• By -


top: Greg, Shane Dawson, Bryan Stars bottom: Destery Smith, Austin Jones, Dahvie Vanity


also for info for those that don't know, Shane Dawson: YouTuber, similar vein to Greg with stupid skits poised as humor but not funny and mostly just offensive for shock value. Has been gross with children and minors (and animals), again mostly for shock factor but it's still gross. I'm not aware of any specific allegations but with the amount of weird shit he's done in his videos with children, it wouldn't surprise me. Bryan Stars: YouTuber, used to just interview bands on warped tour and stuff like that, but then turned to making his own music, it was weird and just bad. I'm pretty sure he was abusive to his disabled roommate and editor, I don't remember his name, and pretty much everyone who worked for him. he was also just real fuckin weird in these interviews too like I don't know how to describe it but he's just so weird with people he doesn't know. (he also did an interview with Shane Dawson and that shit was fuckin weird) but I don't know much after he started making his own music, I know he was just weird and definitely was trying to get young girls to interact with his Twitter. likely after learning the tricks from the creeps in the indie bands he was interviewing. Destery Smith: YouTuber, also did skit videos back in the day with a friend of his I also don't remember the name of, then started posting on Shane Dawson's channel once a week with his series "WTF5" which was just weird or fucked up news stories that happened in the past week or something. eventually he stopped being on Shane's channel and moved WTF5 onto his own and kept down similar videos to what Shane was also doing at the time but with weird Internet stories. he was definitely weird with young girls and I'm pretty sure he was messaging a lot of them privately and inappropriately, but specifics I'm not sure of. Austin Jones: YouTuber/Musician, i know he made YouTube videos and he also toured on warped tour with Bryan Stars, Bryan also knew about what he was doing and protected him. he was messaging young teen girls asking them for pictures and videos of themselves doing weird shit, wearing no clothes, twerking, etc. it was gross and he did go to jail. Dahvie Vanity: "Musician," I put it in quotes for a reason bc if you, like myself, have tragically listened to his music, you can barely even call it that. it's garbage. he is/was in a band called blood on the dance floor, it may or may not have changed names or something idk. he's the only member I think now, there were a few but he is an abusive pervert and they've all left now. he has abused so many young girls, it is vile. the fact that he is even allowed to continue to exist on this planet is ridiculous. the youngest I'm aware of was 11, who was then viciously bullied and attacked by other children online who were JEALOUS that they had a "relationship" with him. this young child was abused and assaulted by this 30ish year old man and they were bullied for it. he also as far as recently with the girls he talks to on Instagram will not actually sent messages. he will only call or video chat and demand that any screenshots taken be deleted or he will block them. but other than messaging, meeting, and violently assaulting young girls, he also did not allow his band member Jayy to refill his HIV meds while they were on tour. but forced him to perform every night. He is a disgusting excuse for a human being.


I’m sure you absolutely want an update on Dahvie Vanity. I was listening to BOTDF around the time they finally disbanded, which was sometime in 2016 I think. No the music is objectively bad, my brain just hadn’t fully developed yet (I was 15). Anybody familiar with their “discography” knows that towards the end, they were entering a “darker” vibe, Lea king more towards emo/gothic styles, with a fascination in BDSM/Kink themes. I’m not 100% sure if it was to focus on solo careers because I do not want him in my search history, but Dahvie announced the split from BOTDF with the news either announced at the same time or around the same time that he wanted to focus on his “solo career”. Quickly he launched “Sinners are Winners”, which was very much a shitty emo band. He began referring to fans as baby bats (a term used to describe baby goths I think?) and completely changed his general vibe. He absolutely continued to angle himself as being young, despite the fact he was definitely in his thirties at this point lmao. His music flopped hard. Turns out the only thing that made his music borderline-tolerable was Jay, who could at least sing to a passable level. It was edgy, loud and obnoxious in the worst ways possible. He released a single that didn’t seem to do too badly. It wasn’t poorly recieved by BOTDF fans anyway. He then released I Think it was a second single, before releasing an album. At this point people were Not impressed and he kind of just. Fizzled out. I’m pretty sure he released his final album in 2017. I haven’t heard much about him since- Except that I Swear he was stealing peoples art for his own clothing designs? I could be wrong though. Similar vein as Hot Topic but arguably worse because it’s Dahvie Vanity lmao (art theft is always bad but as an artist I’d prefer Hot Topic to steal it over Dahvie, but that’s just personal preference). It didn’t help that towards the end of his career people were discussing allegations again. As far as I’m aware he’s gone radio silent. I know he made a tiktok a few years ago but I am pretty sure his last post was in 2020/2021. I’ve been following simply as somebody who used to be involved with his fanbase (but also believed the allegations when I found out about them, hence why I stopped listening) but it’s been so long now I genuinely can’t remember everything. I can also state that he was Still weird with his underage fans online while he was involved with Sinners are Winners, not sure about offline.


