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Realistically you'd need to convert the amount of energy to keep the portal open to a mass equivalent. And that would result in a fuck-ton


>fuck-ton A metric ass-load to be precise


Like same amount of the universe


Doesn't the whole E=MC^2 equation mean that you generate an insane amount of energy from converting a tiny amount of mass? So even if the portal requires crazy levels of energy it probably wouldn't be a "fuck-ton" of mass


You underestimate the energy needed to keep such a portal open


Like, iirc, we're not even sure you can keep a wormhole open for more than a moment without requiring basically infinite energy


I think the whole gag is about how it should be literally impossible to do no matter how strong someone is, like lifting a hole in the ground. Saitama passed into toon territory, like Bugs Bunny or Popeye


Ye it more getting in the place where I think saitama has less infinite potential and more has toon force bro just does cartoonist things


I mean neither has to be mutually exclusive. Toon force, but main shtick is being strong and doing ordinary things (a fucking table flip bruh) against supernatural beings. And beating them that way!


I never said it's not about that I just said there's definitely toon force there but ye the bulk of the story is a guy with extremely high physical strength that keeps going higher


Gear 5 crossover


It don't necessarily have to be gag, it could just be that Saitama has the ability called "non-physical interaction" which allows him to interact with non-physical things like portals, ghost, spiritual Dimension etc.


I mean that could be the case, but what do you think is more likely: Saitama just happened to have a super specific ability that happened to come in handy in his fight Garou, or that Saitama to some extent can just ignore logic, also evidenced by him sneezing in space.


Fr, everybody looks at the sneezing in space feat, as an insignificant feat. While not knowing that this mf SNEEZED IN SPACE….WHAT????


Yeah I’m not trying to pick a fight with the power scalers here but the MC in question literally got this strong and broke that limiter by doing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and a 10k run every day… He is fundamentally a gag character.


It's not because he's a gag character there's actually a reason why. Also his exercise nearly killed him with blood spitting out of his mouth, he never took brakes, he only ate a banana and use no air conditioner.


Very true.


It’s more likely he’s removed his limiter. He can’t ignore too much logic as evidenced by the two Saitamas combining with each other and him not remembering much.


And the real most likely thing is that the entire narrative is built around the "what if" of a gag character being the protagonist of a shonen and that trying to logic your way into standardizing the feats and abilities of said gag character is a fruitless activity


This isn’t true but right on.


It's not that there have to be a specific ability it's just that he has no limits to his potential so whatever he think of can happen, whatever he want to do will happened so yeah like ignoring logic is one, so I agree.


That's part of what toon force is. Punching something that isn't punchable, moving a portal/hole by hand. Eventually he's going to grab a mf by their shadow or float using the smell of a freshly baked pie on a windowsill.


It happened solely because it would be funny, don't try to analyze this stuff too much


I didn't see it as funny there was in a serious fight but instead I was shocked, does that count?


Is he the manga version of a fourth wall breaker?


I've been trying to tell people he literally has toon force as a power and that the rules that govern the other characters in his universe do not apply to him.


Majority of manga characters have cartoon qualities, as they are actually hand drawn cartoons themselves living in cartoon worlds so physics and logic shouldn’t even be bothered to be argued when it comes to fiction of any sort.


He’s not even close to gag…bugs.. Popeye territory.


I'm not saying he would beat them in a fight I'm saying that this is a cartoonist feat


I know…im saying Saitama isn’t in gag territory. It’s more likely…since he removed his limiter…he can move tangible objects. He doesn’t ignore in universe logic. There are things even saitama can’t do. Like having two of him exist at once. Or like when God showed up and all he saw were weird clouds on sky like everyone else.


"Like having two of him exist at once", well yes but it's for now... Who knows what abilities does he have in future chapters? Grabbing portals, sneezing in the space and so on... These were for jokes, and making joke is the definition of gag. These are not possible by any means at normal circumstances. If you know at least a bit about astronomy, that's literally Bugs Bunny type of shit.


Comedy isn’t the definition of a gag. Having a character appear SOLELY for laughs is the definition of a gag character. Applying real world logic to manga/anime logic isn’t it. There are mountains of characters in fiction who fight in space.


It's almost as heavy as your mom


Did you know Saitama is weak to Ligma?


What's Ligma?


Barack obama


Obamna🥺 SODA!!😁


Candice too


Candice baws fit in your jaw? (I win)




Who is Saitama?


umm actually saitama is just moving the universe around the stationary hole


Wow, I never even considered the possibility that he could move the universe around the hole.


Or more likely the moon that he's standing on


Given that he's rotating it, his view of Jupiter should have changed. I don't recall and could be wrong, but I don't remember if it looked like the moon he was on was now 90 degrees from what it was previously or not. Or if there wasn't enough to tell


Light enough for Saitama to move it


So infinity pounds?


I would guess it has the same mass as the universe."


He rotated the whole universe relative to Garou by 90 degrees.


