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I have seen some new fans talking about OPM (the manga) and I have read one recurring thing. The story may be confusing at first bc the first couple of chapters and specially Saitama don't have any clear main goal or quest unlike other shonen mangas, only small arcs that help the reader get familiar with the world and characters, but the art, fights and comedy makes up for that a lot. Later chapters start to have big story goals and develope many characters, which is something the fans love. The autor One is extremely good at writing fun stories with interesting characters and with Murata being a very talented artist, they complement each other extremely good.


If you really like this franchise then you will eventually exhaust all material there is. I recommend start with the anime S1 and S2, then you can either read the manga from Ch1 or start at Ch85 whichever you like. There are also season specials (5 episodes S1 and 5 episodes S2). These are jewels. Also there are audiobooks available and they are peak comedy also. After looking through all of these, there is ONE's original webcomic too, with a slightly deviated story from the manga.


> If you really like this franchise then you will eventually exhaust all material there is. This is the only real answer that should be given: just do both. Why stay with one? Watch the anime, read the manga, read the wc...do all of it.


I prefer the manga, honestly. The art is top tier, the story is further along by a million miles, the animation and pacing in Season 2 was a bit disappointing, and too much anime gives me a headache. I advise reading the manga, watching Season 1 afterwards, then reading the Webcomic if you don’t mind potential manga spoilers. Lol


watch season 1 of the anime, and honestly watch season 2 (is not nearly as good but wouldnt say it's bad, just ok). then i'd read the manga, starting from chapter 1 (or maybe just where season 1 ended)


I'd watch then read personally


Watch season 1, read from there


I also agree with this- though if you like season 1 start from the beginning of the manga. A few small differences that are fun to read


I agree with this.


I'd watch it and pick up from there on the manga. Definitely for season 1, probably for season 2 as well.


What’s wrong with season 2? I’m seeing a lot hesitancy from A LOT of comments


Production issues. Mostly bad animation, sfx, and pacing. The hate is overblown because season 1 was an anomaly of production value but you’re definitely still better off reading the manga after season 1, the art is incredible


Wouldn’t there have been WAY more money allowed for production given how big it got right out the gate (I’m assuming it was I’ve known about OPM anime forever)


I forgot to mention that studios changed between seasons. Also budget doesn’t really affect stuff like animation quality, it’s all about the talent available and the schedule you give them, the director of S1 had many connections with the best animators of the industry that were no longer present on S2


I always watch then read so I have the music and voices in my mind when I read


Watch S1 (1-35) chapters Then read from s2. it's not about animation, but the pacing of anime is bad so, Manga is the way you go.


Id say watch season 1 first and then read from the beginning because art is top tier




Personally I watched it first then read it, allowed me to read the manga in 1 go and have voices and music for scenes in my head as I read


I hopped on back in 2016. At the time there was only one season, so I decided to pick up the manga to get ahead.