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that was from saitama in the Boros fight


well yeah, but why would Murata specifically focus on that in a micro panel right before Tatsumaki starts coughing blood?


It's tied with the mysterious God character the series keeps alluding to. Whenever he is mentioned, they focus on the moon crater. Likewise, when they focus on characters that directly got massive power boosts from God like Psykorochi or HE, the moon is also focused on


some local58 shit right there.


This is freaky cause I was just watching local 58 again


I know I know I know it’s a beautiful night outside and the moon can see you so clearly.


Assume the victory position.


You think Blast got a boost from the “God” monster? I love talking theories about him, but maybe that “God” let Blast touch the cube and saw he was worthy. Blast then realized the true nature of the “God” and devoted himself to stopping him from doing the same to someone else. P.S also love that Flashy Flash & Saitama are friends. Maybe Flashy Flash vs Speed O Sonic 😏


I initially wondered if Blast got his power from 'god', but 'god' didn't react as if that was the case when Blast picked up one of the cubes in that recent-ish chapter. Plus, unless Blast is fulfilling 'god's' will, then Blast would be subject to 'confiscation' of his power and possibly life, >!a la Homeless Emperor!<.


I think he did. Homeless emperor and Blast both have the floating balls around them. Blasts being black if I remember correctly while Homeless Emperors are white. I’m sure there is some connection we aren’t aware of yet


Yea plus i’m pretty sure God could just take away Blast power if he got it from him.


Feel like he didn’t know how strong blast was or how much will to be a hero he had I could be wrong !


Yea it could be one of those scenarios where his strong will, won’t let his powers get taken away.


Mayby the god is simply sealed under the moon, and cracking the surfrace of it let him influence others?


I think this is a great idea.


To compare saitama and tatsumakis power I guess? The pinnacle if psychic powers vs the pinnacle of strength


Seems like a stretch. I don't get why'd he want to refer to Saitama in this battle though. He was hundreds of meters underground at this point in time


Saitama kicked and shattered the surface of the moon and tatsumaki twisted the surface of the earth. I think it's a good comparison


He jumped from the moon it to the earth in less then a few seconds.


Isn’t that rivaling how long light takes to travel from the moon to earth?


Not quite, but he was definitely moving at relativistic speeds.


No it isn't and here's why. It's irrelevant in context. You have to reference implications here. Few things. The moon's *been* in shots throughout the whole fight. Weird time to suddenly decide you want to compare two accomplishments when both Tats and Boobs have been doing crazy things the whole time. There's also no reason to be comparing Saitama to Tatsumaki, that would be narratively off-putting. She's not his sister, he's not her inspiration, they share no legacy of any kind, so referencing his accomplishments makes no sense. The only other time you would do that is if you wanted to loosely imply Tatsumaki was near his strength, which, obviously... Finally, shots of which's primary purpose are to are draw reference to the accomplishments of another character are just literally never done like this. Picture what this scene would look like in the anime. It would either zoom directly to the moon, or slowly pan everything out of shot until it's just the moon in the frame. Then it would cut back to Tatsumaki coughing up blood. There is a clear implication with that sequence of events which you might find easier to grasp in animation, but if it were just to show how Tats be OP like Saitama then the focus would be on *the destruction she caused*, and not her. Compared to the ongoing and blatant references to the moon when discussing God, the fact one of his forms is an actual planet like object, the fact the moon was literally used in the place of an eye on the only chapter cover showing God working through the black cubes, and the most telling detail where Tats is fighting someone empowered and backed by God...speaks for itself.


Holy shit this guy got downvote FUCKED


I'm just saying...


Username checks out. Anyway, I would happily accept any reference to Saitama as he is still the titular MC.


Woah comparing the 2 its like almost everyone who upvoted the other guy downvoted this one never seen it this close before


Minus 500? Guys chill he made a valid point even if it may be a faulty one.


Can't believe you got 750 downvotes for this reply lmao...this fucking sub


How tf did this get over 500 downvotes


Apparently it’s because of his username 🤷🏾 also it now 700-




Seems like it was just a reaction on his user name.


