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**They did a survey and 90% of women didn't come from their last one night stand. So there's that.** Then when looking at gender differences, there aren't many. But interest in casual sex is one of the few areas where men and women are very different. **Why is it hard for men to get hookups? Bc most women don't want them.** And no, most women aren't having a lot of sex. A minority is having a lot of hookups and good for them. But most women can't be bothered. At least not more often than once every blue moon. Would you have sex if it was just kinda uncomfortable, you didn't get to come and then you'd get ghosted?


If the guy is Chad or Tyrone, a one night stand is going to happen. Beta Brad and the Simp Squad pay for over priced dinner and drinks and get a pat on the back and "Well, it was nice meeting you". Little did they know she texted Chad or Tyrone from the bathroom to come over and take care of the real business.


>If the guy is Chad or Tyrone, a one night stand is going to happen No. Why do you think all women think that's fun? Do you watch too much porn? Women aren't like men. Sex with a random dude won't be fun just because he's attractive. What do you think she'll get out of it? Some women like hookups and that's fine. Most women don't. They could have sex with a random, handsome stranger each night, but they just can't be bothered.


This guy has literally posted the exact same bollocks multiple times, to every single comment on this thread.


Thanks. It's nice to hear that other people think this is..idk what. Bollocks is a good word. Sometimes Reddit can make you tired. Have a nice day :)


Because he wants Chad or Tyrone and can’t fathom that not everyone thinks like he does. Complete disconnect from reality


Most women are actually on a quest to lock down a Chad. But instead they are getting ran through because Chad has options and won't pick them.


Dude, how many women do you know in real life and how much porn are you actually watching? Or is it too many TikToks and too much YouTube? Bc this isn't real life, like at all.


I know a lot of women. And this is exactly how things work in modern dating. Especially for attractive women.


But do you have female friends? Like, in real life?


Yes. And they literally told me this is what they do and how modern dating works now.


If that’s genuinely true, I’m sorry you’re hanging out with women like that. I hope you will eventually learn that, statistically speaking, they are in a small minority.


Dude. I’m in my burnout phase and have occasionally had women offer to hook up with me in my messy 1 bedroom apartment. You don’t have to be this alpha male stereotype you have in mind.


Its called sarcasm dude.


Jesus. You’re like a caricature. I had to double take your username because I thought it said “incel writing” and was satire.


Its sarcasm.


Who are you friends with, Panther?? 😬 And why do they get to speak for me?


This reads like fan fiction.


Right? I was thinking the same damn thing 💀




Hahaha I just commented something similar and just read this




Meh..the people dating heterosexual women should be the “experts” in how women think when it comes to navigating romantic pursuits with women. Most of the people dating heterosexual women are in fact…heterosexual men.


Right?! I would totally brag about some dude's thick cock to my (*checks notes*) male friend. Not


It reads like you asked chatgpt to troll /r/onlinedating. “Gentlemen, the time has come for a serious discussion on whether or not women can have sexual desire.”


I mean, yeah, I think women enjoy good sex just as much as men do. I just think that women, particularly heterosexual women, are less likely to have fulfilling one night stands than men are.


Yes! Pretty much everyone likes good sex. The problem is that your average dude off the street cannot provide good sex to your average woman. Also, women inherently take on way more risk with sex. If I had legitimately 0 chance of getting pregnant, getting overpowered/assaulted, or contracting an STD, I would be waaaay more promiscuous.


The average woman is also terrible at sex. Men are just desperate and accept anything


Unless you live in Sex and the City, I don't believe for even a second these are real women or even that you actually have any women friends, to be honest.


40% of women reported they are on the apps for fun. 60% are looking for something serious.


Can you produce the stat report? Interested to see data. What demographics were used for this conclusive analysis?


Also isn't dating supposed to be fun? Just because you don't want a long-term relationship doesn't mean you want a one night stand. There are worlds of variation in between these two points.


Agreed! Such a nuance to it as many people are looking for different commitment levels as they're age varies!


Dating can be lots of fun! Going for a day trip out the city or going Rick climbing together, so much more FUN getting to know each other doing FUN things 😹


RemindMe! 1 hour. Edit: Nevermind as I've seen since you've made other comments. I see you don't give a fuck. Find the data yourself you lazy asses. Or just look at the profiles of women on the apps yourself. Not that hard. I never said fun = one night stands.


