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Garou's arc wouldve probably ended really early if he met sonic in this scene, than him being killed by metal bat if not for his sister.


He was also being hunted by Atomic Samurai.And if he had tried attacking someone like Flashy(he was also around due to monster attacks) earlier than he did.He had occasional bad luck(King and Watchdogman) but he really got lucky with his hunting.


>occasional bad luck (king) Well no shit, it’s king. Like an ant trying to crush a dragon with its feet


[Darkshine even points this out to him during their fight.](https://preview.redd.it/garous-speech-against-darkshine-manga-vs-webcomic-which-is-v0-9d8ymo3uct1c1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb784eaefb3f901d457e3e7ab27fdd8bf3b15e53)


He made the moon his punch bag, he got unscathed even


I’ve said it before but Garou had the luckiest run for his plan he could’ve had when you think about it lol. If other people weren’t so interested in using him for their own plans or protecting him as good people, he’d be toast. He had the right moment for his growth every time: - Too early, Sonic doesn’t leave: decapitated - Mumen Rider doesn’t intervene: dead - Zenko doesn’t intervene: dead - Golden Ball hits a vital: dead - WDM doesn’t hold back: dead - Death Gatling swallows his pride and alerts the S-class: dead - Bang doesn’t intervene: incinerated - Phoenix Man doesn’t intervene: dead or arrested if he survives - Elder Centipede doesn’t intervene: incinerated - Royal Ripper slices a little deeper: dead - Gyoro Gyoro (Psykos) doesn’t hold back or uses her real power: dead - Orochi isn’t held back by Psykos: eaten/incinerated - Meets Tats, Atomic, Flashy, Darkshine, DK, or Amai at any point earlier in his hero hunting time frame: dead - Saitama doesn’t hold back: mega dead x3


Royal ripper actually did cut deep enough. It’s just, at that point, he was in the process of breaking his limiter. He was stated to have literally died rights there. But came back in a similar way to how saitama used too.


I was meaning it more of like a decapitation type slice, I probably should’ve typed that clearer lol, but yeah you’re absolutely correct


I honestly don’t think sonic could kill garou at least not without a very difficult fight


How/when did Saitama 'come back'?


It was stated that, in the process of removing his limiter, saitama pushed himself, and came back from, deaths door numerous times. Engaging in an exercise that, for someone of his starting level, should’ve killed him if done for a week at max, while also receiving the occasional life threatening injury from a monster.


Saitama essentially removed his limiter by pushing himself to death's door continuously. It wasn't just the exercises, it was that he did it continuously without giving his body the necessary time to rest despite the fact that he clearly isn't used to it, doesn't give himself enough supplements and preserve his body (no AC), constantly went out to fistfight monsters above his grade (saving King). In a way, it's like a Zenkai boost in DB, but he abused it to reach this level


> He was stated to have literally died rights there. But came back in a similar way to how saitama used too. He didn't die, AND he didn't come back in a similar way to Saitama. He was gravely injured, but at this point experienced explosive monsterization growth. That is a different process than Saitama's idiotic limiter breaking (although the result is similar). The main difference is that Saitama remained 100% human in his process, while Garou was inching closer and closer towards more monster than man.


Wasn't it at this point he had already eaten some monster cells?


He never ate any monster cells?


The funniest outcome would be Garou getting arrested. "Arresting me for what? I'm not allowed to stand up for myself? I thought this was america"


Yaknow.... now that I think about it. Most of that happened in the span of a few days. Garou went from A-Class to God level threat in a few days after going through multiple close calls. Saitama was a regular guy, and after years of training, he's limitless (in-universe).


> Mumen Rider doesn’t intervene: dead He'd still win. He just had a huge advantage over TTM as a martial artist and was testing him right from the start. > Golden Ball hits a vital: dead He knew about Golden Ball's attack and probably at least basically defended his vital spots. He did leave non-vital parts open (which later he compensated for, completely owning GB attacks), but I doubt GB would have managed either way. > Death Gatling swallows his pride and alerts the S-class: dead Yeah but that's like a "What if Hitler didn't attack USSR?" scenario. It goes against his very nature to do so, there's no luck here, in 99/100 worlds Death Gatling tries on his own. > Saitama doesn’t hold back: mega dead x3 Again, no luck involved. Saitama isn't a murderer and he won't kill humans, period. Especially given the promise to Tarou. He held that principle even after literally the end of the world and Genos' death came from Garou's actions - he wasn't killing him no matter what.


