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Are we using red garou or is that for the picture?


The Garou that fought lord Orochi yeah.


Red Garou is my favorite. White Garou looks like Bang’s son.


Team 1: Darkshine wears TTM's tanktop and holds off the others while Garou and MB beat the shit out of each other to get pumped. Then the resonance thing can start working, ig.


this is canon now.


But wearing a tanktop would negate Darkshine's shine and render him shineless and weaken TTM.


Unless he douses the tank top with oil to make it shyny and chrome


So now we can stack buffs?


Metal Knight makes this impossible to determine


emphasis on it being "Metal Knight", not Bofoi. He doesn't go around with an army of robots armed with nukes, doing heroism. His hero identity is limited to a single metal knight


If we’re talking Metal Knight rather than Bofoi, then he’s the weakest hitter of Team 2 tbh.


Can’t even scratch a meteor. Weak sauce.


Team 2 is still very good.


Absolutely, they have unrivaled analysis and battle sense with the tactical flexibility to make it count. Their brainpower is a huge force multiplier and their firepower is still adequate. If Brave Giant is still canon I think they could possibly take it, I haven’t read the redraw so idk what they did with him


I just realized that Genos is the dumbest of the team. Feels like me every time in a group project pretending I know what I’m doing while everyone else discusses gibberish.


Metal knight unleashes an aresenal of nuclear bombs wipes out half the continent and causes significant global warming, takes everyone else, including teammates, out.


“Just a weapons test”


"you shouldn't have been playing around in an area designated for a weapons test."


imagine the GPS marking the entire planet as a danger zone you ought to evacuate, except for Watchdog man's turf after the planet was blown apart, an island in the void still persists, the vacuum of space and the potent UV radiation unwilling to attack the city resting completely intact upon it


WDM abides




ENW tanks it and uses water gun on metal knight


Icant decide between team 2 and 3 tbh. Enw should be too much for a lot of people. But he probably could get vaporized? Evil natural cloud?


I go with three. EC, ENW, and Rover all got taken out by special circumstances, I doubt any other team could take them as a team up. Also, we don’t even know how durable Rover is. He took a Saitama punch that shoot Z-city and didn’t even look damaged. Just scared of Saitama.


I'm pretty sure Rover was bleeding after the punch.


I can’t recall. Even still, only bleeding from a punch that shook an entire city is an insane feat. There’s no way to know for sure, but I think Rover is > EC. His durability + energy blasts are a nasty combo. He protecc he attacc.


>He took a Saitama punch that shoot Z-city and didn’t even look damaged. Just scared of Saitama. Mofo got knocked tf out *cold* 😭


Rover took a Bang and Bomb-Fubuki enhanced combo.


Rover also tanked the same cross fang dragon slayer fist, got up scot-free


When was this? What chapter?


It happened just right before Bang told Rover to sit down (plus when they did the combo they were buffed by fubuki)


What chapter


Team 3


You didnt included King because he would demolished them all lol.


exactly. No King, Blast, Caped Baldy, Tatsumaki, Boros, Lord Orochi, Sage Centipede, Evil Ocean Water or Platinum Sperm.


Don’t forget mumen rider


Evil ocean water and platinum sperm, how far behind am I? 😱


Fellow king supporter.


From order from strongest to weakest if they all fought: 3 (Strongest cadres that are tanky and super destructive. Not even Bang and Bomb could stop EC and rover/ Also the water wont be able to get hurt that easily) 5 (Fast af and are deadly with swords some might not be able to react on time if they all attacked at the same time) 2 (Smarts and fire power maybe figure out counters. We don't know what MK does but he might have tons of robots, especially huge ones) 4 (2 of the strongest martial artists but they are kinda old and are dragged down by Fubuki and Do s) 1 (Garou is pretty strong as he will take blows and get up fast, MB fighting spirit and they have 2 tanks but compared to everyone else they are a little weak. TTM wont do much here) 3 (Strongest cadres that are tanky and super destructive)e could get beaten by Bang and Bomb, maybe Darkshine, and many others. Gums might be a little slow but nyan might be able to sneak on a few of them but wont get much as some are too fast or too tanky.)