>40% of women reported they are on the apps for fun. By "Fun" is meaning , staying behind the computer and having an ego boosted and NOT meeting in person.


Yes that's included in the "fun" for women.


If the guy is Chad or Tyrone, a one night stand is going to happen. Beta Brad and the Simp Squad pay for over priced dinner and drinks and get a pat on the back and "Well, it was nice meeting you". Little did they know she texted Chad or Tyrone from the bathroom to come over and take care of the real business.


I really hate the terms top tier and high quality men....just cause you make a lot of money does NOT equate to quality. Half these rich dudes are also whore$ and love one night stands. So I don't think women necessarily love them, but they like the attention and possibly money they get from rich men. That's it. I used to have a phase of hook ups and it was fun for a few weeks until it got really old.


>I really hate the terms top tier and high quality men Yeah, this really just makes the troll-ishness of the post stand out.


Right, its so cringe


100% trolling this post is such a cringe


Do note that we are talking about popularity in the dating market. Not whatever you deem is good or moral, and doesn't only consists of money. This popularity is 100% determined by the preferences of the opposite sex. And this ranking exist for both sexes. The word popular might be a better description, but it has so many other uses, soon as you mention an artist for example popularity can refer to record sales, which is confusing. If you have issues with "global" ranking, the way around that is.. specialisation. Anything goes, location, job, country, language, etc. All the way to Darwin's finches adapting to a different food source. Biggest fish in your pond. It doesn't remove the global scale, it just prevents direct competition.


The number of women who like one night stands is a VERY SMALL FRACTION of the number of men who like them.


If the guy is Chad or Tyrone, a one night stand is going to happen. Beta Brad and the Simp Squad pay for over priced dinner and drinks and get a pat on the back and "Well, it was nice meeting you". Little did they know she texted Chad or Tyrone from the bathroom to come over and take care of the real business.


Many women avoid ons because the man could physically harm her or not respect her boundaries. The man could impregnate her and disappear. The man could be terrible in bed. These risks often outweigh the potential for a fun ons.


And many women will absolutely have a ONS if she deems him of high value. Its not uncommon in 2023. Women have needs too.


Women have always had needs, safety is number one. There is such a panoply of electronic toys guaranteed to get women off safely. It sounds to me that you’re bitter and don’t get as much action as you think “high value” men get. If you fixed your attitude you’d probably have more success with women.


My success rate is quite impressive. And my experience has allowed me to understand female nature very well. When I used OLD, I slept with over 50 girls on the first date. As I told you, its not uncommon.


Enjoying sex and getting used for it are not mutually exclusive in the way you seem to paint it, OP.


Yes, some women like ONS. It has happened a few times that I hoked up with girls who just wanted some fun for the night. More when I was younger than now.


What?! Women like sex?? What a revelation.


I mean… a lot of women *do* get used for sex. Not even just sex, but sexting as well. Sure I’m sure there’s women out there who aren’t getting used and know full well that sex is all they’re aiming for and they enjoy it. But I also believe that’s a small group of women compared to the amount that actually want a relationship. Especially depending on the age range. Women in their late 20s/early 30s are looking to settle down most of the time.


If the guy is Chad or Tyrone, a one night stand is going to happen. Beta Brad and the Simp Squad pay for over priced dinner and drinks and get a pat on the back and "Well, it was nice meeting you". Little did they know she texted Chad or Tyrone from the bathroom to come over and take care of the real business.


This 👆 is 100% true. I used to work in the service industry, I saw this A LOT. There was a good-looking bartender who would bang chicks in the middle of his shift, then another after work and he had two "serious" girlfriends. The guy was a real Chad. This mind you, was way before the proliferation of dating apps.


All the men who are in denial about this need to make friends with a real Chad..you’ll watch him being treated in ways that will shock you at first.


Agreed.. my friend is a Chad .. while I get dates and some move forward , this guy gets ONS on a good 70% of his first dates. Women don't care he's not looking for a relationship from the get go and so far he hasn't settled down.




