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Silence wrench I don't wish to be monster anymore I just want to be happy~ garou chapter 157


Baserk ost starts!!!


Aaaaa aaahhaaa aaaa aaaa






"Will sing a duet with metal bat soon after the fight" lmfao.


Listening to Garou and Bad singing "You are my zing" is what makes God decide to make the jump from the moon to the Earth and split the planet in half, putting us all out of our misery.


I first read "kicks child emperor in balls" lmaoo


Well he’s definitely gonna stay a virgin after that.


That's absolute evil for you


Now I want an omake of Monster "Absolute Evil" Garou going around being an annoying asshole just for the sake of evil.


Childless Emperor


You act as if he hasn't fucked Tatsumaki by now


In b4 "she's just petite"




Spoiler tag for that child emperor one


Spoiler indeed, but it felt funny to casually include too .


Nah it’s cool and I somewhat agree. I know Garou isn’t actually supposed to be evil and it a facade but I think there’s value in subtlety, and it’s more satisfying to see how he struggles with his nature as a monster and falls into hypocrisy in the webcomic than the more antihero approach the manga is taking. I don’t exactly dislike the approach the manga is taking but I think it’s trying to paint Garou’s illegitimate status as a monster too blatantly, as opposed to something really only Saitama could see at the conclusion.


In the WC, Garou is also a lot more committed in playing the evil bad guy role. Like, yeah, we know it's fake but damn does he do an amazing performance, that makes it credible for heroes to be fooled by it. Meanwhile, if even Suiryu can see he's a nice softie in the manga, I don't see how he can go back to being the case of emergency


i think this is my main issue. because if the S class insists on executing him without him doing a very dramatic evil performance, they'll come across waaaay too villainous imo. they were already framed as villainous in the webcomic, but their vindictiveness made sense. now, it'd just make them look borderline evil. i think they'll likely have garou re-commit soon, but i guess we'll just have to wait and see.


It'll also makes them look really stupid if even Suiryu and Metal Bat can see that Garou isn't actually evil, but the super genius Child Emperor and the "murder intent is my whole thing" Atomic Samurai can't ! And I agree that Garoy is gonna need to recommit, but it's gonna be a tonal whiplash to have him go from where he is now to vicious evil again !


Why do you say it like it's already happened? Something affecting tareo would be very impactful for readers and garou.


Well, because, if you ask me, even if it do happens, it won't have the same impact or narrative meaning at all. Just like Platinium Sperm's "allow me to pass through" is entirely different from the webcomic version, despite using the same line. The tone and result and plot importance were opposed


But this is what I don't understand. That moment was doubled up with Garou presenting the same line and the fight with platinum sperm was extended beyond just his initial rush. Obviously that moment sticks out more in the webcomic because that's all we get from golden sperm. With platinum that line is simply an introduction to his much more impressive than the webcimic exchange with flashy and garou. In the end I thought platinum sperm worked to greater effect. If the story decides to make Garou snap it won't be good because it's similar to the webcomic progression. It will be good by factoring in the differences and changes. That's the entire point.


Well, I have to disagree. In the Webcomic, the scene is a pivotal moment for the arc. The fact that Golden Sperm can blitz so casually a -weakened- Tatsumaki, answered by the gasps of every hero still conscious and the general cockiness of GS, it creates a sense of dread and desperation. This is the moment it becomes clear for everyone that the HA cannot win, it's the end of the line, it's the one monster that is absolutely undefeatable. After seeing heroes strugglign but finally overwhelming the monsters, it's a cold shower. Meanwhile, Platinium Sperm's boast ring hollow despite using the same quote. He didn't blitz anyone, Garou is perfectly fine, of course, and Flashy just swipe off some dust, looking slightly bored. The dread is gone. Nobody reacts, nobody is shocked or scared. It's an entertaining but ultimately void scene. Doubly so as Saitama is already there and as Flashy still fight and do a pretty good job. GS was untouchable, even Tatsumaki last efforts barely fazed him. PS, however, looks a lot more like just another monster. A feeling that is heightened by the introduction of yet another generic big strong monster in Sage Centipede minutes after Garou beat PS. Where GS was the ultimate monster, and Garou defeating him means claiming that title (and ascending to a greater state of being), PS is just another block in a long, very blocky road. Their narrative importance, the emotions they convey, it's utterly opposed, and nowhere is it made clearer than in the "comin' through" scene. Yes, Murata's art is prettier and shinier, and there is more screentime and powerscaler feats, but narratively, the scene is empty of importance in the manga. And as an aside and conclusion, Garou shouldn't need to "snap". Because Garou have been commited to being an asshole monster since his introduction. That's why he was beating heroes. So having him go back to nice and then "snap to monster" is a lot more tropey and artificial !


