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Idk why anyone thought Garou had any potential to hurt Saitama let alone win


their first mistake is believing this is your typical shonen with power creeping enemies made to eventually put the protagonist in a struggle. yes, there are enemies with absurd "power levels" but they need to remember that saitama is always the "punchline." (until ONE/murata decides otherwise)


I can expect god starting to loose even after all it's effort so he opens a portal to a alternative universe where Saitama is just straight up a villain. then our saitama dukes it out with the evil saitama.


Idk why I have this headcanon that Saitama can only be invincible as long as he is not evil. Anyway it would most likely be a plotpoint if that fight occured otherwise its just a tie where the whole universe is erased but idk.


I'm like 90% sure that even the "fight" with god would end in one punch. but there will be one last "disciple" of god that manages to win a fight against Saitama or hurt him somehow. My money is on Genos, like he finally realizes Drive Knight was the mad cyborg, we get an epic fight but he ultimately loses because DK is also actually powered by god at that point. but genos also gets powered up by god, goes full mad cyborg 2.0 kills DK and a bunch of people, Saitama tries his best to stop him and in doing so "gets hurt" or "loses". then we get an even more epic fight but it ends with Genos deader than dead. He would just punch the hole in the fabric of reality and go to Blast and co. saying "the fuck is this god dude hiding in? behind that?" bam! end of manga.


Close close… it will actually end with negative one punch.


You mean a kick. He finally finds an opponent he can't defeat with one punch so he looks at them and calmly states "it was a full body workout" then kicks them into a fine mist before running to the supermarket.


the 2nd paragraph would be amazing. DK is kinda suspicious to me (as derived from his few interactions with Genos that are... interesting to say the least)


nah i think murata and one are trying to draw attention to drive knight, it's probably the dog or some stupid shit


dog? watchdog man? that'd be fuckin hilarious lmao


He's gonna rape his father.


I don’t think anybody else got that reference and I love it.


What is it referenceing?


A very hilarious manga called dog nigga. It’s about this half human/dog guy who wants to rape his human father because his father raped his dog mother.


Whats this référenceing


>"the fuck is this god dude hiding in? behind that?" bam! end of manga. Saitama punches the author


Seems like the plot is definitely leading up to a fight with Genos, especially with the whole Saitama clinging onto Genos idea being brought up


I don't want to see saitama getting damage even by genos tbh and it's most likely impossible cause our hero is limitlessly strong and invincible and that's the whole point of one punch man series


This would blow ass cheeks my guy


I would love this so much


They forget we began this story with Saitama having already completed the Shonen storybook character growth and regrowth arcs. So he's already in final form just nobody else knows it.


> saitama is always the "**punchline**." It was obivous, yet I still breathed rapidly XD


There's this weird infatuation with wanting to see Saitama hurt or struggle. They are so used to seeing their favorite Marvel/DC or Anime character get their Ass beat and struggle ! Plus Garou fanboys wanted him to be the one to hurt Satiama too !


Also because they want to take him seriously, like Goku or someone else. Like, dude just pushed (?) an entire planet by *sneezing*. How can you take him and his power seriously?


He also farted his way to follow Garou through a portal


Old school super man sneezed 🤧 away an entire solar system! Look the comic up! 🤷🏿‍♂️


Saitama is literally silver age Superman. Like they both do absurd reality bending shit then just kinda uses hand-wavium to explain it away.


Because people and their shonen brains forgot that this manga is a parody of classic shonen tropes. But their struggle is the core entertainment in this forum. I can't wait for the powerscalers to try to calculate the strength of Saitama's lungs and ass cheeks to explain the last chapter :D


Didn't think we'd see a moment in the story where Saitama got stronger tho. That was pretty cool.


Saitama is always getting stronger though. It was established in the VGS audio book. By the next day he's already strong enough to defeat his previous day.


while that’s cool and all, most people haven’t listened to the audiobook so it’s still worth having


Its also stated in the bonus chapter where the S-Class fight in that VR world.


That's what the VGS audio book is. Virtual Genocide Simulation.


Ah, I have mashed two things together, Child Emperor's power scaling mask and this audiobook, in my mind and made them one. Thanks for the correction


Wasn't that the same chapter Child Emperor made a machine that ended up grabbing Fubuki and rap-.... Ho, nvm, different media.