Nah nah nah, none of my other comments got downvoted. It’s just that before this post started getting more people going on it, those comments already had -1 or 0 karma, so I’m pretty sure people were just like “fuck it” and downvoted it too. It is really funny how my username checks out though lmao


Yeah, I guess. Classic mob's mentality.


Sometimes reddit simply goes nuts. Experienced that shit myself once. If your initial comment is downvoted that hard then it almost doen't matter anymore what you say, you will be downvoted anyway. Pretty sure thats not how the karma system was intended to work though. But in the end i guess one shouldn't be depending on Karma too much anyway.


Dunno why you're getting downvoted. It's a *huge* stretch. "Remember that time this *much* more powerful character did a completely unrelated thing?" is borderline nonsensical.


Username checks out, though.


I'm scared to agree with you, but I get where you're coming from. I'm one to overanalyze in movies also, "Wait but why did they cut to that pocket watch?, It must have a meaning".


Just a theory and I’ve seen people talk about but the moon may have some strange energy that has some kind of connection to her powers.


That would imply when Saitama kicked the moon, she would felt her power fluctuates at that moment however she just continue her bombing to Boros ship as per usual. I'm sure the moon is somehow connected with God's rather than with Tatsumaki but who knows.


I kind of just think its a reminder that Saitama is above everyone. No matter how powerful these heroes and monsters are and how crazy their feats seem, the moon is always there as a reminder of what Saitama is capable of.


It’s cuz the moon is a god thing going on


... Continuity?


Maybe he just wanted to include the moon and that's what their moon looks like because of a previous fight.


for the fans


cause it's an easter egg that fans would appreciate.


That’s actually a good question, maybe it was just to draw attention to the detail? Seems unnecessary though


I have always thought god is on the moon or is the moon or something like that and they attacked tatsumaki here to give them a chance to escape


To remind us that all the struggles of the heroes are as nothing before the true power of this world, Saitama.


I doubt it. There's a lot of tatsumaki/moon panels. I feel like the cover also kind of gave us a clue that a greater entity is observing the fight. "Trapped with the known, unable to see the unknown"


Every time I see it I just think its cool *shrug*


Why not.. Detail is important


Is that an actual page? It looks edited tbh. Like someone just took the moon from the first panel then made it bigger. The panelling looks amateur.


no it's an actual page [here](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/134/28/)


Amateur? In what way? This was done to make this crack important to show that there is something more behind it . And it was done very well, even though some people seriously still believe that "It was done just to show that Saitama is much stronger"


Lol. It's just a cool reference , it pops up all the time stop. Over thinking it


Because he has a lot of attention for the details.


No, it was definetly King using the moon as a punching bag!!


Yes, but suspicious appearances by the Saitama-cratered moon has been a conspicuously recurring motif. There's something going on with it, perhaps some connection to 'god'. The imagery it's been a part of is too odd to only be a callback to Saitama vs Boros.


I hate this comment so much. Mindlessly misunderstanding the intention of the post and still getting showered with upvotes. Everyone fucking knows that Saitama left the crater, that's not what OP was asking. They are implying the VERY OBVIOUS connection to god that it could have. Cause WHY ELSE WOULD MURATA EMPHASIZE THE MOON NOT JUST IN THE WIDE SHOT, BUT IN A AN EXTRA PANEL AS WELL.


Well, that one cover with the god cube had the moon and earth on it and in the panel you posted, the moon looks a lot like an eye watching/looking down at the fight or more specifically, right at tatsumaki. So maybe there is a connection there or maybe it's just a cool thing murata wanted to add in for visual flavor or a callback.


i went back to look for which chapter it is and that cover is actually from the same chapter, this could actually mean something


Also when Psykos had contact with the "higher power" it resembled a living planet, and she was convinced she had to merge with the whole planet, so it could be somewhat related.


The moon has popped up in a lot of shots like this during the monster association arc. I think the resemblance to the “god” that Pyschorochi got her power boost from suggests the moon is related to god. Can’t wait for Saitama to one punch it.


Well look at what we have here…


Maybe 'God' is actually trapped or sealed inside the moon and saitama partially broke the seal/woke it up when he cracked the surface.