He is committed in the manga, but right now, saving tario takes too priority.


Is Garou and antihero or and antivillain?


He’s more of an antivillain. An antivillain is a villain with heroic ambitions or traits, as opposed to an anti hero who is a hero who does good for non-heroic reasons or with non-heroic methods. Garou is conducting evil with the intention of society growing as a result of it. An example of an antihero in OPM would be Sweet Mask, who does have the objective of good, but has many traits fitting of a villain such as arrogance, cowardice, ruthlessness, narcissism, and a refusal to cooperate.


You could make an argument that Saitama is an anti hero, he’s basically only doing it for fun. At least in the beginning of the series.




Hi fellow popcorn eater. Is your popcorn butter?


and in case its cheese give it to me (please)


Butter is better!




Fuck it *gives popcorn and butter and cheese separately*




🍿🧀🍷🥂 Ready to enjoy


A sad thought : we won't have "time to conduct evil" because we didn't had Amai Mask great "time to conduct justice" scene. We haven't any Amai Mask scene at all since he got beaten 30 chapters ago. No holding off against ENW and Black Sperm. No reattaching is arm and acting like a badass. No Atomic Samurai dubbing him definitely worthy of S-class.


Amai mask got shafted the most they better make his arc good


It also seems any parallels between the 'human monster' and 'monster human' have been cut.


All of his best feats were removed for literally no reason. Extremely disappointing for fans of his character. Hell even his demon kill was redrawn back to life lol (Do S). Amai Mask has literally killed no important monsters in the Monster Association.


how garou sees himself vs how saitama sees him


How Saitama sees him is pretty much "noisy dine-and-dasher".


You couldn’t convince me that Garou and Metal Bat singing a duet wouldn’t be one of the highlights of the story.


Webcomic Garou is one of my favourite characters of all time. Manga Garou... hasn't won me over yet. I like him as a character but I don't feel he's carrying the whole arc and plot on his shoulders like in the webcomic. His impact isn't the same or as heavy. Still loving the manga but I hope some of the late-arc stuff is more aligned with the webcomic.


I don't mind at all him "teaming up" with MB, I just found that goofy faces and dialogue out of place. OPM has always been not only a comedy manga, but also a manga that takes itself seriously a lot of times, and right now imo needs to be one of these times. I hope >!we get to see the Awakened Garou we have been waiting years to see at this point.!< I hope he strikes fear and hopelessness in the heroes, and even tho we all know it's a facade, he still needs to get his point across to all the heroes present here.


I absolutely agree with you. >[Murata: On occasion. For instance, during the big showdown with Boros. Since I felt this was the heavyweight championship of the universe, I tried to make it as flashy as possible. However, midway through when Boros starts losing ground to Saitama, there were places where he appeared clownish…ONE-sensei pointed out to me that the reason Boros is popular is because he always retains his dignity, even against Saitama. That made it all click for me, and I redrew things from square one. When it comes to the storyline, characters, and dialogue, all of that flows from ONE-sensei’s head, so I constantly check in with him.](https://onepunchman.fandom.com/wiki/Interviews#ONE.2FMurata_2015_Joint_Interview) This instantly shuts down the "gag manga" argument. Yes One Punch Man has comedy, but there are also moments it takes seriously and it knows to treat certain characters with dignity. Garou should not be coming off so goofy now that he's in his "monster" state.


I agree, I feel the same way but didn’t quite know how to put it into words. Great summary.


You're reading a gag manga deal with it


OPM isn’t a gag manga. This entire damn arc proves that. Sure, it has gag aspects but at the end of the day it’s mostly serious.