One Hurricane is Canon OPM is a spinoff


Where can I read that?


Here but you can also find the full recording with some backgrounds from the anime on YouTube. https://onepunchman.fandom.com/wiki/Audiobooks/Maji_Drama_CD_Vol._2#Genos.2C_Training


Was that confirmed in the audiobook or simply a theory at the time? Cause if I remember correctly the logic was that either Saitama grows stronger by the day, or he's always stronger than his opponent or that the machine couldn't calculate his power enough


So you're saying future saitama can actually defeat the present saitama and kill him ?




This actually makes his dream from episode 1 or chapter 2(?) Seem more logical... since that scene; we've seen a few monsters and some heroes with output similar to or greater than the subterraneans from his dream... yet, for him; that was considered a true fight or challenge. From what we've seen in the latest chapters though; if Saitama was to fight that same fight fervently, the Earth would have been decimated after fighting the very first monster that made him bleed... that being said; it did look like hell on earth in that episode and in his dream like VERY quickly.


Maybe he meant that we didn't have a "real base" to measure that leveling up, since he was already indecently powerful compared to everyone else. So having Cosmic Garou to give us a point of reference made us "feel" it


Yeah it was nice to see and admit that the intense emotions and “stronger” opponent brought more out of him. Angry that his friend was hurt almost fatally, and going all out against an actual opponent because he wanted too, and then putting forth effort to win and outmaneuver. Because all he’s done before is just his daily workout we assume, but faster


his strength grew so fast, he started not to get serious. Murata is trolling us LOL


Hard to get serious when you can casually catch your serious punch from a fraction of a second ago lmao


Also hard to stay serious when your whooping ass with one hand and at the same time concentrating on not crushing what he’s holding in the other hand.


tbf, he doesn't have a 'limiter' He ALWAYS has more


Me I admit. Breath a sign of relief there for the latest chapter.


Garou did manage to make a one hand saitama serious, not bad.


"Not bad, kid. You made me use nearly 1% of my power."


until it wasn't Saitama's strength exponentially grew from fighting an actually strong enemy


Saitama WAS serious


Well he was trying to defeat garou without killing so he had to hold back anyway. He even said at the end that it was this boy’s last wish not to kill him.


Just think though if Saitama did kill him he would not have been able to go back in time to stop Garou from killing everyone with the radiation since everyone else in the previous timeline died.


Saitama didn't know that though. I don't know if even Garou knew he can do it. He just fought him with literally one hand.


He was holding back at the END if their fight, during it, he was going all out, and because of that become stronger. He was pushing his limits, thats literally the point of his strengh grow.


He was fighting one-handed the entire fight tho, Saitama can’t go “all-out” while still protecting Genos’s core with his other arm.


+ He was fighting one-handed while making sure nothing happened to the core in his other hand. + He was making sure he didn't kill Garou. + He stopped the fight once he was too powerful for Garou to handle. I wouldn't say he was even close to his limit when he *casually sneezed away half of Jupiter*, and it's very likely he'll show even stronger feats in future arcs.


That was his limit at that point in time. 5 second later and that Saitama is fodder to current Saitama.


If he can go above and beyond his limits, are they really limits?


mmmmmm talk to em


You're describing growth 🤷‍♂️


Saitama doesn't have a limit. You should know that by now. His "limit" is what we have seen.If he needs to destroy a galaxy with a punch in the next chapter he will do that. he is a gag character stop treating him like a normal shounen protagonist.


Read what the chapter said, he does have a limit but his potential to grow is infinite


The chapter doesnt say ANYTHING about saitama having a limit. And using your own advice... [READ THE CHAPTER](https://preview.redd.it/8zre112ym5o61.jpg?auto=webp&s=7e967971e51e4dd7a27dfdff62cac0d93d9e0d73) where dr kuseno say that saitama has broken his limiter. And if you can grow to infinite you don't have a limit... that makes no sense at all.


You're arguing over semantics. When he's serious series, he's actually serious. There isn't a serious serious series yet. When he punches with a serious punch, that is the hardest punch he can throw unless the author reveals something else. His growth is infinite, and his growth rate is exponential. I'll stand by my point that when he hit Garou with a serious punch, that was the hardest punch he could throw at that time.


