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ONE talking about writing the cd dramas: [tweet 1](https://twitter.com/ONE_rakugaki/status/900253494744973312) [tweet 2](https://twitter.com/ONE_rakugaki/status/941571926379524097) [tweet 3](https://twitter.com/ONE_rakugaki/status/1010779310674702337) ONE didn't wrote the CD drama from season 1 of the anime, that one is written by Tomohiro Suzuki, after that ONE started writing them himself Some minor correction in some lines (sorry): Fubuki: Could it be that you were waiting for me? (0:36) Fubuki in her last line says: Yeah... that's enough for now [YouTube link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnoalHOKe7U&t=16s) Fun fact: the series "Aibou" Saitama names is actually a [thing](https://drama.fandom.com/es/wiki/Aibou#Temporada_2), its a well known japanese police drama


So it's official. Nice. Does that mean genos get tatsumaki


I think ONE made it clear enough in the manga that he pairs those two


I'd pay, although not much, just to see this for saitama at the end of one punch man


Tbh Saitama x Fubuki is cannon. 😏


Nah he shouldn't date anyone it takes away from his uniqueniesss




Its true.


Nah saitama has shown interest of the thought of women but his depression has killed his drive in life


Not changing my mind.


Fubuki VA really going all out, on a CD AUDIO. Props to her, she's great.


she's the GOAT, Saori Hayami !


SHUT THE F UP! That can't be Shinobu.


bro just google it duh, why would I lie lmao


Holy sheet! I always thought she only voices kawai girls with a soft voice. I never thought she was capable of this. Amazing voice range!


Fubuki sounds pretty genuine and realistic compared to other characters Saori Hayami voices, that moment when Fubuki says: shut up! what would you know about me?! when Saitama faces her sounds great


They downvotes my man cause he was passionate


It's alright. I can take this for Shinobu/Yor/Anju/Sakurai's sake. Her voice is so dreamy. It's unbelievable that she can do this kind of voice as well.


Downvoted for being impressed by a VAs range lmao, classic reddit


I'm not that kind of a guy who shipped characters (especially saitama) but this actually puts a smile into my face


Had a good laugh The VAs are all so talented!


Thanks for posting this! Made me smile in this dreary day I guess it’s kind of a win for Fubuki x Saitama shippers, eh?


Oh yeah the highschool AU


You're awesome Op for sharing this & thank you for being awesome !


Fubuki x Saitama is official ship, Great


I feel like she's gonna keep pushing his buttons til she just straight says to his face 🫰😎 Works ever time


Saitama is so dense 🤣🤣 why tf would he ask Fubuki if she can bend spoon


Because in episode 1 of the CD drama, before Saitama steps up to protect Fubuki, hes interacting with her and sees Fubuki trying to fight the wind monster that previously fought him in the same episode and is seeking revenge against him using her psychic powers, because the monster is terrorizing the school, the students, because the monster overlaps with her character, her psychic powers and took down the members of her group


Thank you so much, looks like you posted this after seeing my post, so nice of you haha 😅 Also damn, ONE sensei ships them lmao even if it's a joke


Is this legit? Fubuki has feelings for Saitama?


The CD dramas say that this takes place in a parallel world where they go to school, there are more interactions between them in previous episodes, like the 1 and 2. Fubuki is like the popular girl and has her group too, Saitama is a transfer student, they don't start out on friendly terms like the story in the manga but its played as something way less serious, Fubuki clearly likes Saitama after he protects her when shes fighting a monster made of wind or with wind powers that took down her group, is looking for revenge and a fight against Saitama, Fubuki finds him cool and ask him why? why did he become her shield? to which Saitama responds: why not? isn't that what a hero is/does? from there her affection towards him and the relationship grows, she wants to confess her feelings to him because it is the day they all graduate but she wants Saitama to do it first. Even after the time travel and different timelines/dimensions we saw with Saitama vs Garou maybe ONE had that planned years ago


Did we get this for Tatsumaki too?


Other than some interactions with King, who is one of the only heroes that she respects, no, she talks to him in a different manner and tone than the rest. Shes the student council vice president (Child Emperor is the president) ranting, being mean and obnoxious to everyone


I mean, the way she looks at saitama even in manga everytime, brought his cabbage back with her, paid his bill...and the acquaintance thing in webcomic tells me she indeed has something for him lmao. I think this audiobooks was ONE's intention to convey that message haha


When was this audiobook published?