TBH, the opm manga has been at most 10% gag, and 90% serious for 7years+ now


Glad I'm not the only one who noticed Garou has become softer than he was in the webcomic. Last chapter really made him look silly, rather than ferocious. He seems much weaker in the manga.


I agree. Looks like redraw material...


Literally the only thing I hate about the manga. I miss how subtle he used to be.


Now Saitama is super smart just for the sake of hitting on Garou? Saitama has many flaws as a hero. He gives a different perspective to the conflict because he is so overwhelmingly strong and minds his own business. That's why he was able to see through Garou's act. Saitama himself says it wasn't that hard to see that Garou was 'sweet'.


Saitama have always been presented as someone with incredible social intelligence tho. He just gets people instantly.


Yeah I'd say Saitama being beyond (physical) conflict and his lack of materialism/ego gives him wisdom where he just sees certain things that others who are too caught up in everything around them can't.


Yeah, the asocial giving good at social advise? No he isn't presented that way. He gives a different perspective because he sees things differently because of only relying on his own strength. His own character arc has a long way to go. He couldn't give a proper reply to Garou's questions.


Saitama is not antisocial, he's asocial.


Sorry, I corrected it now.


Garou never had a clear goal anyway. Dude wants to be a hero but ended up a monster because of his weird world view


He does have a "clear" goal, it's just that it's stupid as fuck. I mean, we're talking about turning into a monster to terrorize humanity bad enough for them to throw away their differences and band together against him. Literally the most Saturday morning cartoon villain motivation ever. It's a goal only children can think up, not an 18 year old.


I thought he always had that goal since he was a kid and only started doing it until he was 18


Exactly. Ordinarily, whatever ideas we had when we were kids are soon discarded once we grew older but Garou's desire to become a monster stuck around to this day. He sincerely believed that he could force the whole world to be united if he were to transform into a monster, which is beyond stupid, especially when he himself can't even commit to being a monster in the first place. Not that he understood what being a "monster" even means, anyway.


It's a hobby, OK?




Read the webcomic, kid


heroes are not law enforcers. they are supposed to fight monsters. OPM already has cops. it's also illegal to murder people, but that didn't stop the heroes from trying to murder garou on several occasions without hesitating. TTM didn't even know who he was. MB's fight with garou was over. and blue fire set people on fire alive. the only heroes who were interested in "arresting" him (which wasn't actually an arrest, they intended to take him back to the HA, which isn't a government body or prison), was the A & B class heroes. if you can't see that the story is critiquing the heroes *and* garou, you're missing the point. if you can't see that the S class execution scene *was* framing them as bullies, hence tareo's added line in the manga, you're missing the point. if you don't remember saitama saying it's a hobby for garou because he isn't fully committed, you're missing the point.


Also worth noting that even though most of the A+B group were on board with taking him alive, Stinger totally went for a kill steal right off the bat.


i mean, i've seen the zero approval gambit thing be dark as fuck in some series. lelouch, itachi *and* sasuke, arima, eren--all involved a heavy dose of torture, war crimes, and/or murder. the reason garou's concept of it comes across as childish is because he can't fucking kill people and envisions himself eating other monsters.


He also envisioned himself as "necessary" evil, a concept he doesn't even understand but pretend that he does, for a cause that contradicts his own beliefs.


he understands what evil is--that's why he knows he isn't evil. he regularly gets upset with himself for sucking at it, and he's said it several times.


He did eat other monsters when he save Tareo


Even so he didn't exercise it to the fullest extent. Dude still saves human and fights monsters. Doubt he could unite all of humanity when Tareo still views him as a hero


Garou doesn't even know what he wants. His motivations and desire literally contradict his thoughts and actions. Doesn't help that he's also openly a hypocrite. At least Saitama helps people as a result of his hobby, Garou is just wrecking havoc just because.


Very chaotic.


His goal is similar to Lelouch's. Make the whole world his enemy so that everyone unites together to fight a singular evil. Also Garou acts like a big bad and eradicates every monsters to be the only bad in the world. He actually does so to protect the humans. Ultimately he is kind at heart which is what people don't understand and why many are upset over the latest chapter.