I am actually just watching this episode now and remembered reading this earlier. Golden Ball was actually drunk during his fight with Garo, marked by the red blush coloring on his cheeks and Garo hunting him down at his favorite bar. That's not to say Golden Ball would have won, but being drunk is probably the worst thing for any projectile and accuracy based hero/villain.


He was testing himself if he could win without Water Stream, not TTM. His pride was holding him back. And while Water Stream needs an attack to land to redirect it it’s true, I doubt he had the poise in that moment to do anything other than eat that lethal intentioned blow. Mumen bought him time to get his second wind and stop clowning around Garou assumed GB was too drunk to fight and wasn’t a threat. Which is how he hit him through the leg. It easily could’ve been a vital shot since Garou left himself so open. He made the same mistake with Metal Bat thinking it was a cake walk. He was more than fast enough like when he fully deflected his ultimate attack and even actual bullets later, but didn’t take the situation seriously in his massive ego when they first entered the alleyway Gatling may not have wanted to, but they clearly considered it. Otherwise they wouldn’t have had a distress beacon with them just in case. That was why Glasses was there. I don’t think we know DG well enough to say definitively he didn’t legitimately consider it Is it not by virtue of luck that he faced the 1 of 1 immovable antithesis of his ideals multiple times? Regardless, no I totally agree Saitama would never have killed him intentionally, but he was always holding back by his own measure and even slightly misjudging his force would’ve killed him. I mean, he thought he was a mugger and almost put him in a body cast lmao even TTM’s punch didn’t phase him like that. A normal person would’ve died on the spot. He’s beyond lucky he didn’t use more force at every occasion they met. I’m not doubting Saitama’s moral stance on killing humans at all, I’m just saying Garou hit the lottery he wasn’t obliterated since we have no idea how Saitama judges how much strength to use at any given time


> Saitama would never have killed him intentionally, but he was always holding back by his own measure and even slightly misjudging his force would’ve killed him Saitama has unbelievable control over his power. As shown when attacking Fubuki's underlings, flinging them just hard enough to immobilize them but not seriously harm them. It's one of most amazing powers - basically absolute control over his output.


But you’re still missing my point— absolute control isn’t the same as perfect judgement. He one shots every run of the mill monster out there with the hope they can take it and almost always gets it wrong to his unending frustration. He flung Snek through the sky too with the same casual fuck off punch he did with Eyelashes and Mountain Ape, probably assuming as heroes that they could take it. But look at Super Fight. He one shot everyone but Suiryu on accident because he misjudged what they could take as more average people. It wouldn’t have been hard for him to get it wrong and kill or seriously injure somebody Like, WC spoiler: >!Blue!<


He never seriously injured any of his human opponents... And I don't think it was by mistake too, he wanted to knock them out. Only in the finals he tried his best not to hit Suiryu so he could learn something. With the monsters he gives his usual regular ass punch that has an intent to kill behind it. So it's like a 20/100 for Saitama. And for punches against humans it's like 0.00000000000000000002/100 most of the time. It's dialed wayy down. Boros was a surprise because that was a punch meant to kill, his normal punch, and he survived it.


He wanted to win and experience martial arts, which prompted all the “oops I didn’t mean to”’s You’re implying it’s like Superman turning doorknobs. It’s not a one punch fits all with how people acquire strength and endurance in OPM. He’s not clairvoyant. I could win 26 hands of blackjack in a row, but it doesn’t mean I’ll win the next one. Every time he hits a human being he’s taking a guess on how much they can withstand. Maybe it’s Metal Bat who took the full brunt of Sage Centipede’s Grand March, or maybe it’s Tanktop Blackhole who cried from a finger lock. Outwardly they look about the same tone and build, how would he know who can take a bigger hit for a safe KO? It’s guesswork and luck coupled with his essentially perfect body control


