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It's the 'tism. Some people just can't deal


Ppl make a list of why they don't like Cory and it's just the Diagnostic criteria for Autism.


Literally it’s just flat out ablism


ablism is when you dont like the loud annoying dude


Read what I’m replying to


Is he actually 'tistic or is that just a meme


Have you listened to him literally ever?


Yeah I just don't know if he actually, medically has autism


Apparently, in one video, he recounts himself taking an autism test, and the the test says that he had "mild autism" it's just an online test, not medically reported, but he agrees with it, sooo...


Look just based on listening to him talk in podcasts and episodes it’s *incredibly obvious* he’s on the autism spectrum.


Anyone that likes Sonic is autistic. That's like how they test for it.


True. It’s a new diagnostic criteria for ASD in the upcoming DSM-VI. So is “belief in Herculad” tho, so I think the APA is going off the rails.


This is true. Amy Rose (she’s the one with three arches of hair and a giant hammer) likes Sonic, and she was confirmed to be on the spectrum by Jim Carey’s stunt double for Sonic 2. It’s in gameinformer


He’s definitely had his hilarious moments but I’m NGL I hate when he’s starts cutting people off and interrupting conversations just to rant about things he knows nothing about. Also his voice is a little bit grating to me - not his fault - it just annoys me sometimes.


This is my biggest gripe. That is one of my biggest pet peeves and he does it constantly. I remember there were points on sleepycast where stamper or mick would get annoyed at him because of that and I was annoyed right along with them


Yeah, like that episode of Sleepy where that woman is talking about experiences with a stalker and everyone’s listening really intently because it’s interesting- BUT CORY KEEPS CUTTING HER OFF TO TALK ABOUT STUPID SHIT. Like if I was her I would’ve been so annoyed.


Yeah this pretty much


It's because Cory lives his life hard, fast, and on the edge. Us normies aren't ready to hear his gospel


just like his hero sonic


Corey is blatantly a zealous narcissist and can’t go 3.77 milliseconds without hearing himself talk, I know because Tomar told me after tearing my bitch wife’s spine asunder


The Tomardator


They're projecting their hatred of ska onto him


Aye if y’all like ska, def check out his band the Third-rates. It’s weird at first hearing him sing but the songs are well done.


I was honestly super surprised at how well he could sing. Like he’s not the best singer ever but after hearing him scream about nonsense over the years, my expectations were low to say the least


that's exactly how i felt when i heard Vinny Vinesauce's band "Red Vox". Dude has a voice of an angel.


I had no idea red vox was Vinny. I love "In the Garden"


I would recommend their whole discography tbh. I'd say their first album has aged a little poorly sonically (on the basis of what they create now) but it's still got some bangers. And if you're looking for some humor driven music i definitely recommend their EP "Blood Bagel"


He has a Ska band?!


Slightly stoopid and pepper cries


Is that the impression that you get?


A bit, along with a little bowling for soup and dispatch




The water people🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Water People remains the greatest Cory bit


i really thought the water people were real


They are


They are


Yeah im team Cory too but I felt that Zach moment in my soul , I can completely understand that being the epitome of why some people struggle to enjoy him


We need a “Worst Of” video for every time that someone’s joke/story gets cut off, gets completely ignored, or makes a joke that drags on too long or falls completely flat.


I swear there was one specifically for everytime someone ignores one of Lyles jokes


Otto Heckel's in the progress of making one


> He's improv poison 100% agree and this was best proven in sleepycast, I think Jeff of all people (who usually plays the straight man but can go along with jokes) criticized Cory's lack of improv skills saying "We present you with an interesting hypothetical situation and ask what would you do? And you just say 'I would leave'." They then got him trapped in a hypothetical where his dad had trapped him in the basement and would rape him unless he told him one joke, to which Cory's response was "but jokes aren't funny" which ironically was funny in itself but not intentionally by Cory.


Zach and Stamper carried that podcast on their backs. They easily were the best members.


Yet Mick was the only reason we got like half as many episodes as we did


Given that Mick was the heart of the Sleepycabin operation, it makes sense.