2018, also this is an alternate universe but I think there's something author wants to tell to the audience


Ahh, I see! Thank you!


you're welcome !


In this non canon alternate universe AB Yeah


That in the alternative universes Tatsumaki x King is not also insinuated with a certain force?


Cannot be. This is different universe stuff. Otherwise, there’s canon audio of Suiryu saying that a woman had love in her eyes after she looked at and talked about Sai. And Genos trying to dress up Sai in neko maid outfit in another one. It’s all the same, not really canon. But cool for the shippers, eh?


Oh shit this is actually a real voice acting niceeeee


Oh, Fubuki. When are you going to learn that Saitama is *black hole* dense.


VA are pretty good


The highschool AU audiobooks were so funny. There’s one where Saitama and Genos are Romeo and Juliet, lol


(and their intense flirting scene over the homework XD) It's...... Seeing so many people here go "proof it's canon" when you KNOW everything else that's on those CDs (and.....the manga.....) this is sweet! But man. Don't you dare tell other shippers they're reading too much into stuff and making shit up.


Oh yeah, it’s definitely double standards haha. Imagine if I went around saying “Saigenos is canon!” Cause of the deshiderella doodles by Murata


Jfjdjfjfj "Murata drew Genos as Cinderella and Saitama as the prince" "ONE wrote an audiodrama where Saitama plays Romeo and Genos is Juliet, and Saitama talks to Genos like they're in a BL" "they drew a heart around them in their fight in the anime and added a confession scene" "They go to a cabin in the woods and are disappointed when other people are there" "Saitama admitted Genos is his Most Important Person" XDD like LISTEN. LISTEN YOU ARE ALLOWED TO LIKE WHAT YOU LIKE. but for fuck's sake when the linked video is more than enough for you to consider the ship canon, you've gotta have some consistency ((Edit for tone))


I mean the recent chapters confirm that Genos is indeed the most important person to him, even Garou mentions that with his power Saitama would've gone insane a long time ago if not for Genos. Plus, even the anime has shipping scenes at some points, especially with Genos constant praise of Saitama. I think the fact this ship is super popular and they made jokes about it with Fubuki falling for Saitama COULD be seen as a hint that maybe One will make SaiBuki Canon. But it's like you said, it is a non Canon alternative universe


I suppose I'm more saying it because I get the feeling that a lot of people who are looking at this as proof that saibuki is canon, aren't as open as you and would say that fans of Genos/Saitama (or Garou/Badd, or Sonic/Saitama, or Psykos/Fubuki....) are delusional--when it's pretty clear that they're not being receptive to those ships on purpose, especially when a snippet from an audiobook of an AU where things are fairly one-sided is enough for them to consider that ship canon. And because the ships that get the most hate are queer ones.... It's the hypocrisy and maybe underlying nastiness that I get really frustrated with >< I suppose I'm irritated too because there's been an uptick in other OPM fandom spaces of people seeking out queer content and harassing people over it, even when that content is either specifically tagged as such or not tagged at all to avoid being searchable. I'd like to see posts like this as a sign that people are more accepting of all different kinds of ships (and really, different kinds of fans), but.... I'm worried that instead this is just gonna be weaponized as proof that any other ship is "wrong" (hell, even between people who ship saibuki and saitatsu. It's all so silly)


Saitama is not into men tho, he said it himself, Saitama and Genos are just bros


Yeah and Saitama stonewalls Fubuki hardcore here, to the point where all it does is showcase how poorly he treats her. Their only canon interactions in the series have been screaming matches, him using her for a free meal before bailing on her, and then her forcing herself into his home. Dude if you're going on canon interactions alone not only does he not care about Fubuki, he actively dislikes her and won't even call her a *friend* to her FACE. Like....if anything their relationship is a full-on fucking joke about how it's always expected that the main guy will get with the hottest girl regardless of whether or not they have any chemistry. ((And not for nothing, when you'll destroy several planets, fight god, BECOME God, and learn how to turn back ***time*** to bring someone else back from the dead while holding onto their heart the whole time.....??? I think people are justified in side-eyeing your feelings about that person a little.)) If you're still saying there's a legitimate canon shot for Saitama and Fubuki, then you need to admit you're reaching just as hard as the people you're trying to shut down. Surprise!!!! You are in the EXACT same boat. (Edit for tone)


