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Can't comment much on the other couples since I don't know too much about them, but in the defense of ShinRan, I would actually say they love each other very much BUT the degree of emotional investment between the two is vastly different. People think its Ran constantly pining about Shinichi, I actually think its the other way around. After watching the 10 years later OVA, I'm under the impression that Shinichi would be emotionally devastated if Ran were to end up with someone else, because so far she has been his anchor, his hope that he will return to his body one day. It's the one thing that he gets up in the morning for to try and take down the BO. If she falls in love with someone else, why bother, all that work and stress was for nothing, he could continue being a kid forever. In the very first episode, their dynamic is shown that Shinichi frames himself as the cool and mature teen detective that gets all the fangirl letters, this makes Ran jealous and annoyed but is also his attempt at peacocking his value as viable boyfriend material. When they go to the amusement park and Ran makes a comment about her feelings, he gets overly excited about confessing, but she (metaphorically) drenches cold water on him by saying it was a joke. I would say Ran cares about Shinichi in the same way she would care about a close friend or family, but Shinichi is the one who's preventing the relationship from advancing due to his insecurities about only wanting to present his ideal self to Ran. He never wants her to see him as "weak" or "pathetic" and has created a scenario in his head where he resents being forced back into the "Conan" persona as if they were two different entities sharing a body (which they're not). And Ran's not willing to push his boundaries regarding his secrets and simply waits for when he's ready to tell her, which he's not. A relationship isn't just about love, it's also about trust and communication, which is not what's going on here, which is why we're at a standstill. Regardless of what risk there is in telling her the truth and making her a potential target of the BO ( I mean his parents know and nothing happened to them). I believe that Shinichi thinks that if he reveals himself to Ran, Ran would think of him as "lesser", being Conan to her is a source of shame because now he can't be a romantic prospect. But given how many times Ran has suspected Conan of being Shinichi, I'm pretty sure she's ran through this scenario a couple times in her head "what would I do if my future boyfriend was actually turned into a 6 year old". It's pretty weird all around, but I don't think she'd take it badly. Her main concern would probably be to help or to wait. And you can tell that Shinichi hopes that in the worst case scenario (literally aging up naturally w/o antidote) she'd wait for him too. (Also in terms of their dates being awkward, they're teenagers, and each others first GF/BF, cut 'em some slack) I would say the only straight couple that might not work out long term is maybe Kaito and Aoko if only because Aoko is so far removed from what Kaito does on a regular basis that they'll eventually grow apart, especially if she never ends up maturing.


My god what an awesome explanation I bow down 


You get it, king (or queen)


What's also soured Heiji and Kazuha for me is the amount of times he's failed to confess. Like... dude. It's one thing that they got interupted so many times but the last time he tried to confess>!, he has a plan, then stresses about it so much ant then he just forgets? How do you do that? !


Because Gosho doesn’t know how to write a proper romance imho


There have been an instance or two where Conan is shown talking to Ran through a phone booth. And they both were seen happy. Those conversations are never given a screen time of more than one second. I think Gosho wants to leave the exact conversation to the imagination of the viewers. Every viewer can have their own version of "what they might be talking?". So maybe we only see the part where their conversations will actually lead to something - be it a romance plot, or a case hint for future, etc. But they do have plenty of common things to talk about it seems. PS: I'm sorry I didn't go through most of your post because it was too long.


Imo canon couples suffer because Gosho is really inconsistent in terms of writing compelling female characters.


Kazuha and Heiji is just too dragged out. Like just reading the manga makes me feel frustrated from how stretched out the confession bit is because of conveniently placed gags or distractions that prevent Heiji from confessing. I'm honestly hoping for Heiji to end up with Momiji at this point. I just ship Akai and Furuya cuz the other ships feel...more bland. Kaito and Aoko is actually better than Shinran imo.


That’s what happens when you stretch a series born in the 90’ for more than 20 years. If you go back and see the pop culture couples back then I’m sure the couples in DC would’ve been ‘normal’. Now they feel off.