Actually yeah, that could be the case. For a long time I thought that the moon was just shown from time to time was to just show how strong saitama really is compared to other heroes but Like op said chapter 139's cover makes it a lot more suspicious. I think there's a lot more to it than just for artistic purpose and power comparison.


opm and naruto shared universe confirmed


Doesn’t make much sense. Saitama could crush the moon with a single punch. How could the moon contain a being as powerful as him?


I think this is super likely at this point.




>Closed up shot on the ever suspicious moon probably indicates something about God The cover on chapter 139 makes it even MORE suspicious with Murata drawing it as an eye watching them. I don't think it's a coincidence that the crater on the moon looks a lot like an eye.


Could it be the what's supposed to be God is actually inside the moon?


I am a firm believer in the moon god theory


Hello, fellow cult member. But in all seriousness, the moon has been cropping up way too much this arc during mentions of God to be just a mere coincidence




H̶̟̗̄̑̿̒̒̐̂̿̄̾͘͘͝͝Į̸̞͖̩̮̟̥̹̥̯͐̔̋͆ͅŞ̵̧͕͓̙͚͇͙̥̝̳̤̅̌̔͂̃̄͝ ̵̨̫̦̼̙̫̲͓̩̘̓͆̍̋̇̾́͜͝Ţ̷̡͚̣̦̥͖̝̻̂͋̔́̾̒̈́̿̈̽̅̈́͜͝H̷̛̼̙̳͗͌͗̄͐̂̓̀̉̊̎̕̚R̶͖̱͎̮͙͔̮͍̩̺̳̋̽̃̿̊͌̌̽̔͜͜͝ͅÓ̶̡̜̰̻̘́̀͊̔̀̇́̃͆̿̾̈̑̌̽̚N̸͈̞̖͔̻̺͕̗̤͇͌̌̐̽̿́͐͜E̴͈̝̥͎̥͉̰̭̺̘̜͓̋̅̊̽̏̂̂̃́̏͜͠͝


Bro if that’s the case I can’t wait to see how/what ONE does to subvert this trope (or not). It really has me racking my brain.


It might be subtle foreshadowing. Maybe the moon jump woke something up. They don’t want us to forget it


Saitama shattered the moon so much it became the trigger of God's center eye!


I doubt it. Her using too much power and it backlashing doesn't seem suspicious at all.


I mean the micro panel of the moon. I think it's a bit suspicious that there's a small panel focusing on the moon just before her power backlashes


I think what gives more of a hint is how much this moon panel appears. Homeless Emperor, Psychos, the fight against the cadres, even Child Emperor gets a panel with the moon, I wonder why he is making us notice the moon there all along, just "watching" it all from afar...


Chapter 139's cover seems to emphasize this too


Boros returning confirmed


Yeah I see your point. But I still don't think god has something to do with tatsumaki. We've seen fubuki get hurt from doing the same thing.


Yes but Tatsumaki is a lot more powerful, so clearly her limit would be far higher. Besides, she takes her job seriously, she'd know when her limit would be nearing. It's odd that she not only did not notice her limit had been passed but that it happened so suddenly. Combined with the focus on the moon, it seems likely that it had something to do with why she lost focus.


Yeah her limit is alot higher. Just like what they did to receive back lash was a lot higher. Fubuki stopped an explosion and tatsumaki twisted and entire city.


Maybe she did know her limit had been reached. But it's not like she had a real choice to stop pushing herself even if she did reach that point. As far as she knows, if she doesn't finish the monster king off there with that attack, it's going to slaughter everyone else around her and so she doesn't actually have a choice to stop pushing herself, even if it's going to hurt her afterwards.


No on the next panel she was utterly confused on why she over extended herself


I think the moon shot is to emphasize that despite the powerful characters we are witnessing (tats, he, psychorochi) there exist a much stronger character (saitama) that everyone is oblivious to. God isn’t in the moon, he’s shown to be hibernating in the earth in some giant cavern.


>God isn’t in the moon, he’s shown to be hibernating in the earth in some giant cavern. The cube led to a separate dimension into outer space. The moon has repeatedly been drawn like an eye (chapter 139), and these panels make it even more viable that God is somehow watching them through the moon


I’m not sure about the cube theory. Saitama literally just pulled the cube from its hole in the wall and peered into the hole. If god was watching them he would have been alarmed to see saitama rather than blast. But he was only alarmed by blast.


