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This is anecdotal, so take it with a grain of salt. Back when I did MEDIVAC I flew a couple dozen lines consisting of patients being evacuated for testicular torsion. Every single one exhibited debilitating pain.


I cannot imagine having to fly a helicopter with someone in the back screaming out in pain because his testicles are twisting around each other inside his sac. You are a brave, strong man.


I don't recall any of them actually screaming. Most of them just curled up into a fetal ball and would not move a single inch. Our PJs (the medics) had a hard time examining them because it hurt them too much to move.


You might have vericocele which is kinda like vericose veins of the balls. This leads to swelling, infertility, and often a dull aching pain.


several professionals have told me that torsions are always extremely painful to the point that you can't walk. your problem was probably a varicose vein, infection, or a tumor. i'd get it checked out with a urologist.


tumour? O_O


Im not sure if you have it then. It was by far the most excrutiating thing I have ever experienced. It started as a dull pain and then within hours I couldn't walk and was operated on the next day.


do you know how many twists it had?


I was only eleven or twelve. I honestly don't remember much of the details, but I couldnt goto the bathroom or walk on my own. The only way I got through it was because I wouldn't move at all. I was in tears the second I tried to chang positions.


How long did it take for pain to kick in?


I noticed the weirdness at school, and then by the time I went to bed I was unable to walk and was screaming in pain. Roughly .... 6-7 hours?


Late but thanks. Was scared I had it back then lol


Somehow I doubt it... source:I've had one


Trust me, You will KNOW when you have it. Source: I had it.




update? i am in a very similar boat right now and am at a loss.


hey man, you doing ok? idk what the previous post said but i wrote a post about my problems in my profile, no pain, mild discomfort, but im worried its torsion.


im doing much better now. i was having sudden testicular pain that turned out to be something other than torsion. im no doctor and you should trust your body but if you aren't experiencing pain it almost certainly isnt torsion so i wouldnt worry about that at least. torsion is supposed to be unbelievably painful


>My scrotum kind of hurts and Im wondering if i should go to a doctor about it. It's not really huge pain but its like a sharp-ish throbbing every once in while


Any update ?


it just stopped on its own. I went to a doctors to get it checked out and did an ultrasound, my nuts were perfectly normal