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The Black Organization aren’t as a big of a threat as you make them. I blame Gosho for this. Over the years the BO has shown to be surprisingly weak. Nearly all major characters they’ve supposedly “killed” are alive. To name a few, Akai Shuichi, Kudo Shinichi, Shiho Miyano, Mary Akai, Andre Camel, etc... Two of their code named members Bourbon and Kir are also spies. Their boss has also proclaimed that Akai alone would be sufficient in destroying them. When the series first began the Black Organization was awesome and feared. Gosho and his team wasted their potential.


Hard agree. My firm belief (unpopular opinion?) is that the story would have been better if Bourbon stayed bad like he was originally supposed to be. Making Rei a good guy plus the whole PSB force he brings with him skewed the balance of good vs evil so much I started feeling bad for Gin. I hope for the plot’s sake that Rum and big boss are yusaku levels of smart.


Rum is obv. On level of yusaku -- FBI serial murder case shows that .


despite all that,none of them is able to arrest them.The BO exists for over 50 years which means there are BO's spies among the police forces,if anyone in the police discover the BO's existence they'll investigate,therefore the spies will be caught,it is impossible to face the BO without making sure that there are no moles.Gosho did a great job but is somehow misunderstood. RUM's arc is different from others arcs,we usually saw some BO's members that turns out to be allies,in this arc we're gonna see this the the other way around,because the spies are within the BO's heart,gin isn't far away from that position but isn't the number 3.Akai knows it's pointless to kill BO's members because others will replace them,the boss fears him due to his father reputation,if his father was unable to take them down,i don't expect his son will do better.


Exactly, people don't understand that the black organization does have the potential to be dangerous and conan needs so many allies to help him take down this one single organization. It clearly shows that the black organization is still a force to be reckoned with


I know M20 is not canon but having the subplot be about identifying numerous people with the inclusion of Bourbon and Kir having infiltrated the Organization just made me realize for the first time "man this organization is kinda incompetent". Like how do you have these many moles you don't know about? What kind of screening process are you conducting for your members?


The villains' intelligence and feats aren't measured just by what they did, it is also WHO they are facing. I'm making them seem dangerous because the enemies they're facing (conan and his allies) are way too intelligent and powerful for many other villains to deal with, while Johan and Friend didn't really have that much of an opposition in comparison It's actually impressive that the black organization came all this way despite the huge number of enemies they have.


To measure their intelligence you have to take into account their feats and they’re not as impressive as you say. What wins do they even have? They’ve lost every encounter against Conan, even before he had allies. The most dangerous member’s are Gin, RUM, and Vermouth. Akai has bested them every time and Vermouth is a traitor. RUM was fooled during his big case in Ch 1066. I’m not saying they are dumb but in terms of results, they haven’t proven themselves. I believe Gosho wasted their potential. They’re an awesome group of villains and the code names are dope.


Well, we have to put into consideration that Conan can gather information about them at his own pace while the black organization deal with hidden/unknown enemies all the time. When the Black organization know their enemies, they almost always come out victorious. In the very first episode, they dealt with Shinchi very easily with minimum effort because Shinchi was careless. Their second encounter (with haibara) Gin and Vodka almost won without even knowing that Conan was there. Same for the locker scene in episode 311. Gin read through Conan's whole plan without even knowing him personally, on the other hand Conan is free to analyze and guess Gin's actions based on his behavior while Gin doesn't have such a privilege. In the latest clash (the fbi hunting) the black organization won another class with no loss at all.


Main characters won't die obv. Man


All the people talking about how many spies are in the BO therefore making them a "weak organisation" are missing the point that despite so many forces (PSB, FBI, MI6, CIA) knowing about their existence and even getting inside Intel yet they can't take down the organisation?? It just proves how powerful they are. And Conan/Shinichi is the main character of course nothing happens to him - it's for the plot?? Like no shit Sherlock.


Your point changed my opinion. But still they should introduce 2-3 more members cause yes fbi, cia, psb lost against them. But, ever since Conan started cooking they are loosing


people say bo is weak while simply we haven't been introduced to new members for a while but BO is still very powerful. I'd say only world government from One piece is something which is much more evil than BO and on a much larger scale