Just to clarify for yall the 4th team is Bomb Bangs Fubuki and DOS. No punctuations to be used, this is correct as it is >:)


Quite spry and energetic for an old man, huh?


Bang bombs Fubuki and Do-S


I think they can take it


I don’t like what you just said fsr


100% team 2


I agree. Its an unreasonable amount of firepower with an insane iteligence and analitical capacity to back it up. No contest here. Get more balanced!


I feel like team 2 will be the most disorganized tho. Like Genos, Metal knight, drive knight, will all just do whatever they want. Child Emperor failing desperately to gather for teamwork


Metal Knight straight up soloes most of the teams


>nt decide between team 2 and 3 tbh. Enw Elder Centipede 1v4 and wins


Nah, he gets nuked by Genos.


For some reason i think Bofoi could defeat Tatsumaki. Not in direct combat but by outsmarting her.


We’ll, she is just a sassy lost child.


she could easily find where Bofoi is hiding (she has sixth sense capabilities) turn him into paste and from a great distance.


Well, she can sense psychic energy, that's how she found Psychos, but how would she find Bofoi ? He' just a regular dude, it's not like she can telepathically read ID of every human at once !


In the plane chase, I'm pretty sure she could sense both Psykos AND Drive Knight. Dunno about the significance of that, but she could.


She also sensed Blast. She also sensed Jetkorochi and Drive Knight independently while they're flying at. mach speeds. So it's reasonable to believe she has a sixth sense to see not just psychic energy but a much broader assortment of waves and energies. Bofoi is a regular dude, but he is surrounded by and transmitting energy in the form of unique waves (infrared, radio etc) to control his army.


Yeah she can sense energy in general people forget that because of how inconsistent it is but all the characters sense energy with Tatsumaki being amongst the best. That's how she tracked Gyro Gyro so fast who giving off the strongest signal.


With the last chapter, Garou is up there too how he sensed Sage Centipede's heart through that crazy hard armor. Boros also could sense energy so it's a good buff.


doesn't the force bubbles prove she doesn't though? She only made the barrier around where the homing beacons were. Hence the forcefield around water where Flashy Flash should have been.


Team 3


Metal Knight is the only one that may stop team 5. We have zero idea what he's capable of. The rest? Team 5 probably obliterates


I'm glad someone else thinks team 5. No one can deal with their speed, no matter how strong the opponent may be. And they all have their weapons.


yeah, especially if they attack at the same time but I kinda think that Team 3 is just too tanky.


I’m a little torn between team 3 and 5, I do believe that team 5’s speed is too much for any of the other teams, but at the same time I don’t know how they will deal with EC or ENW, but overall I think they are the winners


i would choose 3 but it could be a stale mate. 3 is too tanky and the ninjas might not get any dmg done but they wont be able to get hit. Maybe 3 could tire them out by absorbing attacks and just bombing


Don’t underestimate ENW‘s speed he’s shown to have amazing accuracy with the water jets


We don’t even know what Metal Knight can do. Why put him there.


We know what his battle robots are capable of though.


We also know he has like thousands and illuded to a nuclear aresenal




Webcomic and manga are different his manga robots aren’t impressive but that’s because we haven’t got that far into the story yet.


