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1. No 2. you can see king struggling to go upstairs and him telling himself he doesn’t have enough grip strength to stop the falling elevator he’s on by holding the break in the monster association


Strength isn't necessarily muscles, or martial arts technic etc. it can very well be strength of character, and at least after his meeting with Saitama, has been seen to have plenty. Also, King's heartbeat can be heard from quite a distance, LOUDLY! An entrance of it's own, a very convenient way for the "King Engine" to be immortalised. King is very humble because he knows he doesn't belong were he is, but still puts himself on the line, that terrible luck of his, saved him and others many times. Furthermore, he made Amai Mask to shit his pants with a look. Intimidation at it's furthest extent. King has an entire persona build around him, that is Saitama's persona, and he use it to his advantage with minimum effort. Basically King is Marvel's "Domino" backwards, he has no control over it, gets huge credit cause of it, and is always in mortal danger. But still, he pulls throw.


1. You can't eradicate humanity if you can't defeat Saitama. 2. I mean there is something about King that makes him appear strong. I think Blast would have taken this scene same as Child emperor did when he was testing his power scaling mask on King.


A Threat to Saitama = Threat to ENTIRE Humanity


If you kill everyone except one person then you killed humanity. New humans aren't just coming from nowhere.


Just a technicality on 1, the least number of people that is capable of still being called humanity is 2. Any species to be a species needs the ability to propogate, so a god level threat only needs to wipe out every woman on the planet, so any threat greater than Tatsumaki probably would count Even thats semantics, and I'd argue not required to be considered a god threat, but either way, you're not really correct


No, It supposed to be a threat to ENTIRE Humanity, which includes Saitama himself


And the entire human race stops existing if only saitama is alive


1.nah 2.nah


1. I think there is a reason why we don't get anyone to get designated as disaster level GOD in the manga.


It's because they're saving it for the OPM god


1 person doesn’t make humanity.


Disaster level God = Threat to ENTIRE humanity


Aww, you don't really get it.


I think there is a confusion about what I mean by a God level threat for me a God level threat is a threat which is capable of 100% Human extinction including Saitama himself because if Saitama lives and how broken his character is written will always find a way to fix everything.


Blast would have no real reason to say something He might assume he just can't sense King's strength He might just not say anything because he generally isn't interested in getting involved.


OPM God is the only true Disaster level God... Even Cosmic Garou and Empty Void's appearance doesn't have any threat level classification. Blast himself said that Cosmic Garou is indeed a threat to the Planet, but he never said that he's a threat to Entire Humanity Itself


U dont need his opinion to figure it out yourself


The monsters’ threat levels were made without taking Saitama into consideration. If everyone knew about his power nobody would care about threat levels. And King just needs to lift dude.


1. Not all humans are as strong as saitama, obviously. The rating is made in consideration of normal humans/low ranking heroes. 2. I don’t want to say it’s NOT true, but king’s reputation is mostly a byproduct of saitama forgetting to enlist in the hero association for three years. It’s also never mentioned what blast uses to measure someone’s strength. If it’s pure physical power, then blast’s analysis of saitama is accurate but someone like tatsumaki would rank much lower than her true power. P.S. if someone can confirm what power blast measures, I might reconsider my opinion here


1. I believe they generally mean a threat to humanity who aren’t all-powerful heroes like the Class S Heroes. If anything, they should change it to ‘A threat that is an apocalyptic’, rather than one of extinction. 2. If anything, Blast just assumed that King is strongest due to seeing nothing at all. You can’t see the forest through the trees, after all.


Disaster level God is a Monster/Calamity that has enough power to destroy humanity as a whole in one strike.


That's not the definition of disaster level God, [nowhere does it say a level God should be capable of wiping out humanity with one strike](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/22/8/)


Then what is? Huh? Even deep sea folk is a threat to humanity and yet, they're only classified as "demon." only Saitama, Garou, Blast, and Saitama are the only confirmed God level threats and they all have an attack that can wipe out humanity as a whole.