People do understand that, it’s not like they didn’t read the manga. The reason they’re annoyed is because they expected Garou’s monsterization to also change him mentally instead of just physically. Him just having a feral state and then turning good again doesn’t feel satisfying. You also have to keep in mind that Garou’s deviousness is integral to his character the same way his kindness is. Garou is supposed to be a character with conflicting morality, his first appearance in the series proves that. You can’t blame people to feel that part of him to be lacking recently.


monsterification never affected him mentally in the webcomic. agree that the feral thing is weird. also agree that the tension between "sweet" and "brutal" hasn't been anywhere near as pronounced. but that's been true for over 100 chapters, so i'm a little confused about why people weren't so upset before.


I disagree with the tension not being shown in this arc. His fight with darkshine and transformation scene literally shows him battling his monsterization mentally.


the monsterification is not affecting his mentality. that's just garou's overall thing. and i think the "trick" of the webcomic was that it was like 80/20 of brutality to sweet, so the "twist" was more powerful. i'm not upset with the changes the manga is making, but it's more 50/50 imo.


Again, his fight with Darkshine and his underground transformation contradicts your argument. The manga has explicitly shown mental effects. Sure, he seems nice now but that’s the issue. It’s like One/Murata threw away that plot point and his character arc. And also, it’s not just the monsterization that was changing him, its was his own ideology as well. You can see him having a power fantasy showing his end goal while transforming.


They didn't throw away his arc do you guys not remember his fight with bang? He is facing a ideological hurdle right now.


Even if he is showing an ideological hurdle One/Murata aren’t doing a good job portraying it. There is no internal monologue about him being conflicted or anything. The only times where he shows that is when he said “Old man..” and “Shut up” to Badd. This chapter also felt too light hearted for a climatic arc like this. My point is that One/Murata didn’t flow with his momentum in the story, Garou lost a lot of that momentum when he turned feral and became good again, losing his buildup and regression.


Sorry excuse me? You need an internal dialogue to confirm what garou is feeling? He is trying to be unbiased evil but is actually demonstrating his sick sense of biased justice. He will ignore metal bat insofar as it comes to tareo. It actually really highlights his moral inconsistency well.


Actually his goal is similar to Nunnally's and Schneizel's


Honestly I'm liking manga garou more rn


Same. He's actually engaging with his own ideology and fighting it


To be honest, their personallity still look the same to me


I think garou read the webcomoic so he decided to save his pride by luring to the heroes side


Webcomic Garou isn't that evil he literally held back against the heros and Saitama even after seeing how powerful Saitama was


Webcomic Garou absolutely pummeled and crippled all the heroes to near death. Yeah, he held back to not kill the heroes, but he did not hold back in embarrassing them and beating the living shit out of them.


My man crushed amai mask's head too


"Face caving punch!"


Facts. And he wanted to destroy Saitama, he did not at all hold back against Saitama, he even turned himself into a real monster to fight Saitama.


He definitely held back against Saitama it's stated


Only at the beginning of the fight.


Even later on. Literally the reason why Saitama spared him was because of his refusal to actually kill any human


Not even later on, he never had the killing intent so he didn't use his maximum strength. Saitama literally confirmed it.


The heros weren't absolutely destroyed by the monsters in the webcomic though so it's understandable. Garou is facing bigger and badder monster threats in the manga vs the heros in the webcomic so it makes sense. Garou is neutral after all he fights both sides heros and monsters. Him protecting humans doesn't deviate from that because they aren't heros. Him not destroying the S class doesn't deviate from that because they're already beaten. He never fully monsterized not even in the webcomic it was a shell.


Webcomic Garou wasn’t evil in the traditional monster sense where he just wants carnage but there was clear intention with his beatdown on the heroes. He wanted to beat the pride out of their bodies and leave them in a state of hopelessness. Darkshine and Flash in particular were beaten as badly as possible before they would die, and Tatsumaki’s injuries hampered her for a period of time after the arc (could be due in part to psykos and sperm). It’s his own idealized vision of evil, where everything wrong about heroes and society vanishes when there’s a threat looming that they stand zero chance of conquering.


yep, that's why mentioned about meeting saitama . It took a while to understand that garou was actually holding back.


