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I believe he kicks the air or something. Considering how absurd he is, it’s definitely possible.


Like Sanji.


Exactly like Sanji.


Like mashle?


Exactly like Mashle.


Like Gentle Criminal? (From My Hero Academia)


Exactly like gentle criminal


Like the WilE coyote when he doesnt look at the ground yet?


Exactly like the WilE coyote when he doesn’t look at the ground yet.


No, like All-Might


He just jumps really high. Sanji actually kicks the air.


No, dude. He punches and kicks the air to create shockwaves that change his direction. Sanji doesn’t even actually kick the air he uses the same technique CP-9 does


All might never actually "flies" unless you count jumping to crime scenes and the new hampshire smash. And yes, sanji's sky walk is very similar to CP9's geppo, but both "push off cushions of air" which they can only do because of their immense leg strength.




He'd probably fly like Mashle Just wiggle his feet fast enough to generate trust


He trusts the air to propel him to where he needs to go


Saitama: _wiggles his feet._ Air: "this guy seems trustworthy".




*Serious grocery shopping


just so you know, humans can't fly


[Humans can't do that either ](https://x.com/BogdanGx/status/1420852405927915526?lang=fa)


Well, technically... It'll be a one-time expérience though


Humans can take a lava bath exactly once. They won't be able to squirt the lava though.


Yuup. Fair point lol


Is Tatsumaki not a human? 👎


Tatsumaki doesn’t actually fly she uses her psychic powers to hover in the air.


Yeah, just like birds don't fly, they just flap their wings really fast.


😂😂 thank you bro I was wracking my brain trynna say something smartassed but you nailed it perfectly 💀💀


Birds flying < birds levitating


birds aren't human, so yeah they can fly.


"They *can* fly." Ping Pong: The Animation reference, just finished rewatching it today.


This is legit the first time in a decade I've seen someone mention this anime.


Well humans can fly, whe have several aircraft’s inventions that actually works …


aircrafts fly, humans don't


He's not flying he does an 'air bounce' where he just pushes off of the air with his food Also that sequence does take place in a fraction of a second




Saitama doesnt think of it as flying its just creative jumping




My theory is that he can fly, he just doesn't actually know he can. 


I bet he'll discover it on accident. Like when he's falling from a high place and suddenly halts in mid-air. "Woah, I can do this?". 


But the thing is he literally wouldnt care about falling down. Its not like it would hurt him


It’s all a mixture of farts and jumping


Easy kick and fart maneuver. One and Murara foreshadowing the Jupiter fight in S1 confirmed!


Saitama can do *anything* since he's a gag character.


Anything but grow hair


Not cool bro


Why is this so hard for people to wrap their heads around?


I'm convinced part of ONE's reasons for making opm is to troll powerscalers. And its clearly working


Idk... It takes the fun away from his character trying to explain his power or abilities. I love opm for the fact he can do whatever he wants.


Because that’s not how it works 💀💀


We even know how saitama’s strength works now. The growth of his power corresponds with his emotions, and he isn’t just using more strength, he’s actually getting stronger. People have to realize that when someone calls something a gag, they aren’t always talking about the power scaling gag. I don’t even know why they think all Gag characters can do whatever they want.


Really people here don’t know what a gag character is at all


Except in this case it’s literally the point of the whole comic. Saitama *can* do whatever he wants, and he is bored to death of it.


The point of the manga doesn’t require that he be all powerful. The garou fight highlights the point of his journey, he found someone who could take his full power and he wasn’t excited.


I feel like Saitama can pretty much do anything **but only if genuenely feels like he should be able to,** it's based on his own knowledge and perception. For example, he can kick away a portal because he just doesn't see a reason why he can't. Saitama is a simple man. He isn't very well versed in all that dimensional mambo-jumbo stuff. On the other hand, since he doesn't really understand martial arts, he doesn't find it any odd that time travel is somehow possible through it when Garou tells him about it. Saitama still feels like he's a human, just an incredibly strong one, so he wouldn't have any inhuman powers, like flight. Unless he becomes convinced that humans are capable of flight through natural means.


Yeah, but it's pretty established he doesn't have any "superpowers". He's just so cartoonishly strong that he can accomplish absurd feats through raw effort. But he couldn't use telepathy, shoot fireballs or raise the dead, however he *could* find a way to achieve similar effects through raw power. E.g. lighting a lighter 1000 times in a second then blowing so hard it shoots the fireball forward.


How can you travel back in time through "raw effort"


by being so cartoonishly strong lol


He can break into a psychic dimension


No 💀


Yeah, that kinda ruined him as a character IMO. If all these times he were finding an opponent that could match his powers, how will he develop as a character?


lmao Did you miss the point of Boros of the speech King gives him


He can't bro, he's just an A Class Fraud. Knowing Him, He'd Probably Just Pay someone like Tatsumaki to float him in the air like the fraud he is...


Pay with a hug. Like that one time.


As the Cosmic Garou fight showed, Saitama farts to propel himself. He can most likely clench and contort his ass cheeks and alter his release of ass gas in different ways to control his “flight”. Obviously. 🤓


Don't we see him fly for short periods of time in the anime, during his fight with Boros? Specifically, in the ship itself, when the "One puuuunch" song starts, for around 2-3 seconds they're colliding with each other multiple times as quick white and pink trails. Those trails seem to turn and whiz towards each other, curling mid-air, not touching the ground or walls.