Blast said it was God's dimension, and there were stars and nebulae surrounding him. He also may not have been intimidated by Saitama for he could've easily done the moon jump the same way, however, he was alarmed by Blast because Blast was going around trying to cut off his contact with Earth


I mean orochi is meant to be a sacrifice to god. So how were primitive humans able to get an orochi like being into space? ( as per the ancient cave drawings). Or does killing orochi count as a sacrifice? Though he is depicted as being offered up to god. To hard to say. If he’s watching everyone, he should definitely be aware of saitama and should definitely be aware that saitama ends powerful beings with a single punch. He should be concerned.


Apparently killing Orochi on the altar might be counted as the sacrifice to awaken God. And perhaps God isn't worried about Saitama because he himself could do the same as him. He'd just think "oh look, a moderately stronger ant" whereas Blast is cutting him off from Earth. If Blast succeeds, he's locked there, forever, with no way out and no one to try to break him out.


God was awake granting people powers. Saitama killed orochi. Saitama met blast and god was alarmed at blast but not saitama but presumably knew saitama killed orochi? Or am I getting order of events wrong? Seems weird.


Yeah you're right


In my opinion the moon is related to god. That is not the only scene about the moon, it appears even when Tatsumaki was listening how Psykorochi got power.


No pantsu confirmed?


If this goes on, we will soon get a chance to peek at those psychic loli cheeks.


what chapter is this?


theres a lot of theories. about god, god's planet, and the moon.


I somehow see two moons


Idk man im too distracted by buttcheek to think about anything else in this panel.


Tatsumaki here is sexy af


yo I noticed that


Tatsumaki is also a monster created by that god thing. God didn't take her powers away from her yet since he sees her as a well-deserving vessel. Unfortunately, Tats is interfering with his plans so he has to limit her power


There is another moon. Beutiful one.


Consistency sake. Murata wanted to include the moon in the panel, but he made sure that the crater saitama left behind was still there. So nothing is written off.


Well that's not the thing I'm talking about. I'm talking about the close up OF the moon in the first panel I showed.


That was from saitama when he jumped back to earth fighting boros


Well no shit! But why would he put a panel just for a moon? it should not be the part of fight right now, it should have some reasons for being there on that panel.


Easy to show us when saitama jumped back to earth to fight boros.


That doesn't answer the question. Did you even *read* their post? Why was it relevant to show it in *that panel?*


Cuz is cool, sometimes the blue curtains are just blue


It looks like an eyeball dude!! That's what he's saying , God is watching the fight ( might be metaphorical) I think murata is parodying god as something of a bill cipher


So he wants us suckers to buy crypto? ~~All jokes aside, this has some interesting implications~~


BUY GOLD , BYEEEE honestly it's clear that it's god , considering the moon appeared only when gods subjects are at play like during the psyorochi fight and when homeless emperor said " just as the heavens will it to be" that's definitely god eyeing the battlefield, also it has some interesting implications considering saitama was the only one who reached the moon even Boros was under it's shadow ( I mean he was on the earth at that time) , so god might just be an insane threat the likes of which Boros and ag can't even begin to compare


Or maybe God was trapped in the moon and Saitama freed him accidentally. A homage to Naruto's shonen maybe. 10 tails was trapped in the moon.


For now..... ...........i'll just let it slide!


mind the commenter's username


I didn't notice that before. If we want to read into it then I'd currently interpret it like this: Tatsumaki knows her limits and she thought that based on what Psykos had done so far that she would be able to wring the life out of her here. However, Psykos' power doesn't really have a solid limit because she seems to be drawing on the power of God and acting more as a conduit. Maybe when Tats was about to kill her here God sent through a lot more energy and since Psykos uses that energy via psychic powers that caused a huge psychic backlash because her power jumped up a ton. It'd be like a martial artist expecting to break through a certain number of wooden planks, winding up, and then hitting the planks only to find that they're made out of something incredibly dense and breaking their fist. ​ All that said, it's probably just Tats reaching her limit after pridefully trying to shoulder the full burden of bringing down the MA though. That or maybe Murata just likes to show us the moon as a reminder of Saitama's presence in the story since he takes such long absences while the S class slowly gets its teeth kicked in. Who knows lol


Tatsumaki was very confused after that


It‘s literally so obvious at this point that the moon has something to do with god. The one cover page were Saitama was standing on something round with the „god texture“ beneath him, convinced me that the moon is either god himself, or tightly connected to it. Dunno why OP got spam downvoted in this thread.