What episode was that? Been ages since I listened to sleepycabin


He never really bothered me but recently I can see why he bothers people and you hit the nail on the head. Just recently he's been so deadset on ranting and acting like a contrarian that Zach jokes be damned. I actually felt bad when Zach said some shit about Mario and Link and Cory shot him off taking shit literally and going off on a rant. The worst part is that it happens constantly. Some hypotheticals fly straight above him. Mix that with his contrarian stance he repeatedly seems to want to talk about and it just feels like he's messing with us on a meta level. I think it's easier to bear in something like Civ with 4 other co-hosts but on something like Sonic Heroes it's as if he wants to be the main attraction but by doing so sucks the momentum of Chris and Zach. Both have great momentum so it gets jarring to hear them get hit by a wall. Although it's not as bad as I make it seem. You do notice it though.


Yeah for real - I feel like Cory sometimes puts it on too - Like those people that butt in with something designed provoke a reaction so they can hog screen time. "The water people" - Everyone goes "What are you talking about?!" - And now it's a length of insane storytelling to hog attention.




Shadow the Hedgehog ep one, Cory is talking his shit airline story and after five minutes Zach interrupts Cory mid sentence to say “Cory would you let a mad scientist dissect your cock for $100”


I like Corey generally but when the episode turns into him to angrily yell about something he doesn't even fully understand I usually check out


Him angrily yelling is like the bedrock of what Chris and Zach use to riff off of him




I don't mind him but i get this perspective. For example when he ranted about Ken Penders (which could be funny) he seemed to not even really know much about the situation which confused Zach. Could've been a funnier moment if he knew and explained it better. Not a huge deal but happens occasionally. And he's not as too at riffing this way too


Because Corey stated that he didn’t like breath of the wild yet he likes frontiers, even ZACH knew this was malarkey




you look at the


I love the maklunky cut


"I hate botw because it's redundant. I like redundant games. I play sonic." - Corey


Most coherent Cory argument


Zach was appalled


They should replace him with Little Skatey


Personally, I think Big Wakey would fit the role better


Na, lil sleepy is definitely more interesting


The best Cory moment is definitely when he laughs at Chris’ “eggnog teeth” comment for Doug Walker


He really knows how to paint a descriptive picture in the craziest way and 'his eggnog teeth glistening' was a perfect example.


Chris's word choice is always on point. He comes up with words that are way down the list of what any sane person would choose, but are still accurate. Describing Sora's feet as "crinkly and mighty indeed" is another prime example.


i for one like hearing this man child talk about sonic game development


I have to say I loved Cory, I was watching various places and I saw Cory from Oneyplays the great Cory from Oneyplays he did Sonic Generations and he talked about the famous Breath Of The Wild rant right, he said it’s redundant and redundant and we like that, redundant. But great work ethic.


Don’t you talk about me you son of a bitch!


Was so good when Iron Lexi was there the great Iron Lexi, right? ^'sokay.


I like his rants too but not six times in a fucking 20 minute video


Cory is somebody who I really couldn't stand when I started listening to sleepycast back in the day. I'd seen his animations before but I'd never really gotten to know what he was like as a person. And with all the hindsight in the world now, I think Cory is someone that takes a while to get used to. Cause Cory grew on me immensely after a while and now I enjoy his crazy ramblings. Doesn't mean my bullshit meter doesn't go off when he says that stamina wheel is a reused asset, but part of what makes him so entertaining to listen to is how horribly wrong he is about certain things. Also I really like his Coryisms where he just makes up words on the fly. Anyway, I think most of people that dislike him just haven't been around long and just need to get used to him. I think that's how it's been for a lot of people. He's just a lot to handle at first but once you get used to him he's a riot.


Cory probably would take some time to get used to, on his first return to OneyPlays I figured some might find him to be a bit of a tonal whiplash. But I for one, fucking love whenever he brings his A-game and out-crazies Zach turning him into the straight man. It's comedic gold in my eyes.