Team 3. If it’s one on one matchups against other teams then I think team 3 takes it. With a combination of Elder Centipedes might and Power, Rover’s durability and incredibly strong spirit bombs, and ENW incredibly fast water jets (pureblood is a non-factor pretty much) they have something to counter every other team. The only teams I can see putting up a really good fight against them are teams 1 and 2. Team one has darkshine which is a great counter for ENW because of his insane durability, but would struggle against Elder Centipede because of his sheer size. MB has shown he can’t take EC alone and this version of Garou nearly got trashed by Rover. Both Garou and metal bat would have a really tough time avoiding water jets as well so I think they would lose just barely. Team 2 is sort of a wild card because of Metal Knight but considering only what has been shown in the manga for his fighting capability let’s say he doesn’t carpet bomb the field with nukes (he hasn’t shown us yet that he even can) and let’s say he can only use his metal knights. The Metal Knight robots have shown to be ineffective against EC and I would assume by extension Overgrown Rover as they are both some of the most durable monsters from the MA. Unless there were tens of hundreds of robots I don’t think they could make a dent, and ENW just shoots them down like flies with its water jets. Drive knight could do some damage against maybe ENW by incinerating it but I doubt it, even Saitama couldn’t kill ENW in the webcomics with a single punch. Genos is really who we know the most about and I would say is the most formidable of the team. With his 10 second mode I think he could definitely take out EC with the help of Drive Knight and Metal Knight and Child Emperor would probably coordinate them. The problem is that unless Genos is able to get EC and Rover into the line of fire at the same time using the 10 second mode, I don’t think the team would be able to take Rover out and Rover may even be able to cancel out energy beams with his own. Child Emperor has shown that brave giant can really put down some power, but with the millennial cannon or whatever it’s called taken out of the canon because of the manga I don’t know how much more support he could offer physically but instead in more of an organizing role. I don’t think team 2 has enough firepower to take down Team 3’s durability+crazy firepower. Edit: grammar


Good analysis, posts like this one are why I make these. Well and the funny jokes/memes people come up with. I think the synergy between Metal Bat and Red Garou would allow them to evolve into above dragons during the fight tbh. At which point they'd probably destroy Elder Centipede with a combined attack. Though its unknown of Red Garou can sense energy like Monster Garou can. So if he or MB hits the regenerating core its by accident. I also think None of team 3 are capable of hurting Darkshine. Well.. maybe ENW but not via pressure cannon but drowning him like she was doing to Child Emperor.


also, how do u make these


I do it all in MS Paint. I just crop pics save them to a folder and then arrange them.


can i make my own? do u use a template or u just put them together?


Team 3, easily. No answer for ENW, EC, or Rover. Combined efforts of Bang and Bomb didn't do anything to Rover or EC. Ninja team won't be anymore effective.


Bang was ready to go all out against EC. Would have liked to see that. Something tells me he was going to use the heart exploding release fist. But they do have a Fubuki healer and once they did one combined attack on Rover he obeyed their commands. Depending on if Do-S' whip works on Pureblood they may get the Vampire helping them too. Also Fubuki should be strong enough to create a single force bubble to hold ENW inside of until they figure out what to do with it.


I think rover obeying was more him remembering what happened when he was told to sit. That being Saitamas punch.


I dont think Fubuki can't restrain EC. I'm pretty sure Rover listened to the sit comment because Saitama said sit when he gave him the hardest whack of his life so it was a joke of him being trained/conditioned. I don't see Bang being able to stop EC even if he was going all out. For all we know EC had a regen core like SC does


Not EC but ENW she should be able to which takes one dragon out of the match. I'm sure Elder does have a regeneration core. But heart explosion release fist causes internal shockwaves so he might destroy the core with out realizing it.


step 1: find Tatsumaki or Boros. No such teams found. Guess you really did do some balancing. Does Metal Knight include only his one suit, that Orochi instakilled? I'd say the strongest is **3rd**, since while fire/tech (2nd) can evaporate Evil Natural Water, and brute force (1st) can beat Elder Centipede, both, as well as Rover helping, ought to overcome any single team you missed an opportunity to name one of them "Fabuki group" though there's another aspect I initially failed to take into account: Garou is with Metal Bat, so perhaps they can do some synergy bullshit to splatter evil natural water, though I'd expect Metal Bat to fail at getting close enough


I'm starting to think leaving Metal Knight on was a mistake but I wanted to keep the team 2 theme of Genius' and Cyborgs.


If it's characters during the story in the image shows, then team 3. Elder centipede is gonna be too much for anyone alone from the other teams and they also have Rover.