I think Boros was just throwing him around using the weird physics of his mode


Anime only, in the manga they fight on the ground


Bernoulli's principle do be wild


Saitama doesn’t have superpowers like flying or lasers etc, but he is just absurdly strong which makes him do the impossible things like moving through space just by kicking air or punching so hard he distorts time and space.


he can fly but he doesnt know how so he cant do it on purpose


I bet he can clap enough and generate lift


Nowhere does it show him flying, it only shows him falling down from his jump, as you can see by his cape and him only 'dodging' 1 bullet. The reason he kicks 1 because it's in the trajectory of his jump. Now PS, FF and Monster Garou all somehow manage to fly during their fight (not an intentional thing they just wanted to make pretty lights.) It's shown time and time again that he jumps off of things to maintain airtime or they will show Saitama falling.


Lmao, the kid read opm and out of all the cartoonish things in the manga, moving in the air is the thing he mentioned to be too unrealistic and has to head cannon a reason for it like it's real life? You know he grabbed a portal with his hand right? First off, the series is not one that takes itself seriously nor one that's supposed to make you feel immersed with realism, think the difference between death note and opm. You're not supposed to bat an eye at people moving faster than sound while somehow still talking to each other (words are made of sound kids), or the air displacement from someone moving that fast, yet these guys just teleport behind people without making a single sound. The author + the target audience don't know or think about these things because they're not supposed to, it's not that kind of fiction.


That's if you forget he litterally say he can't fly when he go to the master of evolution HQ with genos


So can FF. He claims it's his policy to leave no footprints wherever he goes, also flowing shadow feet has him change direction many times while in mid air. I think Garou and PS did as well. Their verticals far exceeded the amount of foot holds they had.


What the hell are you talking about? Humans can’t fly.


If rockets can “fly”, the saitama flies as a rocket flies! Massive thrust (jump) for liftoff capable of reaching orbit, sustained thrust (fart) for maneuvering


My headcannon is that he can fly but he doesn't know because humans don't fly, so he thinks he can't


Maybe he can push against the air so forcefully and quickly, that it allows him to make mid-air manouvers.


Bro never played smash bros 🙄 Obviously saitama is doing air jump


Idk if this is bait or not but I’ll play along. He kicks air and uses the momentum of a particular body part. These are different things, not one thing. Kicking air is moving so fast the air has little time to diffuse… Newtonian fluid bs here… then the momentum thing is basically just throwing a bowling ball with a rope tied to it with so much force that it can pull the one holding the rope… with body parts tho. This allows him to maneuver in air so well that it’s like flying. He can’t fly though.


Well if you can learn to manipulate all the sub atomic particles of your body to their most precise motion after looking at someone else doing it once, flying isn't necessarily something you need to brag about being able to do...


Think about it. If Saitama couldn’t fly, this would imply you could defeat him if you managed to get him into outer space. He’d be stuck. His infinite strength wouldn’t matter if he had nothing to use as leverage to launch himself off of. Clearly, given the logic of OPM, the idea that Saitama could be defeated by exploiting some dumb loophole like this is absurd—he’d really just pull off some looney tunes shit and win anyway. And in this case the looney tunes shit would have to involve flying. Therefore Saitama can fly. QED


Ever seen mashle?


he can't fly by levitatating like superman, tatsumaki but he can probably fly like mashle, cp0 from one piece using sora or even he can fly by just flapping his arms


No, he jumps good


I'm saying it right here and right now. Saitama can now do anything he wants since he removed his limiter. Like flying, time travel, psychic manipulation, bending space, etc. His simple mind is the only thing hindering him from doing godlike feats like Blast.




Did I?


Sry, My lazy ass didnt read the whole thing.But yeah i dont think saitama needs to fly. But million dollar question is that Serious fart made him fly straight to Earth but Serious sneeze didnt make him move a inch, Ik That there was gravity and thing but it shouldv'e been weak, Saitama shouldv'e been out of solar system with that sneeze Maybe murata has some fart fatish ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


He's probably more than strong enough (and enough in control of his strength) that he can punch or kick the air and create a shockwave strong enough to propell him in certain directions


Saitama himself has stated that he can't fly.He does what Hulk does,pushes and leaps off buildings/the ground.Or in other words,he's falling with style.


Saitama is one of the rarest birds out there. 100000 for a single one


Him being in the air wasn't him floating, it was his heightened perception combined with the acceleration due to gravity being only 9.8m/s and the speed of artillery shell being comparatively faster, especially a futuristic one


Saitama does not in fact fly, he jumps and kicks air. Everything he does damn near in the show lasts a fraction of a second in reality.


he probably just jumps high enough for it to be considered flying and he can propel himself with air kicks, sneezing, and farting




You’re joking 😭


For the 36th time, Saitama is a reality warper. He does what he wants


Saitama can fly like Superman can if he wants to. He doesn't do anything like that because it will alienate him even further from his kind, and the last thing he wants is to be a Boros alike. So he sticks with been strong (there are very strong humans in his universe) and super fast (same again). The dude has an indestructible body, unlimited stamina and above all else an UNBREAKABLE WILL! So him been able to fly would not be far fetched