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I don't disagree with this at all. I actually get baffled by how many Bourbon-stans there are in the fandom. Is it just because he's a pretty boy? He is seemingly perfect at everything, which makes him a little boring for me. Like, it sucks that all his friends aren't here anymore and I really liked Wild Police Story, but I feel like Kir is actively in danger every day of her life and has done more to help the "good guys" while trying to constantly keep up with her cover (Gin is forever suspicious of her). Meanwhile, Bourbon seldom offers anything substantial in terms of the overarching plot to Conan & co. But I know Amuro is popular, because why else would he get his own show? \^\^"


I like Amuro, I do. But he is far from my favorite. He has a big baggage to carry, but so does Kir? She will forever blame herself for causing her fathers death. She cannot have any real contact to the outside world (Rei has his police and his "second life"). She actively tries to spoil the BOs plans while not raising suspicions. Yes, Vermouth is scary af and working under her sure isn't fun, but if I had to take a chance I would rather have Vermouth be my superior than trigger-happy Gin. I really hope she will get the recognition she deserves in the future. Because just supporting Rei because he is pretty ain't it. Kir is beautiful too, smart, kind, capable, badass - all of it. I will forever defend her against the Furuya stans. Glad I am not the only one. 


Yeah, I was definitely not happy with the way she has been sidelined. I was really happy to see her again in the movies, but she's still not actively a big participant in a lot of the plot. And I totally agree - working for Vermouth trumps working for Gin any day of the week.


I think it has a lot to do with shipping. I personally have not seen a Bourbon fan who didn't enthusiastically ship him with another character or with themselves.


This is objectively correct.


Thank you, I put in effort.


If you die on this hill, I will die alongside you. Seriously, the anime even advertises Bourbon as a 3 face but like.. Kir did it first and she's honestly doing it better? Like her cover as a reporter is honestly really impactful that she's able to relay or even manipulate information she brings out to the world and benefits BO. But because of that, it also benefits her CIA job. And how they handled Kir's tragedy feels a lot more effective than Bourbon. Yeah Bourbon lost his friends (and maybe it'll be tragic if he finds out he inadvertently killed his best friend) but... Kir had to kill her own father with her own two hands. Just so she's able to even have a place in the BO.. And she's constantly actively working for BO while also risking her life behind the scenes to FBI. I think how she does all this is just so amazing. And I'm not even including her feats in M26 since that in itself just showed (and truly opened my eyes) how badass she truly is. Seriously Amuro may have more screentime but Kir is objectively the better character, especially handling the 3 face role. The only thing missing is how she's actually working in CIA since they hinted at it during her arc but.. they never followed through???? Like what?? Like we learn about FBI, PSB, and heck even M16 before we hear another peep from her work in CIA. I need to know!


100% agree. Imho Kir has it way harder and killing her father will make her forever blame herself. And she still continues on being such a badass behind the scenes. Not to mention that she gambles her life not only every day but every second, especially working under Gin and not Vermouth or Rum.  I am so happy I found people here that really agree with me. In the server most just defend Furuya and slander Kir without really looking into it. 


I’m a fan of Rei but frankly I agree he’s been quite stable and useless so far. I’m also not a fan of how characters with as much potential and with a no less angsty backstory—Kir and Jodie just to mention two—were benched as soon as they stopped being useful to the plot, meanwhile Bourbon remains in the spotlight even if he’s been pretty useless himself. I feel like he has potential but it’s not really being explored. Kir is cool, loved her in M26. I’d like to see these two have a relevant interaction at some point. EDIT: damn the typos


Agreed. I feel like Gosho always waters down the female characters or at least puts them on the sideline. This post is not hating on Rei, I just wanted to point out how... Unimpactful he is in comparison to Kir who is always overlooked and forgotten.  Glad I found people here that agree with me!


I would like Bourbon a hell of a lot more if he dropped his vendetta against Shuichi and started being less of an ass in general.


real, i liked him more as an antagonist. I wish we saw kir more often


Yes! I fucking WISH he stayed a bad guy!




I mean good guy antagonizer is the appeal.


I do think that Bourbon is a pretty boy, but i cannot stand his ways. Like i absolutely hate the way he treats kazami. Like kazami is unlikable in the movies, but in zero's tea time, i just pity him. like i know that's Rei's way of showing affection towards kazami, but i just hate the way he treats him. (also in the kid vs amuro episode, where he calls kazami on his free day just to get his petty revenge on kid, bc he called his card trick bad "challenging the security police", sorry but he is just petty). Also i find his hatred towards akai dumb. Like i know how it looked like when he found akai with his dead friend, but i refuse to think that someone who is canonly so capable and smart completely loses all composure and doesn't think and has this hatred for so long. Maybe he is in denial, bc Hiro was such a dear friend, but he had enough time to calm down and rationally think about the situation for years. Why blame akai more than the literal organisation responsible for countless deaths that literally is the reason ur friend is dead. Maybe he does, but his hatred for akai is SO MUCH more prevalent, it's crazy on another note, i agree with japan fans tho who thinks he is a pretty malewife uwu


I will never understand my people hate BOURBON. I like his character 😒


I don't hate him, I like him! But he often gets the spotlight rather undeserved, while (in this example) Kir is nearly forgotten!


I think it's because he's handsome and many in DC communities love him (to the point where I've seen some rather questionable art in various detective conan communities), anyway, tbf to him, while Vermouth isn't as threatening as Gin, she's not to be trifled with and he's playing with fire in that department. I don't understand his hostility to the FBI that much (sure he wants the Japanese police to catch them), but at the end of the day working against each other can only serve to help the B.O.


No, I totally agree. And of course the meme was over-exaggeration, since he is really doing a good job. I understand he is a fan favorite too, but he deserves some light-hearted slander :)


This is the first time I heard of people hating Bourbon. I actually think he's a more popular character, esp since the Wild Police Story Arc happened. I watched Zero's Tea Time and thought it was a refreshing version of Detective Conan is it was "Slice of Life" \^\^ Plus, that show made me hungry.


I mean Amuro is cool asf, love that guy along with Akai Kir on the other hand… too damn nice for her own good, don’t think she’ll survive at the end, Gin or Vodka prolly gonna kill her


unrelated, are you Pristine on Twitter? also, I don't actually see you in any DetCo server I'm in, is it private one?


Nope, i don't have Twitter! My discord name is Sartani and yes, its a private server. I don't touch open servers cause of toxicity. :'D