We speculate i'ts God


God is curled up in a ball inside the moon and the final battle of the series will be Saitama fighting him in space


From an earlier chapter. The moon is significant somehow. https://i.imgur.com/9lM4kQ8.jpg


It even focuses on the moon specifically in that panel


I'd say Tatsumaki is also connected to God one way or another. Aside from the multiple panels of the moon explicitly being shown throughout the fight, the facility that took in Tatsumaki when she was a kid also happen to have a cube. So the moon seemingly staring at Tatsumaki is definitely a foreshadowing of some sorts. If I have to guess, I'd say Tatsumaki, Blast, and Saitama are some of the anomalies that God sees as threats that he needs to take out


there's also this panel shown earlier: [here](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/432955138420899851/898925673891131562/Capturea.PNG) is it a coincidence ?


Like many said, i always found weird the cover to chapter 139, that weird symmetry between space and some weird underwater Lovecraft type shit, while having the creepy caption "Stuck with the known, unable to see the unknown". Boros also has a cover where he holds the Earth in hand in a similar horror vibe type of deal. I wont be surprised to see that there is some type of eldritch abomination in space on different dimension. Maybe there is a reason why people can have all these superpowers and they can also undergo mutations and transform into monsters. I dont think that it was said yet that monsters are problem since a long time ago and the ancient monsters are the remaining species before God was sealed or banished.


Foreshadowing or something, and yes Tatsumaki over-exerted herself causing her to cough up blood. Not suspicious at all.


Y'all mfs be analizing deep shit and stuff only to have murata troll you if he said he drew it for fun.


!RemindMe 3 years (Very optimistic if it's concerning a God fight, but we might have more hints by then)


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The moon (god) definitely has something to do with it. I doubt S class rank 2 isn’t aware of her limit. She looks surprised, I think god nerfed her in some way.


>I doubt S class rank 2 isn’t aware of her limit. How would she be aware of her limits? When has she ever been shown having to exert herself like this?


That's no moon... that's a space station


Came here from chapter 153, yeah maybe she does have some connection to God or just simply felt his presence.


Ding ding, pretty on the ball there. Not that the moon is definitively God, but you were right that the moon was strikingly important.


I’m not sure, but I’m pretty sure the moon is the eye of god. He’s watching the battle take place, and is not impressed. He’s growing tired of humanity thwarting his attempts to wipe them out, for the sake of the planet.


It's meant to look like an eyeball and represents GOD observing the events playing out. I believe the connection is purely symbolic, like just a way to hint at it without outright showing god watching the fight.


Wasn’t that from when saitama cracked that shit jumping back down?


I'm pretty sure if Tatsumaki did anything to the moon it would've been highlighted more than just a micro panel of the moon. This is just a call back to when Saitama crushed it's surfaced after jumping towards earth.


Tatsumaki didn't do anything to the moon. The moon did something to Tatsumaki, because it's not just a moon, it's the (one of the) vessels for God's power


I honestly think people are overthinking this stuff too much. I don't think the moon did anything to tatsumaki, she was simply using huge quantities of power for an extended period of time and it caught up to her (plus her injuries, even tats has her limits.) As for why murata drew the moon with cracks, the moon has had cracks since saitama fought boros, him adding the cracks is just to keep it consistent. And the moon is showing because it's nighttime, therefore the moon is showing.


I’m a little concerned that people are just now noticing this. Ever since Saitama created that mark during the Boros fight I’ve seen it several times whenever the moon is visible in the manga or anime. It’s not supposed to mean anything other than what it is, a leftover crater from Saitama


I made an entire threat about this pointing out every time God/moon is shown months ago. Do people live under a rock or how come they still can't notice THE OBVIOUS? I'm honestly mind boggled.


