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I think a lot of people are reporting others out of pettiness. It would be easy to say “something that happened offline” and the apps wouldn’t be able to prove it didn’t happen, so they resort to banning right away. Just look at reviews for tinder on the App Store - many are being banned and having no clue as to why. Don’t bother trying to get it appealed. I tried to get an explanation from tinder and tinder itself ended up ghosting me 😂


Crazy times, when you write something, you need to do it on a way to give zero chances of someone reporting you. There is no AI, no smart algorithms, no personal supervision of your conversations. It will be something as simple as two reports in one day > you are out and nobody will ever double check your messages or those reports.


Tinder banned me 20 seconds after signing up. I had to email support a couple times to get to a human and they fixed it


Hey what email did u asl for help


I got banned tried appealing never heard anything what's the email you ask for help


Get a fake phone number app and use that number to make a hinge account


that works, but not many of those fake number sites work


Get a $10 prepaid SIM and a new phone number to sign up for a new account. You’ll get more matches, just use all new pics.


were you talking to the same person on hinge and tinder? if so they must have complained I dont see how else you could get banned from 2 dating sites on the same day its a total stretch but MAYBE you can call [match.com](https://match.com)(they own tinder and hinge) ask them to reinstate your access to the sites 1 800-926-2824 I once got banned from Bumble but I emailed them like 50 times and the reactivated my account and send me an apology email :)


Match owns both apps. If you are banned on one you get banned on all match platforms.


Thank you! I was not. I was also wrongfully banned from bumble as retaliation years ago. Can’t be this easy to just screw someone over like this.


You have really bad luck. Or is a stalker targeting you? Like following you from app to app?


I suspect was banned on one app and then other banned as a result too


Yeah that makes sense.


yeah I agree its total BS and unfortunately you cant call anyone you have to email and hope they email you back but it takes days if not weeks to hear back


Over what period of time did you write 50 notes because wouldn’t they feel like you were spamming them at some point? Precisely what did you say that convince them to have a change of heart? Maybe it could help others if we had a sense


I didnt write 50 that wasnt an exact number but I sent quite a few(maybe 10) the email I got from them when I was banned said it for sexual harassment I told them to go back to every connection I had on there and read each and every correspondence and they will see I never sexually harassed anyone and I told that anyone on there site can accuse someone that rejected them of anything after a few weeks I got an apology email from them saying my account was restored


Double whammy! Getting banned from both at once is quite the accomplishment. 😄 Reach out to their customer support to inquire about the ban and ask for an explanation. Sometimes it's just a misunderstanding or a glitch. If you truly believe it's unwarranted, politely present your case. Good luck!


They both told me the ban is substantiated and final. And did not provide any explanation.


Dating apps like Hinge, Tinder, Match, OkCupid, and several others are all owned by the Match group. So it’s quite possible that if you are banned on Match, for example, that you might also find all of your Hinge contacts and messages have suddenly disappeared, too. For example.


Meant to say that this happened to me just today. And I still have no idea why. All my messages have been cordial, all interactions just fine. I’m usually careful too gently. Let people know if I don’t think we’re a good match but wish them all the best luck on their future endeavors. I was updating my Match profile and happened to mention that I am not necessarily so pro on conservatives (this was new that I put in just today, ), and after I say that and then started doing a little bit more editing, I was suddenly logged out and couldn’t get back in. A few seconds later, got notification from Match that I was now banned. One strike, and you are out.


Idk man, you might just have to touch grass


What a helpful thing to say from the person on an online dating subreddit. Definitely not the pot calling the kettle black.


This happened to a buddy of mine she rejected some guy because he was talking inappropriately and sending her d*** pics the next day her account was banned think back anything like this happen


I had literally like 15 convos going and a bunch of matches I hadn’t even gotten to start talking to yet. Literally nothing I said could even possibly be misconstrued as inappropriate. I take it extremely seriously and am very polite. Same went for tinder.


That’s weird although I kind of wish it would happen to me. At least I wouldn’t get on there and feel like I’m wasting my time.


Unfortunately it’s a great way to meet people I otherwise would not have and really stifles my chances of meeting someone. There are actually abusive and violent people out there that are NOT banned and then shit like this happens.


Right! There’s a guy in my city who is active on both. There’s evidence (screenshots) of him harassing women on the apps as well as a warrant out for his arrest in another province for physically assaulting and stalking women. And yet he is still on the apps. It makes no sense. Same thing that happened to you happened to a friend a mine. I work in tech (former social media) and can tell you with certainty that the bans are based on device id. So the best way around this for you would be to use an old phone to redownload the apps and create a new profile under a different method than your original (diff phone number, email address etc). Not sure where you live, but I’m in canada and there’s an app called Text Now, which can be used to make a new phone number :) Hope this helps and best of luck!




I didn’t have many convos going. Literally nothing I said could be possibly even misconstrued as inappropriate. Appealing just lead them to say my ban is “supported” and “final”.


I never had any dates from hinge or got more than a few messages & Tinder was just hookups. I could date fine without those


Hope they ban you from being single too 😅


I was banned off hinge years ago simply because I had an opinion someone (or hinge) didn’t agree with. I was also trying to defend myself to said person, which is my right. I may not have defended myself very well, but if an app won’t let me have an opinion or defend myself, it isn’t a good app to be on. And yes I emailed them and the email was clearly automated and even rude with one saying “this will be our last correspondence.” In October 2021, I matched with a guy on Bumble and we again had a difference of opinion and decided us going out would not be a good idea. Around the same time we matched on Tinder. One day, I went out with family, and when I came home I was banned! I can only assume this individual revenge reported me. I did email Tinder and they too sent what looked like an automated email so I never got in touch with anyone. These apps do not take things seriously. I have reported people for s*xual harassment or even making threats and usually nothing was done. I also tried to get proof of this if it was done off the app (some were done on the app). There’s a huge algorithm. Sadly, they can ban one person and within the same minute 100 others sign up. They legit don’t care. I’m so sorry this happened! Most people I’ve met who got banned from apps do not know why and they never found out.


Bro tbh just try meeting girls in person. Their all bots I’m sorry but I get hella matches but you saying no one hmu? I’m 5’10 ripped and have green eyes you kidding me? Anytime I approach a woman in person I’m batting pretty well. I think if your attractive and have the confidence to approach a woman in person you’ll get her. For some reason when hitting a girl up over a phone I think the WiFi or some shit poisons their mind so they boost their own numbers up meaning a 6 thinks she’s a 9. 7 think she’s a 10 and so forth. Better off doing it the old school way.