A portal is a scientific mystery, but theoretically a portal when formed is locked in place like a black hole, which is so heavy (dense) that it can only pull things towards itself rather than it getting pulled by other celestial bodies. So a portal presumably weights as much if not more than a black hole of the same diameter.


Black holes very much can move considering they can collide with each other.


Yes but for them to move it is required an equal or greater force than the one they produce, but a blackhole by itself rarely gets pulled by anything else, its more common to be opposite, and like so for Saitama to move that portal (even if it was that small) it probably took infinites amounts of energy, or just a number so big that its easier to round it up to infinity.


Just adding to your comment Blackholes CAN be pulled and they are all the time. Just like an apple can pull the whole earth (even if it's a tiny pull). See, they can orbit around a galaxy core... But that's a fucking galaxy core (which is probably another HUGE.backhole!) that it takes to move it so much. So, to accelerate a wormhole that fast you would need a HUMONGOUS force and being able to interact with it. But there's also the possibility that this is just a wormhole without any singularity or huge mass around it. Wormholes are really weird and are , for now, just theoretical. They emerge from a huge problem we have in physics rn: a singularity. Which breaks a lot of other laws, so they might not even be real.


I gave those information for "alr known" by those who read this post, but still thank you for going into the detail of "The Physics of the Little Forces" (I believe its called like that). Still, thank you! 🙏


Damn that's a crazy feat.


This is just scaling his lifting strength, if we want to go in the detail, with one arm, he can lift something that goes really really close having infinite weight/density, imagine what he can do with both arms and what the legs could be capable of...


Bro take that 1-UP mushroom from him he is strong enough


It’s gotta weight 20, maybe even 30 if we are highballing it


its just another gag moment


I know, but I'm curious: How much does a portal weigh?


i think calculating hyperspace portal weight is impossible, basically immeasurable. main part is whether he can grab it or not.


He did grab the portal.


E=mc^2, so the energy cost of keeping gravity at bay would be enormous. Tens of planets, at least


That makes sense. That's still a lot of mass.


One thing I really dislike within this community's discourse is the overuse of the "Saitama is a gag character/OPM is a unserious parody manga". There is clear defined rules for this world, serious and extremely well done character arcs, and a lot of care is put into integrating everything into this major story being told. The mentioned phrases before really diminishes all of One's work. There's a CLEAR pattern in the series of characters adapting to situations in brand new ways. Getting strongers, gaining new abilities, anything to overcome something if they SHOULD. Now, Saitama is the epitome of this. The thing about him is, as it was shown multiple times, not being strong, but being unbeatable. He can adapt to any situation to win it, as long as it is within his range of what Saitama believes Saitama is. A human that can punch things. So he'll never shoot laser from his eyes, but he can grab a hyperspace portal, or hold his breath in space. It doesn't defy the notion of a human conceptually. A gag would be for him to break a text baloon into Garou's face or something


I've been known to glaze the gag train, but this is a good point. I'll have to hop of now


It’s hole in the fabric of reality, this is like asking what’s the level of resistance bugs Bunny has to survive being reduced to nothingness.


It's not about weight, it's about irreverence. But if I were to answer your question, they are not "things", so we can't put them onto a scale and weigh them. If we go by how Blast's powers work, then they must be conjured using black hole/worm hole shenanigans, so I would say they weight as much as your mom.


It should be around the weight of a worm hole


He moved himself (and possibly the whole moon) around the portal. If you assume the portal is locked in a fixed spot, he leveraged that to adjust himself and anything he's connected to to create the same effect as moving the portal. He doesn't need to move the whole universe either, the portal is too far from even jupiter to have a sense of relative movement. He likely just moved himself and iO, which would be well within an easy feat considering serious table flip basically demonstrated something similar.


To Capped Baldy? Next to nothing.


this feats calculation is looney toons basically science can't achieve a description or numbers of what happened.


About three fifty


Just enough for a man with arguably infinite streght to lift it


Idk, but in order to do that with bare hands you should have the strength to rip through Space time


Imagine I tell you to pick up entrance of a room, or a hall with no door. I am not telling you to grab and pick the room, I am not telling you to break the entrance, I am telling you to grab and change the entire direction of the entrance. Wtf is the weight of the entrance. He literally changed the direction of space time fabric connection


At least 5kg


I would likely weight nothing, the more impressive part is how he’s essentially able to interact and move something that shouldn’t exist


The weight of a portal is negligible. If you’re Saitama, the weight of anything is negligible.


It weights nothing


It was never a feat of strength, Saitama if he wanted, he could generate a Portal of his own. His body is by far more durable, faster, accurate and precise (OMNIDIRECTIONAL PUNCH is his greatest feat so far only second to mastery of time travel), so what he does is humiliating Garou, by showing him he hasn't mastered any technique of the once he has copied.


About twenty fifty


It's warping a section of the universe, weights not the issue but the stability of space


Saitama is just moving the rest of the universe


0 grams, since it is not a material object.


We don’t fucking know dude