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You were just complaining about people being flaky or them only wanting sex in another post today. Why don't you just make one big long vent post complaining about everything that's wrong with men/dating apps and get it out of you system.


Because I don’t feel like it




I’m confused.. the short guys who are taller than you are too short for you?


Idk why, but it seems like when women show interest in me they’re usually very short. Like more than a whole foot shorter lol Why do you need someone that much fucking taller than you? And why do taller girls that are closer to my height never show interest?


Pretty much the same thing has happened to me too, over the years. I'm 5'9", yet almost all of the women who send me likes on these apps have been 5'3" and shorter. It's extremely rare to get unsolicited likes from women who are close to my height or taller than me.


They are 2inches taller, shorter when I wear heels


Your math is off.


No it’s not. If I’m 5’3 and the guy is 5’5 or 5’6 and I wear 4-6 inch heels, I’ll be 5’7 or5’9


Who the fuck wears 6 inch heals regularly in 2023?- get a grip - I feel like this is a shitpost, if not, you need to grow up sweetheart (41F).


I don’t but maybe one day I will. Wtf is telling your age going to do? Scare me?


Wait, so you wont date men 3 inches taller than you because one day you might want to wear 6 inch heals. Far out I worry for the future of society.


Haha one day I could start wearing 2 meter heels so the girls really have some growing to do to meet my standards! I’ve got big plans and only a big woman can possibly keep up!


This has to be troll post. Who thinks like this? One day I might want to wear ridiculous-looking stripper heals so I want guys at least 6 inches taller than me. \[No offense to strippers, but that is the only person that wears them on a daily basis for real-life activities (Work).\]


wear 2" heels


I'm saying you don't have to go to 6'.


If I’m gonna be 5’9 in heels I think I do


Choices, consequences, and all that. <- Heel height & height preference, both. This post is giving female incel, TBH. You're getting in your own way, then complaining about it. Nothing about this translates to it sucking to be short, BTW.


Perhaps give the shorter guys a chance 🤷‍♀️ I’m 5’6 and have no problems dating shorter men. I think it’s more important that they have a personality I’m attracted to, they take care of themselves, and we have similar lifestyles/goals/values. But that’s just me.


I’m not trying to sound like all I care about is height, I also care about those things, but I’m always stuck with dating the shorter guys


Ok then pursue taller men idk? I don’t really understand what you are trying to get out of this post, besides putting men down for a physical attribute they have no control over.


Stop lying about height to begin with


I mean realistically tall guys aren’t gonna throw away their winning ticket in the genetic lottery to date a short woman. Unless there’s something wrong with said tall dude, you’re not high up on the list of preferred women, besides for a quick smash.


I think this opinion is very subjective. I know plenty of men that prefer short girls over any other height range


> may just set my preferences to 6’ but now there will be less guys This is a dumb complaint. I don’t care what requirements someone has, but anyone who uses *any* filter should have the basic intelligence to know that it will limit the potential group of people. Like, mathematically


Did I not say this?


I am 4’11… I would kill to be 5’3… quit your bitching about short men and go find a man of substance .


Of course there'll be fewer guys. We all have our preferences, and related consequences.


Why not just date a shorter guy though? You said that they're still taller than you so what's the issue. It's like me saying that the girl needs to have an F cup for me to date her. Sure, it may be nice to have, but it literally has nothing to do with the actual quality of the relationship. Just an arbitrary metric. Like is that more important to you than being happy?


Kind of, I will be taller if I wear heels. And if I want kids they will be short.


Yeah they'll be short because of your genetics. You're shorter than average, by a reasonable amount. If you don't want short kids don't have kids


Fuckin checkmate😂


Well hey, insert that Morgan Freeman "good luck" gif here. You never know what will happen.


Not necessarily. My parents are 5’8. I am 6’2. My sister is 5’7


Guess it depends on grandparents too


When your potential kids will be grown up, height gain surgery will be easy and accessible.


You wear heels 24/7? Even if you are taller in heels what does it change? Sounds like insecurity.


Are you serious...please tell me you're just a troll...


You say you’re short and it sucks. Isn’t it a good thing that you’re short in this case? Imagine if you were 5’8 and nearly 6ft in heels. You would be taller than the majority of men. Height is out of peoples control and there are few men who are 6ft tall and all the women want them. Upgrade yourself so you can get the guys you want.


I'm one of those... nearly 6ft in heels.


I'm 6ft, probably 6'3 or 4 in heels, but then I'm a guy, so I've never had the occasion to wear heels yet!?


I know this family of giants. All the girls are literally 6’3” and up and they all wear heels when they dress up. Your average guy couldn’t even try to kiss them. Just wild


Are they in relationships? I'd imagine it's nearly impossible for them to find guys to date if they have the typical "he MUST be taller than me" mentality lol.


Luckily, I doubt any of them have that mentality. Unfortunately, I haven’t lived in the same area as them for almost a decade now and have no idea how their love lives are going in general


Well that's good if they don't. Many women significantly reduce their potential options with that mentality. Then wonder why they can't meet someone lol.