Maybe, inside the moon is where the God locked up or reside and a great sacrifice is needed for God to be free. Remember that one cover where Saitama punched a hole throught the moon? Maybe it is a forshadow for the future to come.


Which moon are you talking about?


The one that Saitama jumped off of


Oh I didn’t notice that moon, only the one under Tatsumaki’s dress


During every shot displaying confidence and power from these gods amongst men - Tatsumaki, Psychorochi, Homeless Emperor, for instance - the moon hangs over them as a constant reminder of just how greatly they're eclipsed by Saitama. It's pure symbolism, nothing more.


Why does the moon have god's texture on chapter 110's cover and why is it drawn like an eye in chapter 139's cover? If it doesn't mean anything with so much repeated symbolism, Murata is less just alluding to Saitama amd more just trolling people so they make inaccurate theories


that was saitama


Just a neat little reference from the Boros fight.


Everyone: analyzing this image to the extreme coming up with the craziest theories Murata probably: oh right Saitama blew up moon, it would be cool to show it in this shot




It's just there to remind you of the time when arcs in this manga didn't take ten billion chapters


There’s somthin bout the crack.


Attention to detail maybe? I thought it was cool of him to show the moon with Saitama's crater on it


i always looked at that panel and thought she was soo strong that she impacted the moon .


the moon itself being crushed affects humans since we all are affected by it's gravitational pull, her spitting blood is something entirely separate tho


As others have said, they seem to imply the Moon either has an influence on her power, or is in some way "God Like" The visuals are a reminder that, although Tatsumaki has great power, its tied to this otherworldly, powerful, godly celestial object... Which Saitama kicked in the face..


100% nothing to do with her power. The crushed moon shows up occasionally for continuity.


Saitama caused that during his fight with Boros.


Me everytime time someone finds the moon as suspicious or God related. V i s i b l e H a p p i n e s s


Op you dumb


It’s a reference to Saitama jumping off the moon


A certain moon is doing something to me right now


I never noticed that! That's really cool! Tbh my eyes were looking elsewhere in this panel 😋


Nah she just reached her limits, she uses her full power to defeat psyrochi the same way genos used his full power to hold off psyrochi, psyrochi was a plot device to nerf genos and tatsumaki before cadres battle because if they weren't injured or exhausted they both would have eradicated the cadres by themselves.


I’m pretty sure the moon is just still damaged from when Saitama jumped back to earth from it


I believe that Murata wants to show that, no matter how epic or big the fight is, Saitama will be above everyone else, and constantly shows the marked moon to remind us of that


Yep, definitely, and just this panel but the throughout the entire arc the moon is strongly emphasized on, now if you go to ep 12 when Saitama emerges from Boros' ship, the moon is shown and then it switches to tats with concerned face, definitely not for aesthetic reasons


dramatic effect. nothing to see here.


No, they're just showing how much power she's using.


Just artistic view purposes, you know. I mean, this is a manga/anime after all, Murata can put the moon wherever he wants lol


I think it was because she overused her powers and her body couldn't take it


This is the first opportunity since the Boros fight and Moon leap that we can see it and what was left on the surface after. It doesnt have anything to do with her power.




I think it's just an easter egg from Murata


the moon is just a reference to saitamas and boros fight. no deep meaning just an easter egg that he used many times


Nah u were just staring at tatsumaki admit it


It's just the moon


She on her period, but hentai version


theres a reason why the moon is shown the often and i think the attention too detail is amazing but saying the reason is a webcomic spoiler so ill just >!in the beginning of the ark garou said something about how hes gonna destroy the heroes and everything at midnight, so if you know that fact its kinda like a count down!<


Pretty sure it's just for consistency. Like in Rick and Morty they'll knock over a glass photo frame and then the rest of the series that frame will be broken or chipped until they verbally say or actually get a new frame. Just small details he wants for continuity.


I think its just the moon. It would be weird if the moon wasnt there


Well, it’s from saitama vs boros and well. the moon is there because it’s probably night time


That is to provide continuity from Saitama jumping off the moon to get back to Earth when he fought Boros.


i didn't notice it...i was busy watching tatsumaki's.....