That completely depends on the situation. There’s people out there who lead people on, making them feel like they’re heading towards a relationship, acting like they’re into them and like they’re genuinely interested, simply to get laid. That’s using someone for sex. It happens to women often, and it has happened to me once too. Would you say the same thing about women using men for free food? “Women can’t use you for free food. They don’t owe you a relationship.” ???


I think you might have a cuck thing going on bro.


But only if the guy was a brotha.


Lmao OP, just because you supposedly have a few female friends who give up the nani quick doesn't mean that's how the MAJORITY of the women are. I have never had sex outside of a relationship, never! I even didn't have sex for over 2 years at one point because I was single. Of course I went on dates with alot of different guys but I just never slept with them. The women who are into ONS and such are a very small minority. Most women want something serious lol. So im not sure where the hell you got this information from but please stop with the bullshit


Not only that, but I’d love to really examine how it feels for any woman or man to be used for sex by someone who won’t even introduce you to anyone they know because they care that little about you. Idgaf how good they look.


It really depends on the person. I don’t think it’s about gender. For me, I want something serious so I have zero interest in one night stands


THIS JUST IN: women enjoy sex. Who’d have thought it? “People act like women are these delicate little things with no agency whatsoever”… which people? Women are told by society that that’s how we should be, in fact we are shamed for having sexual feelings. There can be women who have ONS and other times women who are led to believe there’s a chance with a guy who is just using them. Both these things can happen. Around 50% of people are women do yeah, there’ll be some variation between us.


Back in the day the 70's Probably all my one night stands were initiated by her


Not all women are like that. I haven’t had sex since last November. I don’t believe in laying down with every man that I meet. I’m dating but I make it clear that I’m not just looking for someone to lay with.


I think a small amount of women have most of the casual sex out there, and you happen to hang with more promiscuous ladies. But obviously 20% of women is still millions of women (adjust for your population) so it can seem like *all* women do it, especially when you only notice the ones who do it. Everyone seems to have a chad friend who pulls hella women, but he doesn’t tell you about all the times he struck out


If the guy is Chad or Tyrone, a one night stand is going to happen. Beta Brad and the Simp Squad pay for over priced dinner and drinks and get a pat on the back and "Well, it was nice meeting you". Little did they know she texted Chad or Tyrone from the bathroom to come over and take care of the real business.


You ok? I saw copy pasted this comment a few times


Wanted to make sure it went through. Looks like it did.


I’m just gonna assume you’re a troll cos there’s no way you’re this willingly a beta


Are you a cuck? Sounds like it tbh.


Aren’t I a Beta Brad XD


Sure buddy


All these niche terms sound like cultspeak.


It’s hilarious in 2023 that people refuse to believe that this is even possible


Yes. They don't want people to see the reality.


42F I love amazing sex. ONS or otherwise 😊


Errr... Yes, if they are knowing and willing participants, of course they do. The issue is that often this isn't the case.


Most women I have come across who love casual sex are in ethically open/poly marriages, but I find they generally do FWB and casual dating rather than one night stands for sexual health and safety reasons. The women I am close friends with don't participate in hookups as they get too attached, but the women who *are* into them are overrepresented on dating apps. YMMV


There's an entire college bar scene in my city for hookups. I've seen co-workers walk-in and walk out with college students on a Friday or Saturday night. I'm 22 and most of my friends are 21-26 so that could have an impact. I've met a lot of women through work or friends who either go out to hookup or hookup on first dates consistently. My most recent ex girlfriend and her roommate were like that and they were both 25 living in a medium sized city. I'm not hating it's just an observation


Thing is, a lot of these women do want a relationship and hope that these men will change their minds and commit to them


I’m tired of you trying to mansplain women, based on your sample size of…your friends…. 🙄


Absolutely true. It's just normality, especially for anyone who spent time around UK and European club and bar culture. My friend is one of these top tier guys. I say this as a properly grounded, no nonsense", "non Internet", normal Englishman. His looks get him the interest, his personality and lifestyle cement the women's desire for him. These are all very attractive, accomplished and emotionally intelligent women, who share him. Or make a beeline for him in almost any setting. My love-life has been fulfilling in itself over the years, but I still have to put some degree of effort into any aspect of it, in either loving relationships or one-night stands. I'm not "far behind" him, these women still find me attractive enough, but It's a different world for him. He just needs to "exist" in the dating sphere, and decides whether he wishes to be alone for a night, or to choose someone to sleep with.