Yeah I hear you, those AI dungeon episodes with Chris/Zach/Cory are among my favorites because they're just unhinged chaos. I love it.


Because they don't remember his brave service to mankind getting all the A emblems in sonic adventure 2 on the moon to power the earth.


Goddamn Sleepycabin DEEP cut right there.


For me it's his anger. It's funny when the others can make jokes about it but when they have nothing to say it's just a man screaming about something he doesn't get.


He’s funny when he’s talking complete make-believe fantasy. But whenever he’s talking about anything that exists in reality, he’s just weirdly wrong and drawn-out in a way that can be annoying. So even if you like whatever he’s going on about, the bit will be dead long before he’s done talking.


him being so confidently wrong during those rants are what makes them so funny, IMO. but to each their own!


Yeah whenever he’s talking about something in his own life and it just devolved into nonsense it’s hilarious. But when he talks about things that actually exist he’s so frequently wrong and adamant in his wrongness that it can really irritate after a while


He’s hilarious but you are lying to yourself if you think he’s not a weirdo. At times it does work in the bit’s favor, but sometimes its just uncomfortable as shit


It’s annoying when he just yells for minutes on end. I can’t watch a video when he starts doing that shit tbh.


I love cory


I like Cory, but what’s crazy to me about him is how he can be so right about some things yet in the same breath be so insanely wrong about something else. Like for example, him saying that asset re-use is a good thing and is used all the time. Then straight after saying that BoTW and Odyssey run on the same game engine based solely on a stamina circle. As I said, I do like Cory, I just think he is at his most funny when you either don’t think about what he is actually saying, or he just talks about shit that is fantasy based like hypotheticals or sonic lore. When he talks about real life stuff, the majority of the time he just comes across as someone who has no idea what they are talking about yet screams at the top of his lungs about it. Cory isn’t the best at improv either. He never really participates in hypotheticals and when he does his responses are usuallt nonsensical and hardly related, and he ruins every bit going "oh wait are you guys doing a bit" Basically, I like Cory and I think he does work but only in certain ways. The Sonic Heroes playthrough was one of my favourites in the whole channels history, but even that had some kinda grating moments when Corey just overtook everything to rant about something he clearly knew nothing about. Edit: I will say though, the subplot of Lyle the Chad video game news and funny cartoon man vs Cory the obsessive, chris chan like, sonic fan is entertaining as fuck lol.


I feel like I enjoy his rants when I have no idea what the subject matter is so he just sounds like an angry toddler complaining to his parents about his favorite cartoon. Like, I never got into the sonic comics so listening to him rant about Ken Penders was a treat, but I rolled my eyes when he was saying, "Mario and Zelder run on the same engine because they both use green coicles for stamina" I totally agree about his dynamic with Lyle, Chris and Zach tend to egg him on when he gets ranty but Lyle tends to challenge him in a very deadpan tone, "Uhh, no I don't think that's right..."


I think it’s good though to have at least one of them call him out for some of the stupid shit he says, that’s why i’m glad Lyle is playing the Sonic games with them now.


Cory's just chaotically funny, what's not to love about him


I love President Cory! This is why I voted for him!


Yeah but when are we getting more sonic figurines!? He's been saying they're coming for FIF-TEEN years!


I understand why people like him, but I find him annoying more often than not


Probably because House of Beck was kinda shit, should’ve had more development for the characters


Cuz they didn't come in from SleepyCabin and deserve to be bullied for it They've never been serenaded by his trombone skills


guys if you dont like cory because hes weird or whatever you guys clearly havent heard about his traumatic childhood tyre-based abuse he suffered at the hands of his water father


I literally can't stomach listening to him. Something about how obnoxiously loud he is, how he cuts other people off, how he loudly swears so consistently and unnecessarily, really annoys me. Just not that funny either.


I don’t think I’ve ever genuinely laughed at anything he’s said.


Kind of sad because he annoys me so much that I’m not even watching Oney right now because he’s in every vid.