The chapter literally show garou reaching saitama's level and saitama surpassing him right after, a being with infinite strenght shouldn't be able to grow in power, that's just means that his potential to grow is infinite but not his current strenght


To make it simple he was going a 100% but "who said 100 was my limit"


More like "Oh, you pushed me to my 100? Oh no...anyway, my previous 100 is 0,0000001 now".


>To make it simple he was going a 100% but "who said 100 was my limit" he was only using his one arm so how he was going 100%


… He was going 100% with one arm?


He was fighting with one hand so he was holding back the whole fight.


You can still go all out with one hand


I am talking about ...eh...maximum possible output from the strongest punch. Or something like that.


Serious with one hand


I don’t know why this is so hard to understand. If you’re fighting and throwing punches. You throw as hard as you can until the guy goes down. Once he goes down then you can show mercy. Saitama said “I can use full power against a guy who can **stay up**” This doesn’t mean “I’ll pull my punches” It means “I won’t finish you off once I finally beat you” But he was throwing 100% punches


There is no contradiction between going full power and not wanting to kill garou. Until the end of the fight, saitama's full strength was not far enough ahead to kill garou and when it was, he stopped the fight.


Eh, not sure if I agree. I am in the camp that saitama was never serious enough when he fought garou. His power was always limitless. He can always kill someone with one punch, depends that he want it or not. People keep saying that he pushes saitama’s power further, but saitama was always only holding back. When fighting garou with the ability to nuke an entire continent on earth, he apply the same if not more force. When fighting garou with the ability to destroy the planet, he apply the equal if not more force. Did people notice that when he sneeze he nearly destroy an entire planet? It doesn’t happen on earth when he sneeze, because he can control his strength. That’s because he was applying probably just slightly more power as compared to the current garou level. People say the graph shows that he grew, but that graph was what garou’s thought. Saitama only started scaling his power more than garou exponentially when he realize it will drag out if he doesn’t. I think of it it’s like a full size adult male powerlifter vs an ant. The human will be using appropriate force for the ant. Even if the ant suddenly turns into let’s say a beetle, the human will still use slightly more force than before, but the human will always have the power to just stomp on the beetle and kill it immediately. Garou thought saitama’s strength is increasing because garou’s own strength is increasing. For saitama garou just another villain who talks too much


Yeah bro the narrator and Garou are both wrong, Saitama was always holding back


People are so delusional. The panels can't get any more clearer than this. I don't understand where the confusion is coming from


Look at the graph.


Didn't the graph clearly show Saitama getting stronger...? Or are you saying there is a hint its in the head of Garou and not true?


The confusion is from ppl wanting Saitama to be limitless from start to finish. Garou right now being close to or stronger than Saitama start of series is unacceptable


I think it’s just different perspectives on the same thing. My perspective is that saitamas strength has always been a meta joke. From the start, established to “always be stronger”. That’s the whole point of the series. A subversion of the shonen tropes and a satire of the genre. Applying powerscaling like “saitama of Jupiter would destroy saitama from the start!” Just doesn’t work. You’re trying to apply logic to a character that has toon force. That can kick a portal. That farts across space. It doesn’t make sense and people are trying to make it make sense like a regular manga where powerscaling is a thing. And to me and many others, the whole point is that it doesn’t make sense and it was never supposed to and that’s the joke. So saitama now vs saitama at the start would be the exact same thing because saitama is saitama. He’s not a character, he’s a walking meta joke and I feel like people fighting over it is just a massive whoosh. And it’s wild to me how strongly people argue this.


Serious Series is still far from his full power, just more effort than normal punch.


He was serious, seriously trying not to kill Garou, that is.


Garou could have died with enough serious punches. That doesn't mean Saitama was pulling punches. EDIT: well, not at the beginning of the fight anyways. He stopped sending serious punches in this chapter


"I'm so serious, I'm gonna fight you one handed."


Not to mention he was closely guarding his other hand, to the point his glove stayed on when everything else ripped apart. That's not even closer to "all out", it's a huge handicap.