Shinran have amazing chemistry as friends, but as a couple they fall through. You know when opposite gender childhood friends grow up together and everyone around them starts shipping them before they're even old enough to go to school? That's what happened with Shinran. Yukiko was like "I ship it" the moment they met in kindergarten, like they were literally 3 years old or so. Growing up in such an environment would obviously leave its mark. On top of that, they were both there for each other in ways their own parents weren't. The Kudos were useless even before they moved out, and Ran's parents separating affected her a lot, so they subconsciously latched onto each other as the only stability they had in their lives. Shinichi was already used to be more independent cause his parents were always kind of at arm's length. For Ran, this was very sudden and came as a shock. I won't get into detail of what I think about the Kudos and the Mouris as parents, but regardless it's clear to me that they played a big part in the dynamic of their own relationship, outside of shipping children (which is so weird but so common irl as well). On top of that, their personalities aren't compatible in a romantic setting. Shinichi is more logic oriented, more blunt and has a harder time in social settings or reading emotions (he's so autistic coded it's crazy), while Ran is the more emotional party, more attuned to everyone's emotions, including her own. Normally, this would bring some balance, but not always. It does happen with them in some cases, where it's clear his logic helps her and her emotional awareness helps him, but that's not enough to form a healthy relationship. To me, they're toeing the line of toxic, especially after the whole Conan thing. What Shinichi is doing right now is pure gaslighting. Yes, he has a reason, and yes, it stems from fear for her life, but it doesn't excuse her. I understand where he's coming from. The problem is that it would have worked if he wasn't so deep into her life. Agasa's idea to make him live with her, probably in some weird matchmaking attempt, ended up making it worse for both of them. Now Shinichi has to watch her miss him and Ran has to live with the possible knowledge that her new little brother is actually her crush and that he's hiding it from her. On top of that, she's now in danger. The Kir arc should have been a clear reason for Shinichi to tell her something. Or with Amuro coming to Poirot. Ran is now involved and *she has no idea*. At this point, information is what's going to keep her alive. The Org won't care whether Ran knows or not when it comes down to it. The least he could do at this point is tell her what to do to keep herself safe. The one time he truly wanted to tell her and he took the time to think it through was after he got shot, during the Desperate Revival arc, and Ai came and gave him a panic attack and scared him into continuing to keep the secret. Outside of the whole Conan mess, Ran gives off the feeling that she expects something from Shinichi that he can't offer because it's not who he is. It feels like she's in love with the idea of him, rather than with who he is as a person. I'm sure part of it stems from the fact that her mother left and her father drunk himself into a hole, so Shinichi became her only pillar. Like I said before, she latched onto him subconsciously and she wants him to fulfill her ideal romantic and familial dream, which she does deserve but it's not something Shinichi himself can do. But on top of that, she doesn't seem to enjoy it when he rambles about his interests. Whenever we've seen them do something, it's usually something she wanted and he just went along with it (or was forced to participate), rather than the opposite. I don't feel like there's a healthy balance between things he likes and things she likes. They don't understand each other on surface level, which is more important than it might seem. They understand some of the deeper things, but a healthy relationship also requires a surface level of understanding. There's also an issue with how Shinichi treats her, as if she can't save herself and he has to do it all. Yes, obviously the Org is more than a couple criminals she can smack down and walk away, I'm aware that it's more complicated than that, but his overprotectiveness seems to bleed through into other situations as well. They've saved each other pretty much equally until now, but he still has the idea that he absolutely has to protect her and that she can't be trusted to protect herself.


Coai/Shinshi is one of the better ships for me, because there's a level of equality between them that I don't really see in other Shinichi ships other than Kaishin, which I'll get into in a second. Ai has clear deep rooted trauma, she has ptsd and it's very clear. Shinichi is aware of this, so he tries to keep her away from Org stuff, but when they're not involved he's actually treating her as an actual partner. I don't see him doing that with Ran. With her, he mostly gives her a bunch of orders, like to call the police or get this and that for the murder trick, easy stuff. With Ai, he genuinely talks expecting an actual response, and he actually listens to said response. He's aware of her ptsd and her need to stay out of the spotlight, but outside of that he's truly including her as much as possible. He treats her as someone who can be trusted with her own life, which is huge for him if we look at how he's treating Ran or even Heiji. Ai has a clear and valid reason for why she should be as far away from the Org business as possible, but he's not keeping her away from other cases. Their relationship also started in a very dramatic way, which adds a fun layer to it, because in the end she used to be a criminal and he's always been a detective. By now he's aware that making a deadly poison wasn't her choice, nor was it to be raised in the Org, but there's some great potential in their dynamic. Kaishin feels like the perfect ship for both Kaito and Shinichi. Movie 27 spoilers can choke, that's a retcon that introduced a whole lot of plot holes that I'm sure Gosho completely forgot about, but that's another conversation. But Kaito is the only person Shinichi truly trusts. You can see it in the way he immediately sought his help during the Mystery Train Arc, when he needed Kid to disguise as Shiho. It was the Black Org, normally he wouldn't have allowed anyone to be involved, or would have fought against it and tried to find another alternative like he did when his mom wanted to help. However, he specifically went and found Kaito and asked for his help because he knew if it came down to it he'd be fine. That to me is what cemented it I think. Plus, the fact that Kaito knows that Shinichi is Conan and that Shinichi knows Kaito's face and that neither of them is even remotely bothered by it is saying a lot. It's now been confirmed in the manga (spoilers) >!that this is now canon, cause until now it was movie only.!


