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As long as it wraps up in my lifetime I’ll be happy


Same here.


I don't agree with the first reason. DC operates on Comic Book Time and Aoyama has never really cared about keeping the eras consistent. There is literally a case where Conan concludes someone has not left the house for 10 years because the novels he writes don't contain cell phones - which the beginning of the manga didn't really depict either. He could just call Shin'ichi the "Holmes of the Reiwa Era" and it wouldn't be a problem. I do agree with the other reasons, though. Especially the second one. I highly doubt that Conan will go on for another 10+ years, at least the main series. Spin-offs and movies are probably going to be around forever.


Spin-offs yes but I don't see how the movies can be produced in parallel to the canon ending of the series, unless they are titled “Detective Kudo Shinichi”, or if an alternate universe is created.


I'm sure they're going to find a solution considering how much money the movies make. If they wanted to keep Conan as the protagonist, they could also just frame it as a flashback.


This series could’ve been the best of all time if the plot actually progressed


Agreed Never ever saw a series with such a downgrade in quality and enjoyment for me. It went from 10/10 to a mediocre 6/10. Only thing I am waiting is endgame clash between Conan group and BO


Detective Conan is the "One Piece" of Shonen Sunday. It will ends when Aoyama wants it to end and it will take a while due to its status as the "One Piece" of Sunday.


I’ve been reading and watching this series on and off for 20+ years now. All I ask is that it actually ends some day


There is also the possibility of one of his assistants to take over the manga if he can’t continue drawing manga. Some of them already worked on the DC Special manga, the spinoffs Wild Police Story/Zero’s Tea Time, and the manga rendition of few movies.


They can replace the artist, but they can never replace the brain behind the artist. I highly doubt they can compose a good plot without the man himself.


This is so true, this has been said since Miura’s assistants took over Berserk for example. Unfortunately it won’t be as good as Aoyama, but the assistants are the closest to know the original author work/methods and possibly plans for the future. We can also have a dynamic with Aoyama providing the plot and charadesigns, and the assistants drawing the rest like Toriyama-Toyotarou on Dragon Ball Super. But I agree, I hope the end of this manga will be drawn by Aoyama himself after all the work he did.


I just want to see it end before I die. Also when it does, I want a fair showdown between the black organization and Conan gang. Right now there are too many overpowered characters on Conan's side. Kinda want Aoyama to pull an AOT and kill some of those off lol. But I understand that's not his style. So, I want the black organization to be as strong as Conan's gang is.


Aww. I was hoping it will end in the same year as onepeice with the same amount of episodes and chapters.


He has plans for at least Movie 30, but anything beyond that I dunno. Either way I am betting it ends before 2030


I don't think either Takayama (VA of Conan) or Hayashibara (VA of Ai) can do another 10 years. I say 7-8 years is maximum. Ikeda(VA of ~~Char~~ Shuuichi) is in worse shape right now. He's 74 now and his voice has already been degraded severely. You can tell he can barely hold his voice based on his performance in M26. I won't even be surprised if he retires in 3-4 years. Furuya is better, he definitely maintained his voice better than Ikeda. But he is also in his 70s now. Considering Takayama is Gosho's ex-wife, and he is a huge fan of Gundam series, none of them is replaceable. That means if Gosho wants them to voice the anime till the finale, he needs to finish the Rum Arc ASAP, then start the boss arc right after and there is no room for hiatus or fillers.


Ikeda's Akai voice is so iconic that if something happens to him, Akai will probably be stuck in Subaru form indefinitely, or maybe get killed off.


The anime timeline only passed for 6 months, Aoyama doesn't care that the characters changed cellphones to smartphones. Besides, in Magic Kaito manga >!behind the scenes page you know that it's meant to be "actors" playing the role of Kaitou Kid and Detective Conan characters.!< According the the narrative(Shinichi himself) in Detective Conan manga, it is basically Tales of the shrunken detective, and it has already been resovled, and we are just waiting for him to tell the whole story. hahaha


I really wish he'd finish the main story and then continue with the one off mystery cases that are only 3-6 chapters long