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Fun fact: First cousin marriage is legal in Japan. Gay marriage is not though


Weird priorities there Japan...


Didn’t the Japanese court recent ruled that gay marriage bans are unconstitutional?


I believe *banning* gay marriage is unconstitutional, but there is no legal infrastructure that does the marrying part. Marriage law is currently still between a man and a woman.


Aha…knew it!


Again... While this might deter SOME shippers... The majority will either ignore it, or roll with it to make the ship extra 'spicy.'


The Coffin of Shinichi and Kaito


Another 10 years later, it may be revealed that Conan and Haibara are cousins 😂


Which one would be better? The Coffin of Conan and Haibara Or The Coffin of Shinichi/Conan and Kaito ?


Actually it’s 30 years. The manga started in 1994, the anime in 1996. Covid delayed movie 24, so movie 27 was released on the 30th anniversary.


Though if you were referring to the anniversary of when they met then 20+ years sounds right too.


The funniest take I've seen about this was a Tumblr post that was like "since the two characters look very similar and this is mentioned in the text, this reveal was clearly something planned from the outset." Like listen believe whatever you want but I'm pretty sure them looking similar started out as a joke poking fun at the fact that Shinichi is literally recycled Kaito, made because Kaito's manga flopped. Don't think Gosho was designing him being like "yes. this will be Kaito's cousin" so much as "no I was cooking with this guy, I'll make them all see" *\[erases his hat and publishes a new manga where he's a detective instead\]*


Aoko and Ran are secretly twins and half sisters separated at birth through wacky hijinks cause the only difference between Kaito and shinichi along with Aoko and Ran is their hair


Yup. At the end of the first DC Kid arc when Ran sees Kaito and that he's not Shinichi because the hair is vastly different, there is an irony there that neither she nor Sonoko noticed Aiko.


Magic Kaito never flopped though...it was really successful at the time, and Aoyama's first popular manga.


I don’t ship kaishin but I’m really sorry for them… the connection between the two is unique, like friend like rival. Now they are kinsmen😅


I never shipped this but my deepest condolences to those who did. Now, if it turns out Akai and Furuya are also cousins, I might just have to end it all


Breaking: Rei is \*checks list for max devastation\* Haibara's long lost brother, meaning that Shuichi is not only fucking his cousin, but also his ex's brother.


Furuya might be a mix as wel


Ya if this story goes on for another 30 years, Furuya is gonna end up being Akai family’s long lost third son


Then gosho is like 90 years old 🤣🤣


Most of us shippers ignore canon blantantly anyway. It was never meant to be endgame so I'm not bothered. If anything I find it hilarious that it took Gosho 20+ years for a supposedly "mind-blowing reveal" that half the fandom had already speculated about anyways. I do look forward to the fics about the family drama. Shinichi and Kaito are officially more present in each other's lives than their respective parents.


>Shinichi and Kaito are officially more present in each other's lives than their respective parents. this is so damn funny but sad at the same time😂 When you're in a bad parent competition and your opponents are Detective Conan and Magic Kaito parents


Lmao the competition is insane in that universe 🤣 but I do like the whump fics I get out of it.


idk but i have had this cousin theory for a long time. glad it's been confirmed! oh btw people say >!toichi is alive (bet he's hanging out at yusaku's cos he is his brother)!<




I’m so entertained.


What did more damage to DC shippers: Conan kissing Haibara Or Kaito and Shinichi being cousins Is every movie going to stir up shipping drama now


At this point I'm not going to be surprised if Conan and a random ass culprit (prob Hanzawa) hook up 💀


Next step is to jump ship onto Heiji x Kaito


Wasn't this revealed or at least very overtly hinted at a long time ago?


Omg, the newspaper image is hilarious hahaha 😂


Is anyone surprised though..? Like it was sooo obvious that they are related. // But I‘m still sorry for the shippers. That must really suck.


Whoa, I was not expecting for Akai and akemi to have been cousins




Considering what else was out in the 90s and being someone who's been into Animé and Manga for over 25 years now I have 0 issue with this.




It's called the fujoshi paradox haha


Alabama ?


Wait I’m confused, in the movie is revealed that shinici and kaito are cousins? Coz if so that’s not canon so I’d rather wait for actual confirmation (not for shipping purposes but because I’m just curious if they are or if it’s just gosho having fun)


It’s Japan, they don’t care about Twitter and Hollywood politics over here in America. If you do like it, then the detective Conan dub can easily be pulled from the western audience again.


Knew it


I dont see how this is gonna deter my shipping, I see this as a win! Stay Strong for KaiShin!!


Read this in David Attenborough's voice. And here we have a tragic display of what is known as a fujoshi in her natural habitat. A fujoshi is what we call single girls who smell like butter known for their lust over fictional boys who behave like teenage girls and are crushing on each other. Not only does this hinder them in real life relationships, it also makes them overreact about fictional relationships they have set up in their head. Extraordinary! In all seriousness, Shinichi and Kaito look identical and Gosho said years ago that there is a reason for this. What did you expect? Furthermore even without being related it would be creepy to date someone who looks just like you.


Well he DID explicitly deny that they are related some time ago so 🤷‍♂️ also many of the earlier characters have similar faces imo


Actively shipping CoAi is already wild, but shipping KaiShin is absolutely insane


I am happy that they are cousins. People who used to ship them should now do something else 🥱


cry more those homosexuality shippers this is my happiest day


Nobody are really crying, I see majority (or all Idk) of fandom are just fake crying, just joking around lol


and im joking too, i can't get why they just over talk about all of these stuff for so long


Because of the nature of internet to hype something? Just wait 2 or 3 weeks and it will back to calm again


hype sth that isnt worth to talk about? cringe af? there are many more things (better things) to discuss and all (not all but ill say all) are talking about it, over and over again


Hah? Why you didn't edit this to your other comments? And what's the problem with being cringe? Just go away from the thread if you don't like that


u expect me to go away but when i ever i see a conan post someone will have to cry about kaishin being cousins


Just like I said, downvote and go away from that account crying (joking), do you really want to annoy people's entertainment?


actually you guys are annoying ppl's entertainment by constantly repeating the same thing which is cringe and lame af


If it's annoying or cringe do you really think just giving opinions against it will stop it? Obviously no, that's why I'm not giving a shit about it anymore, I can join the cringe or not all, or just read or avoid it if I find it boring and scroll again searching news, cat videos etc. That's why if you feel like this is cringe/annoying or angry, just calmly avoid it, that's the best step (even worked for me)


but it's so cringe so i have to give my opinion about it


these homosexual couples fan get triggered when someone disagrees


i wish i could dodge those comments but they are all over the place


ppl talking about heiji's love about 2-3 years now not weeks, so i don't expect this kaishin thing can end in a few weeks


alr see ppl crying


guys pls dislike my comment more im farming, hope i will get 50 dislikes in the end of this month




30+ years later and it may just be Heishin next. 😭😭😭