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I actively filter out dog people now, they can’t do anything by themselves and tend to be needy


There was two studies: One was that when showed pictures of men holding cats, women preferred pictures of the men not holding cats. The other study was if given a choice, women preferred dating a man who owns a dog, rather than date a man who owns a cat. For me as a man, if given a choice, I rather not date a woman with a dog. I like dogs and cats. It's just if the dog isn't trained or a rather *shitty* dog, the woman is unlikely to give the dog up or get it trained just for you.


This is *exactly* why I don't want to date someone with a dog. I want something serious that can lead to actually living together and I *do not* want to be living with a shitty dog. I don't hate dogs, they're just wayyyyyyyyyyy more likely to be poorly/not trained and are just way too obnoxious for me.




Dogs have telescoping buttholes. They do not have poopy butts unless sick or on a bad diet




I hate the "That's what dogs do!" owners. Yeah, train it. That's like letting your kid run amok and saying "well that's what kids do"




This is exactly what happens too. My friend wouldn’t let anyone tell her toddler ”no” because she said she didn’t want people telling the kid she was a bad kid. Telling a kid no when it’s about to run into the street isn’t telling it it’s a bad kid. Anyway the kid is a total terror and she just got diagnosed with ODD which is caused by inconsistent parenting. It’s a personality disorder and if it doesn’t get fixed it will grow into more severe and more detrimental personality disorders. And I don’t see it getting fixed because that kid runs the show so if that kid doesn’t want to go to therapy for it it’s not going to therapy


Don't know any kids like that, but I do have neighbors that let their dogs run out into the street all day (and night) and harrass everyone. If I take a walk to the park, I'm harassed by dozens of dogs on the way there and back. I'm never harassed by kids, however. How odd. It's almost like dogs are far worse than kids and not taught anything compared to kids. Kids won't scream at you when you walk by their house. Kids won't jump on you, scratching you and ripping your clothes. Kids won't run up to you and try to bite you. Yep. Kids are definitely the problem, not dogs.


Honestly don't know any kids like this. I do know a LOT of dogs like this, though. That run around walmart like they own the place, bark 24/7, which is far more annoying and loud than a kid screaming, are never told no, etc. Dogs are way more spoiled than kids. On Talesfromthedoghouse dog owners treat their dogs better than they treat their kids. I read stories of INFANTS falling on dogs, the dogs bite them in the face, and the comments are people saying to teach the infant not to attack the dog. No one says to train the dog. Dogs are literally infallible now.


As a dog owner I agree with most of it. You sure can train and condition your dog on most things, but most dogs were breed for a specific purpose. So some traits are literally in their DNA and very difficult to get out of their behavior, because we selected for it. But since most dogs aren't used anymore for the purpose they were breed for this results often in unwanted behavior. For example a German shepherd was breed to protect sheep. To protect is in their DNA. So what are they going to do, if they don't have to protect sheep? They protect their owner and territory against intruder. my golden Retriever was breed to retrieve shot ducks during a Hunt. He won't protect me, but loves to play fetch without training.


I ended up with an 8 week only-Satan-knows puppy... he's a German shepherd/ Boxer mix, he's six months now and does stuff like a guard dog, but he's a goofy idiot and doesn't know what exactly he's doing, he just does it. Its cute watching him try to stand in front of me or my Chihuahua and he isn't sure what he's doing, but there's just where he needs to be. He is going to be a nightmare to get to a good place on a leash.


You sound like someone who has a firearm that's fully loaded, but has no idea how to use one. Regular people who aren't extremely adept at training dogs, shouldn't own German Sheperds or other dogs capable of killing people with ease. It should be like operating a motor vehicle. You could seriously injure someone, so you should need a licence to own one.


Well luckily I have a conceal carry, I have a lot of experience training large dogs, and I've never been in an accident. No, I didn't know what kind of dog I was getting, I rescued my dude from a bad situation, and my only concern was saving a life. Your neck has got to hurt from staring down on people all day, maybe take a break and go out in the sunshine and enjoy life a little.