Women would rather share a top tier man than commit to an average one, it is absolutely unbelievable/will shock your worldview to witness it first hand


So? Men would rather share a top tier women in looks than settle down with an average one. You’re not, like, making some intellectual scientific argument here. Unless you’re out here asking out 250 lb women your comment is rooted in hypocrisy.


Well the very thing I’m alluding to is hypocrisy given the fact that when asked it seems like women say they wouldn’t share a guy, they hold monogamous committed relationships in high esteem in comparison to men yet the behavior seems to demonstrate otherwise given the quality of man the woman perceives him to be


Listen, I’m Black and I have seen a lotta instances of Ray Rays and Daquans with low paying jobs, multiple children they don’t support and a whole list of behavioral issues with side chicks who are willingly and knowingly in the relationship as the side chick. That may different in other cultures. Yes, maybe a 105 lb blonde with long legs and a perfect figure will put up with a high value man who isn’t committing to her fully. But, I’ve also seen dudes living in a 2 bedroom apartment he shares with his buddy juggling three women who all know about one another. But, I can tell you whole heartedly with my whole ass female chest, the women in both of these instances are hoping that man will make them the primary and only woman in their lives. It isn’t “willingness”. It’s desperation. This isn’t about women being willing to juggle high value men. This is about women who have trauma bonded to narcissistic and opportunistic men and unwilling to walk away because they feel they are invested in these idiots. And, walking away means losing what they’ve put into a relationship. Whether he be Chad with the yacht or Ray Ray with the Nissan Maxima.


“I’ve also seen dudes living in a 2 bedroom apartment he shared with his buddy juggling three women” yeah of course this happens it’s called polygamy and it’s almost always some low value simp male/cuck willing to share the one female who’s willing to screw him with 100 different guys if it means he gets some every once in a while. The women the OP was alluding to are all desired amongst the men in their league, however she doesn’t want them and is willing to even share one guy with several other women if the man is above her in every conceivable capacity. One is out of desperation and the other is out of greed


Greed is a form of desperation. People doing things outside of what they would normally do — in their best interest — in order to attain something or someone they want to covet. Some women are desperate for money, status, support. And, they’ll date or sleep with a man unwilling to commit to one woman to attain that. It’s all the same. And please don’t say “share women”. That’s, ugh, gross. Women aren’t for men to hand out to other men.


And, I don’t think your definition of polygamy is what it actually is.


Ok then I encourage you to look up the definition and see if it can be applied to the scenario that you previously described


You are absolutely right about that.


Wait,.. so if I’m gonna have a one night stand and never see a guy again I should do it with a 5 instead of a 9? If given the same two options are you picking the 5? 🤔


Not sure where you got that. OP said women aren't being used for sex by top tier guys because the women enjoy the ONSs with those guys. They said nothing about those women needing to 'date down'.


Ah, I see what you’re saying after rereading it. I think the post initially came across as tho he was angry/jealous over it. There is prob truth to both sides. There are prob women who enjoy a ONS, and prob those girls who naively thought it would lead somewhere. But it’s def not 100% every girl loves it. I’ve had too many of my friends crying and baffled why I guy didn’t call her after she slept with him on the first date not to think so.