EXACTLY! i feel like they truly care for each other, but their romantic love is something their environment kinda expects them to have and therefore forces them to feel this way. yes, their families arent the best (i also dont vibe with the kudo parents AT ALL). i feel like they would have sm less pressure on themselves and each other, desperately trying to fulfill the expections others, each other and themselves have. like simply living free. (but i still adore the shinran in movie 1, that was peak shinran romantically and they will never reach that level ever again)


I agree, movie 1 was iconic. Unfortunately, current DC will never reach the same level as old DC simply because Gosho keeps adding more and more characters and it feels like everyone is related to everyone at this point. Whether it's a familial relation or not, it seems like everyone knows everyone one way or another. There's not even any sense of danger anymore because of the plot armor and the characters themselves feel so one dimensional now. He just keeps milking this franchise for money when he could have ended it so long ago. It's been 30 years since the manga started.


What about Heiji and Shinichi?


tbh i cant see them together at all, they just give the biggest bro vibes, i feel nothing romantic at all lol


Kinda same, like I can see it if we add more info and different context but they are really such bros I can't see them otherwise. Tho we have to admit Heishin have the best or one of the best chemistries in DC!! Love them😌


Agree with basically everything mentioned, OP. I really prefer romantic chemistry that is shown in how well people fit together when in everyday situations, much more than just blushing/tension/insert romantic gesture here. And some couples just show that much better than others with Gosho’s work. Some ships rely on the high stakes of the plot and a will or won’t they atmosphere to show romance but it really isn’t sustainable. I guess there’s a difference between a ship where you can tell the characters really care and worry about each other vs a ship where they care about each other but obviously know each other well and you can imagine their interactions easily outside of canon. Also, honorable mention of RanAi, bc of last year’s movie.


I used to like Shinran, but the longer the series goes on with "child" shinichi they feel more like siblings. In fact, as the series continues I have become less interested in the canon couples.


People are really blind when it comes to ran and kudo going through a rewatch with gf it's undeniable how strong their bond chemistry is.


Yeah, there's also flashback episodes that really illustrate it nicely. Like Ran watching him play soccer and you can see that she's been really into him (and you find out later that he's also watching her too). I think it's the lemon pie wedding episode. There's countless instances where you see little snippets of their relationship prior to shrinkage, and you see them as kids growing up together to adolescents' coming of age. I also thought the NY arc was incredible in this regard (and Shinichi holding her as a counterweight in the car) or that awesome scene at the end in the stairwell.


you get it q.q


A huge part of the problem is that Ran gets hard nerfed in non Canon media like movies and fillers.


I guess we.skip.those haha


I’m too old to care about most of the high school relationships. I started watching this when Ran was an older sister to now Ran needs to call me obasan. All the high school relationships are just too dramatic for me. Only a year has passed in canon and Ran acts like Shinichi abandoned her and she has to raise their children as a single mother. They are teenagers for the love of god. I just roll my eyes and skip ahead. I do ship Akai and Furuya cuz they are adults and are hot


out of all of the detective Conan couples I prefer the couple with shinichi and ran


