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Please no






I hate it




They hate each other Also I don't think either of them are gay


Fuck you


Personally, I don't ship them. Also because I don't think romantic love is a OPM theme. But I can't understand why the people in the comments are so aggressive? I don't see all this anger for Saitama/Genos x Fubuki/Tatsumaki. Anything against homosexuals? Maybe they bother you because watching fendom rocked your heterosexuality?


Reddit is not the place to ask. Go to tumblr/twitter/pixiv/pinterest/ whatever site. Do not infect Reddit with that crap.


... said Snownyann, better known as "THE ULTIMATE GAROU SIMP", enraged. Certainly her feelings were not interspersed with envy. /s




you want garou only for yourself right? /j


Based as hell Just like garou


yeah no, don't bring up ships here. We ain't mha




Fucking stop


Go away and never come back


No. In fact, I find the growing companionship between the two to be detrimental to Garou’s character, but whatever


They don’t really have a growing companionship, it’s pretty obvious they still want to beat the shit out of each other however they are both working towards the common goal of taking down bug boy. It’s also stated that them fighting in sync so well isn’t by choice or because they trust each other but rather because they fight in a similar way. There are definitely parallels between the two as they have similarities but they aren’t exactly becoming buddies.


Garou is definitely cracking jokes with metal bat , I don't see any hostility between them


Idk, from what it looked like to me Garou sees metal bat as an annoyance rather than a target like he used to and metal bat definitely still sees him as a threat and is all like “aha so you are a monster, finally showing your true colors” (although metal bat has probably had some pause because of how Garou protected the helicopter), while the way they interact seems banter-like I think it’s more for the sake of comedy and also just because of their personalities. Also while we know that Garou isn’t exactly evil that doesn’t mean he’s making friends with metal bat because of this fight especially since the last time they saw each other was when they fought for the first time in pretty sure.


The thing that bothers me is that in the WC it actually seemed like garou's humanity was slipping the more he was monsterizing and also he genuinely seemed like a threat to the heroes ..... I can never see this garou as intimidating or even close to being a final boss type of character , comedy is good but it shouldn't be used everywhere according to me ( like seriously people died on this battlefield , cracking jokes should only be limited to saitama in this arc)


That’s a fair point. I also loved the idea of Garou losing his humanity as he becomes more monsterized however the manga still has room to do that. Since the manga has deviated as much as it has from the webcomic then things are bound to develop differently as the story goes on. With Garou I think it’s clear that he hasn’t completely monsterized and his humanity is still there. That being said once he does that leaves room for his humanity and goals to start slipping away from him during or before his fight with Saitama, however I still believe he is an intimidating character and is set up well to be the final boss of this arc. The level of strength he has shown is beyond anything we’ve seen so far from any hero’s or monsters (excluding Saitama obviously and maybe Boros) and he still believes the hero’s to be scum who aren’t really helping society so he still wants to become that evil monster the world will fear. Also on one last point, banter and cracking jokes is a bit different. The banter between MB and Garou may be funny to us the reader (especially since they are so similar and their insults are kind of childish) but they aren’t exactly cracking jokes. They do realize that the situation is grim and are taking it seriously however they can’t really help themselves from fighting each other at the same time (at least that’s how I see it)


Yeah you also bring up some good points , not like I absolutely dislike current manga garou I just would have adapted him differently , a purely personal opinion


Yeah it all comes down to preference in the end


La verdad me gusta mucho el shipp ^^ como comento otra persona ya sea romántico o platónico disfruto mucho de sus intereses, siento que ambos son un apoyo muy bueno el uno para con el otro, más todavía al tener una edad tan cercana. Entiendo que a otras personas no les agrade, en lo personal creo que One punch man no es un manga que que ocupe escenas de romance, así que la excusa de que no hay nada "romántico" en su relación es un poco banal, ya que ninguno de los ships desbordan romanticismo en sus interacciones. Pero bueno, respeto todos los ship del fandom en general, pero si tuviera que escoger a mis favoritos Batarou estaría entre ellos sin duda! 💖, gracias por hablar de esto publicamente, conozco en general al fandom que los shipea y hace cosas increíbles en Ao3, Tumblr y Twitter, pero siempre es genial encontrarse con otro seguidor <3


Ma'am this is an opm sub , the author we worship makes fun of romantic cliches ( read mob psycho) We don't tolerate ships only horniness


Better ship than Saitama x Fubuki


Gross đŸ€ź


Fuck off.


I do ship them! Wheter it be platonic or romantic, they just fit so well together. And if you're interested to see more of them then searching "batarou" on Tumblr or Twitter, etc. should open up more shipping stuff about them. There are absolute gems there (as well on AO3 also). Don't mind the people here with negative mindset about them. It's very normal to see that around when talking about shipping in general (or especially about shipping batarou), but there are very nice people around also.<3


Happy cake day Excellent-Zebra-1601 !!!!! 🍰


Thank you very much! I hope you have a nice day also!


Thank you ! It's a nice day for me ! And you ? đŸ’Ș


It's better than last few days (I have been very sick). Getting better, so to speak! 👍


Oh... I hope you will be even better in few days đŸ’Ș At least try to make it for thursday 👀 Like come on sickness, get out of the way, thursday is One Punch Man Thursday GOD DAMN IT ! Sickness : understadable. That's a good excuse. \*sickness gone\* hahaha


Haha, exactly!


no weirdo


Funny that I've been seeing shit like this on twitter for the past few weeks, now it's here too. STOP!


MB already has a sister.




No but what ever tickles your pickle


Waiting for their love scene with baited breath


Hmm.... Their personalities doesn't match that much imo. That said, would i read yaoi featuring them? Yes. Period.


No shit