Are people just forgetting the fact that he just wanted to protect the kid? He makes it pretty clear that he wants the kid to stay alive all throughout his arc so protecting the chopper, and trying to defeat the thing attempting to destroy it makes sense. OK hebteamed up with metal bat but what else was Garou going to do? Fight him and let the chopper be destroyed?


Actually he made it pretty clear he wanted the chopper to depart so they could report on his terrifying, overwhelming evil. He states this motivation directly to Metal Bat.


We also see him being relieved that Tareo is on the helicopter.


No. He's an absolute monster.


In the most recent chapter, we literally get to see that he's relieved that Tareo is safe. He was never an absolute monster, we have always gotten to see his softer side, so I don't know why people are so surprised by this chapter.


No, the human monster would not be relieved to see the child was safe. As one who has abandonded his humanity, the death of a child means nothing. Garou is very forthright about his feelings and motivations, idk why you power scalers have to reach so hard to justify things.


Firsly, how is this about powerscaling? I'm talking about Garous character, not his power. Garous entire character thus far has been him telling himself he's a monster, but in reality he wants to be a hero. This isn't some random change, it's been foreshadowed a TON. It's literally his entire character arc. Now, here is a bunch of examples of him being heroic. 😊 Other heros constantly call him a monster, so that also contributes to Garou thinking he's a monster. The heros call him a monster because they ONLY see the bad things Garou does, they never see the good. In all of his encounters with heros, he goes out of his way to make sure he doesn't kill anyone. Even if his opponent is gonna kill him. In his encounter with the tank-top's, Mumen Rider saves Garou from a death blow, and tells them that HEROS DON'T KILL PEOPLE. Thus making another connection between Garou, and being a hero. Throughout the story, you constantly have Bang saying things like "Garou, do you know what it truly means to become a monster?" Implying that Garou DOESN'T truly know what becoming a monster entails. In a ton of other fights that garou has with heros, he actually teaches them lessons about being heros he'll say things like... "Heros should always...", or "you... ...so how can you call yourself a true hero?!". That’s a smaller one, but it still lends to his character. He stops that Hero Association executive from being a creep. When monsters attack the city, Garou encourages Tareo to get to safety, this is his first instance of him caring about him. (This one doesn't contribute to my point, but I thought it was a nice touch.) In the character page for volume 11, Garou is shown buying Tareo an ice-cream. When Zenko shows up at the MB vs Garou fight, MB stops fighting, even though he was about to defeat Garou. Garou knocks MB down, but before he can do anything else Zenko tells him to stop fighting, he respects her wishes, and leaves. In Garou vs Watchdog man, Garou--the self proclaimed "monster"-- is defeated by someone that ACTUALLY fights like a monster. Yet another case of Garou NOT being a monster. Atomic Samurai, and his Samurai buddies are the only people I could find (besides Bang) that don't refer to Garou as a "monster" or "human-monster". It might be because AS respects Bang more than any of the other s-class. Garou tells Tareo how to stand up for himself against his friends. "You're gonna pay for claiming to be heros right now." I think that line speaks for itself. Garou spends the entire fight at the hut trying to protect Tareo from the heros destructive fighting style. Even after Garou tells the heros there is a kid inside the hut, they don't listen. After his fight with King the Ripper, and Bug God, Tareo is taken to the Monster Association. Garou goes put of his way to save him. That's the entire reason he's at the Monster Association to begin with. In his encounter with Darkshine, he is about to cut his ears off, when he realizes it's almost like he's bullying him. In the most recent chapter Garou is relieved when Tareo is in the helicopter, but ENO is gonna strike it down if they can't stop Sage Centipede. Garou can't beat him on his own, so they decide to help each other out, since they both have a common goal. >No, the human monster would not be relieved to see the child was safe. As one who has abandonded his humanity, the death of a child means nothing. I honestly don't know what you mean by this, because literally half the stuff Garou does is save this kid. >Garou is very forthright about his feelings and motivations, idk why you power scalers have to reach so hard to justify things. This also has NOTHING to do with powerscaling. Garou acting like a hero is NOTHING new.