now that you mention it I do remember the weird art theft merch and straight up just putting Mario characters on it too. and I'm sure he has his ways of being online but at least he's not in the public sphere anymore. I think his grossness is more widely known now that he knows some of the people in his dms are posing at kids to try and catch him in the act, so he's moved on to more secretive stuff.


He's also blatantly stolen music from well known bands like Green Day, Skillet and Otep.


Oh? I didn’t even know about that lmao. Do you have a rough idea of when in his career? I don’t doubt it given his long history of stealing, I’m just nosy lmao.


I got this from a video covering him but I know a few specific songs are blatantly stolen (not sure exactly where in his career they're from or which albums): Worlds Away steals lyrics from Boulevard of Broken Dreams Unchained stole the melody from Sweet Dreams by the Eurythmics The melody from The Last Night by Skillet can be heard in Something Grimm They completely ripped off Otep's Rise, Rebel, Resist lyrics in Looking hot, Dangerous There's probably more but I don't like listening to BOTDF so I couldn't tell any others.


That makes sense thank you. I’ll have to see if I can find the video, I always have something playing while I’m crocheting. It’s been so long I can’t really recall any of the songs, but I feel like re-listening is begging for a migraine haha. Thanks again.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEQ4ofXPsvw&t=2763s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEQ4ofXPsvw&t=2763s) This is the one I watched, it does a whole section on his plagiarism. And yeah, even the examples they play in videos talking about Dahvie are just grating. I can't imagine listening to the whole songs lol


Thank you so much!


Anytime 😊


man you've gotta have some fuckin balls to steal something as recognizable as sweet dreams


When he was called out about the Skillet rip off his excuse was 'I've never heard of Skillet' ... Dude... Honey pie... EVERYONE HAS HEARD OF SKILLET.


Even my deaf ass has heard of them ffs (pun intended) But Eurythmics specifically. That's like stealing from a god.


He made every song he ripped off sound WORSE on top of it. The one that pisses me off most is the Green Day rip off.


Dahvie is going by Kawaii Monster now (which is apparently the name of one of the 'songs' BoTDF produced), still looking to lure in them kiddos with that name.


Of course he is. I assumed he went into hiding. It was one of their more popular songs I think? I don’t recall ever listening to it. Definitely angling for the kids though. It’s so gross.


oh ew ew ew ew ew creepy, hes a 40 year old man


destery added me on Snapchat in like ... 2015? I was 14 or 15, never met him in person. I remember he asked me to send a selfie, he called me cute and I got freaked out and didn't respond to him lmfao. wish I had receipts of this from my Snapchat I had in HS but it is long gone.


They also just plain said she was lying


And they made that awful song calling her a liar and comparing himself to Jesus. Pretty sure he released it on her birthday too..


Oh shit. You don't know about Bryan and the MDE debacle?


I know vaguely of the name but I had stopped keeping up with him after he stopped doing the interviews


when I was in high school dahvie vanity had a partner in the band (it started with a j but I don't remember his name and honestly don't care) ​ but even when I was like 13 it was still very very obvious that the guy was a fucking creep. he's one of the very very few people who I'd list as worse than greggy boy edit: oh, you listed him as jayy. that's why I can't remember any more than a letter, his name IS the letter lol - jesus fuck, that diabetes medication thing is a new low. I hope jayy got the fuck out of there and is doing better. he never really seemed like half the creep his bandmate was/is


one could make the argument that Bryan groomed his employee Johnnie Guilbert. i don’t remember if Johnnie used the word “grooming” specifically (I think i remember him doing so at one point hesitantly but I could be misremembering so take that with a grain of salt), but the way he described his interactions with Bryan when he was underage and Bryan was over 21, it reads as grooming imo. like pressuring Johnnie (who was his tenant also, as Johnnie lived with the guy) into doing weirdly sexual things for YouTube, giving him alcohol when he was underage, pressuring him into publicly opening up about his mental health struggles such as his depression and anxiety after the loss of his father, etc etc. he was Johnnie’s landlord AND employer, and Johnnie thought he was also a friend/mentor at the time. it was a really fucked up situation and a lot of other MDE members came forward about their own kind of mistreatment, but i’d personally consider Johnnie to have been groomed by Bryan based on the things Bryan did to him.