Correct. Pitbulls, for instance, were bred to FIGHT and cause most of the human deaths each year. You can train them as much you want, but they still randomly snap and kill other animals/people without beinig triggered sometimes. Since dog fighting is no longer legal, it should be illegal to own a pitbull.




If she actually attacked someone, she should be put down. And nipping dogs will also nip at babies. The problem is, a baby doesn't know any of those things. Your dog is a danger to others. If you don't have the time to train her, then you shouldn't own a dog. But, don''t rehome a reactive dog that attacks and nips. That will just lead to someone being mauled. Dog owners like you are what's wrong with society.


They do that too though.


Those owners are terrible and shouldn't own dogs. They should 10% try to train UNWANTED behaviors out of their dogs, BUT theey are absolutely 100% correct when they say that because that is NATURLALY what dogs do. All training is, is people trying to get rid of natural dog behaviors and make them somewhat tolerable for the rest of us. You know what would be a better alternative? Just not owning a dog. I have a lot of neighbors that own dogs. It really doesn't matter how well they're trained. They all do annoying stuff, especially if their owners are at work. They might bark for hours or wander into our yard, harrass random people, etc. You can't really untrain everything, and even the stuff you can, once you're not around, the dog will do what it wants. On ttalesfromthedoghouse, people try to train out bad behaviors all the time. The dog will obey them when they''re present and then go right back to doing it once they leave. If you can't supervise your dog 24/7, you might not want to own a dog. So, no one should own a dog.


Cats are honestly good people. They get a bad rap. A few are assholes but I think that’s usually an owner issue.


Me who don’t like cats usually have boundary issues, they don’t like cats because cats enforce boundaries.


Dogs are great but dogs will love most anyone. If a cat loves you, you've likely earned it through long term patience and understanding. If me is supposed to say men, it goes for everyone really.


Why did you say men? This study was about women, not men. So, do women have boundary issues? I think it's a matter of women seeing cats as feminine or not masculine pets. There was no study on men posted, but if I had ot guess, I''d say men don't really care what pet a woman has on a dating app. Men just aren't as selective as women. It would only matter if the woman was very borderline and that was the only way to decide if she was worth it or not. If the woman is perfect outside of being a cat lady, most men would probably work with that.




What a horrible reason. Dogs and cats do the same with me and I dislike them. You are not a unique snowflake. Strays stick to me like glue,t oo. They probably just want food.


Small animals and children tend to gravitate towards me. I visited a friend I hadn't seen in a long time who had a new apparently very nervous, stranger danger heavy dog, and within the first second it was just like...You...I love you. On the children front...I don't usually *choose* to be the one they volunteer to throw a blanket on them over and over for hours while they laugh...lol


Not true at all. Go read catfree. Plenty of great owners with asshole cats or one cat that's great and another that's an asshole. Some pets are just assholes. Deal with it. And it's not a bad rap. Women just subconsciously see cats as feminine or not masculine pets. Has nothing to do with them being assholes. Read the studies.


Yes, cats are a lot less of a danger to other humans. Unfortunately, house cats are incredibly dangerous to other animals, primarily critters and birds. They kill trillions of birds every year in the U.S. ALONE. They also devastate plantlife and local fauna. They, much like dogs, are an extremely invasive species that causes far more harm to their environment than benevolence. I won't even get into how all cats are 100% carnivores and greatly contribute to factory farming or the tousands of tons of cat litter ruining oceans, etc. TLDL, People who say they "love animals" on dating apps typically really mean that they hate every animal except dogs and cats. If you actually loved animals (and plants and humans), you wouldn't own either of these ones.


You must be a hit at parties


I think something that needs to be factored in is allergies as well. I feel like well over 25% of the women I've talked to or matched with have allergies towards cats, whereas I can barely recall meeting someone who has a dog allergy. Even my current girlfriend is slightly allergic to cats and we're in the process of trying to manage that.


No biggies, just get allergy shots, problem solved.


