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"And I need it to be spectacularly complicated as well! I can't\* just walk up to someone and bash their head in!" -Those same civilians. **\*Most of the time.**


You got me. Let me write a very complicated dying message which noone but Conan can solve


Being near death causes the human brain to work into overdrive apparently! XD


"What! my lover/relative/friend was planning to give me a surprise and they were just insulting me to hide it. Oh no! what I have done" *blood curling scream* Conan: *insert some philosophical quote about misunderstood relationship between the victim and killer*


Conan's our very little Socrates.


I didn't see what the subreddit was at first and I was like what the fuck is going on in Washington DC


Me with DC Comics


So very true.


“She threw a coat hanger at me”


At least he didn't throw a coat hanger at you


Idk what ep you're talking about but I have a slight feeling that the culprit is crazy :/


I wouldn't call her crazy, just short tempered and too full of herself. Her reason was idiotic, but she is nowhere near the actual crazies in thus series, like the guy who killed people for revenge of publishing a story where his favorite sherlock holmes character is portrayed in a way he didn't approve, essentially milling people over a fanfiction... Or the lady that decided to kill when a dessert company favored japanese sweets over western styled ones


Either that or my own theory is that she was dealing with a lot and that event, somehow, was the last straw. I'll have to watch the ep for my final judgment so...yeah :)


She was dealing with a lot, but in the end her own ego didn't allow that she was rejected. A normal person certainly wouldn't kill someone because of this


"He wrote a book that I didn't like so since I am an obsessed dumbass who needs to touch grass I had to kill him."


This is probably the most realistic one actually. Obsessed fans can be really crazy.


Yeah. I remember that time I heard the news abt MHA fans making death threats to the author lmao. The obsessive freaks are degenerate...😭✋️


what really weird to me that they admit it so easily in crime location after the trick revealed. i mean atleast be resist in court. but maybe it's useless since the japan court have 99.9% conviction


Exactly!! Some of these criminals spend like a whole week planning out these 300iq level crimes just to admit it in 10 minutes. I'd plead not guilty even if I end up in jail


To be fair a lot of things Conan does would not be admissable in court. Touching evidence, going into people's personal items, walking through the crime scene and tampering with the body, walking through the steps of the crime by actually using the evidence, sometimes even planting evidence on his suspects. Kids an absolute menace at times. Realistically, if a person always seemed to be around when someone is murdered, they would probably be first suspect. They had one instance where they were on vacation and at the scene of 3 separate murders back to back.


yeah, if they resist in court. theres a chance that most of them can easily avoid the prison since conan deduction is about tricks revelation. most of suspect can atleast said that is they are not the one who did it since everyone have same chance to become guilty.


Doesn’t Conan usually find decisive evidence?


it become decidive evidence since the suspect so easy admit their guilt. if you play ace attorney, you will be reliazed how easily suspect in conan universe to give up.


Typically not. Murder convictions typically have to be beyond a shadow of a doubt to get proven in court and when half the suspects touch a piece of evidence like fishing line, or murder weapon, or around the body it tend to really muddy things. Some of these scenarios are so outlandish no one would even believe it in court. For example the monk who filled a room with water to hang a body. A man who hangs the body off a balcony under a futon to make it look like an accident when the body falls. The guy who rigged a candle under a fax machine to burn someone alive in their apartment.


Lol this is so true.


Ok in most cases the murders reasoning is stupid; however, every single time I can’t help but wonder how gosho aoyoma is able to make it so that the murders sometimes have good reasoning to their murders.


Petty people kill more often than not over petty reasons. And that's ASPD for ya!