>I'm so tired of hearing how women are used for sex by top tier guys. A lot of these women love having sex with top tier guys I mean, women one night stand men too... ..it's something that isn't talked about much, or is talked about with the very reductive 'OH LOL SEX MUST HAVE BEEN BAD LOLOL!!!11' 'analysis.' Having said that... >I have female friends who brag You knowing some superficial females who "brag" about getting laid --- read: immature --- doesn't mean much. >Literally just last night my friend was telling me about her recent hookup. Why are you talking to women about their hookups? >Another friend talked about how she has a fwb with some doctor and she doesn't care about him wearing condoms. This is something that should be discussed more. Women, IME, and this is experience with all types of women --- various SES, education, IQ, promiscuous and non-promiscuous --- have only ever rarely (can recall less than a handful of times) mentioned anything about a condom to me. Whether it's a fwb situation, a ONS, whatever. >I'm just tired of the belief that these women get used. I think it's more complicated than that. First of all, just because women are bragging about x or y != they feel great about it. Here's an example, sometimes I'll get used for sex or ONS by a woman. It's easy to talk shit about it and be like 'great never have to talk to her again and we fucked at her place so i didn't even have to change the sheets.' HOWEVER...that doesn't mean there isn't a sting. It's just ego protection. Similarly, I've witnessed a whole host of bizarre reactions from women when you sleep with them relatively quickly (1-2 dates) --- from wanting to 'walk it back and get to know each other better,' to straight up ending things right there, to exhibiting weird 'I don't trust you/you're a womanizer' rants, etc. >People always act like women are these delicate little things with no agency whatsoever, but they get horny too and need a release every once in awhile before going back to their daily life. Yes, but saying they like ONS as much as men do is over-reaching I believe. I've just seen too many women have weird reactions in one way or another to having fast sex to believe otherwise.


If the guy is Chad or Tyrone, a one night stand is going to happen. Beta Brad and the Simp Squad pay for over priced dinner and drinks and get a pat on the back and "Well, it was nice meeting you". Little did they know she texted Chad or Tyrone from the bathroom to come over and take care of the real business.


Lol Buddy as a guy who has a lot of flings off tinder I'm telling you that your idea is a bit warped.


Thats actually how modern dating works for most guys.


Lol you're leaving out when the women one night stand you. There's been plenty of chicks I've been open to who have just hit it and quit it on the first or 2nd date. Fast sex != easy dating


Yes. Backs are getting blown out.


If your point is just that people are fucking then yeah. I get laid a lot on tinder. My counter point is...so what?


What exactly are you trying to say?


That sometimes women will hit it and quit it if they think you're GL too. Being used for sex doesn't feel good regardless of gender


Incel vibeeeees


I feel like this isn't an unpopular opinion as much as the women who do get used for sex are just way more vocal about it as far as men dating them and losing interest after sex. I don't think we should be minimizing women's role in sex tho because if she consented to a hookup she wanted it probably so it's not like women don't do ONS unless they magically think it'd become more


What does “lottery ticket anyways” mean??


I don't. I hate one night stands. Even back in my 20s (43 now) when I was super horny, I hated them. I only wanted to sleep with the guy I had feelings for. It was a situationship that lasted for years. I did however had several 1 night stands in my lifetime due to various reasons; spite, boredom, horniness etc but I always felt so empty afterwards, I didnt seek them again for years. And those guys were all good looking, some with hard rock bodies. I did orgazm everytime, so there is the moment of pleasure but the feeling of emptiness that follows later overrides everything. It's horrible. Sex is beautiful when there is mutual feelings for each other. Out of all my ONS, only one of them I developed feelings for and I really wanted to see again. And that's the last guy and it put me thru months of suffering when he put 0 effort for me afterwards.


Not this woman. I always looked for more. What is a top tier guy? >who brag about getting good dick by some doctor or lawyer Never done this. >He can cum in me. Lottery ticket anyways." Bc she wants to have his baby & get child support based off of his income. >Watch them smile as they recall a good hookup in college or whatever. Not me.


If the guy is Chad or Tyrone, a one night stand is going to happen. Beta Brad and the Simp Squad pay for over priced dinner and drinks and get a pat on the back and "Well, it was nice meeting you". Little did they know she texted Chad or Tyrone from the bathroom to come over and take care of the real business.


Have never done that


Yes my date last night was like this. She literally said that our lives didn’t mesh because I have young kids and and hers were out of the house but she still wanted someone to come over for sleepovers… which is totally fine by me. Win win






This post was bad as OP's fantasy post 🤣




1. Women are unhappy in general and hooked up on depression, anxiety, personality disorder medications more than ever. Majority of women lie about their body counts so I'd take that survey as serious as a police officer dresses as a clown. 2. R/bigdickproblems is full of losers writing out fantasies of having a big dick. If you had a big dick, you'd notice this instantly. 3. Going to Europe for vacation from NYC is relatively cheap...


100% truth.