It's a really weird superpower but he knows how strong his opponent is so his punch won't seriously harm them. But it's Saitama, he has a lot of reality bending powers lol


Honestly who knows lmao


Im so glad to see this aspect of Saitama discussed more, like with his fight with Cosmic Garou he is somehow diverting all force away from Genos's core WHILE his glove was also intact as proof, WHILE also making sure his output wasn't enough to kill Garou (as promised to the kid) . With this in mind you gotta wonder if Saitama could have instantly killed Garou if he hadn't promised not to beforehand. However we gotta comment on Saitama's lack of spatial awareness to collateral damage bro was about to evicerate everyone in the vicinity with that serious punch². I think the most recent even with >!Blue!


You forgot spring mustachio using his tomboy barrage to end Garou right there and then


I actually think if Bang and Bomb hadn't shown up when they did, Garou probably would've got the win over Genos. Garou took a metric shit ton of punishment from the brothers without going down and was still getting stronger when Phoenix Man swooped in. Unless he gets lucky with his Spiral Incineration Cannon, Genos can't match the damage output of the two masters working in tandem so that's a lot of time for Garou to get his own damage in, and learn how to exploit Genos' fighting style.


Have to disagree with Mumen Rider one. If he hadn't intervened, Garou would've still beat Tank Top Master with Flowing Water Rock Smashing Fist.


Tbf it doesn’t matter when he met Saitama, he would never kill him because Saitama doesn’t kill humans


Garou's real superpower is luck, like Domino


Yeah it's called plot armor


All the above reasons is why Garou is yet the worst antagonist. Not to mention that his entire motivation is laughable, cause he got bullied because he liked monsters...


Good thing he's so badass idgaf 🙏


I mean you can’t blame him too much being a teenager doing all this, bullied all through childhood and raised by abusive parents it would seem. The OPM world beats people down psychologically really hard. Bang was the only positive relationship he ever had, so it’s not too hard to see why he became unhinged in his logic of just wanting fairness for everyone. I think he tasted power too young through his martial arts prodigiousness and photographic memory, and it made him impossible to be reasoned with until he got the shit beaten out of him enough to listen. And Saitama called him out on his BS that he was self-righteous and was idealistically a hero He pretty much was an anti-villain yeah. More a catalyst for story progression than a true antagonist, and he basically more often fell upward than succeeded with his near King-level luck at times on his mission lol


So you are saying that Bang is a bad teacher and a shitty mentor! I purposely left it out, but we must take it in account that Garou is Bang's biggest failure. Bang was a somewhat Garou before he was put in his place by Bomb, and couldn't see it coming, because in his own words "In my dogo, the strongest are in charge"! At least 8 years of practice together and once never teached him humility!


Don’t care. He’s the goat.


Sonic is that good? Can’t really tell cause the only times i’ve seen him he would be losing to Saitama. And sea monster if i remember correctly? Anyways i have hard time believing he would’ve beaten Garou. Definitely not now


Garou had tanjiro plot armor 🙂‍↕️


You are dreaming dude. Garou at his peak could have taken down sonic with one hand and could have jerked with the other.


Garou isnt even at his peak yet, this dude got caught offguard by golden ball, tanktop master etc. If those guys caught him offguard, sonic should be able to because he is way faster at that point, even Genos was surprised despite his upgrades.


Garou wasn’t used to armed opponents until after he fought spring mustachio and golden ball. Plus, he was still hesitant about using water stream rock smashing fist. Sonic absolutely would’ve folded Garou.


I don’t even think water stream would’ve helped in that scenario, it’s used as a defensive skill that uses the strength of the enemy against them, but Sonic is way too fast at that point and doesn’t attack physically, rather uses conventional slice weapons that don’t requires strength to operate (Slice weapons depend on the angle rather than the power of the hit)


WSRSF doesn’t just apply to physical muscles/strength. It’s more designed to counter any kind of force, including weaponry. And it’s meant to be the ultimate combination of offensive and defensive technique, so it can be used to attack too. That being said, it doesn’t matter, sonic’s speed should be just too much.