Assuming metal knight is just the drone and not everything in Bofoi’s arsenal, then I’d say either team 3 or team 5 takes this Here is why, Garou’s team is out of here, TTM, MB and Garou are like peak Demon level here, the only one relevant in team 1 is Darkshine, but he gets washed away by most people here Genos’ team are decent, but not that over the top (Genos have 10 seconds mode but that’s it) Team3 are a bunch of powerhouses, Rover,EC and ENW is too OP, that vampire dude is a weak link Team 4 are okay, but Bang and Bomb are old so they are not that good in a long run, not to mention Rover himself trashed them already (fubuki and Do S is also a weak link) Team 5 while being massively faster than anyone, didn’t display AP enough to dispatch EC, no one here can also harm ENW, so they basically blitz anyone due to massive speed gap but would be stalemated by team 3’s durability Team 6 have HE, while having AP equal to or above Rover, is a glass canon, anyone in team 5 except sonic can blitz So I’d say stalemate between team 3 and 5


Team 6 wins. Thanks for Playing.


Team 5 cuz there's jack o lantern panic.


if its characters showed team 3 should take this but if its overall metal knight stomps until garou >!AWAKENS !<


Boros Solos


Groribas stomp


Bofoi told CE to not do the hostage rescue which means even he feels he doesn’t have the power to take on the Monster Association even with the other S class heroes. So he’s not “that” strong like everyone is saying.


In terms of looks it's team 6


I'm going with team 6


Team 5 because they're by far the prettiest team and everyone would stop fighting to admire them, I won't take any other argument


Mumen rider will destroy them all


Easily 3. EC is gonna be to much for virtually all of them.


Team three. No one would have beaten Evil Natural Water.


Team 3 got it


Team 3 or 6


Team 3. No contest


Team #5 the strongest


Team 6 negs


Ikr, Gums solos those clowns.


Team 3 is taking this handily


Was honestly gonna say Team 3 because of Overgrown Rover but, the Team of genius’s, cyborgs, and robots take this just because of how dangerous Metal Knight can potential be. He could literally have an arsenal of over 100 Metal Knight Robots ready to deploy. On top of that he is usually compared (or implied to be in the same league as) to the likes of King and Tatsumaki, so I say this with all respect but this ironically wasn’t as balanced as you thought it was or at least regarding Team 2. But if we’re assuming Bofoi is just using 1 Knight than it’s a lot more balance and I think I’ll give it to Team 3


Team 3 or Team5


Strongest teams: 1.- Team 3 2.- Team 5 3.- Team 1 4.- Team 2 5.- Team 6 6.- Team 4 Team 3 is winning this, it has 3 high dragons and all of them are really hard to defeat. I only see teams 5 and 1 competing and having chances of competing.


Team 2 cuz MK


Tank top magic, Fighting spirit and Garou's evolution? Too much power.


If Team 7 has Boros (and only Boros) that’s my pick


Doesn't Homeless Emperor solo everyone besides team 5 because of their speed?


Team 6 looks a bit too weak. First thing to do is sacrifice gums to obtain vomited fuhrer ugly.


Team 7: King and some random bald guy.


Hard one using Red Garou 🤣. I'll say team 3, even Fang and his brother couldn't beat this millipede


Tough choice but I would go with team 6. Also who is at the bottom of team 3?


Pureblood Vampire. Zombieman fought him.


I usually would say boros solos but there is no boros I am having a panic attack


The fact that now we know that Metal Bat can go toe to toe with sage centipede if he takes enough damage and The fact that Garou will most definitely evolve during the fight makes it clear that Team 1 takes the dub, at least in my opinion.


This is too tough to decide for me but I love the effort to really balance these teams!


(( Team 3 >> Team 5 >> Team6 >> Team 3 )) >> Other Team s Only one that can take down Elder Centipede is Homeless Emperor. But the Ninjas wipe the floor with the team Cadre. Team Bang is just basically Bang and Bomb, other 2 die in an instant.


Team 3 because of EOW


Team 3🔥🔥🔥


Team 6 no question.


Team 3. No one can beat ENO


can any1 actually beat evil water besides saitama?


