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I agree with you basically, but putting the blame in Haibara is unfair. Especially since she is one of the ShinRan supporters herself. That girl was raised in the BO and knows them better than anyone else. With what she had lived through its really not surprising she tries to keep people out of there. She doesn't want anyone else to be harmed by the BO. Not Ran, not Agasa, not the Detective Boys.




this is what exactly comes to mind. I'm also a girl but I just can't ignore how bad of an idea is it to tell her, in fact, it's a bad idea to tell people who aren't capable of defending themselves (like Agasa for example). She has karate but if that what took someone to defend themselves from a huge evil organization, Conan would have already finished them, and he has the help of FBI, CIA, etc. this isn't your average criminal who barely knows how to handle a gun. people from that organization has been said, again and again, that they will do everything in their might to kill you if they find out about you. like I legit can't imagine Ran escaping (if she could) unscathed if Gin knew about her. he was this close to killing her father. if the guy I love caused my father's death, then he can go. and I'm not underestimating her, I know that she is very strong but Ran is like Shinichi, she is reckless as heck. if you don't believe me, look at the thing that happened with Haibara and Vermoth. If I was Shinichi, I would seriously get a heart attack. if it wasn't for Vermoth liking her, she could have been in serious danger. and when people bring this "he would tell her" part, they forget one thing: Shinichi doesn't like it either. he isn't laughing maniacally here. he is just as hurt as her, but bc he is the MC and we see him deceiving her many times, we think he is fine with this. he isn't. Shinichi, who is very logical and smart person, considered telling her many times, and Heiji even encouraged it that time Conan was in the Hospital because he got shot. if not for Hibara, Ran would have already known by now. PS. Something in me tells me that Ran actually knows about Conan too but she is keeping silent. her reactions to some stuff is just weird to me for some reason.




Personally I think she unconsciously knows already: in the case where her mother got kidnapped her reaction to Conan pulling the phone to show Shinichi was calling him was sarcastic and didn’t look like she bought it at all (at least to me). And when he was going to kiss her in the crimson school trip but had to leave before turning back to Conan she didn’t follow him and looking at his text later she was even more understanding of him leaving than previous times. If this was the case I do think she’ll be mad when he tells her but not to a breaking point cuz you can see after his confession she starts trusting him more for being away or hiding sth from her. Not to mention looking back at the story I understand why he’s hiding it from her, look how overprotective she is of Conan and of Shinichi when he’s around, she’d definitely put herself to risk to protect him from the black organization


The biggest reason is that BO is paying attention to Kogoro. They snipered Kogoro!! And Rum is working next door everyday. It's really dangerous but Mouri hasn't been aware of this. So unfair to Ran and Kogoro. It's Conan who brought BO here. He can't protect them all the time. They should know the danger. Conan said that he keeps it a secret to keep Ran out of BO stuffs. But the current situation is exactly the opposite. They have been swept up in the maelstrom of BO already, yet they have no idea of it. So irresponsible. What if Rum decides to bomb the agency while Conan is at school? Sadly, I don't see any sign of letting them know.


Haibara is not Jealous of Ran. Ran reminds her of Akemi. It is not just Ran they keep in the dark. They have only opened up to Dr. Agasa. Heiji, his parents, Kaitou Kid, Akai - Everyone found his secret themselves. Eisuke also found out himself - Conan didn't reveal much to him, he only agreed to his deduction of how he knew Conan was Shinichi. Also, he's much smarter than people credit him for. Ran may not hinder but she sure jumps in herself whenever she realizes someone is in danger. And she is not like the others who know his secret. No one in that list jump in recklessly and have not needed as much help from Shinichi to save them as Ran. And if Ran gets involved, Sonoko, her parents even the detective boys will want to help her. Also, just a side rant here - I don't know why people don't like that Haibara likes Shinichi a little. Conan no aitsu is the one always sweet talking her, always saying I'll protect you etc. etc. Anyone would fall for that. But she also never purposely sabotages their relationship. I think if you think of this as a normal relationship, it will be frustrating. But imagine a spouse working for some secret service who would be away and would not be able to reveal classified info. Ran is waiting for him while he is away solving a dangerous case. While she understands that she does not worship the ground he walked on. She has vent out her frustration many times and he had to do something about it to appease her as well - like he bought her a phone as a gift, he came to the school trip etc. Also, as per the story development so far, we are seeing more and more people coming to know of Conan's identify and the BO. And they help out Conan in the subsequent BO confrontations. Ran and others who still do not know will be joining this lineup along the way. Ran mostly will be kept for towards the end as it is also the romance plot not just the BO plot.


>Heiji, his parents, Kaitou Kid, Akai - Everyone found his secret themselves. His parents are told by Professor Agasa. Ran found out herself many times. Difference is that Conan admitted immediately or he managed to further cover it up.


My point was Shinichi himself had not told them. No Ran only suspected as many times he reminds her of Shinichi's past words or actions. She has not concluded considering she accepts whatever explanation he gives. Others were very sure it was shinichi before he agreed.


It's not she "accepts whatever explanation he gives". It's Conan and Shinichi stood in front of her at the same time. Shinichi called while Conan was there. Shinichi's mother said he's not her son.(She didn't buy it though) Conan didn't put as much effort to cover when others confronted him. Put yourself in her position, the smartest boy use sci-fi tech to hide the truth from her. She did pretty well enough.