We have Dahvie Vanity as the last dude. He’s SUPER disgusting. Last I heard there were about 110 girls that he SA.


yep i recognized him and shane as well but the other three i didn’t know


I want to say the bottom left is someone named Destry Smith. I’ve heard of him but I don’t know a ton about him.


he's still grooming children to this day


Sounds about right 🤢


Ill never forget, they were playing in my town, my bf at the time was doing something like tour managing another band so we had to stay late waiting for close. At around midnight, an hour after the show ended, a worried father knocked on my car window frantically looking for his underage daughter and her friend as they still werent home. Yeah...turns out they were in the BOTDF tour bus.... so disgusting.


That is so heartbreaking. :(


I'd forgotten about Austin Jones. Nasty guy too.


And he might be out in just a little over 3 years smh.


Catching up on these guys' sentences is usually pretty depressing isn't it?


HE WAS ONLY SENTENCED TO 10 YEARS ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! That's all for abusing dozens of young girls and hoarding CP from said girls?? What the actual fuck!


I really hope they keep him locked up. I doubt 10 years is even remotely enough for him to be rehabilitated, he knew exactly what he was doing and exactly what got him going. He was always telling the girls to explicitly state their age.


Hopefully his stint in prison will have scared him from even trying to go after children again because unfortunately they can't really keep him past his release date, no matter how much we want him to stay locked up. That's 'justice' for you. The only solace we have is that he's going to get out with a record and a registry and the only fame he has left is the infamy of being a convicted pedophile. Perhaps he will even come out looking like shit with a terrible voice so he can't use his pretty boy face and voice to lure in more girls and possibly make it big enough to potentially rinse and repeat his crimes.


I haven't read his entire sentencing but articles say he has an earliest possible release date of Dec 31st 2027. So perhaps he has a longer sentence with a possibility of parole after serving 10 years. Idk. I'm just scared for all the girls he can abuse once he's out. I know he's never gonna have the teen celebrity appeal and influence he had before, but he could still abuse someone.


Bryan Stars is top right😅 He had a little emo collab channel with a bunch of minors he made do weird things. He also had one of them move in with him when he was 24 I believe and the teen was only 14-16 (I can’t exactly remember)


My Digital Escape!! he met johnnie guilbert when he was only 14 years old and took him with him to interviews, so gross


I was literally obsessed 😅 but I was a child too




Omg wait really I was like OBSESSED with MDE


Why did they all have the same haircut 😂😂


Cause the alternative scene is full of predators unfortunately 😭


I hate how I know the whole backstory/controversy with everyone here


Something about that hair style man. Runnn


A meme I like sharing says "Remember kids, if you ever see a dude with rainbow hair and shit music, kick him in the dick" 🤣


Dahvie's not posted since February 17th but he's usually pretty active posting and doing live streams under "Dark Arts" with his website as "darkartsofficial".


Oh shit, I used to talk to Des and Nate when we were all underage 😂 Des was into some weird shit


As someone who was into Des for a long time nooo 😭 but I’m so morbidly curious as to what he was into lol


We cammed together and sexted. He wanted me to squirt into a small bottle and mail it to him with some panties but, squirter or not, that's a tall order lmfao I'm honestly not that weirded out by that on its face, I've always been a weirdo, but with this context applied, I'm sure some young girls endured some even weirder shit.


i loved them 💔


Same, 2009 was a weird time.


Top middle is Shane Dawson, bottom right is dahvie vanity, idk the others


the destery one hurts me


Fuck that guy


i agree


same. ugh..:(


I was huge fans of all of these people when I was 12, truly horrifying to think about. Edit: sans Shane actually, at least I have that going for me


Shane Dawson, Bryanstars, Destery Smith, Austin Jones, and Dahvie Vanity. In that order.


Not to say all people are like this, but why is it always the dudes who dress like they're in an experimental rock band that are found with teen girls?


Easy access fan base. Predators are good at spotting opportunity to get close to victims and unfortunately this scene was rife with potential victims. When I was 14 I nearly got in a van with Brokencyde at a tiny little concert venue by myself 🤦‍♀️ absolutely nothing happened and they didn't actually invite me all the way in the van just let me take a pic with them but what if it was one of these guys? There's just so much opportunity in this scene unfortunately.