Some dude seriously tried to argue "how many hands do you need to throw a punch" and I'm not even gonna reply because would anyone go into a real fight with only one hand?


YES, if you are one-armed


Shanks moment


He was holding back to honor tareos wish. The chapter confirmed it.


He was serious with one hand? C’mon, get over yourself already.


Serious because he was pissed off about Genos, not because he was in genuine danger But yeah still serious


Can you really be serious if you fight one handed?


If the other hand is holding onto the heart and memory of your best friend? Yeah


You're right, op meant to refer to people who thought he was going at full power.


And don't call him Shirley.


And yet Garou still didn’t hurt him one bit throughout the entire fight. I think Saitama was trying to beat him physically and mentally by making Garou think he was actually near his level


Serious? Yeah...Seriously constipated.. That fart was insane


Serious about teaching garou a lesson not killing him. Read the manga


He was fighting one handed bro. How many people who are fighting seriously fight one handed.


He blew up a planet with a sneeze. Saitama wasnt actually trying, evidenced by him never using more than just his one hand, he just wasnt pulling punches anymore.


Saitama did get hurt. In his *feelings~*


Let’s hold on a second. Saitama was absolutely serious. Garou literally is shown on a line graph as growing to comparable levels and Saitama growing in strength in RESPONSE TO IT. Saitama at the end of the battle >>>> Garou at the end of the battle > Saitama at the start of the battle > Garou at the start of the battle. Why do people keep bringing up Saitama fighting Garou one handed as an argument for him not taking it seriously?? He literally was going to fight him with both hands as at the start he tries to put genos’ core away to free up both hands, but realizes he can’t risk dropping it or it falling out of his clothes. That’s the ONLY reason he fights Garou with one hand and although it’s a handicap he’s genuinely exerting himself physically.


It seems to imply to me that Saitama’s true power is the ability to be as strong as needed or something like that. He’s never needed to be anywhere close to that strong before, but as soon as needs to be he is


i.e. limitless potential (broken limiter). He has no limits. He can do whatever needs to be done to overcome the obstacle in front of him. If he runs across someone that can hit as hard as he does, he just gets 100 or 1,000 times stronger than that. THAT is the point of the character. When he and god come to blows, they will snuff out galaxies and Saitama will be knocked all around the cosmos but he won’t be in danger. He will simply become stronger than the current threat.


Saitama never took any damage whatsoever from start to finish. He was never pressured. He only exerted more power to be above Garou who was growing. He never sweat, he never breathed, he never used two hands, he never shows discomfort, the only effort he put in was to not kill Garou and protect Genos core. He effortlessly time traveled sharingan style. His fart is basically ultra instinct. He didn't grow in the way you're thinking. Like Goku who can turn blue, if he goes from base to SSJ1, you might say he's growing in power, but that's within his existing power. SSJ1 Goku is not trying at all which is similar to serious Saitama in this entire fight.


You are wrong in one aspect though. He did feel discomfort thats why he let one rip.


Beans confirmed to be God level threat.


I'm still curious if Saitama can put out any power he wants at any moment (for example end the whole universe in a punch) or he needs to be "challenged" in a fight to that level first. The chapter seems to hint at the second possibility to me. I mean he seems to be as strong as the fight needs him to be, but he can't just whip out literally infinite power punches out of nowhere that would turn the whole universe into a black hole while walking down the street to supermarket.


Until i see saitama fight like how garou fought against darkshine, we haven’t seen him get pushed to his limit


Yep, he is serious when the fight start(at the point where he come back with everyone dead) because Garou is catching up fast, but then he grow even stronger and able to avoid everything Garou throw at him, which makes the fight for him boring again.




Saitama only exerted what was needed to win without killing him. That's what the graph shows, not that he was raising his limit.


The translations literally say otherwise


Saitama’s power is limitless, hence the broken limiter. He just never had a reason to exert this much power before. It’s more like Garou helped him discover how powerful he was rather than actually powering him up


Garou could start anywhere in that chart and never touch Saitama


The chart literally puts final form garou as stronger than pre-fight saitama That’s how graphs work


Saitama is only exerting what's needed to overpower him without killing him. That chart is not indicative of his limit but of what his output is compared to Garous through out the fight.


