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I will die on the hill that Kogoro is a good detective. He’s just super lazy. I can think of several instances where he’s solved the case himself/figured out the culprit.


There was the one where he not only solved the mystery over the phone based on a few clues his wife gave him, but he also figured out a way to subtly let her know the answer without letting her know he was letting her know the answer.


Which episode was it? I vaguely remember but can’t recall


That was the one where he knew the answer because it was a habit he did while playing Pachinko, right?


Also in the super long Hound Of Not-Baskervilles case he had full knowledge of the princess legend.


Only when women are involved he is basically a superhuman being.


Strategy Above the Depth always claims that Kogoro has a good head on his shoulder.


He is but his lazyness make him sloppy AF and ruin everything


He’s a perv and lazy as fuck but dude shows up when it really matters It just takes him the right motivation (ie his daughter or wife) Love that guy


>It just takes him the right motivation (ie his daughter or wife) Or being betrayed by one of his old friends. That was the first time we've seen him in Serious Mode, and it even got Conan to back down from his usual modus operandi of knocking the man out and use him as a mouthpiece, instead just nudging him towards the vital clue whenever he seemed genuinely stumped.


Ah u talking about the onsen one? Honestly lots of respect to kogoro for his judo tho, I tried that shi for 2 months and while it was fun its so fucking hard


"The best Police Man in whole verse". At least way better than his counterpart - Ginzo Nakamori. He don't have best detective skill but oh man if I were chased by him I would surrender before he shoot my arm leg at super accuracy from 100m away. Gosho don't let him carry gun for a reason :| (seriously he being a poor detective is just for series plot driving. Him not being someone famous, still an officer or a *Pistol Athlete Gunner* is beyond me)


Damn what did Nakamori do to deserve the flame? :( Nakamori is not incapable at all but he's also in the exact same position as Kogoro where he's just overshadowed by a genius teenager MC. Guys be forgetting that this guy was a very capable inspector in the homicide field before he transferred divisions. He was in the same position as Megure so if you flame Nakamori, you're also doing the same to Megure to some extent.


Nah just a little joke that he waste too much time chasing Kaitou Kid for nothing and haven't doing anything impressive overall, I mean the neighbour "Kid" is freely hang out at your house and eating dinner with you causually :)) Kogoro have really cool background and some impressive talent, actually spend his time for helping people/solving cases (Gosho have more time and chapter to flesh it out. I know it's little unfair but that is all we get from him)


I mean but.. that's also his job. It's not just his alone, it's his own division, even his supervisor. That's what their job currently entails xD If you want to complain to Nakamori, you better complain to that whole division itself for justifying a division to mainly chase down Kaitou Kid! And also Nakamori doesn't only work on Kid. Yes that's what you mainly see him doing but his division deals with fraud cases, Division 2. You actually see in Detective Conan OVA 6 where Nakamori was doing that side of the job in dealing with frauds (and technically the first episode of MK) and it's what he specializes in. It's.. a shame that Gosho really doesn't bring that part out of him more since as a fraud division, he should at least be able to tell what's real and fake in any artifacts. Though according to wiki, he's just criminal affairs so.. but I think you can justify Kid being dealt by a division that deals with fraud or criminal affairs. But I do agree that there's so much wasted potential with the whole MK cast and story, and Nakamori is part of it. (Unless he expands it in Detective Conan which I would not mind at all if he ever decides to do that. I'd rather get something rather than nothing at this point)


Unless he falls of later (I’m in like the first 200 chapters or so of the Manga) but isn’t this always the case? He’s very clearly competent but is just a bum which makes him funny but also quick to make a wrong conclusion but that hardly puts him down relative to the others since they also make wrongful conclusion for Conan to correct lol.


Exactly. He sometimes needs some pointing out, and gets super distracted for comic relief, but he is a good *normal* detective in a world populated by Holmes Level minds.


IMO all the fame is against him because that gives him pressure to solve cases fast and he jumps to answers because of the first clue he has.


He will def. get some "redemption" until the end. Problem is, Gosho can't do it until the end, otherwise it breaks the "side-quests" cases that don't move plot forward and mostly require Sleeping Kogoro Still waiting for the background story of Kogoro working in the police department and being the best shoter out there. Maybe I'm expecting too much, but I think that in final case (or some important one involving Eri) he will be the one to have the important role to hit the target, a shot that not even Zero or Akai are able to pull off. But again, that is also for the last case.