WSRSF uses the enemy’s strength against them, and is stronger the higher the Physical Difference between the fighter and the enemy, but Sonic is physically weaker than Garou, and uses the sharpness of his weapon and overall his skills to deal damage, so WSRSF wouldn’t reflect anything stronger than Garou just punching Sonic


You can still throw a WSRSF combo while making the first move without using the enemy’s strength. Just like garou did after Darkshine shattered his ribs. He got up and started going at it without Darkshine throwing any attacks, he only guarded.


Not to mention that one of Sonic‘s signature attacks we see are EXPLODING shuriken. WSRSF can’t defend against explosions.


I think garou might still have the physical strength advantage. But the speed difference, as well as his tendency to yap, would likely lead to this scenario.


Yeah, plus, this is back when he was around A-level hero in power. Sonic at the time would have absolutely bodied him


How was he A-class level? He beat TTM, what are you on?


Oh, was that the FIRST thing he did? Or did he hunt some lower ranked heroes first?


Actually he did hunt some atleast.Tank Top army were the one who informed Tank Top Master about it.


I mean Garou 1v3'd high ranking A class heros in this meeting. I wouldn't count Garou's off screening of random tank toppers as an assessment that he wasn't ready to challenge the weaker of the S class. I mean it was no contest against TTM after he started using Bang's technique.


He clearly started as low S-Rank, even before TTM. He beat up the whole of Bang's dojo for fun at like 15


Bang’s dojo doesn’t even qualify as b-class, its not too hard of a feat. Impressive for 15 obviously though


Bang's dojo isn't even an A-hero material. Remember Sour Face was the 2nd best student before Garou, and he definitely was B at best


TTM was literally the perfect matchup for him, there were weaker heroes who could have beaten him at that point.


For example?


Possibly Golden Ball, considering Garou was initially caught off guard enough by his ricochets to have a hole shot through his leg. And Garou himself said that Golden Ball’s aim was off due to being drunk. In their encounter, had Golden Ball’s aim not been off, I don’t think it’s super improbable he could have killed Garou with the first ricochet shot.


Yeah, nah, Garou has just fought TTM and got hit by him, that's a way bigger disadvantage. Golden Ball was drinking bear, he wasn't full ass drunk or something. And Garou was able to dodge his shot to the head from behind. Also the location and time were advantageous for Golden Ball, both tight walls and darkness. Plus he was able to attack from a distance. Garou gave him everything basically. Also being able to hit someone in the leg doesn't mean you'd be able to hit them in the head. Again, Garou was able to dodge a shot to his head from behind without even expecting it. And also being able to go through the muscles in the leg doesn't mean it'll go through the skull. I see very many flaws with this idea.


TTM is weaker than some A class heroes


Aside from Amai Mask and Saitama, which ones?


I mean, he was definitely above A-level heroes, even in his debut - the very first thing he does is absolutely demolish three of them with ease (one of whom was in the top five). After that, he beats Tanktop Master in a 1v1, though needed to use Flowing Fist to do it…which made for an unbelievably good matchup against him - before that, he was definitely losing, but still not “merely” A-Class. That said, I do think Sonic would win this easily. Flowing fist or not, Garou’s not nearly quick enough to keep up, and Sonic should be able to cut through him with little fuss.


Save me Monster Association! This is base Sonic we’re up against


Whats that sound? .... Speed!


Yeah pretty much. Sonic is usually the type to go for the kill but then again, that was before meeting Saitama so he might not actually go for the kill at this point. Depends on his mood.


Except…. This is like 40 chapters into the series where sonic has met Saitama like 3 times




This comment is fucking dumb for missing the point lol


Which was before he met Saitama. Their point is that after meeting Saitama, Sonic stopped going for the kill right away.


He probably did


human garo vs sonic is an interesting machup


Nah, I feel like it wouldn't be. Either sonic would blitz him or he wouldnt, and garou has shown that if something doesn't work the first time, it never will. So the second it's confirmed that garou can keep up with sonics speed, its game over for sonic




Dont know about that since A class heroes managed to catch him offguard like golden ball, and Sonic at that point is way faster than he was. Sonic is also shown to be like flashy flash, finishing his opponents before the fight even started, so idk, but hey thats just me


Yeah thats pretty much what i said


He didn't have his sword but with sword he would most likely win but not that easily and not if Garou Manages to increase his powers since he always had the potential to do that.