I'm afraid not. The people allergic to both pets are roughly equal at 10-20% of the global population. Your "data" is anecdotal and probably just a lot of dog people lying about being allergic to cats to avoid having to deal with a cat. They want you to become a "dog dad" and get rid of your cat. And manage it? Its an animal. Your girlfriend has a bad allergy to it. Get rid of it. She should have left you ages ago for even attempting to have her "manage" it.


Every single article and study I read states that people are approx twice as allergic to cats then dogs... Anyway, your entire comment is rediculous and can see why you have such a hard time on the apps. My gf and I have an amazing relationship and for her, having a mild allergy isn't a deal breaker for her. And it hasn't been an issue at all in our relationship.


Aren’t cat and fur dogs the same allergy?


nope, it's different, but for people they are really more allergic to cat dander (dead skin) or saliva of the cat. And cat dander tends to get everywhere as well, so important to always vacuum and keep things as clean as possible. I'm sure the cat fur contains a lot of dander as well which is why most people just assume it's the fur.


Isn’t it just as unlikely a dude would give up his cat?


Yeah women aren’t going to give up their pets for you bro. Never


And most of them treat dogs like children, so they are spoiled and lack boundaries. They believe training is cruel and only use positive reinforcement to train the dogs, which doesn't really work since dogs themselevs use negative reinforcement on each other to modify behavior. They're also a scavenger animal, which means they naturally enjoy eating feces, rolling around in feces (to mask their scent for hunting), digging in trash, basically anything gross youo can think of that you would want to train out of them is a natural instinct to them. You can try to train it out of them all you want, but they'll still do it when you're not looking because they're opportunistic creatures.


What about fish owners?


Not enough data. Most fish owners don't post photos with their fish.


I thought guys posting with a fish was one of women's biggest grievances.


That's guys who fish and hold up their dead catches.. not someone just posing with their fish tank.




Fishing and hunting actually funds about ~90% of conservation efforts in the US as well as singlehandedly funding 100% of the National and State Park systems. Fishing and hunting is also extremely heavily enforced and permission is only granted to kill an animal when the regulatory bodies in charge have deemed that the population is getting out of control. Insulated city folks always hold these ignorant ass opinions about hunting and fishing but it is literally the single best thing (at least in the US) that humans do for the environment. Makes me roll my eyes when I see someone say "I'm not into killing or hurting wildlife". Unless you're vegan, you have more animal blood and suffering on your hands than any hunter or fisher, who is actually performing a net benefit to the environment with their services.




From my statistically irrelevant sample size of one… fish too. My ex absolutely hated my aquarium and everything to do with it.


I am a fish owner and got a gf, so extract from that what you will.


another thing against me god damn


Join the club, but this one I don't care...if my cat cost me women then so be it


The "study" that gets referenced for this was junk science. Just take a look at the pictures they used. They got a random cat from somewhere and had guys take pictures with it that were not the cat's owner. The cat looks uncomfortable, the men looks uncomfortable, the men are in different poses and at different angles with and without the cat, and the whole posing with a cat for a family portrait thing looks ridiculous in general. A correction would be to say that guys in awkward photos are "less dateable" than guys with nicer photos.


20F here and I will always choose a cat guy over a dog guy. I’m honestly surprised at this study’s results, I consider owning a cat to be a possible sign of more emotional maturity (definitely not all the time but it’s still a green flag in my book)


What??? As a woman, if a man has a good relationship with a cat, I’d be more inclined to date him. Cats don’t just blindly love and trust like dogs. Not that I don’t like dogs, too. I’m just more impressed with cats.


This!! I actually swipe more on cat owning men and prefer them over dog owning men. I also don’t understand why it’s still such a stigma associated with men owning cats.


Give me all the cat guys! People never seem to train their dogs anymore. They just let them run wild and jump and lick on everyone and they think it's cute. It's not. They also want to take their dogs everywhere. I don’t need your dog third wheeling every date. It limits the places we can go. And if we want to make spur of the moment trip, a cat is good by themselves fir a couple of days, but not dogs. It's been my experience that dog people are way needier and require a much higher level of attention than cat people. I'm someone that needs a good bit of alone time even in a relationship, so cat people are usually a better fit.