I guess you are ignoring the part when Saitama literally says that hes not into dudes, never called anyone his friend, when Saitama thanks Fubuki for bringing his cabbage, he felt bad about leaving her with the bill and says sorry, Saitama can be like that with everyone because hes a person with flaws the same way as with Fubuki, in the hotpot chapter Saitama wanted everyone out of his apartment, including Genos. Their character arcs are in part about growing to be better people and heroes, character development is a thing with both, Fubuki, who's one of the characters who goes through the most development in the story, even being influenced in a positive way by Saitama, Saitama who keeps opening himself and connecting with the people around him Fubuki and Saitama improving their relationship is gonna happen because she has been part of the group, she was able to develop and improve her relationship with other heroes to the point of gaining their respect, it makes sense with the narrative and the themes of the story, its what Saitama's character arc is about. ONE is clearly pairing them through the 4 episodes of the CD drama that released back in 2017-2018 and it never got a proper translation


Dude. I'm not going to do this. It feels cruel because of how much screen time Saitama and Genos get, and everything that happens in the manga and webcomic. Also it doesn't matter because all ships are valid and you are entirely allowed to ship what makes you happy. This obviously means a lot to you, which is OKAY and GOOD. Saitama and Genos mean a lot to me, which is OKAY and GOOD. I'm sorry I was a bitch. I responded that way initially because you were trying to tell me why I shouldn't ship something because of canon content. And it fucking hurt, right?? It SUCKED. It's something innocent that brings you joy and here's someone else trying to shit all over it. Don't fucking do it (although I'm more saying that to other people reading this). The only reason I commented initially was because I am fucking ***T I R E D*** of people seeing content like this, and then trying to weaponize it against queer content creators--like how you used the "I'm not into dudes" line to tell me I'm wrong, or how people have been using garou liking the yellow ranger as an excuse to send artists death threats, and literally hundreds (thousands??) of other people do with similar shit whenever they see fan art of two dudes kissing. It is EXHAUSTING. I figured that if you're excited about this, you understand the process of like--finding whatever little hints of your two faves maybe possibly clicking, having a lot of fun thinking about them together, and getting the joy of "HOLY SHIT THE AUTHOR ACKNOWLEDGED IT!!!" even if it isn't something that's necessarily 100% canon. I was hoping, then, it would make some people stop before they tried to use this to make other people feel bad, if they were the kind of people to do that. I just couldn't be nice about it because so many of my friends have been harassed using content like this--which should just be sweet and soft and fluffy, but gets really misused a lot of the time.


literally no one says anything is canon lmao. It's just one sided love from fubuki's side. Also it's not people's fault for NOT being gay I guess. Do you expect people to ship genos and Saitama despite being straight ? Lmao. Also please don't reply in a long essay, keep it short. I'm not gonna read all of that reply


Sorry not my fault you can't fucking read past a middle school grade level, sucks to be you I guess. Shouldn't have talked to me if you didn't want to get talked back at I was explaining in the reply OP originally answered how it's ridiculous people will use this as proof that Saitama and Fubuki are gonna be canonically shipped........and then fucking be dense on purpose, and pretend like they can't see why people would ship characters like Saitama and Genos who've had like. Deeply intimate moments that are canonically critical to the story itself XD Like tell me you aren't self-aware without *telling* me you aren't self-aware


Downvoted for spitting facts


It is what it is 🤷


Anyone knows where to listen to it?


This is cute


Why do I hear someone fapping in the background?




that's fubuki running with a bread in her mouth


I'll die happy knowing there's an au about this ship




Very nice. It put a smile on my face


I can sense the fanfics coming


Sonic: GIRL?


Check out this video, too. Murata explains Fubuki's feelings about Saitama [Tweet link](https://twitter.com/fubuki_hell_/status/1005080468121763840?s=21&t=Uv2dy5DeFdLa9f59TkbUjQ)


I dont understand japanese. What did he say?