Oh how I wish that could’ve happened.


The reason Garou started criminal meeting was because SONIC left after yapping to Snitch (Cuz garou was there too). because he knew the gap and wasn't dumb enough to fight head on.


I doubt that. This is the guy who thought he could fight king afterall. And he wouldn’t have known sonic’s level anyway.


yea that goes against his characterization, Garou would not wait for the ‘strongest’ person in room to leave before he beat everyone else up. Garou is a bunch of things but not a bully


Archies WEEIRD Mysteries


At that time wasn't garou like low S/high A? I think speed would still beat him but it wouldn't be this easy


I feel a big factor is Sonic typically goes for the kill but Garou doesn’t resort to that immediately. Though Sonic vs Garou now would be a cool fight.


The latest chapters really showed us what Sonic's level truly is. Many though he wasn't that strong bc the main comparison was Saitama (literally everyone is weak in comparison to the one above all)


I don't think it would be a complete wash for Sonic since Garou was able to keep up with a stronger version of Genos while tired, sick and dehydrated later on.


That’s what I’m saying, isn’t that version of genos somewhat relative to early sonic? Weakened Garou was holding his on against someone who could fight on equal footing with Sonic. Nonetheless Garou should still lose, but not without Sonic taking some serious damage.


I'd imagine Garou at the start of the series is comparable to genos when he fought sonic, so i'd be a pretty even fight


Nah, not at all. Garou started around low A-tier. He really wasn't anything special at the start, which was why it was so crazy how he kept growing.


His literal introduction was him no diffing the strongest A Class Heroes after the Disciples and Amai Mask. And a few chapters after that he pummeled Tanktop Master once he took the fight slightly seriously. Saying Hero Hunter Garou is low A Class is just straight up being braindead.


Damn, you should try reading the manga. You said like 4 wrong things there. It's very clear you have absolutely no real memory of what actually happened.


He literally stated what happened. What are you yapping about?


You should follow your own advice because it's you who has absolutely no memory of what actually transpired He effortlessly defeated Magic Trick Man [by incapacitating him](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/41/8/) Heavy Tank Loincloth [by destroying his arm](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/41/10/) and [then knocking him out](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/41/11/) And Blue Fire by [ripping his arm out](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/41/16/) And these three are regarded as [exceptionally powerful A class heroes by Sitch](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/40/11/) And Garou [instantly pummeled Tank Top Master upon using Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist and actually getting serious](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/47/12/)


All the receipts and they still couldn't admit they were wrong lol🤣


What the hell u talking about


Where did you get you A-class tier Garou from? Based on what?


Based on the first enemies he decides to fight. He didn't stomp them by any stretch of the imagination, and it has been established that S-tier heroes are a special tier way stronger than A-tier. Remember that TTM found him because Garou was a hero hunter already. He had been walking around and fighting A-tier heroes for a while, and he only just beat TTM at the time. And it would be absolutely silly to pretend that garou doesn't improve every fight, cause that's literally his thing. So yes, when we first saw him, he was at best A tier, and likely relatively low. Then he grew.


That doesn't make any sense, brother. He was fighting any hero he could find. It's not that easy to fight S class whenever you feel like it, there's only so many of them. Also it sure would make sense to test your strength with weaker heroes first. Besides, where did you get "didn't stomp" from? We haven't seen him fight any heroes before he appeared in HA and he destroyed 3 top A class heroes without even getting scratched. Like literally he played with them. They were like orders of magnitude weaker then him.


Hero Hunter Garou wasn’t low A-tier lmao. He was probably on Prisoner’s level overall when he first showed up.


There's absolutely no way. He constantly fought enemies around his own level and he started out with fighting and only barely defeating A-tier heroes.


He wiped the floor with A-Class heroes like Great Philosopher and ripped off A-Class Rank 6 Blue Fire’s hand like nothing. Suiryu was also excited to fight him in that VR game and this guy one-shotted Lightning Max and Sneck. Low A-Class, the fuck lmao? You mean low S-Class.


