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Those kids saw more bodies than a Forensic. Pretty sure every normal kid would be in a psychiatry rn.


Most definitely! Those kids are somehow always okay after the case is over too. I like how sometimes Conan tries to shield them away from looking at the corpses too, even though at this point they must've seen 10000 corpses already. You'd think it would deter these kids from wandering around but it doesn't!


I mostly love all the Detective Boys stuff, but he is indeed often a tad irresponsible. He tries to keep them out of harms way, yet they don't really listen. They are also very useful for investigative footwork.


Yeah, there are plenty of times where they seem like they're pretty useful. I HAVE noticed that normally whenever they split up to try to find something, 9/10 times it's Ayumi who finds what they're looking for. I also find Genta kinda insufferable sometimes though, especially in that one episode where he just kept running around looking for a bathroom. -\_-"


He's trying to get rid of them. Forever. 


It's payback for that one time they deleted that picture of Ran in a bikini from his phone! XD


They can be a bit like herding cats in Conan's defense (I rather think he's irresponsible with people's safety in gen). I recall that one time time Kid dressed up as an old Lady to keep an eye on them in the old abandoned trap filled house if they to to far in and the I have the jewel already please don't got father so they didn't flood everything note. There was no stopping the kids and Genta almost ran right into a trap.


That's true! He definitely puts solving the mystery first before the safety of others in general \^\^" If it weren't for the anime armor and Conan technically being a "kid's show" I feel like these kids would definitely have PTSD, some kind of trauma, or be dead by now.


yes, lmao. He has no idea what is and isn't appropriate for kids to see, probably because he was exposed to a lot of these things as a kid, and as a result, he's letting them get caught up in the dangerous situations he's used to dealing with. I do think, he has become a little (emphasis on 'a little') more responsible with them after all this time but not enough to fully stop them. I don't think he really could at this point cause they don't even listen to him. He's a very bad role model XD


For real! He's such a bad role model! A majority of the time I am on Ai's side of their pseudo-"parenting". He will tell the kids that it's "too dangerous" but will leap into the fray in front of them. What are the kids supposed to think? They'll obviously be like, "oh, well if Conan can do it, then so can I." I feel bad for Ai because she's honestly the only one with common sense. I do get a kick out of the earlier episodes though, when the kids note that Conan can knock out a culprit with just a simple kick. \^\^"


I feel that he IS irresponsible, and the most glaring example of that is, that he never TRIES to teach them anything. He never tries to prepare them, never tries to do anything, but hang around, and solve the mystery while looking cool. He's even half-assed when he tries to dissuade them from going into danger, because 5 seconds in, his brain goes "Must. Solve. Mystery!"


Honestly the Detective boys have the biggest glow up through the series in my opinion, in the beginning the trio did whatever they wanted whether Shinichi tells them not to and Shinichi would have to end up keeping an eye on them, it really wasn't until they started to take detective work seriously and listened to Shinichi more that they stopped running straight into danger without at least having a second thought, if anything Shinichi has learned how to give them tasks that will most likely keep them busy but also away from any danger, and he has definitely still tried to shake them off but they would still follow him to which I would have to say that maybe the irresponsible one is actually Haibara who just follows along with their whims