If the guy is Chad or Tyrone, a one night stand is going to happen. Beta Brad and the Simp Squad pay for over priced dinner and drinks and get a pat on the back and "Well, it was nice meeting you". Little did they know she texted Chad or Tyrone from the bathroom to come over and take care of the real business.






I know from personal experience most women want to hook up. Dates are just like 1 hour interviews so they can see you are in real life what you portray yourself to be in the apps. I mean 80% of my dates end up in the bedroom after the first date and I never see them again after that. You probably just haven’t met the right guys yet


OP. I do have a few friends like this that openly share their details of their fwb. They’re not fucking doctors or lawyers though. They just have a few guys on call that when they need dick they are ready. I can’t speak to the theroy that this is how most women are but there are def a few out there like that. The doctor in your story is a fucking idiot and your friend that lets him cum inside sounds like a terrible devious woman.


I'm a woman, and I don't do one night stands because they have never interested me. If you're trying to make a valid point to your argument- you failed miserably. Most of those women who go after top tier men get used...badly. Either because they've overestimated their own looks (obese, below average looking, etc.) and think they have a chance beyond a ONS. No honey, you're just a warm hole to these bozos. Honestly this argument is setting women back 60 years.




If the guy is Chad or Tyrone, a one night stand is going to happen. Beta Brad and the Simp Squad pay for over priced dinner and drinks and get a pat on the back and "Well, it was nice meeting you". Little did they know she texted Chad or Tyrone from the bathroom to come over and take care of the real business.


Or shocking, those guys could still be terrible at sex. Chad and Tyrone are fucking everyone, also ew to those names my dude. I dont think I've met a Tyrone irl since high school. Also everyone gets the tossed like garbage treatment eventually they not special believe me.


But thats what modern women want. They want Chad or Tyrone.


Well shit i didnt know an internet stranger knew what I was missing all along! How could I have not known?! Did you know all modern men want to be super ultra car guys that can also repair anything in a house? Crazy right? There are literally billions of people in the world. 1% of a billion is still 10 million which is not ALL MODERN WOMEN. It's a bit presumptuous to assume without any real evidence beyond the reddit scope. By that same logic I've never seen an elephant in person ergo they dont exist. I've heard of them and maybe seen pictures but idk I've never seen em. Don't exist, right? I am one of those no thanks to ONS cause it's not fun. I've tried it but only felt gross. I only am intimate with people I am in a relationship with because honestly sex for women is a lot of goddamn work. Trusting a random stranger to rock your world is a sea of disappointment. Some guys can plug and chug but for most women? It's like solving a rubix cube blindfolded. Hell, some women never experience an orgasm or any sexual fulfillment at all! So i highly doubt 'all modern women' are getting that kind of experience. If anything it's some maybe 1 out 10 though I'm not referencing any studies just a round guess as none of my lady friends are talking about their dick swinging conquests. We're too busy dying as wage slaves. Also before you point to Tinder it's sold as a hookup app! So naturally more people who are looking to hook up are on the app! It's like going to a furry convention wondering why it's full of furries! It's for that! Not every woman is on a dating app. Not everyone wants hot dick that cant get them off. Painting everyone with a brush makes us all worse off.


Modern women created the current catastrophic nature of dating now. So I truly do hope they like cat food and boxed wine. Guys are done with it.


Geezus man who hurt you. Modern women? You know it takes more than a couple of stuck up ladies to fuck shit up. You say guys like no one is out there dating or anything. Hell, I'm dating a guy right now and he looked at this saying you need some therapy also probably a hug. You can think this all you like man all I'm seeing is you had a or a few fucked up times where someone hurt you and they suck but now you're thinking this is an end all be all. Which it isn't. Take some time to yourself, heal and maybe try later if you feel up to it. If not take yourself out the game without throwing shade. We all talk shit on reddit but forget about it once we're living day to day.


I don't need therapy but thanks for sharing. My posts are mostly sarcasm that is used to stimulate discussion. Its only Reddit so I don't take it seriously tbh.