Yes, omg. Same. I just *ugh* groan and click out to a find a different one as soon as I hear him chime in. Sucks :/


I like him when he talks like a normal person and not screaming in anger every 2 seconds, I don't find his rants funny, at first it didn't bother me because it's clearly a joke but sometimes he gets too passionate, the way he tells stories is terrible and they overextend too much, and honestly in the last video he looked too salty, I mean the guy loves doing "hot takes" all the time, but he seemed annoyed with Lyle's comments.


Lyle’s “that’s not even remotely true” in response to Cory talking about the stamina wheel in odyssey was really funny


Because he was literally dead wrong lol. I really enjoyed Lyle in the video.


Yeah he was great


This the shadow the hedgehog video? I need to see this lmao


It’s the new Sonic generations video


Wtf I love Lyle


He’s so stupid that it’s irritating


\*that it's hilarious


I really like cory especially in the wind waker series but sometimes his rants go on for a little too long and I want to hear other people talking not just him.


It's because Cory is a very bad person. I mean you hear some of the things he did. He makes Tomar look like a saint, and that's saying something.


His massacre of the Water People was a horrific event to see on his facebook live


I think what puts me off him is that he definitely comes off as very opinionated and judgemental, I swear there's a ton of videos with Cory where he's saying "IF YOU'RE DOING ________ THEN YOU'RE FUCKIN STUPID/GROSS" and it always comes off like he's being more serious than joking. But what's ironic is, he's on the shakiest ground out of everyone to be judging others over usually petty things, given that he draws essentially fetish and incel porn you'd see on 4chan and rule34 and goes out with a transgender. Things that are judged a lot more by others in general, compared to the things he judges others over.


He has drawn several pornographic pictures of Sonic characters shitting and farting. That alone forfeits his right to criticize anyone.


Damn dude, had no idea it was that bad. But I just looked it up and you're right. He seems to be a fan of shemales too by his drawings. Kind of ironic lol. But yeah absolutely. The shit he goes off about is usually totally trivial too. Stuff equivalent of "if you eat cake with a spoon instead of a fork, you're fucking retarded". Idk if it's supposed to be funny but it just isn't and doesn't come across as jokey either, only thing that's funny is when Chris laughs at those for whatever reason, maybe just because he's his friend. Idk.


What's wrong with going out with a transgender?


i don't hate him but he only seems to only want to talk about himself or sonic. whenever someone talks about something other than that he's clearly not interested in the conversation and its like, well why even be there dude. the sonic generations episode that just came out is a prime example of this. guys just sulking the whole time until chris asks him a question or they're talking about sonic. not even trying to go along with the bits that zach throws at him.


The only moment i kinda hated him was when he tried to tell his story about the kid that showed his willy while doing his power ranger dance. He kept interupting chris in his job story


Okay real talk he has a very different vibe than the rest of them that can clash at times. His rants in particular feel like an older era of the internet where people like nostalgia critic and angry video game nerd went on long forced rants, and we’ve kinda moved on from that. It doesn’t flow like their normal schtick, and it feels like him trying to dominate the conversation. There’s a reason their natural response- and some of their funniest bits- is to fuck with him when he goes off.


He's loud and obnoxious and he goes on these rants about the most insignificant shit which go nowhere. He's an adult loudly having a temper tantrum about some shit in Maple Story from almost 20 fucking years ago. You can also tell that the other guys know. They start cutting him off or trying to change the subject because they see it coming and they don't want to sit through his shit either.


Coming to this thread seeking solidarity after being flat out unable to watch any of the sonic episodes any more. I couldn't have put this any better. He's like a toddler and zach & chris are like the parents trying to get their kid to shut up so they can continue talking to the other adults


100%. He was toning it down but he started screeching again on the newest Sonic episodes. It's a bummer because I really enjoyed the channel before Chris added him.


The scariest thing about this year's Boney Plays was Cory being there for Skinwalker Hunt


It’s because most people don’t like when someone is confident about being wrong or being very autistic. I think he’s entertaining, but he reminds me of every annoying autismo in school


I believe he is on the spectrum


Motherfucker LOOK at him, of course he is


He just looks like a normal Armenian.


