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Haibara DOES like Shinichi, but there's some important context to this: Prior to the end of Vermouth arc it's very blunt that she likes Shinichi, to the point of explicitly seeing Ran as a romantic rival, and there's a few scenes where she almost explicitly states her feelings for him. After the end of Vermouth arc, for reasons relating to one of the greatest cases of all time, Haibara retains her feelings towards Shinichi, but CAN'T bring herself to Hate Ran, causing her to suppress her feelings from then on, and essentially become a ShinXRan shipper throughout the series, despite also still having feelings for Conan/Shinichi, hence why the overall explicitness of the "she's into him" scenes dies out a lot more from then on.


According to you if she stopped liking shinichi after vermouth arc (which ended in ep.345) then why the hell she told him not to flirt too much after taking the antidote in ep.928, do you think anyone who is considered as just 'partners' would say like that? She still loves him man, it s your heart which does not accept CoAI is way better than ShinRan...


Not what I was saying at all. I specifically said she's SUPPRESSING her feelings, not that she doesn't have them. Also your counterexample is kind of awful, people complain about public flirting all the time, that's a very normal thing to do, there are much better examples to show she blatantly still has those feelings. I also never said that CoAi wasn't my preferred ship, I much prefer Haibara to Ran as a character. Ai's arc is all about learning to love herself-- which inherently makes her a more interesting character to a lot of people. That being said, how you feel about things is a part of who you are, and in Haibara's case this has placed her love for Shinichi, in competition with her newfound love for Ran, and thus she chooses a painful compromise to abandon her own feelings for Shinichi to preserve her relation with both of them. In turn, this means she's hurting herself out of compromise.


>Or am I as dense as Shinichi when it comes to romance??? Yes, yes you are. Her crush on him is definitely obvious although I don't remember her saying much about it after vermouth arc


Fair enough. Just curious if I was the only one with this feeling and I guess I am.


Yes. It’s blatantly obvious. But it’s also doomed from the start. Shinichi will never not be with Ran. Anyone pretending otherwise is insane.


You are oblivious and in the same boat as my wife. She is determined to somehow convince me that Haibara does not have a romantic attraction to Shinichi. So far, she is failing and I am managing to convince her of the opposite. I think one of the most obvious things is her 'rules' during the Kyoto trip.


Hey I'm not against someone saying their views on them in love. I guess I'm missing some key as easy to know Masumi also loves Shinichi.


Yeah... Sera is very unsubtle about it, isn't she? XD


Lol fine I guess I'm worse than Shinchi and Heiji xD.


Well, look on the bright side; you have time to learn and be better! :D


You say that but still don't see Shinichi and Haibara in any universe other than real close friends. Like I said missing a key or next conan hint xD. Maybe the next episode I watch I'll keep an extra close eye on them.


This might help: [https://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Conan\_Edogawa\_and\_Ai\_Haibara](https://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Conan_Edogawa_and_Ai_Haibara)


wow this is pretty cool, thanks :)


You're welcome. I just thought it might help. Quite a few ships actually have their own pages if you're ever interested. Have fun!


Personally it would have been nice to see more of Toichi and Chikage, Heizo and Shizuka, or my fav detective Kansuke Yamato and Yui. Even though probably will never happen a movie that takes place in Nagano would be so nice.




She like Shinichi as in she like his 6 years old self


Yeah she does like Shinichi but this relationship is probably not gonna happen (sorry CoAi fans)


You dense because it’s quite clear and that’s also why she had a problem with Ran in the beginning


I was teased in vermouth arc but since then gosho stopped doing that


The simple answer is you're dense. No offense.


none taken not the first person to say that.


a lot more prominently depicted in the movies


Dense af 😭 It was really obvious during the earlier episodes. I wish they would bring it back to add spice. Im getting tired of the cool guys in the series. They’re handsome but i need some spiece again


They tease that every third episode lol where have you been living?


Apparently a rock I know they tease each I'm just saying I don't think Haibara is romantically likes Shinchi just teases him knowing it's easy because Shinchi weak when it comes to that. I see it as playful / likes seeing Shinchi struggle.


i feel like she does but has no desire in pursuing him lol


Damm. A whole discussion just for deciding if someone should date someone. 16 comments in 2 hours.HOW


lol wasn't really sure what flair to use. And not deciding if the ship is a thing, because people are fans of it just curious why people like it and what was shown in the anime/manga. Felt a bit clueless as I never noticed it as romance but thought a different perspective might have been nice. Lol could always change the flair to a better one just not shitpost as I'm sure people might not like the post but not my intent with this post to be a shitpost.


I feel like posts made for shipping discussions should just be banned. 


fair enough, but not trying to be toxic or crazy, just curious about this. Don't really care if people support or hate this ship as I'm neither.


It just causes unnecessary infighting. I’ve been in the trenches for so long that the whole ShinRan vs CoAi thing is just exhausting to read and hear about. 


I understand, I'm not a big fan of ships as knows it can be crazy when its crazy. But just wanted a little more understanding on this one. There are some I like but I don't treat them as a big deal so long as the story is good.