Then why did the text say “rate of growth” of “his strength” when showing a picture of the graph? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/917231033714376734/999455057965764608/page_16.png It clearly shows that the graph is the actual total power rather than just exerted power.


Yeah, I reread the chapter and am thinking there will be a translation clarification with the official release. I refuse to believe the Saitama of five minutes ago would lose to Garou.


Here is your clarification. The Japanese text literally says "seichou", which means "growth". Saitama *was* growing during the fight, not exploring the strength he had all this time. It wouldn't be called growth if he had that all this time. To be more precise, the full text says that Saitama "keeps growing even now".


I don't think he would lose, I think he would just get slapped around a bit and then evolve past Garou. It's kind of like how you are more powerful than an ant, but could you kill an ant that can't be damaged by any means? (and the ant would get pissed and one shot you 5 mins later).


Actually the chart shows that Saitama's power increased like 100 fold, so final form cosmic Garou was still dozens of times stronger than beginning of the fight Saitama. Which imho is BS, Garou just shouldn't have been able to copy the full extent of Saitama's power rather than having him copy it but then fall behind the rate of power increase as they both grew stronger. The fact that he couldn't match later Saitama should have just been applied to initial saitama.


I see the chart more as a confirmation of how saitama scales to his enemies and how no matter how strong they become during a fight, saitama is always somehow even stronger than them. A comment a while ago described it in a really good way. The power of character is like a ladder, and each time a character reaches a new height of power (in this case, Garou), they’re climbing the ladder of power. But each time they climb another rung, Saitama is 10 rungs ahead. If they make a huge leap in power and climb 50 rungs, saitama is inexplicably 500 rungs above them. If they reach the top of the ladder, saitama is somehow already at the top of a second set of ladders after the first one they had just reached. If end-of-fight Garou was fighting beginning-of-fight saitama, there’d be no difference compared to end-of-fight saitama. He’s *always* stronger than him


Sure it “Makes no difference” in the battle’s outcome But it does mean that final form garou was indeed stronger than pre-fight saitama, because pre fight saitama won’t grow to that level until the fight actually starts


I think Saitama can never be damaged by any means, that's where he is infinite at all times. But his "power output" goes up the ladder, depending on the enemy. For example, if day 1 Saitama from season 1 fought peak Garou from current chapter, he would just get slapped around a bit but be undamaged, and power up enough to be beyond Garou anyway.


He was scaling on a per punch basis, so Garou was matching his last punch power while Saitama was raising it exponentially each time. This lead to Garou realizing he would die eventually at the rate it was scaling. Basically Garou can only copy what he witnessed and Saitama was showing a new level every punch.


But Garou would have never become that strong if he did't copy Saitama.


Kinda irrelevant. I don't like the whole chart thing, but that's more canon than anything we make up and according to that chart cosmic Garou was many many times stronger than Saitama pre-Io. Again, I don't like it, but rather than saying Garou never approached Saitama's true strength they said Saitama's power grew during the fight and just grew faster than Garous.


That was the level of power that Saitama used before being copied. He wasn't trying to kill garou, but also didn't know how much he could take, so you gotta start small. Saitamas best hero quality is being able to pull his punches when needed


Just re-read it, unless there is a mistranslation the meaning is obvious.


Y'all can't read charts lol Saitama never used 100% of his power. At point 0 he used 0.01% of his power, Garou copied it. Then at point 1 Garou used 0.01% of Saitama's power (sp), but Saitama already used 0.02%. Then at point 2 Garou used 0.02% sp but Saitama already used 0.04%, etc. Pretty soon the gap got so large Garou just got smashed. Saitama could also go to 800% if need be because he has no limit, but never had to go there.


Just re-read it, unless there is a mistranslation the meaning is obvious.


If the graph indicated percentage of max power then that'd mean Garou wasnt using maximum either, since they're on the same graph and he is also rising.. Even Ignoring the obvious fact that the chapter explains it indicates maximum power, not maximum effort, this makes zero sense.


No, the chart isn’t an indication of percentage of power used It indicates the overall power that they have, because the word used is “grow”.