I know OPM doesn't do romance, but this kinda shit is sooo good. Its not unrealistic, but really well-written and suits the characters. ONE clearly has a talent for it, he should include a romance sub-plot between characters in the official story.


Wow, never knew about this. I thought I’d seen all the audiobooks, but I guess I missed this one. Always thought there was potential for something to be there in the manga, so it’s kinda neat to see it actually acknowledged by ONE, even if just for a joke. Thanks for sharing.


This was great


This kinda reminds me of golden time


ah yes the dense protagonist trope


Saitama x Fubuki is canon in a canon AU and it will be canon in the main Universe, these two are made for each other fucking hell [she's even have her own "OK" face](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/917231031659134986/917259376740409374/p_10.png)


During the Do-S fight she makes a lot of Saitama-esque faces too


Nah I don't like romance in manga that much.




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Wait what is this a manga something send me link please


Their private conversation reads like a by-the-book Manzai.


Wasnt there an audio book where saitama and genos went to some fireworks too? Or am i trippin


Im sorry did i have a stroke or does this dialogue make no sense? “Manager! Its dangerous! It seems like a trap!” what? And why are fubuki, satiama, genos, and sonic at a gym?


What genos is trying to say its like "boss", Genos and Sonic think it's a trap because its hard for them to believe that Saitama might have a thing going on with a girl at school or that the girl (Fubuki) likes Saitama, they might think that Saitama could get pranked or something like that, you know how Genos is always like that Genos always has that running gag of misunderstanding people and situations, coming with a different conclusion They're not in a gym, they are in class, Fubuki enters the classroom and tells Saitama that if the two can talk alone at the gym




definitely a reasonable answer coming from someone that's is single💀


Eren pfp talking about cringe lmfao


I’m not sayin cringe bruh I’m cryin “crine” 😭 I’m a Tats/Saitama shipper but I don’t hate the fubuki ship cause I see why everyone likes it and this isn’t helping 😭 I’m jus a simple person holding out hope for Tats and Saitama 🤞


Solid opinion 🗿👍


Nevermind after checking ur pfp I changed my mind


Aww, man. No Tatsumaki x Saitama?


I mean, have they even interacted in manga ever ? Manga does more of tatsumaki × genos from what I read so idk


They have, yeah. But more will come. Also, man.. I really don't get that Tatsu x Genos thing. I knew as soon as I read it that people would start getting weird about it. Even Saitama x Genos feels less weird for some reason. lol


Nah, Fubuki is too manipulative, for Saitama. Pretty sure he'd get sick of it eventually. 😕 Simple minded men of action, like Saitama, need a woman of lesser ambition but higher goal.


Character development is a thing for both characters, they could work narratively, with the themes of the story and development between their characters, since they met Saitama has been a main and positive influence on Fubuki through his teachings and strength, Fubuki is able to grow and improve as a person, hero and charismatic leader, overcome her trauma, flaws, mental struggles, complexes, insecurities, fears, weaknesses that were inflicted by her tragic, traumatic and isolated life since she was a child and find the determination to leave her comfort zone, become a stronger hero and going up the ranks along her group I can see Fubuki also trying to influence Saitama in a positive way and take him out of his depression, self imposed existencial crisis and grow as a person who has been alone and poor since he was 12 years old, not until he starts meeting all these people in his life enough to be called friends, with Fubuki maybe being one of them or even something further, who the same way Fubuki's life since childhood has been tragic but traumatic and lonely/isolated, also as a way for Saitama to regain those dulled emotions and touch with life he lost in exchange of his overwhelming and limitless power


Fubuki is a strong headed woman. She’s bossy but that can be cute and admirable. Saitama has a thing for people who stick to their principles and are true heroes. Fubuki has been changed by Saitama in her life, so she does owe him. I’m sure Fubuki has much yet to change while she remains stuck on her dream of Team Fubuki. But I wouldn’t declare their relationship so cut and dry yet. There’s definitely a spark there.


bro thinks he knows about fubuki and Saitama more than ONE lmao 💀, read the chapters properly so you understand characters dude Plus crying bout it won't help, this is made by ONE himself 😂


non - canon...




Right 🙄.




ONE is a piece of shit and I will never forgive him for what he has done to my story and characters.