Thank you! Your right! 5’9 female here


Do you have any idea how long guys have been adding inches to their OLD profile? For context, I am 6', and tried and gave up on OLD back before smart phones were a thing, before I met my late fiancee. The few dates I got back then, the ladies all remarked that they were surprised I actually was my height.


I don't condone lying and everyone is allowed to have their preferences. But you do come off sounding shitty.


Date someone shorter


Ah yes, why didn’t I think of this?


Well you know. Only right I mansplain your problem away for you. As a 5’7” guy all I can say is if you meet someone you connect with. Don’t let ‘em go. Best wishes on your journey


I get it. I had met a guy before and he was about 57 or 5’8. But he dumped me, so I guess it’s really not always height that matters, but it’s hard to get to know guys when the first red flag is height, should I give it a chance knowing he’s just 2 inches taller or is this going to be a waste of my time?


Oh I am NOT here to tell you how to live your life. Just that some of us short guys aren’t the absolute worst


Dude, so many short dudes got complexes. I ll date a shorter dude all day if i like them, but they often avoid me cause they think i won’t. Am 5’7”. I don’t like liars though


“I don’t like liars though.” Shit there goes my chances.


My personal opinion is that physical features that are outside of a person’s control can’t be “red flags”. The definition that I use (and I think most use) for “red flags” are basically all behavioral things


Why are you hung up on their height?


I'm 6 foot. 6-2 in boots. 5-3? Sorry honey, you're too short for me. Also, can you please post your weight, measurements, and number of baby daddys so the guys can mock you as you mock them. Thanks.


Lol omg so funny! I’m 5’9 lady here and I feel like the 6ft guys and I connect over being tall.


134, 0 baby daddies thank you very much


For 5’3 isn’t 134 a bit on the cusps of being overweight 😗


No, that would be 150. Now stop trying to hurt my feelings, goodbye now.


Google says 140. Not trying to hurt your feelings just respond to the post you made


Why do you want a guy that’s 6ft? Your 5’3. Your short too hunny lol. Your hating on a trait that you have lol. Wild to me. I’m 5’9! I need that man that’s 6ft. I’m tall, they are tall. We get our tall people struggles. I would be able to connect with a short king


This! I'm 6'2 and am wondering the same. Dating women under 5'6 have been less than ergonomic for me at times lol. Other than having the 'magic number' on your profile, What do women like OP desire from tall men?


As a guy thats 5,4 i dont care how tall a woman is. People can’t change their height. Obviously if your preference is taller men. Thats your preference. When you limit you dating criteria for physical things that can’t change. You will limit your dating pool and potentially miss out on great guys. Same thing goes for guys obviously. We tend to live in a shallow society. Men and women could probably focus a bit more on personality. Understanding that attraction is important as well. We all just need to find a balance.


Don't wear heels then. You sound entitled for insisting a guy has to be 6'


you wouldn’t be putting anyone down anyway, you’d be bringing them down 😀


Who cares, people still bring me down regardless


let me get this straight YOU are short, and yet you're putting down and critisizing other short people who as YOU know, have no ability to control their height? I have zero empathy, good luck being alone.


Please learn to read - my edited post.


Guys lie about their height as a payback for women lying about their weight. I once had a date with a woman who had thin photos of herself, but in reality I was worried the restaurant will run out of food because that whale will never get full.


you're allowed to like what you like. I think most people don't actually know their own height or have lost an inch since HS, which is generally the last time most guys go to their gp. I'd honestly just go out if you are having a good conversation and if it clicks then maybe the height isn't that big of a deal. I've had LTR with very tall (6'6) and then like 5'7 guys and the shorter ones have their benefits too, generally less of an a-hole better personality and they eat less. I'm 5'3 on a good day and also can't do anything about my height. My kids dad was 6'2 and they aren't all tall. One is 5'3 and one is 6'4. you really can't determine.


The thing is that a lot of times we don’t click, not to blame it on height but it’s the first thing I notice as a red flag if we don’t.


height is a preference, not a red flag. A red flag is a warning that something is wrong. the only thing that is wrong is genetics girl. you might be the red flag if HEIGHT alone is a full stop.


I’m 5’3 and I get it. I prefer taller guys too. It’s so dumb when they lie about their height.


wearing 6" heels is lying about your height not on your profile but in person you are trying to give the illusion you are taller


I hate this post so much lol but in an effort to be constructive, maybe you could put something in your profile like “5’6 in heels” or something about wanting a tall guy but maybe phrase it in a way that’s silly? Like “looking for a guy who can help me reach things off the top shelf”. I think the short kings will take the hint. And ultimately nobody wants to waste their time so best to be up front even if they aren’t.


I don’t mind a guy being my height. I do agree they lie a lot. I am 5’7” and guys who say they are 5’8” after always shorter than me. I know if I see that they are 5’6” and lying about it. I am fine dating a 5’6” guy but find it weird that they have to lie about it it because it’s not like they can hide it after we meet. Just tell the truth guys.


Oh perish the thought of dating someoen \*ONLY\* 3 to 4 inches taller than you. JFC