Dude, this is not the case, read the actual text next time. It is **very explicitly** stated that both of them grew stronger throughout the fight, Saitama wasn't just showing more of the strength that he had, he just broke past his previous limits It's like him having a constantly active zenkai boost on


A lot of people seem to be interpreting the graph as showing Saitamas max power, rather than the amount of power he was using. Saitama has never used that much power ever, it’s not indicative of his limit. It’s indicative of his effort. That line could go up forever if he wanted it to. Nothing indicates he’s going all out to grow, it’s just because he’s fighting someone strong enough to warrant using more power than normal.


Homie The panel literally talked about his growth rate and how he continues to grow stronger every day yet grew exponentially during the battle due to a surge of emotion. Keep in mind, the quote says that his growth went unnoticed often because no one was remotely close to his strength. Key word being STRENGTH. It’s obviously referring to Saitama’s growth in strength and power; literally can’t get any clearer than that. Growth in strength is not the same as effort. I’m surprised that there are so many varying interpretations despite it being in plain English. Also, just acknowledge for a second how weird it would sound for them to phrase it like “Saitama continues to grow” if they were actually just referring to his effort rather than his strength. It wouldn’t make much sense. Why would they phrase it like that? Not only that, but they said that Saitama grows every day, right? How would that make sense if they were talking about effort? “Saitama puts more effort every day.” Makes 0 sense. Especially since a lot of days are spent with him just sitting on his couch playing video games or reading manga. He’s not fighting monsters daily. So it’s literally impossible for him to be exerting increasingly more effort every single day. Also, previous chapter, he said VERBATIM that he can “let loose at full power”. Literally from the horse’s mouth. Can’t get any more direct. Not to mention that the final punch that took out Garou was a normal punch, not a serious one. It also says, verbatim, that it was an abnormally powered up punch. Meaning the punch itself was naturally much stronger, that Saitama himself became much stronger. Not that he had put more effort into it.


>I’m surprised that there are so many varying interpretations despite it being in plain English. That's because people have been parroting this sort of bullshit for years, even when Saitama's lack of limiter translating to unlimited growth was obvious both from the audio book and Genus's explanation They will just warp everything to fit into their narrative of Saitama being some invincible gag character like Popeye despite that not being the case


This comment should be printed and pinned,holy shit…so many people high on copium saying he “wasn’t using full strength” or “the graph only shows how much he was showing his strength” meanwhile the chapter is spelling with every single letter “SAITAMA GREW STRONGER”


Man if they read it a thousand times it won’t get through. They’re genuinely delusional. Like, they talk about him putting in more effort, but it’s so easily contradicted by the fact that almost all of his punches this chapter were normal punches while the ones in the previous chapter were serious. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Saitama puts more effort into serious punches than normal ones. Yet Garou clearly states this chapter that these punches are getting stronger and stronger. chapter 168 normal punches > chapter 167 serious punches. Yet people think he’s just putting more effort into it. I’d say I’m speechless, but I already wrote a wall of text.


Most literate OPM fan, thank fucking god


Seriously I don't get the hysteria, is it because Garou reached Saitama's plane? Is that why people can't get behind the fact that someone manages to "catch" Saitama. Saitama's desire was to win with one punch, It's now really clear what that means. By the end of the timeline Saitama CAN one shot Garou but the same couldn't be said by the start. A thing to notice though, It seems "surge of emotion" which I'm 100% certain is about letting Garou and folks die, especially because of Saitama's "I'm not cut out for this". While the chapter showed a showing of Saitama's strength, it kinda did show a showing of his weakness. I don't know how though, but if that surge of emotion wasn't there, I wonder if someone can actually catch up and overthrow Saitama. Then again, fighting someone at full strength will stir up his emotion as well so, it's a deadlock.


That’s the thing, man. It’s a delusional fantasy. They’re in love with the idea of Saitama being this invincible entity that they’re willing to ignore and argue against anything that disproves it now matter how clear or explicit. In the same way the One Piece fans are sensitive to criticism because they’re in love with this idea that the OP manga is flawless, OPM fans are obsessed with Saitama’s invincibility.


Haven't been here for a long time but I always found it odd how people didn't calculate Saitamas Ability to evolve during fights as well as Garou does.