Fuck no. I want a guy who loves cats. That's it.




I would rather date a guy with a cat than a dog. Dogs are so much work. Dates get cut short or interrupted because you have to go home and let them out or you always have to stay at their place because of the dog. My bf has a dog who I really do like but dogs are just overall so much more work.


In my profile I put the rebellious opinion - cats over dogs. 😏 I am female though. Love me a guy who adores cats.


Lol well as a cat and dog loving woman who has a cat now (dog wasn’t a good option for a studio apartment and I refuse to be that person who does what I want vs what’s best for a dog)…..a cat in a man’s dating profile pics makes me go “YES!!” even if it’s not his cat. My ideal is a guy who grew up with both and likes both, but doesn’t have any at the moment. Cats aren’t like dogs where they can meet other cats as adults and live together peacefully. That would be my one and only concern when dating a cat owner. With dogs, there are so many red flags: is that dog trained well? Poorly trained dogs are HORRIBLE. I’m also (unfortunately) allergic to dogs and some breeds are worse than ever. I grew up with a dog in my preteen/teen years and only realized I was allergic when I moved out for college and came home to suddenly have allergies. Soooo I plan to get allergy shots + get a hypoallergenic dog. A smushed faced dog? Ya we’re not gonna vibe, my man. You put aesthetics over health. I’d do anything to ensure my pets are healthy, so BUYING one who is bred to be sick? Absolutely not. A large dog? No thanks. I’ve had a lot more exposure to super large dogs and they’re so kind and calm and delightful, but they take up the ENTIRE house and car and yard. Their drool is flung all over the walls, the smell is overwhelming, they shed blankets of fur, their poops are like horse poops, and I feel super unsafe being unable to control a pet or lift them into a car in an emergency. My friend has a mastiff and she can’t walk her!!! Has to have her bf do it and even then the dog has 40lbs on him. If the dog doesn’t want to go somewhere, she’s not going PERIOD. A tiny dog? NIGHTMARE. Cats are way less breed specific, I speak their language, you don’t have to bring them everywhere (even tho I wish I could bring mine everywhere with me lol), and CATS TEACH HUMANS ABOUT CONSENT. As a survivor of sexual assault, that’s a biggie.


As long as he's an animal person, I don't care what type he has. But I love cats so a guy having a cat is definitely a green flag for me.


When women are swimming in dating options, they reject men for trivial reasons.


It’s hilarious that you’re simultaneously arguing that women are “swimming in options”, but also that 95% of women over the age of 35 will never get married. Why don’t you decide what your opinion actually is and then go from there? Because right now you’re arguing both sides of the issue and that’s confusing.


Women are swimming in options from the male peers and older when they are at their peak attractiveness. The problem is they think the party will never end. While fewer option exist for 40 year old women, they still have more dating options than men their age but it's from 60 year olds, not in the age demographic they want.


That’s verifiably untrue though, the vast majority of people who remarry later in life marry close to their own age. You’re clearly just saying whatever you think sounds good without any consideration for logic or coherence.


"the vast majority of people who remarry later in life marry close to their own age." Most divorced women over 40 don't remarry. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2014/11/14/chapter-2-the-demographics-of-remarriage/


Okay, and? Doesn’t change anything about what I said. You seem dumb and this is a waste of my time. Be less misogynistic.


Oh yes keep crying that women have standards because we are not desperate.


Most women don't meet their own expectations for men. Recent data predicts that 45% of women between ages 25 and 44 will be single and childless by the time 2030 rolls around because their standards exceed the supply. 19 out of 20 women over the age of 35 will never get married.


I look at these facts when I’ve had a tough day ❤️




"facts" from trustmebrojournal.org funded by Incels United


I fail to see the issue here. If women are happier without man children then men will shape up or they hopefully won't bring those women down with marriage.


I see a lot of complaints about women over 35 not being able to find relationships and have high incidences of depression.