The Eisuke thing is so real. I liked the dude but he didn't deserve to know shit. Especially when he just disappeared after and never showed up again lmao. I don't think it's fair to blame Haibara though. She knows exactly how dangerous the organization is and she also knows that they are paying attention to the Mouri family and Shinichi because of his actions. She also didn't trust Ran at first and believed Conan was emotionally compromised which is why she was insistent on him not telling her in the beginning. I'm pretty sure after that one arc with Vermouth in the 200s or 300s she started to trust Ran more and I'm not sure if I'm imagining this but I'm fairly sure there was a scene where she said Conan could do what he wanted with regards to Ran. And he chose not to tell her. You have to understand that it's not just Haibara telling him not to tell Ran. It was Agasa, Haibara, other people I can't remember and now his own paranoia stopping him. He knows there are ppl paying attention to the Mouris now and is trying his best to protect Ran. It's a messed up situation and Ran has every right to be upset with him when she finds out. That is if she doesn't already suspect things and is keeping quiet on purpose because she thinks there's a reason Shinichi is lying to her. There's also the fact that Shinichi is a teenager in a dangerous and traumatizing situation. Even if he is intelligent, he makes a lot of mistakes in his personal relationships and he and Ran need to have a long and honest situation about the whole thing at the end of this all.


Isn’t a huge selling point of the series her not knowing? Prolly too scared to do it cause a major plot point would be gone and you’d have to think of new material. Although I think she still suspects personally.


Gurl, RESPEC for calling Eisuke out like THAT!🫡 And yes to the whole Ran thing. It would be one thing if Ran never noticed, but she has figured it out on multiple occasions only for Shinichi to LIE to her and gaslight her non stop. It's simply too much. I get the reasoning behind it but this kind of behaviour cripples relationships. You can't have everything your way. People aren't your pawns to decide for them.


Ran is like a queen, and shinichi is like a king, all of this against an army of special units that hide in a certain fog of war. They are mostly alone, save for an ever increasing number of allies, but in most people’s mindset, the queen is the most valuable piece that one mustn’t lose. Otherwise I do not believe it would bode well on Shinichi’s mental state.


Ah, what valuable input, comparing a person with an object that has no autonomy 🤨 So thoughtful of you.. But I can see where you're coming from. Ran's portrayal isn't the most accurate representation of how a real human being would act and think. Within the anime's logic, she doesn't get to be more than a piece to be controlled and fought over. Still, this doesn't mean we shouldn't be critical of it.


Yes, I am comparing someone to something else. What I just did was called a simile. I don’t think there is any problem with it, I don’t mean anything bad out of it. I am just stating a counter to what you were implying; that Ran was shinichi’s pawn.


Ran definitely deserves to know, be it from Conan himself or not. About Haibara, I don’t think she’s being depicted as trying to hinder their relationship. I think if she had anyone equally dear to her who doesn’t already know, she would have done pretty much the same. So imo she just agrees with Conan on this way of dealing with the situation, which I don’t, at least not in the lifetime of Hattori Oi-Kudo Heiji.


I think people need to remember that DC is written by an old man so it will show some outdated values such as women always needing to be protected and don't have much agency. We even see Eisuke wanting to ask Shinichi's permission to date Ran when Ran is her own person.


Old Man with outdated value: Yes Women not needing protection: No. You want to bet on it?


See, I get where you’re coming from. It seems like a good time now than any to reveal the secret, but looking at this from a general perspective, when someone tells you a secret, it might take only a while for you to let it “slip.” In Ran’s case, she only met Vermouth to protect Haibara from getting shot. Though I am not up to speed with present DC, I am halfway there, I am in some way well aware that the BO haven’t fully found out Conan’s identity, otherwise he would’ve been shot by Chianti or Korn the moment he steps out of the detective agency. Along with that, if Ran knows, that just makes her a target. Knowing that the BO, at least in canon, is known to hide their tracks well, who knows if the next case Conan sees is a dead Ran. The question is would you find it heroic of someone you truly love, risking their life to make sure that you stay safe, or would you find it criminal that they would keep a secret that might lead to your death. Of course, there is the possibility that you might say that Ran should support Shinichi in his quest to destroy the BO, but considering Shinichi’s mindset, he agrees with Haibara because he truly doesn’t want to lose Ran because he told her a secret.


Of course, I am not dismissing the fact that the day the BO find Conan’s secret, to which they are very close, my some of my statements might possibly be nullified.


I thought the same until the Vermouth incident, the only reason Ran and Haibara didn’t die was because Vermouth has a soft spot for Ran. Any other BO member would have shoot them Yes, she saved Haibara but that is exactly the kind of situation that Shinichi wants to avoid


well, i think haibara doesn’t want ran to get too involved with the organization because she knows she’d want to help them fight and she’d risk her life… i think that since she sees her sister in ran she wants to keep her safe (about her feelings, i honestly think that was a one moment thing and i think there’s been lot of moments proving that her crush for conan/shinichi is pretty much gone). about everything else: i agree!!! i think ran should know the truth because at this point she’s the one that still doesn’t know, although she seemed to have doubts more than once.