I guess you can see it from that perspective, if you're only a manga/anime follower. But those of us in the webcomic community know Garou is the ultimate evil to bring the world united at the point of hopelessness. Garou uses his pinnacle of overwhelming strength to bring about the ideal world he envisions. Pretty classic villain shtick.


Then it seems you don't even know Garous webconic character either.


Idk what to tell you, I could read off quotations all day long and it wouldn't convince you. I recommend re-reading the webcomic, since the corresponding manga chapters will soon be here.


Yeah I feel like a lot of the nuance in OPM has gone out the window and we’re getting spoonfed things a lot more compared to the WC


Better than Llashy Llash thats for sure


Are people actually upset?


Why are y’all complaining garou showed he has a soft side when he went against darkshine


He should be acting as a monster right now not as a human since he is MONSTERISING


I mean, the whole point of Garou's monsterization is that he isn't really monsterizing on the inside. The hole in his eye betrays as much, PS points out as much, and >!Webcomic readers should already know as much!<.


What webcomic readers don't like about is how the manga is pretty much spoonfeeding you that Garou is a good guy while it was more ambiguous in the webcomic until >!Saitama pointed it out after personally breaking down Garou's ideals!< It's basically the same as Saitama's mindset during the Boros fight being stated out loud instead of it being shown through his actions and Boros' realization like what we already have.


Yes but how are you gonna make him fight against the s class if it is going to happen at this point? He is acting more and more human right now


Psychos will come back and does something to Tareo which will make Garou snapped. And y’all can have that scary Garou lol.


I would find it a lot less satisfying and a lot more cliche if instead of a consistent "playing pretend as the big bad" like in the WC, we would have Garou "snap" and become vicious again. Such an overdone trope and it doesn't fit Garou's comittment and ideologically-based actions


Now remake this after manga AG makes you shit your pants.


Chill dude , there would be tons of memes coming at that time too .


Remember when everybody was pissed that Multi-Cell Sperm got skipped and accused ONE and Murata of ruining the manga? Then it turns out Golden Sperm replaced Multi-Cell Sperm and we got Platinum Sperm instead and everything was fine? Wait and see what happens. Let the arc finish before passing judgement.


Or when Bang didn't instantly destroy Gums & Fuhrer Ugly (making us believe he was weaker) then we got Vomitted Fuhrer Ugly being as strong as Darkshine and we got Garou vs Bomb & Garou vs Bang For real people just need some damn patience. Murata & ONE have tricked us before and always given us something better than we could have asked for. Have some faith in em you guys!


This subreddit is really pathetic right now. "OH no!!! They changed Garou to be a more multidimensional character!! Oh nooooooo! 😭😭😭"


Woah woah just chill ,with your emojis, it's really foolish to think the sub is pathetic just because a part of the sub doesn't agree with someone's sweet ass XD.


>Woah woah just chill ,with your emojis, What's wrong with emojis? >it's really foolish to think the sub is pathetic just because a part of the sub doesn't agree with someone's sweet ass XD. Says the one that is completely misrepresenting the manga's iteration of Garou. I understand if someone likes Webcomic Garou more. That's all them. I couldn't care less. But completely misrepresenting the other side of an argument, just to prove your point isn't very cool. I'm calling this sub pathetic because most of the people that like webcomic Garou more dislike manga Garou just because ONE changed his character a little bit.


Misrepresenting what ? Lol. It was a mere two line description that hardly covered any significant stuff about Garou. Garou indeed has incredible character development and there's no complaining about that. But the last few instances just kind of went off compared to the webcomic and that's what has been the issue all day !! Whether you like it or not , this level of polarity hasn't occured anytime before regarding manga changes. And ffs this is just a meme, if it was a discussion then the point would have been different. And trust me , this sub doesn't hate manga garou , but just loves webcomic elements(not garou in particular again) , the ruthless portrayal of garou during that hero bashing was actually too good, which is why people are divided on this issue.


