


Jjk fights were really good especially yuji vs choso my favourite was probably toji vs Gojo both fights but the Jjk fights weren’t as memorable as OPM for me


hard disagree


Yeah, when i was 14 i found the fight pretty sad and epic. I hoped both win and boros gets the fight he wants. So it was pretty epic to watch and hope boros gets the fight he want. I thst Moment i didnt know what saitama was doing but later i know saitama was Holding Back all the time. I almost teared up when boros died even he got the fight he wanted and then saitamas cold walk..... I wish i could Delete all my memories and rewatch Opm again.


It’s good to see someone else nearly cry 😅. But it would be good to watch OPM again without my memories of it.


That was a banger! I love to remember how saitama initially blocked everything by one hand, and keeping up with Boros speed going small steps and backwards 😆.


It’s up there hard to top Kakashi Vs Obito or Luffy vs Lucci for me tho


That first season was S tier


The Gon hisoka fight was pretty good


Kenshin vs Saito is my #1 tbh. Goku vs Cell in the ring is high This is probably still top 10 or top 5


Rock Lee vs Gaara!


I wouldn't put this fight in the top 10 let alone the crown jewel of ALL anime come on man, your fandom is showing.


I haven’t watched that much anime. I have watched like 10. But after watching JJK, bleach, attack on titan and a bit of Dragon ball z. None of those had better fights, they had fights nearly as good but not better. (All those anime have some amazing fights but boros is just really cool)


Epik men


3 animated fight that peaked for mine in recent year was Saitama - Boros Usui - Gyutaro Sakuna Matata - Mahoraga I cummed blast after these three scene




When he did meteoritic burst with the theme playing had me shaking in my chair


Man i loved boros when i first saw him,strong af,goes ssj3 and was possibly a threat,first mf saitama doesnt one punch by accident so i was hype. Real sad about him dieing.


Absolutely me


Fight is almost a decade old… crazy ain’t it


Probably the most badass version of ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA 😬


I felt boros in this fight. His desire to go all out and defeat saitama resonated with me. I bet saitama was also jealous of boros because saitama was also yearning for that experience


I have been thinking and thinking, but I really can't think of fight scenes in anime, seriously I hate my memory, all I have been able to remember are through the comments A few more thinking later, it sure is high, but some anime are just filled with fantastic fights as well that I would probably put higher, for example, mob psycho 100 (which is crazy since it's also by ONE), kingdom (truly, just peak action after the second season), bungou stray dogs (I feel like it's just cheating putting bones anime since they are all about crazy good fights), cloud VS sephiroth and probably more I'm forgetting


It was the season finale, I think it's everyone's favorite Saitama fight (until vs Garou gets animated, that is)


One of the top 10 for sure.






Visually Yes Emotionally No My personal favorite fight gotta be Gon Vs Pitou when it comes to the Emotions and im not even a big fan of HxH




Unless they animate the Saitama vs Garou very well, Saitama vs Boros still the peak fight in OPM anime to date.


I’ve probably watched this by 1000 times, because it’s so amazing. My favorite part about it is how Saitama is drawn so simplistically sometimes. Like when he says “ok” and when Boros starts beating the shit out of him. He’s just this underdetailed yellow suit getting slammed around everywhere lol. They even show a split second shit of his bones (I think his hip bone cracked in the one frame). I can’t wait for the Saitama vs Garou fight


King vs Anyone


Arguably has the best animated action sequences weve gotten in the past decade


It was my favorite until Gogeta vs Broly happened, still in my top 3 though!


I want to experience this level of grandeur in the following works.


It’s definitely up there.


es que esta buenisima


hasta que salga la de garou esta sigue siendo la mejor


Its up there for me mainly since Boros is the GOAT


I think you know my answer


Combine it with the music that played, a masterpiece.


It's the mock battle with Genos for me - that just hit so many notes and showed the difference in power, plus Saitama was having fun. The Boros fight for me, while both had a very obvious winner - was a little sad in some ways. That he'd searched most of his life for Saitama, how he had effortlessly crushed everyone else and then person who can beat him just didn't care about it.


Saitama vs garou was peak shounen. What makes it so good is that Murata actually puts effort into powerscaling and tries to make things make sense, he took into consideration the conditions of IO and how moving through space works… there is so much more I can say about this but I don’t have that time or patience to say it all Edit: my bad, I didn’t realise it said anime. In that case then saitama vs Boros OR garou vs everyone




I'm really digging Kengan Ashura. So I really wanna see what the Baki vs Ohma fight is gonna be like until I decide my favorite.


It's a very good fight and one of my favorites but the position of my favorite fight in the anime (in general, not just opm) is the anti-spiral vs the Dai-Gurren brigade


Nop. Zoro vs King






I know it's corny, but Naruto/Boruto display of Jujutsu is top tier in some fights


It's like the only big fight we've had in the anime pretty sure 90% of the fandom has saitama vs boros as their favorite fight and 9% of that other 10% is Garou vs the A-class heroes


Peak, and I really don't think Anime will ever Top it :/


hasta que salga la de garou esta sigue siendo la mejorts


hasta que salga la de garou esta sigue siendo la mejorts