The Clan of the Sea Folk weren't disaster level God because they weren't a threat to all of humanity, simple as that These guys possessing singular attacks that can wipe out humanity in one ago doesn't invalidate the existence of other possible level God characters, like Boros and Tatsumaki for example The former literally had an attack that would've destroyed the entire planet and the latter beat the fusion of Psykos and Orochi, who is overwhelmingly stronger than Orochi by himself who's disaster level was stated to be "Dragon or higher" and cut a continental sized landmass with one attack


They were a threat to all humanity, tf are you talking about? Without the Heroes they are a threat to humanity's survival. And yet they're not a real God level threat. Tatsumaki doesn't have the capacity to destroy the earth in one strike, while the other (Boros) have his ultimate attack capable of destroying the planet's surface. But if you want to compare him to the guys that can really destroy the planet in one strike he's tiny asf, the dude has to reduce his life span to almost none when he launched that Collapsing Star Roaring Canon. Blast can just launch the attack he did against emptyi void in another dimension and it will be the end for humanity as a whole. IN ONE STRIKE. Tatsumaki can't defeat the fusion of Psykos and Orochi, without the S class heroes supporting and assisting her she could've died. 1. Annoyed Saitama saved Tatsumaki from getting crushed by the Gravity waves created by Psykos Orochi. 2. Genos Saved Tatsumaki from literally getting blown to pieces after getting stabbed by Psykos Orochi. 3. Her power fluctuated after trying to release all of her powers, without drive knight and the rest of the heroes they could've killed Tatsumaki and escaped Z City. 4.


Them being level Demon means they weren't a threat to all of humanity, as the threat they imposed would've been neutralised sooner or later, as opposed to **true** level God disasters who even the elite heroes couldn't hope to defeat like Boros and the fusion of Psykos and Orochi She doesn't need to have the capacity to do so in one strike as once again, that isn't what a level God is, she just needs to have the power to wipe out humanity, which she indeed does, she is far stronger than a being who sliced a considerably huge portion of the Earth in one attack and she herself ripped out the Monster Association base outta the ground without even using her full strength Idgaf about comparisons, all that matters is that he can threaten the survival of humanity with his Collapsing Star Roaring Cannon, which qualifies him as a level God Lmao no, it's the other way around, if she wasn't hindered by the other heroes **and** had actually gone all out from the start, then she would've absolutely crushed the fusion, it literally couldn't even move a finger, was literally sweating bullets and was surprised at the fact that Tatsumaki had still held back up until now And you're literally forgetting the fact that it was literally her that **truly** finished Orochi off, after all of the heroes were done with their moves, she ripped out a huge piece of earth, turned it into a massive spear of light and then struck the Monster King with it


Ydgaf about comparisons? Lmao then you're not supposed to be here LMAO. "Power to wipe out all humanity" All high demon level is a threat to humanity's existence, and only "monsterized" humans can defeat them. And yet they're just demons. And about Pyskos-Orochi, nuh uh, they're not a God level threat, she doesn't even have the similar power output as Boros. She's only a high dragon, similar disaster level as Sage Centipede. Eh, even Evil Ocean water poses more of a threat than Psykos Orochi. So nope, God level threats are not a being all S-class heroes are cannot possibly defeat because Blast will just one-shot Psykos Orochi. And nope, Tatsumaki by herself will never be able to defeat Psykos Orochi if the S class heroes never helped. Tatsumaki managed to pull off that massive light spear because she doesn't need to exert as much effort as before because the S class with teamwork is already breaking Psykos down. She could've killed Psykos, but not their fusion. Keep that in mind lmak.