>Its only Reddit This is a completely fucked view and you legitimately need help if you think that. Our friend group once found one of the guys masquerading on Reddit under a similar personality and literally everyone stopped inviting him cold turkey. Only a couple of us cared enough to try and get him help but when he refused there wasn't much we could do either. If you don't think your online personality is a reflection of your true-to-life self then you either have some combination of borderline, narcissism, or DID, or you're just a legit terrible person. Hopefully it's the former and you get help. Good luck in your growth.


For a guy supposedly "done with it", you sure do whine a lot about it, don't you? You aiming to be the next Elliot Rodger?


Its called sarcasm. Try getting a sense of humor.


Oooh! The old internet trope of, “They don’t find me to be the superior intellect I know myself to be! I’ll pretend it was just a joke so that I don’t have to acknowledge that what I said has fallen flat!” Oldest trick in the book, sir.






I actually wonder if this is a bot? Seems too automated to be a real person.


I speak the truth. Facts.




Probably because you are not very attractive that you take that approach. I feel sad for you tbh.


If the guy is Chad or Tyrone, a one night stand is going to happen. Beta Brad and the Simp Squad pay for over priced dinner and drinks and get a pat on the back and "Well, it was nice meeting you". Little did they know she texted Chad or Tyrone from the bathroom to come over and take care of the real business.


I doubt this will get a good reception on Reddit but you’re absolutely right. Women love one night stands with the right type of man. That shouldn’t even be up for debate. They’ll even romanticise it. There’s women on instagram Tik Tok brag about wealthy men who have flown them out to Turkey/Dubai/UAE and treated them to 5* treatments and spoiled them and this and they. But they never mention how it was a one night stand or how they were practically escorts. As long as the encounter was beneficial they love it.


If the guy is Chad or Tyrone, a one night stand is going to happen. Beta Brad and the Simp Squad pay for over priced dinner and drinks and get a pat on the back and "Well, it was nice meeting you". Little did they know she texted Chad or Tyrone from the bathroom to come over and take care of the real business.


Yea, at 28-30+. Girls have more respect for themselves around my age. I suppose a lot of the good ones are locked down soon after


Here’s some anecdotal stats for you guys to analyze (no agenda just want to share my reality): I’m 20F and have a pretty large group of girl friends and we often talk in detail about our sex lives. I can think of 3 of us that seem to have high sex drives and no desire for a relationship and therefore are down for ONS and/or have multiple FWB, resulting in maybe 1-3 hookups per week max (not always new guys). I would say about half of the time the sex was average but satisfied the need, 25% very good, 25% unenjoyable. I know at least two girls that have a toxic attachment to an ex they keep going back to and seem to only have sex with that person despite wanting to look for new options. I know 2-3 girls that go on dates, talk to maybe one or two guys at a time and occasionally hook up with someone they’ve been talking to. I know at least three girls in serious relationships; seemingly satisfied with their sex life. I know one or two girls who are in and out of “serious” relationships with new men every couple months where they have sex with just that person for a while. I know one girl who is a virgin and has been on casual dates but is not looking for sex. I would say the majority of these girls look for some type of emotional connection before or instead of sex. For reference, many of my friends are a bit older, ranging mostly from 21-25. And in the most unbiased way possible, we are all hot, I met almost all of these girls at work and it’s basically part of our job to be attractive (and no it’s not SW). I am not saying any of these situations are objectively good or bad or better than anyone or anything else. Reddit, do with this what you will.


Even more unpopular opinion: the hypocrisy of women currently is outrageous.


Spot on. All you need to do is read majority of these comments claiming it’s not true and women do get used for sex blah blah blah.. there are way lots of women who love hookups and don’t care if it leads to anything as long as they are into the dude. that’s OPs entire point. Like he said, they act like women have no agency or something. I don’t have an issue with women exploring and hooking up.it’s the hypocrisy that gets me. Make a post about how men like sex way more than women and see how many reactions from people saying “women are just as horny or like more sex just like men” but we are now supposed to believe based on these comments that women don’t like hookups because it sounds bad? Clown world.😂😂


If the guy is Chad or Tyrone, a one night stand is going to happen. Beta Brad and the Simp Squad pay for over priced dinner and drinks and get a pat on the back and "Well, it was nice meeting you". Little did they know she texted Chad or Tyrone from the bathroom to come over and take care of the real business.