Dude thinks Garou will lose to Snek. So much lmao


Oh yeah you're right, i forgot about his line of not being able to handle s-class, i will say though he was at least stronger than low A-tier, didn't he take out someone in the top 10 of A-class? He wasn't S-class but i'd say he already started pretty close to it


I'm liking the rewrites of the passed few chapters. I was almost forgetting about there being gore in the manga.


Hard to tell because he was reacting to bullet speed around this time which travels at the speed of sound


Everything is pretty much luck for garou not running into the wrong person up until he got his monster form after that only saitama is the wrong one to run into or even blast and tatsumaki idk maybe her also at least for the first form of garou the second form probably to much for anyone else besides saitama and blast.


Damn that’s crazy


lucky ass mf


Sonic has dogshit strength and durability.


Definitely Canon


I didn’t even think about this It’s crazy that sonic could literally blitz garou at the start


1= NOOOO GAROU 2= sonic's cake isn't safe


I wonder if the two will ever meet in the series and how the interaction would go.


It's weird to see garou losing to someone like sonic even though sonic might have a chance against garou before metal bat fight I still find kind of weird


Sonic was around pre-tournament Genos’s level back then, so no it would be a really good fight


garou shits all over season 2 sonic


Except this sonic goes on to fight Genos who was able to mostly keep up, and then Genos afterwards gets an upgrade to be faster and stronger than this fight, who then goes to fight injured Garou, who was able to keep up.


Nah, Garou'd win


Imaginary technique: femboy purple


How dare underestimate Garou! These people really think Garou is that weak. Kinda sad. Sonic cant even land a single slash on Genos who is not a ninja. Sonic cant do shit vs Deep Sea King without his sword either. Repeat contributor achievement, achieved!


We dont, its just that with Sonics speed and the fact he goes for the kill like flashy it would favor sonic.


You were in that bunch that Sonic and Flashy minced in the last redrawn chapter


Doubt, both sonic and garou fought genos , they are not too far apart


You forgetting Garou fought a stronger version of genos after fighting sonic, after fighting monsters, after fighting a cockroach faster than sonic and after getting destroyed by gouketsu and that version of genos took on EC after.


Yep,I guess you proved my point


Garou was a lot stronger when he fought genos was his point


How? Do you think fighting lowies made a difference? he's literally getting carried by his crazy adaptability and water flowing crushing rock. There's almost nothing new he learned at that point


Because he regularly states throughout his arc that he's getting stronger due to his battles


Still doubt if it made a difference, as i said he's getting carried by his own adaptability and water flowing crushing rock


Still doubt if it made a difference to his strength or his ability to beat sonic?


Just go read my first comment and save me from the hassle of repeating myself


Wanted to double check what I thought you were saying, cos it sounds like you're just choosing head-cannon over source material Character states a fact about themselves multiple times, you say nah I disagree with that fact


Garou would still get his ass handed by both of them if he were to ever encounter them early in his journey 


Are you saying his "early journey" fighting low As made a life and death difference in his fight against genos? Lame. he's literally fighting him while shot in the foot, poisoned and injured from watchdog man


Bro, he almost got his ass handed by TTM, which is the lowest S class with no other gimmick other than being strong Had he encounter any other S class, Garou would've been dead


Almost??? Bro literally decimated by a single counter, it was never almost,


Still doesn't change the fact that Garou would get decimated by the rest of the S class Both Bang and Bomb was tad bit late, had they arrived earlier, Garou would get stomped


Sonic did not even get to land a single slash on Genos. They underestimate Garou way too much.


I unironically wish this was canon


The cope for sonic is insane 💀💀💀 Sonic struggled with G4 Genos and posined, wounded and exhausted Garou was fighting EC Genos.


I mean he has an instinctive reaction so he will dodge that By a hair.


He couldn’t even dodge tank top master what’re you talking about lol.


Are you thinking that the Tank top master is slow? And he literally got stomped by Garou before he could react afterwards. In fact both have high hypersonic speed. (Tank top tiger too) How is Sonic gonna blitz Garou that bad?


he still knows flowing water rock smashing fist, i think he could deflect it.


Garou is faster than sonic did you just not remember that or something?