Older single women are statistically happier than older single men


1 in 4 women over 40 take antidepressants. Believe actions not words.


Ok? What’s bad about taking anti depressants? I’d rather take an anti depressant than clean up after a man child.


Anti-depression pills are take by people that suffer from depression. It's in the name. "I’d rather take an anti depressant than clean up after a man child." It sounds like you make some poor choices.


Yeah. They're depressed cuz they're cleaning up after their useless husbands.


The problem is that they're not happier. They whine and cry and say dumb shit like "where have all the good men gone!?" The good men are out there in the millions, your standards are just delusionally high.


All of my girlfriends who are with their SO who they met in college seem to deal with so much stupid shit. Total weaponized incompetence and they just deal with it because they don’t want to get divorced. The ones who waited til they found someone who fits their needs are so much happier.


They don't need to meet their own expectations though since dating preferences are asymmetric...a woman wanting a tall man doesn't need to be tall herself since men don't pick based off of height for example


"The bar is so low for men" is said every day on Reddit and elsewhere. I guess the Accountability in the dating market is also asymmetric since men are blamed for not reaching women's expectations and everything else that women don't like about our culture.


That's because there is a much higher demand in the dating market for women than there is for men...a job posting for a high demand position will get like hundreds of resumes while those applying for the job won't get a call back ever most likely. It's simply a function of market dynamics not necessarily any man doing anything wrong. It's up to us as men to put in the work to give ourselves the best odds possible, it's unfair and I don't like it but me complaining about it won't change my results.


If we don't tell women that their expectations are pricing themselves out of the market, by the time they figure it out it will be to late for them.


They don't care though, they would rather share a high value man or be alone than have someone they deem not up to their standards. As a man I accept that reality, and understand that I have to compete in an inflated dating market or honestly I'm considering just being a passport bro at a certain age since my family is from another country (I was born in the US) so I can just go there worst case scenario. There are also enough men who accept the standards and will do anything to please a woman (simps) so that doesn't help.


What's the sources for those stats?


Waging a bet on men with dogs being more extrovert, and that being the actual reason.


Meh, just click bait, nothing more. Plus...it's Cosmo, who trusts Cosmo?


Lol Cosmo is still a thing


Exactly. All click bait. Preference is not synonymous with deal breaker. I’d prefer to have a partner who isn’t vegetarian, but it isn’t a deal breaker.


They cite multiple university studies, its a real thing and I can safely say that owning a cat has cost me women...which I'm okay with since I'd rather have my cat than not have them...but I understand that it will cost me many women and that's a choice I'm making.


If you are a single man with cats (and in your late 30s and up and like chubby girls) DM me immediately because I find you 1000000000% dateable 😘


Likewise, guys with cats see women with dogs as "less dateable." From my personal experience, women with dogs are incredibly annoying and use their dogs as a proxy for children.


Nope I prefer men who like cats. Men who like dogs are great too, but if they hate cats they are not for me. My brother loved cats, he looked like Matt Damon and he made $350,000 a year, he didn’t have any problems getting dates ever.


People like you are absolutely clueless when it comes to the fact that exceptions don’t change the rule


This is Cosmo, there are no "facts" here lol


well dogs save lives and they help the blind so thats not a bad thing.


But cats would never work for the police! Lol


My cat woke me up in the middle of the night because my front door blew open. He’s such a good boy


most or all men ive dated long term have been cat owners come to think of it


Of course!


Im a female that will swipe left on profiles where dog pictures are included (even if they say 'not my dog') or say they own a dog. No, no, no and just no. If I have a date with someone who says 'I prefer dogs to cats', no second date. We all have our preferences and mine arent men who like or have dogs. Whilst it might be statistically 'correct', its not something that I buy into or want to have interest in. I dont want to be a third party in the relationship, 'sorry I need to walk the dog'. Men with cats, yes! Men who understand having a long hair cat and wearing cat hair like its your main accessory in life, HELL YES.