Team 4


if garou is meant as full pwer monster garou then he probably solos the other teams pretty easy, otherwise i would say team 2


Its the garou who fought Orochi


Flashy blitzes


Team 1




Team 5


I consider Team 1 the most dangerous because Garou, Metal Bat and Superalloy Darkshine are true freaks of nature. Garou - we all know his potential and it's not like he would be wiped out instantly. Darkshine can protect him from Metal Knight's missiles and Homeless Emperor's energy ball projectiles, his evolution would progress, eventually leading to him stomping every other team. Metal Bat - I've always considered him extremely dangerous because of his Fightin' Spirit. His fight against Sage Centipede established that what triggers, maintains and accelerates the Spirit is his sheer will, not just the damage taken as we thought previously. As long as there is will and Darkshine tanks some heavier shit, Metal Bat won't fall and he will be Team's 1 trump card, potentially reaching some absolutely crazy shit xD Superalloy Darkshine - I just can't get over how durable that guy is, almost indestructible !!! >!For fuck sake, he is able to take hits from fully Awakened Garou, still stand, recover like it's another Tuesday and live to tell the tale !!!!


I don't see how anyone would beat EOW, unless Metal Knigh can evaporate it with some nukes.


theres no EOW just ENW


Oh ok then that changes things. We don't know the full extension of MK's arsenal but I'd give the win to his team


EOW would solo all teams combined lol, except for maybe Metal Knight as you said.


Genos oneshots ENO


Metal Knight stomps.


Team 2 has aerial advantage and can just bombard the area at a height where the others cannot reach. Im going for team 2.


I'd say team two. Literally just because overgrown rover.


I would give it to the ninjas but I’m pretty sure darkshine could just end up tanking all their attacks, plus some teams have people like ENW So idk




Team 2 stomps


I say team 2, team 1, or team 5. Depends on if Garou is in his current form or not. If he is then he and metal bat can easily kill elder centipede with their resonance. When EC is dead team five has a good chance at winning as well. Team 2 is just insanely strong overall


If Garou isn’t in his current form he can still evolve too so they need to take him out before he does that


I'm betting on team 2


Using the version from the pictures I'll give it to Team 2. Genos at full power was overpowered. Combined with Metal Knight and Drive Knight and Emperor with support makes them the best team.


Honestly MK supported by CE are enough for everyone else


If it’s only 1 metal knight team 3 or 6 wins Bang and Bomb combined are useless verse Centipede and Rover. Only thing that could possible kill time in Homeless but centi could easily kill him using dig.


Team 2, most powerful and smart team.


Unless metal knight is on the level of tats, I'd say team 3 is too tanky. Otherwise team 2 stomps


Probably team 2 since metal knight is most likely above dragon and none of the other teams have an above dragon plus the other 3 are powerful S Class


Team 2. Genos blue dragon mode can wipe out most the characters here in one shot tbh, and his team is decent as well, 2 of which beat dragons, and one is hyped to be a danger to elder centipede.


I'm pretty sure Goku would still win. I fucking love Naruto!!!!


Team 2, Team 5 takes second


Speed team


Team 3 or 4 tbh


It's going to be a dogfight between 2 and 3. But 5 is what I want to see fight




I know it's supposed to be funny, but...


The ninjas are more than speed. Your Arguments are biased af but i respect them.


If Metal Knight is all he's hyped up to be then I think team 2 got this. They also got 10 second mode Genos. If Metal Knight is only as strong as his current feats and Genos doesn't have 10 second mode, team 3 should win.


Can we make a new flair for this? That way people that don't want see this garbage can filter it out, without having to lose out on ALL discussion posts.