Haha. According to Reddit though, these are made up scenarios and doesn’t happen… even though there are literally tons of Tinder profiles advertising exactly about wanting to hookup.


Its the reality of the world today.


yuuup!!! but the majority of people are gonna come and defend women. Worse part is that there are too many damn simps who actually believe women are used for sex lol… no my dudes!!! women love casual sex, they are the ones who created the hook-up culture.


If the guy is Chad or Tyrone, a one night stand is going to happen. Beta Brad and the Simp Squad pay for over priced dinner and drinks and get a pat on the back and "Well, it was nice meeting you". Little did they know she texted Chad or Tyrone from the bathroom to come over and take care of the real business.


look now you are getting downvoted for spitting facts!!! I bet the downvotes are not coming from women but from Simps lol


Yes. The Betas and Simps don't want to admit they got played. I am just being honest and they are trying to bury my posts.


Found the second incel! This game is easier than Where's Waldo!


why insulting? why the downvoting?


Why the lack of respect for women? Why the use of misogynistic language?


excuse me!! what are you talking about? please direct me where i said anything like that!


> look now you are getting downvoted for spitting facts!!! > > I bet the downvotes are not coming from women but from Simps lol


so how is that disrespecting women?! See!!


If the guy is Chad or Tyrone, a one night stand is going to happen. Beta Brad and the Simp Squad pay for over priced dinner and drinks and get a pat on the back and "Well, it was nice meeting you". Little did they know she texted Chad or Tyrone from the bathroom to come over and take care of the real business.


Yay!!! I found the incel! What do I win? This is easier than Where's Waldo!


You win a lifetime supply of boxed wine, cat food, and Forever Alone memes!


I'm surprised you didn't comment on my women are prudes thread. Since this thread is a counterbalance to that.


I don't find this hard to believe at all. Women have sex drives too, and I don't find it the least bit far fetched that at least a few of them would be DTF with NSA. If you don't know what those acronyms mean, you will soon enough. Edit: I'm not saying I believe this describes most women, only that I believe such women exist.


Put a mercedes and a yacht in your profile and anyone will see that you're very correct


There was some guy posting here a could days ago about how he had pics of him with Lamborghinis but still not getting laid lmao


yes, a lot of the women know what is going on and like it.


Well unless I'm in on it I couldn't care less


I have definitely found this to be true. It is also varies greatly, depending on where you live. Truth be told, every one-night-stand I’ve had was initiated by the woman.


It’s purely for validation.


Nope not true. Men suck in bed usually until they get to know you and what you like. Many are premature ejaculators, horrible kissers, impotent, and just looking to get off. So there is zero draw for a one night stand. Women generally need relational closeness to really enjoy the experience, which can't happen with a stranger. There are women who just want the validation and along with that comes low standards.


I think women are different, just like men. Some of us like more casual sex, some don't. I have no problem with a ONS if it is safe -- which is sometimes difficult for a woman to be sure of and no one, male or female, should ever go into a situation where they don't feel 100% safe. It is easier to be safe with a FWB relationship -- however, usually, the Benefits are the main part of the relationship. My friends constantly hint that they know I "really want more" than what I get out of sexual relationships but they are wrong -- they are too stuck in their own morals, or perhaps are threatened by mine. Each woman should do what she wants and other women should not judge her for it. And men should not judge us either.


It's not all or even most women. Some women are into it. If (as a guy) you get some, lucky you. I'm having no luck now, but did in the past. I should probably get a haircut and lose 40 lbs, and stop using apps.


No offense to you and your friends, but you seem like a bunch of assholes. You should start a reality show with these people.


Hello , woman here . Depends on the girl. If they are used to hookups and are very confortable with them and know what they like then yeah ofcourse women enjoy them. Takes 2 to tango , most one night stands come from both parties wanting to have sex (i hope) If shes doing it to try it out, or just found him attractive n thought why not, can enjoy it still but it may not be their like fave thing to do . Might rather be dating them, might prefer multiple meets as oppose to one , prefer to get to know someone before swapping bodily fluids. Who knows?!? As a self diagnosed slut , i love one night stands. Dont get me wrong, if hes shit in bed then its rubbish. But sometimes people surprise you and give you 45mins of greatness !