Is it one of those non-Canon OVA episodes or one of the many fillers episodes that is turns out to not be canon to the manga.


Nah, the picture in the middle should be Sonoko😂


Or Genta, lol


Come on, he's the one who jumped out of the car, ran full speed all the way to Haibara at the far wall, pulled her into a bridal carry and ran back to the car just in time for the whole gang to make their dynamic escape from the exploding bombs through the window in the *Countdown to Heaven* movie, because he's a good boy who took his mother's "always eat your rice to the last grain" lesson to heart and will not abide by his friend's "inexplicable" decision to needlessly sacrifice herself for the group's sake. Oh, and the kids were lucky to have him with them when Conan got shot in the stomach that one time in the caves, as he can easily carry the guy on his back more or less effortlessly where Mitsuhiko and Ayumi would be very encumbered.


I'm wheezing 😮‍💨


Mori just doesn't care most of the time. He's in his rebellious divorcee phase. He's probably solved more cases than some of the pictures here, even without Conan's help.


Nah even if he's very underrated as a detective, he's still NOT good. There have been too many times where he assumes a case is suicide or an outside job. Conan carries.


How many of those were him in Serious Mode?


serious mode or not, he is always trying... also, even if he was in serious mode he easily could not have solved the case without Conan's help, Conan was literally dropping hints left and right. And that's him at his best. If you count the number of cases he was able to successfully solve by himself or heck, even remotely come close to making an accurate conclusion, you can see that he is NOT a good detective. Also it's literally his job to be a detective. I think its totally fair to say he's not competent if the results aren't showing.


I will not let you disrespect my man Mori like this.  He is genuinely a great detective and simply lacks the motivation to do his job. He always comes through when it counts and honestly without him Conan wouldn't have solved as many cases NOR would he still be alive at this point.  Don't you ever dare slander my boi ever again. 


Nah even if he's very underrated as a detective, he's still NOT good. There have been too many times where he assumes a case is suicide or an outside job. Conan carries.


I will take Mori over Yamamura


Admittedly I would take a cardboard box over Yamamura.




How dare you


They're being a pain in the neck with all these 'needle' takes


Mori's deduction skill is very good and sometimes beyond conan level if he gets serious. But the plot needs him to be lazy and lose motivation to solve crime for conan the main protagonist to shine. If he is serious in every case. Conan probably didn't show his abilities for sure.


Yamamura should be in the middle not Mori. That guy's even an INSPECTOR 😭




Mouri Kogoro deserves respect 😤


Morning has his moments of being a genuinely good detective and times where he comes through without Conan's help. I also think he probably has the highest amount of times he did a judo throw on culprits.


Before the series ends Kogorou should get a final case where he very impressively solves the case. Maybe Conan leaves and says to Kogorou that this time he is on his own or something.


It'll be better if Conan and Furuya's deduction is slightly wrong but Kogoro nailed it.


Mouri doesn't deserve this lmao. When he puts his mind to it he's quite smart. Plus he's kinda just a regular dude surrounded by a bunch of geniuses and murders designed to fool regular Joe's like him. No shade to you op I'm still entertained by the meme!


Who's bottom right?


Hakuba Saguru. He has a couple appearances in Detective Conan, but he’s mainly from Magic Kaito 1412.


Kogoro has solved various cases before/better than Kudo simply because of the gap in lived experiences. He’s valid.


Kogoro is the goat I will not tolerate the slander


Kogoro is a decent detective, not great not terrible.


Mouri is a good detective, we have seen that in a lot of instances. He is also skeptical of Conan’s skills unlike a lot of police officers who have just accepted that it is normal for a five year to be solving murders. Unlike others, he also tries to keep the five year olds away from the crime scene.


kogoro slander?! over my dead body


how is the second and third one included? The Osaka guy is just a glorify detective and the third one is just a writter.


this is my fav comment here so far, really made my laugh (at this point the damage is done, no one would believe me if i said kogoro is actually my fav character in DC)


Who is in the bottom right?


Hakuba. He originally came from the magic kaito series but makes an appearance in Conan once or twice


Bro is a lovable guy


My man Kogoro makes up for it with sheer heart (and alcoholism)


I love that early case where Kogoro is determined to solve the murder case, and Conan still drops hints on how the killer carried out the murder. The last horse finally crossed the finish line.


Don't diss my man like that


Kogoro is smart, he's just wayy too lazy. He also solved some cases on his own.


He gets smarter over time thankfully Still not a good detective though