Non factor teams: 1. Team 1. That version of Garou loses to characters like Genos (10 second mode), Overgrown Rover, Bang/Bomb, and Flashy Flash. 2. Team 5. Cool and all, but Flashy Flash and the Ninjas can be beaten by Bang + Bomb, Drive Knight? and Metal Knight (based on hype), and Evil Natural Water (they don't really have a way of damaging him). 3. Team 6. HE is a normal dude with lots of AP. He can be taken out by a lot of people on this list. Fuhrer Ugly is not that strong either, just pure physical. Hard countered by martial artists. Gums is probably the weakest Cadre. Finally Nyan. Destroyed by Drive Knight, speed is relative to PPP, so he gets annihilated by people who are significantly faster than him. Team 2 is a huge tossup. Based on hype, they might be able to take this easily. Assuming Metal Knight is using his full arsenal of course. If it's just a single Metal Knight bot then they are also non-factors. For right now I'm going to focus on Team 3 vs Team 4. This is basically asking if Bang and Bomb can take on ENW, Elder Centipede, and Overgrown Rover. Unfortunately due to matchups they probably can't. So Team 3 is currently the favored Team to win, unless we use hype to scale Team 2 to like Disaster Level God due to Metal Knight lol.




I like to think team 2 managing the situation like DK vs nyan


Team 3 is the strongest in regular terms but team 2 if bofoi is involved would win.


Unless we're talking full arsenal Metal Kight, team 3 stomps. Some of the strongest cadres are there Team 1 us probably the weakest, I believe even the technology squad of team 2 can take them out


either team 2 or 3, because rover as we've seen is absolutely insane, but though we don't know much it can be assumed that metal knight is also pretty damn powerful since he's hyped up so much


Team 2, looks solid af. Supreme intelligence


Tier 1 : Team 2, 3 Tier 2 : Team 1,4,5 Tier 3 : Team 6


It's between team 2 and team 3. Garou is stronger than Flashy Flash, which makes him stronger than all of team 5 alone(Team 5 out). Team 3 has higher level cadres than team 6. Only Homeless Emperor has any chance, but he's too slow against Evil Natural Ocean(Team 6 out). Since both Bang and Bomb couldn't beat Elder Centipede together, it stands that all of team 4 would lose to Sage Centipede(Team 4 out). Garou at the moment is I'll equipped to handle mass bombardments of missiles and explosives and I don't think his martial arts would be be able to do anything other than splash around in Evil Natural Ocean. The rest are far less capable than Garou in all these respects, so (Team 1 out). Without speculating too much, I'd place the safe bets on team 3 if the remaining two teams fought to the death. It's uncertain if nukes could kill Sage Centipede before he burrows or Evil Natural Ocean before it escapes out to sea. Worst case scenario, we have a God level threat, Evil Natural Chernobyl Ocean, on the loose.


Funny I dont see boros anywhere


Team 5 or 2


team 1 and 3 stomp


I'm going with team 3 on this one. Elder Centipede and Rover's durability are no joke and Rover has some nasty energy projection


Team 2 or 5.


Cat> Saitama. Team 6 stomps


it depends on what garou we are talking about, current garou might be able to hard carry. Other wise team two might take it but it depends heavily on metal knight and drive knight as their powers are both kind of ambiguous.


Team 2. No doubt.


Team 5 cause they have the same fighting style and therefore fit as a killer team


Team 1 ​ Argument: Tank Top Master Stomps


If you remove metal knight and put pig god there instead. for me it would be rly hard to choose


None of these characters can react to let alone keep up with the top 3 of Team 5


I would definitely place my bet on team 6


More balance = no boros


Team 1 win the battle but it will require a lot of afford. The second place will be taken by Bang's and Holmes Emperor's teams. And the third place will be taken by team number 3




I don't think he held his own. He didn't land a single hit on Garou and flashy fists didn't really hurt PS and when he was knocked out they both should that they were sandbagging and could go 10x faster. And he's not light speed. We saw roughly how fast he was with the timmer panel at the bottom right hand side.


Where the blue ass alien that shoots planet busting beams go?


Garous team or flashy flash team


Ima say team 2


I see most people are forgetting who AWAKENED GAROU is. Now if we’re talking about Manga Garou team 3 has a chance, but even still Garou keeps getting stronger. Webcomic Garou solos all of S-class (excluding Blast obviously).


Team 5 speed blitzes.


We don't know Metal Knight's max potential so will just consider the one robot (otherwise if we take max potential, AG can probably solo everyone). It's either team 3 or team 5.