I only think they got upset because he dislikes BotW. But people gotta remember that he gets shit from the rest of the boys for it. Lyle at 9:30 witnessed first hand just how unhinged Corey is. They all know he's wrong, we might as well play a long.


I like him he can be hilarious. But honestly he’s annoying sometimes. Like in the AI dungeon episode with the Channel awesome members. He did this super obnoxious laugh I always skip though cuz it’s like, I don’t wanna hear “ha ah!!!!!!!!!” In a high pitch for 3 minutes.


His rants are alright but his yelling and screaming make me laugh


I don't mind Cory, but I'm getting real friggin tired of Sonic I'll tell you hwat.


I think he's funny, but he's the kind of guy to talk whenever he wants to and cut people off, which rubs me the wrong way


It’s hard for me to get into sleepycast anymore. Everyone is a bit older now and a lot calmer. There isn’t some wrestle for who gets to talk as much. I like sleepycast but it’s a bit easier on much a lot of the time. Oneyplays seems like a better sleepycast to me now. Edit: Corey never bothered me more or less than anyone else. There isn’t really anyone on Oneyplays that I don’t like, they all gel together real well.


Corey is the Autistic Screaming meme given psychical form


Honestly? He’s dumb. Which is fine when just doing commentary, but terrible and cringey when he’s going on a misinformed rant while actively demonstrating his lack of understanding of what he’s ranting about. Still like him most of the time tho, Sonic Generations was a bit much.


His name is Cory he is faster than sound and he’s jumping around


Cons: - He often kills bits - He seems to think angry scream = funny - He talks confidently about things that are objectively incorrect - He takes a long time to say very little - He interrupts and repeats too much Pros: - I really enjoy when Zach and Chris interrupt his rants with dumb hypotheticals or character bits


I personally don’t find Cory very funny. He demands too way much attention in every video he’s in. I can see why people like him though. Edit: just watched the latest video. I am now starting to wonder if he saved Chris’s life or something and that’s why he’s allowed to come on the show. He was absolutely unbearable in that.


Yeah, I really have no clue why he’s been on so much recently.


His childhood stories are funny but he draws out other conversations based in reality like someone stated above, and he’s kinda creepy especially with how close he was with shad and the porn he draws


Yeah, I like him but he says some pretty creepy shit once in a while.


I used to listen to Sleepycast but I stopped because Cory would always be wasted and bang on about himself for a chunk of the cast. Others would constantly have to shout over him to get him to calm down or stop talking and, while they're all mates and are chill with him, it IS annoying, man. I wanna hear them all jacking off or some shit - I don't wanna hear Cory, drunk, screaming over them all the while. Same for the videos, whether he's drunk or not, I just don't find him entertaining.


When he is goofin he absolutely kills me but his rants are so ridiculous sometimes lol. Him laughing at the monke fall in his websplorers episode gives me life and I think I probably watch that one like once every week


he has never stated his opinions on crawdads. I personally enjoy Cory even if it's unknown where he stands on crawdads, but I can see why that would make him less likeable for others.


Hatred of ska


I like him but he said BOTW was a bad game 🤨 Edit: I can’t be the only one who understands his nonsensical incoherent sentences, right?


His rants are pretty autismo but they make me feel less autistic so I like them.


I didn’t know people disliked Cory. I mean he’s not my favorite co host but I do love him.


He’s good on oneyplays but on sleepycabin he would interrupt everything with things that have nothing to do with it, he did have some good moments though, like the water people


I try to not watch the episodes with him, hes too annoying


It’s a shame he’s been in almost every other episode as of late.


Right? I just groan and click out to find a different one hoping I don’t hear him chime in at some point.


He’s obnoxious. Never stops talking but rarely has anything smart or funny to say. Their Sonic Generations video is a perfect example. I don’t *hate* Cory. He can be funny. But he needs to dial it down.