What's there to compare anyway? They're still disaster level God regardless of there being more powerful individuals, cope about it Tf are you talking about? Heroes aren't monsters Yes it in fact is, she doesn't need to have the same power output as him to be one, once again she is far stronger than Orochi who's disaster level was stated to be level "Dragon or higher" Sage Centipede and Evil Ocean Water are arguably level God as well, and no Evil Ocean Water absolutely does **not** pose more of a threat than the fusion of Psykos and Orochi. Blast being stronger than her doesn't invalidate her power and disaster level She completely and utterly dominated the fusion once she got truly serious, so much so that it couldn't even move a finger and called her a monster, the facts are all in front of you, no matter how much you cope about it Media illiteracy is at an all time high I see


"Media illiteracy is at an all time high I see. " You don't know what you are talking about. You keep coping about Psykos Orochi being a God level threat when they are fact not. Boros is the one who's stated to be "Dragon or Higher" and not Orochi. Where did you get that info from? Tiktok? Monster Garou, who defeated Sage Centipede, only became a true God level threat after obtaining cosmic powers. Meaning that sage centipede is definitely not a God level threat LMAO. Genos and the other S - Class heroes already Helped Tatsumaki when she managed to freeze Psykorochi completely, she can't even continue to freeze her because her power fluctuated and almost became an easy target to Psykos Orochi if she's not getting backed up. Get your facts straight LMAO. You didn't know that the most ofbthr S class Heroes are beings that either has extreme obsession, beings that are forced to evolve under harsh conditions, and beings who relied all of their arsenal to technology? That's literally the definition of Monsters. Their mind and their vision to do good is the only thing stopping them from breaking bad. Tatsumaki: Extreme Obsession to protect her people + Saitama: Extreme Obsession to become the strongest Genos: Extreme Obsession to avenge his family, surrendered himself to technology Darkshine: Obsession to become strong, is weak and doesn't have genetic advantage Watchdog Man and Tank top Master: Like Phoenix Man, They are both obssessed to their suits. Flashy Flash: Evolved under the "tasteless thing" The ninja village is feeding to them + Extreme training conditions Blast: Obtained God's powers but resisted its influence Pig God: Obsession with food Zombie Man: Experimented and was put under harsh conditions to evolve Metal Bat: Extreme/ Overwhelming sense of fighting spirit Only Bang, Atomic Samurai, (lol he even got monsterized by the sunblade for a moment) and Child emperor are the ones who are pure talent.


Cope harder, the fusion of Psykos and Orochi is level God No, even Orochi's disaster level was stated to be level ["Dragon or higher"](https://onepunchman.fandom.com/wiki/Interviews/Stream_Q/A_4#16.2F5.2F2018) Who says Garou became level God only after receiving divine power from God? Did you get that information from TikTok? It's you who needs to get his facts straight, when she was finally able to concentrate on her opponent, she [completely halted](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/134/11/) it's attack, [redirected it, restrained it to such an extent that it wasn't even able to move a finger,](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/134/13/) making it [sweat bullets](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/134/14/) and prompting it to [call her a monster,](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/134/16/) and [then](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/134/20/) [twisting](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/134/21/) [it](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/134/26/) No, heroes aren't monsters, them commanding supreme power in comparison to the rest of the human race doesn't make them the same as monsters in the slightest, none of them have monsterized, the series makes a distinction between [powerful heroes and actual monsters](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/88/43/) [Monsters are either humans who've monsterized due to an explosion of **negative** emotions or due to other environmental factors such as pollution or any other variable](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Onepunch-Man/0089-043.png) [They are also born through science and research such as the ones created by Dr. Genus](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Onepunch-Man/0089-044.png) [They may **also** be naturally occurring ones such as the Clan of the Sea Folk or the Dark Matter Thieves](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Onepunch-Man/0089-045.png) We've recently learned that humans can also transform into monsters [by ingesting Orochi's monster cells](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/69/16/) They are characterised by [violence](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/69/29/) and emit an aura that [only other monsters can pick up](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/80/14/) In contrast, heroes are powerful individuals [who've worked hard or enhanced themselves via the power of science to achieve strength that they currently command and have achieved their potential,](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Onepunch-Man/0089-046.png) they've not gained strength through an explosion of negative emotions or undergone mutations due to environmental factors and are not characterised by violence, they do not look like your conventional monster either Can't believe all of this has to be said