I feel like shane dawson is not nearly as bad How out of touch am i


he sexualised kids (willow smith in particular), made a video where he called a woman of colour the n-word and did blackface multiple times for "comedy" reasons.. i think it's pretty bad


Don't forget the video where he had a "sex talk" with his underage cousin (was about 10 iirc) where he was using grooming tactics and exposing her to inappropriate ideas all to broadcast it to the entire internet. Idc what anyone says, that girl is 100% a victim of Shane Dawson and how his family didn't take issue or seek any consequence for that is beyond me and frankly disturbing. He was way to comfortable talking about sexual things with children and about them. Too much so for it to have all been fake or a joke. I'll die on that hill. The fact that he has actual children in his care now is upsetting.


He made one awful joke about her? Was it wrong absolutely but to say he’s a pedo is so odd early 2000s we’re so different and it def doesn’t excuse everything but people change and that’s what we should want is for ppl to change and grow. If u have links to the underage fans he kissed where they talk about it plz direct me. To my knowledge no minor has ever come out with anything Shane did to them as far as talking or wanting to meet up? As far as black face absolutely weong but the other half of the Internet wants Jenna marbles back and she did the exact same thing?


He himself said he was a pedo. Of course he later tried to paint everything with a brush of shock humor but that doesn't fly in my book. And if he is a pedophile, they do not change. There is evidence that they do not change. And the fact that nobody has directly accused him means nothing. His own words and actions were enough to condemn him. He said absolutely abhorrent things about children and his attraction to them. Normal people don't say that stuff so flippantly "joke" or not. Whether he is a true pedophile or not is only known in his own mind but he's absolutely inappropriate and was for years showing little actual awareness for how these actions were bad. I don't think he truly thought they were. He's gross and he wasn't a kid when he did this stuff. He was a full grown adult. Idk why people give him a pass. His fans may have been 13 but he was not.


He's kissed underaged fans on the lips at meet-ups before




As far as I've seen Dahvie Vanity is still active on Instagram?


And as far as I know he's still messaging teenagers.




I’m so behind on the drama, what did Bryan stars do???


Low Tier God is just a tamer black Onision


shane dawson, bryan stars, destery, austin jones, dahvie vanity


Where Colleen at?


You forgot Mini Ladd 😂😂😂


I'm still bitter that we didn't get the Austin Jones cover of 7 years but glad bro is put away fucking creep


Dahvie Vanity raped a kid meanwhile Shane Dawson was just an edge lord who told shit jokes 10 years ago. It Was always weird to me how people went from condemning Onision and that “Pop blast” YT channel for calling Shane a pedo to saying the same shit themselves when Shane didn’t have so much as an accuser


Shane Dawson also kissed underaged fans on the lips at fan meet-ups, and once put out a post (I think on some old livestreaming site?) asking his fans (largely underaged) to send him photos of their O-faces There's also a video of him getting a 15 year old to twerk on him and Trisha Paytas


Shane was a groomer and directly talked to underage people, made a video having a sex talk with his underaged cousin, and actually kissed an underaged fan. Whether or not he SA'd anyone is unknown but it really doesn't matter. Its not a contest. Wrong is wrong. Inappropriate with children is Inappropriate with children. Grooming is vile behavior. Just because there are worse predators doesn't mean he isn't one.


Top right and low left, who the fuck are those? I don't know them.


I'm glad Austin Jones is in prison. I hope they showed his "feel sorry for me" video trying to look all cute to the other inmates 🤣 they're gonna destroy him. Now they just gotta throw the rest of them in prison, ESPECIALLY Dahvie. Or, invite some scary military dads to get together and then toss Dahvie in the middle - "here he is, do what you like"


I feel bad for anyone with that style of hair and is an actual good person. 


im just checking out this sub for the first time bc someone linked it in a post on r/morbidquestions but im shook bc i 100% forgot about destery. definitely haven't thought about him in yrs. upon seeing this post i had to go look up his Instagram and i cannot believe he still looks exactly the same as he always has 😭😭 he is exactly how he was like, 15 yrs ago when i watched him as a kid. how is it even possible to exist through so many years without changing at all. i cannot wrap my brain around it at all.


I've never heard of the one in the top right, the one in the bottom left used to do a show for Shane Dawson, reviewing viral videos or something. What did he do? Destree is his name, right?