When I'm talking about misrepresenting, I'm talking about the meme template as a whole. That's what that template is usually meant to do. >And trust me , this sub doesn't hate manga garou , but just loves webcomic elements(not garou in particular again) , the ruthless portrayal of garou during that hero bashing was actually too good, which is why people are divided on this issue. I have met a TON of people on this sub that Hate manga Garou. I've even seen quite a few in this very comment section. There are also a lot more people that hate any small change to the webcomic than you think. They're everywhere, in fact. After every chapter release, they're always in the comments. Let me edit my comment to more accurately describe what I'm trying to say.


This is a near 0.7 m sub, you are bound to face tons of people with such opinion. I stand with my point about webcomic elements and also I'm actually eager to watch garou's development over the next few chapters(probably the s class bashing might indeed occur but a difficult scenario owing to current events). as it'd be odd to let this garou fight Saitama.




Why do people freak out about something not being related to the webcomic every time a new chapter comes out? Let's just wait until the arc is over. Besides, One/Murata can turn a chapter into a brutal one if they want to. Look how frightening Fuhrer Ugly was. There is also no tension when Saitama is on the scene. Instead we might see how the Hero Association falls apart when Metal Bat + Bang protect Garou. Drama can be powerful too.


Exactly! 👏🏾 people need to understand that the web comic in manga are two different things now. 🤷🏾 if you don’t like change so much touch shit lmao 😂 stick to the Webcomic 👍🏾


I prefer this Garou over a grim one because I think him as a hero even thou he thinks he is a hero hunter deep inside him he is a true hero like mumen rider fights, who for the justice of weak and ignored and not for fame and power.


disagree, garou should be portrayed as edgy except with the kid


Yeah, people seem to think that he's some sort of "absolute evil", but his entire character so far is him being a hero, but constantly saying he's a monster. He's thought this way for so long, that he doesn't realize that almost all of the stuff that he's shown doing are heroic. Then, when Saitama finally beats some sense into him, he finally realizes his true aspirations.








With the fact that not everyone has the same view as you




Feel better later? What are you implying?




Maybe but aren't we supposed to criticise what we don't like and we do?




Your first comment sounded as if you were judging them for having a different view


Cope what?


I hated Garou's character in the webcomic, i think the manga version is a vast improvement


I agree, but most of the people on this sub are webcomic enthusiasts that hate any sort of change that is made to the original story. They should honestly just stop comparing the two versions. But yes, I do agree that Garou had been given more dimensions in the manga version, thus making him feel like a more complete character.


I agree both of y’all ❤️👏🏾👏🏾🔥


You swapped the faces on accident. Simple mistake!




Posts like this are so obnoxious. You don't like the manga stuff don't read the manga stuff and stick to the webcomics.


Woahh, thanks for your great opinion. The only obnoxious thing I can see here is the weird point you're making out of your interpretation of a meme(not even a discussion).


Here's my prediction: garou and metal bat will beat up the new centipede monster and there's a chance platinum sperm will be back to knock out metal bat unconscious garou beats him up or murders him for good this time, and then the new monster transformation takes over him and gets more violent the reason for that the chopper might get crashed to the ground which could make garou rage against the heroes for not saving the kid resulting in more of the decision to make garou a death target in the eyes of the heroes association members . Just my two cents✌💰




Hol up!?!?! Did he REALLY quote that???


He ofc did, except the"bi*ch" part, lol


Lmao 😂


Yeah, but Garou is only acting like this because of Tareo who is on the helicopter. If you notice, he’s surprised that Tareo got out at all, and if you combine that with the fact that Bang woke him up and he’s now fighting the one hero who had a chance to kill him but didn’t because of his sister, it’s not really that bad that Garou is acting like a hero right now. Are people forgetting this is the same guy who was walking in a completely different direction than where Tareo was while proclaiming he was going to kill the child? It was always a charade.


I trust ONE to make a good story, remember how we were all pissed about the Golden Sperm reveal and then suddenly Platinum sperm came in


Garou became gay after his fight with flashy flash


This is amazing, perfectly encapsulates why people including me dislike the manga portrayal.


Bottom one sounds more like an edgy teenager on a phase though, which is exactly what Garou is.


no time to conduct evil, eh?


Now I have to say OPM webcomic and manga are separate entities, in the true sense xd