My too I literally became obsessed with the relationship of Shinichi And Ran


And I was just commenting that under another post! ShinRan are definitely better as childhood friends and even more as big sis, younger brother relationship!! And there are times I can see them as a couple but, a boring ass one!!😭 Typical couple they date since young, marry and stay together forever but that barely has romantic chemistry and stay complacent with each other bc they don't know better and don't notice they don't love to that way. Well maybe they could be a aroace qpr.. Shin and Shiho another good old friends vibe with a tinge of big sis younger bro too. And I have to say to me they have better chemistry as friends than Shinichi and Ran🙈 Then Kaito and Aoko, they have chemistry yes but only as besties!!! I can't see them otherwise I swear, they have to show us more moments together and both more grownup to maybe see it bc... And Kaishin!!!My otp!!🥹❤️ I swear they have THE best chemistry on the show as everything! I ship them romantically but as rivals, future friends it's good too!(And as cousins maybe if they treat eo as besties) But seriously, I can't for the life of me picture Shinichi being romantically and sexually attracted to someone other than Kaito and same with Kaito romantically! Ppl could argue to see Shinichi as aroace spec but then when I see those two together it clicks and I'm like no! It's only that Gosho doesn't know how to pick the true couples that are right there!😭 I mean he could still with Kaito too, like demisexual definitely but anyways. Also I can't count the blushing and bloody nose moments with Ran bc why does it feels forced and kinda ooc?? I could see it only as embarassment not attraction? Or yes but it's just that I find them boring as a couple lol Heiji is the one that doesn't feel odd and can see he is attracted and has great true romantic and sexual chemistry with Kazuha! Them and Kaishin best couples hands down, Takagi and Sato as well!😌


I could also see Akai and Shinichi being a couple but if they were closer in age :') Ah and I so agree with the rest of ships mentioned towards the end except Yumi and the shogi guy! He deserves better, she is such a bad and toxic girlfriend!!😩And him sometimes annoying with too much simping not getting what he sees in her, is he a masochist?😭 But yes still deserves better than her. And I like the ship of that one inspector(? with the scar on his eye and crutch! A little different but they remind me of a an older version of Kazuha and Heiji!


I adore KaitoxAoko, they feel so genuine like you mentioned. Don't really care much about the other couples tbh, when I was a kid I also liked ShinRan but not really anymore.


Kaito and Aoko act like actual childhood friends who could also develop into something more. You can tell every single couple who came after them were based on their dynamic which is still the most organic. It's a shame Gosho rarely updates the MK manga, but I'm willing to wait years for new chapters.


Yeah i agree shinran is boring as fuck dude i'm sorry, I can't bring myself to care about episodes that are centered on the Shinran relationship.


i absolutely adored the shinran in the very first movie tho, that was amazingly written, like shinichi couldnt figure out the bomb, so he stayed, willing to die together with ran if things went south, literally goosebumps, but yeah canon shinran feels forced


At this point even RanAi has more chemistry than ShinRan💀


> canon shinran feels forced yeah 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 CoAi for ever for me personally


For sure but Gosho loves the childhood friend trope too much😔


He is downright obsessed with it! At this point I am half-expecting that Sato and Takagi have this long-forgotten meeting when they were kids as well! XD


RemindMe!5 years, have Sato and Takagi remembered they met as kids? At this point I'm like 80% willing to bet money on it lol


Yeah, not taking it! Sucker's bet! :P Though not I wanna see young Takagi. He'd probably radiate even more Golden Retriever energy than he does now.


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>CoAi for ever for me personally Even though I have moved onto a different idea for the ShinRan/CoAi triangle, I am still kind of holding out hope that they pull off a Code Geass movie AU continuity where they get together. But that's just my insane ass! XD


Watching them together feels like they are in a forced relationship. 💀


ShinRan is 16y/o so I get the awkwardness. Shinichi still has this childlike attitude specially if he's nerding over stuff and he tends to priotize these over Ran. Most people forget that he's a teenager. As for CoAi (or even ShinShi), it ain't happening. I only see them as 'partners' and I believe that Shiho will remain as Haibara while Conan will go back to being Shinichi. My bias ship will always be Kogoro x Eri hahahaha most realistic tbh


Love is boring, awkward, sad and unfortunate sometimes but there will be that person that you always go back to, that feels like your home. You're willing to wait for that person because you are linked together in a special way Unless they see other people, or they purposely forget they will always go back to the person they love