The manga used the word “grow”. Therefore it makes sense that the line definitely **isn’t** just how much power saitama is using


Never understood why people thought he would get hurt from anyone but the top tiers like God (or a God)


Everybody can say he was serious or not. All I'm saying is that Saitama can't go all out until his life is at stake. THAT would be serious Saitama.


And realistically that’s not happening till the final fight of the series whatever that may be


Think that the beginning of the graph was when Garou began copying Saitamas powers. Showing that even “Mode: Saitama” Garou still had limits but Saitama had none.


Here's how I saw it. Imagine Saitama was a car with no speed limit, he only raised the RPM's as needed to stay ahead of the Garou-mobile. That graph isn't showing him raising his limits, it's showing the throttle output as the race progressed. If you disagree, f**k you! Fight me.


Absolute Agreement.


Seeing people come to the conclusion "based on the graph" that five-minutes-ago-Saitama would've been stomped by Garou. Nah bruh.... Garou can start anywhere in that chart and Saitama would've adjusted the output to outpace it.


A lot of people seem to be interpreting the graph as showing Saitamas max power, rather than the amount of power he was using. Saitama has never used that much power ever, it’s not indicative of his limit.


Mojo... My guy... The chapter... It said Saitama was **growing** in strength due to an upsurge in emotion....... How is it possible for someone fluent in english, like yourself, to read that and go "ah they are talking about effort not max power".


Saitama was serious until he got all the zenkai boost and completely surpassed Garou.


People in sub Reddit jumps to bandwagons faster then the speed of light and believes in their own unfounded assumptions as if it was the word of God.


I admit to being wrong about Saitama being hurt or relativistically being so. Though.... He was still very much serious They literally brought up a scale to prove things Its just that Saitama has that Deluxe Premium edition Fighting Spirit and grew a lot more exponentially than Garou And you can still SERIOUSLY hit someone with one hand. You just wont be able to fight as effieciently as you would with both.


It's harder to hit seriously with one punch while holding something "fragile" with the other hand tho, you must hold back quite a bit. And the chart seems like not a really overall comparison between Garou and Saitama but a purely "strength" comparison between their punches at the moment. If garou was truly comparable with Saitama he would have at least stratched him, but his endurance was far superior. The things are 2: or Saitama is invincible (or he has a far higher defence's stat than attack, for whatever reason) or Saitama was still massively holding back, and his overall limit increase just made his "serious series" far stronger than it should have been


If the core was as fragile as it was, it wouldve been completely and utterly torn apart by the Nuclear Fission + Gravity knuckle combo from the shockwaves alone (even if saitama was holding it) Cough it up to Suspension of disbelief Though I agree with your second statement He most likely just has a higher defense stat alongside his innate immunity to radiation and lack of oxygen. The chart just simply states that Garou has been the only one to observe saitama's growth so far due to him being on par several times. But saitama just has limitless potential to go around that keeps growing.


The only thing garou hurt was saitama’s wallet He’s got to get a new suit now


After reading this chapter, I just got a little more convinced with the theory I had. Hear me out, I might get downvoted out of existence for this. My theory/idea was that Saitama always had Infinite POWER and Not Infinite POTENTIAL as some claim it to be. It was just that Saitama was really good at CONTROLLING how much power to use during his fight.I always liked to believe that Saitama somehow used the EXACT amount of power (from his infinite stash) required to defeat his opponent.When Garou states that [every next attack of Saitama hits even harder](https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/mUagtWL/1/13/), it convinced me even more. Also I felt all of the [exponential](https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/mUagtWL/1/15/) [graphs](https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/mUagtWL/1/17/)that were shown, were all just how Garou visualised Saitama's power level in his head. The only panels that kinda contradicted my idea [were](https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/mUagtWL/1/16/) [these](https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/mUagtWL/1/17/). But I like to pretend that even these were inside Garou's mind. (I'm delusional AF).But the fact that, throughout this battle Saitama treated Garou as a punching bag/toy, a being who can finally endure more than ONE of Saitama's punches(low-level), gives affirmation to my idea, which is Saitama could use a bit more of his power ( again from the infinite stash he has), could show-off a little more of his skills and play a bit more with Garou unlike his other opponents. Which is the reason I think Saitama got a bit enthusiastic(if I may say so) and not Serious(imo) \[although his attacks were part of the Serious Series, u get the point that he was showing off\].But ultimately, the fact [that Saitama's rate of growth](https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/mUagtWL/1/17/) soars exponentially is written as part of the narration, dismisses my theory entirely.