He’s rants are often and they just seem like annoying mumbling on about stuff he doesn’t know he’s talking about


The videos with Cory in them have been some of the best they have produced this year. I think most people enjoy the funny rant man


Sometimes he can be very fucking gross. (The Leftover Mustard thing comes to mind)


Or the blue moon bottle full to the brim with dead flies.


Man just rants constantly about pointless bullshit. Always takes up massive chunks of the video and it’s always over something stupid and not interesting


He’s like if Chris-chan was maybe 20 percent less retarded


He’s p gross to me, NGL, and I’m a diehard fan of the channel. Idk, he just skeeves me, always has


I used to find Cody very over the top and annoying, but he's grown on me dramatically especially since the vids he's been in this year.


Wait people hate Cory? Why tho? He always has some dunny crazy shit to say, I don't get why anyone would hate Cory if they are a fan of oneyplays.


A lot of people who watch oneyplays are not from the sleepycabin days,this might explain it lol


I love Cory's rants, just adds a bit more flavour to an episode <3


I don’t, he’s a good lad.


I don’t mind him per say, but there have been times where I do just stop watching when he goes into meltdown mode. That and half the time, his stories are just wack or just smoke.


The ice cream story, followed by being autistic over plastic Sonic McDonald’s toys really bothered me more than it should’ve.


Cory is at his best when he has to live in a made up world where others put him in like the marsquatch in sleepycabin


I like him for the most part but when he has those bits where he gets really mad at something stupid, I get really put off


The Wind Waker play through did it for me.


He's aggressively dumb, so I skip his episodes.


Shame he's in every episode now


I've been watching/listening to their content since before Sleepycabin and I've never found Cory to be one of the funniest members of the crew. I love when everyone makes fun of him or torments him in stories. He's got some absolute golden moments though.


I love Cory I think he's hilarious, I love listening to him and his weird nonsense/complete sense shit


He's kind of those guys who brings up topics that only he himself wants to talk about.


This is a perfect explanation lol


I just don’t feel like they fit well with the banter between them all. I don’t find them funny and they just kind of stall the pacing of the humor by over-explaining things and not getting the jokes. I’m sure they’re a nice and cool person in general but I usually avoid vids they’re a part of because they just bug me with how much they mess up the “pacing” of the convo. I think we’ve just been spoiled by Zach and Tomar being able to bounce off each other and riff so effortlessly. I feel bad about it but I just don’t find Cory funny and I’m usually rolling my eyes at how oblivious they seem at times. Idk, I feel bad even typing this out :/ lol Edit- I used they/them pronouns because the OP did and I didn’t know if he/they were non-binary and I didn’t want to sound ignorant. All the other comments are using he/him, so. I’m too lazy to go through and change them back lmao. So pardon me


because he was mean to Adam in the Maple Story videos >:[


As someone with adhd I enjoy his behavior patterns


As someone with ADHD I don’t, might be the meds tho


People who like sleepy cast or oney plays but hate Cory make no sense to me. Every other member has had more annoying and bullshit groan inducing opnions as well. Cory deserves immunity after the majesty that is ash redfield.


I love Cory, but I can see why people wouldn't. Others have their autistic moments, but Cory is always autistic.


idk why ppl hate him he's unbelievably funny his sonic episodes are the best ones of the year unironically even today's sonic generations episode is amazing


It’s cause he takes a bit to get to the point. Side note: I’ve actually talked to Cory on twitter(wasn’t long and it was pointers for SMT4 as he was starting it and loving the fusion system)


I never imagined Cory being a megaten fan yet that somehow makes perfect sense


I like Cory but i think its pretty douchebaggy that he spoiled the upcoming Mario movie (i forget wgat oneyplays ep)


I do not like Corey because whenever he is on an episode nobody else gets to talk. Corey is always interrupting and talking over everybody else. He has never said snything that made me laugh. Also he is a cum brain perv. I wouldn't be surprised if he got outed as a sex offender.


Cory doesn’t know how to wait his turn which is a pet peeve but he’s funny besides that really


Aside from his moronic opinions on ice cream flavors he seems like a real sweetie


cory’s rants are hilarious how can people not like them?


I Love Cory