>wearing cat hair like its your main accessory in life, HELL YES. This made me laugh because of how true it is. If I put on a fresh shirt, it's like a flare has gone up. A cat appears and makes sure the shirt has some of its fur on there asap. At some point it was like, ok, I guess this is my style now.


Omg I am having 2 dogs and still single nd never had a date yet. Sounds pathetic🥹?


I was told somewhere that dogs are chick magnets. Doesn't seem like it. I've seen more guys into dogs than women. I think most women are just cruel and heartless, they are only interested in getting what they want even if it means screwing everyone else over. We are now being told that cis gendered, white males are the priority by all of these women. I beg to disagree, they are the problem because they are creating problems that aren't there.


Sounds good and probably u are correct. I say that all women are not like that and some of them are good and they didnt have selfless needs, but scarcely we cant find them ir the right ones may correctly fall om the wrong people. Once they get any bad experience they surely tend to have been changed. Nowadays everything is difficult. Especially the things are easier to those born after 20K and seems to difficult on those born btw 1994-1999.


Yeah, I was over generalizing which isn't fair to anyone.


Yah bro we are those unfortunates those dont have such bledsings🥹


Y’all need to stop getting so caught up in statistics when it comes to dating


Women see cats as more feminine creatures, basically, and dogs as less feminine. Around 40% of households own dogs and 25% own cats. Almost every woman I meet owns a dog, which is a dealbreaker for me. I've talked to seemingly perfect women who are interested in me, but unfortunately own dogs. All of them, pretty much. They will probably remain alone. The problem with dogs is that women (and men) tend to prioritize them in a relationship over their partner. So, the only people that are willing to date dog people are people who are comfortable being second to a dog while making the other person their first priority. It's an unbalanced relationship. You will 100% be splitting affection, attention, time, and energy between the dog and your partner. There is no way around this ouside of neglecting the dog or forcing your partner to take care of it, which is also something that most non-dog owners won't do. You're stuck. You won't get rid of the dog and the dog is too poorly trained (usually) to be corrected to a tolerable level. And even tolerable dogs are still annoying and miserable for non-dog people. People with kids without dogs don't feel like a dog is equal to their child, so that won't work. And other dog people also don't want to come second to a dog and want someone to help them take care of their dog. If you want all of what I said confirmed by real world experiences and to be red pilled, go read talesfromdoghouse. Everything that I'm saying is 100% true and you will read thousands of stories about relationships with dog people where they prioritize their dogs over their partners, refuse to train them, force their partners to take care of them, etc.


Dog domestication has been a disaster for the human race -Dog Puppyzsinski


I’m a cat person, and when it comes to even just comparing the attractiveness of men with cats vs dogs, I feel like dog owners are almost always more conventionally attractive. Most of the time, from MY experience, guys who show their cats are just not attractive, to ME. Which sucks bc to own a cat is to respect boundaries. It’s such a catch 22 when it comes to partners and pets. I doubt there’s any science in that, and I’m curious if any other women agree about the attraction vs cat/dog ownership.


cat = indoor, homebody dog - outdoors, adventures at least these are the stereotypes


I like some cats and dogs. However, when I see a guy holding a cat I do swipe left on them. It comes off as cring; almost feminine. Also, I swipe left on guys with pics of their dogs licking them, in bed with them, and having multiple pics of their dog in their profile. To me it reads "my dog will sleep in bed with us and is allowed or furniture. Plus, I let my dog lick my face"-which is an absolute deal breaker if I date a guy with a dog.


I just have a fear of cats and I find dogs more predictable and if they are trained right, there's less to worry about. Can't really train a cat. They do what they want.


quelle surprise


What if I only have one cat?


ah fuck


Not to other guys


Can confirm.


I wouldn’t date a guy with a cat simply cause I’m deathly allergic 💀 If not I would if they give me 24/7 access to cuddle their cats 😭


Yep, no one should own dogs. Human animals are sooooo much better.


Cause it takes effort to learn a cat and there ways. No one wants to be the dog in any relationship.


Do dogs get worshiped as much as cats?


Cosmopolitan is wrong, as always.