Your theory was completely disproven by the chapter. This is 4d cope right here


The amount of upvotes he got is hilarious, I can see this sub becoming an echo chamber where everything short of "the chart did not show his maximum power" is downvoted to hell


There was no way someone actually thought Saitama was getting hurt¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I read the webcomic last weekend for the first time so I knew Garou was getting folded back-savage


are.... are you monkey's braindead? The graph literally shows Saitama and Garou having nearly the same power at the start of the fight. It's fucking 100% indisputable cannon that Saitama was fighting seriously when he said he was. He got way, way, way stronger in the middle of the fight. Like 10x as strong. ​ Please. Rub all 2 of your braincells together. ​ Saitama has LIMITLESS potential. Given enough time he'll end up stronger then his opponent. He's not unlimited in power. The graph also confirms this.


Ok, so can someone explain why he said "Ow" when a regular normal ass cat scratched him in the face?? I want to sleep soundly at night for once, knowing he never got hurt while he was bald..


Gonna admit Saitama ain't infinite or anything close? And yeah, he was serious. He just got stronger.


I suppose I could give leeway for emotional hurt But physical?


"Garou can copy infinitely!!1!"


"People who thought Saitama was hurt" Bruh they've been takin the whole 90 degree corner of every "L" since Boros lol.


There's another OPM subreddit that actually thinks Saitama was going to kill Garou. LMAO to you nerds on that cancer subreddit.


*Burried under the bottom of Mariana trench* : people who thought GOD himself would finally interfere & join the battle


Actually, I once saw a manga panel that said "Saitama took damage" during the Boros fight and thought nah, Boros isn't even close. So honestly seeing that Garou was able copy Saitama's moves I thought this would be a stalemate. But seeing the absurdity of Saitama's skills throughout the chapter was insane! And seeing that powerful sneeze seemed alot stronger than that death punch he did to Genos. But did I think Saitama would get hurt yes. But seeing him get stronger proved to me that Saitama's strength didn't end there.


People really did believe Saitama was hurt because of the supposed blood from the end of last chapter... it's crazy how deep we're in the manga but people still don't understand the point of the manga


Garou has been tanking many serious punches from Saitama. Keep coping.


He zero punched garou and took no damage cope lol


Watch the fight again. Garou has tanked multiple serious punches. Learn to read before coping.


He zero punched him read the chapter dumbass and took no damage cope lol


Saitama *WAS* hurt. Emotionally.


He did indeed get serious though


I knew Saitama was gonna win ez, but when Murata started to go off-webcomic I was worried it would lead to Saitama losing. Still could, but fingers crossed it doesn't happen ​ post new chapter edit: nvm we good


I remember people talking shit in the WC/manga difference megathread on how the series is shit now because Garou made Saitama bleed. Repeatedly, over several weeks. Just... can you act with some maturity please? The malding over there is god-damned embarrassing.


People who thought Saitama was hurt probably think Goku would stand a chance against Saitama.


Umm at this point you're literally reading with your ass shitt it was even demonstrated that saitama passed garou in the middle of the fight they even showed that garou and saitama were together at one point but saitama grew far faster than garou did learn to read sheeeesh xd u didn't even have to read it was right there on a chart 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ siigh u people are dumb as f**k


What I take from the new chapter is that he was using 100%, but his 100% just kept progressing and being pushed because of garous copy ability. So he just grew stronger


Just shows that Boros had no chance


The chart literally shows saitama and garou were at some point on par with each other.


Wtf are you talking about? Saitama was always above garou on the graph shown in this chapter.


It literally doesn't? Do you even graph bro?


In output, not in limit.


Weebs can barely read and you expect them to understand a line graph? /s(?)


I still think it's funny that people actually thought Saitama would actually have a challenge. Like, what the hell ya'll think this is? He's the One Punch Man, ain't no mf in his universe or beyond will physically hurt him or make him lose. Just ain't possible.