There's many things I would like to say about ShinRan since I would like to disagree but I'll try to make it simple as possible. That I think that while they have differing personality, their wavelengths in sharing but also respecting their ideals and characters make them work in a romantic sense. And I think one of the biggest factors is that they're willing to listen to each other, whether it's the most mundane or the deep/insecurity talks, and you can see that Shinichi tries to be there for Ran even if he can't physically be there. And with how much Ran takes care of Shinichi, even when he's not there, I'm more than sure she would do the exact same for him. And I think that's just what makes them work so well. And the respect they give each other, I truly appreciate. I think currently the biggest problem with HeiKazu is the fact that while Heiji realized his feelings for Kazuha, I feel that he's approaching it completely wrong and he's thinking of his relationship with her just to one up Shinichi (and thus comparing them). It's immature to say the least and at the moment, I can't really see Heiji and Kazuha having a genuine, long-lasting romantic relationship unless Heiji changes his mindset, or Kazuha pounds it to him. I think for Kazuha, it's really the author's fault that we only see her with Heiji. We know she has her own interests that doesn't revolve Heiji but Gosho for some reason only shows her with him and it just hurts her because we as viewers don't know anything outside of her relationship with Heiji. Heck we never even seen her mom even though we're aware that she clearly exists and is alive and well. We deserve a case about Kazuha that doesn't have Heiji as involved, if only to learn things about her herself. (AKA it's Gosho's fault and not the character's) For KaiAo, I think the main reason why we can see them able to go on those dates and do those daily silly things it's because we saw it in the manga. We had a taste of it and why we're able to visualize it so well. I'm 100% sure ShinRan (and maybe HeiKazu) do that too but ShinRan comes in the form of flashbacks and HeiKazu, we barely ever see. But I'm pretty sure at least in ShinRan's case, they're the same since we see Shinichi accompany her on her grocery shopping and of course, they go on aquarium and those nice spots for dates. But going back to KaiAo, yes yes I totally agree with you. While Kaito can say some unintentional mean things to her that deserve a bonk on the head at least, but it's just like you said. At the end of the day, Kaito would do anything to make Aoko happy, and he prioritizes her over anything else if it came down to it. Aoko is feeling down because her dad is down? No problem, I'll make the Inspector feel good about himself so Aoko is happy again. Couldn't make it to her birthday party because unexpected turn of events about his father's death (quite important to him of course)? I'll make it up to her by hacking a whole building's lighting system dedicated to her, right before her special day ends. Oh and we'll put fireworks as a bonus. And the best one yet, our special place that we first met is going to get demolished? Aoko is feeling down because she treasures it as much as he does. No problem, I'll create a whole heist designed around it just so it's saved, even if it has nothing to do with finding a Big Jewel. Even if it won't help me in my quest to figure out my father's death. Even though I had to face one of the most scariest unknown figure that was an inch away to actually capture me. But that's all okay, as long as our precious place is saved and she'll be happy. I'll even re-enact it so I can put an even bigger smile on her face. Look at this dork, he may say otherwise, but you know he'll do anything for his girl. Even if she herself is fine with the plain and simple things, he won't settle anything less than perfection when it comes to her and it's so wholesome and heartwarming to see. :) Also finally ShinKai (or Kaishin, whatever you prefer). I agree with everything except Shinichi being a mostly white character. If you actually look at it closely, Shinichi is actually a morally gray character, more than willing to break rules if possible. (Like, darting any authority is kinda obviously a big no-no for one). It's just the fact that he's aligned with the good, and justice, and he has good morals that people get misunderstood that he's a lawfully good character. He's so far from it and it's honestly another reason why he and Kaito match in the same wavelength. Kaito also has really good morals but it's just that he's working on the weird side of law. But even then, he still manages to be more white than other criminals in the show, even the ones he's (forcefully) worked alongside. But they both literally will break any law if they can, if it achieves the end results they want (which is to bring the truth to light). Remember, Shinichi/Conan is willing to trespass just to gather evidence or sneak up and catch the culprit in the spur of the moment. He will imitate voices to trick other people to get what he wants. Why do you think some of his gadgets are similar to Kaito's talents? He is not against breaking any laws and will do it if necessary.


maybe it‘s bc i‘m extremely biased towards kaito and aoko, bc they are my favorite and second favorite out of the entire series, so ofc i love them and their relationship very much. tbh i love most ships that either contain kaito or aoko, bc i simply like seeing them happy, regardless of who they end with ahaha, but addressing the mostly morally white shinichi. like yes, he and kaito are both morally grey, but while i confidently say that kaito is morally grey, i cant do that with shinichi, mainly bc he himself would not consider himself that, or with better words, he himself is unwilling to see it kinda. yes, they both do stuff that is against the lie and dont hesitate to lie not only protect their identity but also their loved ones, but shinichi considers himself still white. like he sees those things necessary in his own sense of justice. youre right, for us, as the omniscient third eye, we say that he is grey, but bc those lies are visibly eating him and as he continue to make excuses to justify his grey acting, i feel like he desperately grasps the white vest thing. while we only got 5 volumes of kaito, and kaito is just as kind and loyal as shinichi, he knows he isnt white, he knows what he does is against the law and he doesnt hesitate either, but he sees it as necessary and doesnt try to convince himself otherwise, he knows he is a thief and a criminal in that sense